If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 174, 【Goodbye Feiyan】

Chapter 174, [Goodbye Feiyan] (first update)
White snow adorns the world.

The villas on the hillside are brightly lit.

When Xu Ziyin came to Jinyuan, he didn't meet his girlfriends immediately, and let them enjoy the dinner and delicious food in the banquet hall.

Walking into the study, the housekeeper walked in after a while.

Seeing this, Xu Ziyin said.

"Uncle Zhang, you will be responsible for arranging them to rest in the guest room on the second floor tonight, but remember to prepare a gift for each of them before leaving tomorrow."

In the gift link, Xu Ziyin didn't have the thought to choose for everyone. Leave this matter to the housekeeper, and he will handle it properly.

After explaining the matter, the housekeeper respectfully left the study.

Xu Ziyin walked to the window and looked at the heavy snow outside the house calmly.

It wasn't until the dinner was about to end that he walked slowly into the banquet hall.

As Xu Ziyin stepped in, all the beautiful women in the hall turned their eyes over.

Xu Ziyin glanced around, then smiled.

"It's snowing heavily outside. If it's not convenient for you to go back later, you can rest in the guest room on the second floor tonight. A servant will prepare breakfast for you tomorrow morning."

"I'm usually busy with work, so I don't have that much time to accompany you. If you like, you can come here every weekend to play and bring friends, but only for women."

After saying these few words, Xu Ziyin turned and left without stopping, leaving only a group of women looking at each other in blank dismay.


Is this gone?

Originally, a group of people were gearing up to show off their abilities, but after Xu Ziyin said these two sentences, he turned around and left without any intention of staying with them.

This made many women who were already confused in their hearts even more confused.

Isn't tonight a carnival similar to Haitian Shengyan?
They were all ready to devote themselves, but they just came over to eat, drink, take pictures and nothing happened?

In fact, Xu Ziyin also had his own considerations in doing all this.

First of all, he has no interest in these women at all, and there is no love at all, he is just a tool for trading.

Secondly, these women will not have any psychological burden on him. It would be a joke to say that they fell in love at first sight, but it is understandable for Qian Qian at first sight.

That being the case, there is no need for Xu Ziyin to be hypocritical.

What's more, if I speak clearly, they won't suffer any losses. Instead, they will whet their appetites, and they will always have expectations in their hearts, thinking about the day when they will be able to take over the position. Wouldn't it be easier to improve their status within a month? sense of experience.

You know, villas and sports cars are fatal temptations for these women who are in the romantic field.

Now that it is within easy reach, and Xu Ziyin is still unusually handsome and young, isn't this a good opportunity to reach the sky in one step?

As for Xu Ziyin pulling them into a group and becoming boyfriend and girlfriend relationships with them, this is completely irrelevant to them.

At least he was willing to give him the title of girlfriend.

Instead of a bed partner who comes when you call and goes away like ordinary rich people.

Xu Ziyin only needs to show his own capital, and they can tacitly help him fill his brains.



In this way, half a month passed quickly.

And after the night at the villa, Xu Ziyin's WeChat group chat also broke through the 20 people mark.

These days, Xu Ziyin naturally would not be stingy with his money gifts, and satisfied their appetites in terms of material.

This move also made these women more confused.

A certain bedroom in the high-tech zone.

Xia Xiaoman lay on the bed and looked at the unread text messages on his phone, his brows slowly furrowed.

"Yueyue, what do you think this guy is thinking?"

"It's been half a month, and unless I take the initiative to chat with him, he has ignored me."

"As for sleeping with him, that's even more impossible."

"What do you mean he asked me to be his girlfriend?"

Hearing this, Shen Yiyue at the side was also puzzled.

"You ask me, how do I know?"

"Isn't it true that rich people have this habit?"

"But it stands to reason that it is the most normal thing for him to sleep us. It is estimated that no one will refuse, and he is even very happy, but it seems that he is not interested in us at all."

"Then what's the point of him spending the money?"

"Why do you want us to be girlfriends?"

"I always feel that I don't feel at ease."

Shaking his head, Xia Xiaoman, who couldn't figure it out, simply stopped thinking about it.

"Forget it, I'm still a little self-aware. Since he is willing, why don't I accept it, get up quickly, and go to Jinyuan to soak in the hot spring later."

As she spoke, she sighed in distress again.

"Hey, let me get used to this kind of life, and one day I will go back to the bar to be an atmosphere group again, I am really not used to it."



The heavy snow in Suzhou has stopped.

However, the snow on the road has not yet melted, and it may take some time to completely melt away.

At the end of January, the end of the new year is approaching, and Xu Ziyin is also planning to go to Manyin.

There is no special purpose in going to Slow Sound, just to see my sister's working environment, and I will stay for a maximum of two days before and after.

As for the investigation of the poisoner, Xu Man already had an idea, and with Xu Wei watching, he didn't need to intervene indiscriminately.

But before leaving, he found a caring nurse to take care of Xianyu and Xixi's daily life, so that he could leave with peace of mind.

Going to the slow tone, Xu Ziyin just talked to his sister, and there are not many people who know his identity for the time being, only a few personal assistants of his sister.

The night before leaving, Xu Ziyin called Xixi to his side and told him.

"Xixi, my brother will be away from home for a few days, and he will be back in about two days. Do you know that you are obedient at home?"

Xixi nodded her head obediently, then slipped into Xu Ziyin's arms and hugged his waist with her small hands and said coquettishly.

"Well, Xixi is obedient."

Smiling knowingly, Xu Ziyin looked at the little girl's sensible appearance, and sometimes wondered whether it would be a particularly happy thing if he had such an obedient daughter in the future.

I just don't know who it will be with.

Not surprisingly, it should be my sister.

After all, if she dared to have children with other women, she probably would ruin her family with her character.



The headquarters of Slow Sound is located by the Huangpu River.

In this location where every inch of land is very expensive, Manyin can sit on an entire building, which shows its strong capital.

Under the leadership of his assistant, Xu Ziyin quietly came to Man Yin's company.

Wherever he went, he could see stars that he often saw on TV, as well as girls and sisters who were very brightly dressed.

Xu Ziyin visited for a while, and then came to his sister's office.

After letting the assistant do her own thing, Xu Ziyin began to look at her sister's office.

The office occupies a huge area and is decorated like a presidential suite.

There are also pictures of herself and her posted on the walls of the innermost room.

You don't need to think about it, but whenever you are tired, my sister spends it here.

I really don't know how she manages the entire building with thousands of people.

If it were Xu Ziyin, he would definitely quit.

After staying in the office for a while, Xu Ziyin wandered around the company.

With so many people in the whole company, no one doubted that a new face suddenly appeared, and they were busy with their own affairs.

While he was enjoying himself, a beautiful figure came into Xu Ziyin's eyes.

Looking at the woman who was talking with the assistant, Xu Ziyin felt a little emotional.

I haven't seen her for a few months, and this girl seems to be getting more and more mature.

He's a big star now.

Xu felt something in her heart, the person turned her head to look in the direction of Xu Ziyin, and then her eyes lit up instantly, and then, ignoring the surprised eyes of the people around her, she flew into Xu Ziyin's arms.

"Wow, brother-in-law, why are you here?"

Holding her steady, Xu Ziyin said with a smile.

"Now that you're all big stars, why are you so reckless? You're not afraid of other people's gossip?"

Laughing, Qin Feiyu hurriedly dragged Xu Ziyin to the corner.

"Brother-in-law, did you come to find me on purpose?"

"Looking for you? Do you have such a big face?"

"Hee hee, I'm looking for Sister Mu Qing, but Sister Mu Qing is not in the company these days, and she probably won't be back until before the Spring Festival."

"No, I'm just passing through Shanghai, so come and have a look."

With a long oh, Feiyu gave Xu Ziyin a meaningful smile.

"Brother-in-law, you don't need to say it, I understand."

"You know a hammer, you know it."

Xu Ziyin scolded her angrily and gave her a brainstorm.

"Is the big star free at noon, let's have a meal together."

"Free, free, too free!"




Xu Ziyin and his sister-in-law came to a restaurant near the company.

When Xu Ziyin saw Qin Feiyan sitting by the window in the box through the crack of the door, Xu Ziyin finally understood what his sister-in-law's meaningful smile meant.

(End of this chapter)

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