If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 181, 【Don't stick out your tongue! 】

Chapter 181, 【Don't stick out your tongue! ] (Second update)
The bus moves slowly.

Passing the platform and stopping, a group of people came up, and a group of people went down.

There was a young woman with a baby, a young high school student, and an elderly man with sharp legs. Everyone's faces were filled with joy.

After all, at the beginning of the new year, no matter how unsatisfactory the previous year was, the new year comes with full expectations for the coming year.

Leaning on Xu Ziyin's shoulder, Song Shi mischievously stuffed her cold little hands into Xu Ziyin's neck along the collar.

Xu Ziyin didn't move either, and let her play around.

After playing for a while, seeing Xu Ziyin not cooperating, Song Shi pouted her mouth in displeasure.

"Xiao Xu, isn't it cool?"

"Not cold, although the hands are cold, but the heart is warm."

Xu Ziyin replied righteously.

"Hey, it's so nasty."

The two were biting their ears when a pair of elderly grandparents boarded the bus, and the bus seats were already full of people.

Seeing this, Xu Ziyin quickly got up and gave up his seat.

Seeing Xu Ziyin standing up, Song Shi also stood up.

A certain man who had been waiting for a long time made a gesture and was about to grab a seat. Xu Ziyin blocked his way and did not move at all until the two old men sat down in their seats. A gentle middle-aged man.


"Xiao Xu, you were so manly just now."

Xu Ziyin grabbed the handle, and Song Shi grabbed him.

Hearing the murmur of the girl in his arms, Xu Ziyin leaned down and whispered.

"What is this? Some places are more manly. Do you want to try it?"

Hearing this, Song Shi secretly spat and stopped talking.

And he said he wasn't a dirty ghost! ! !

The second day of the new year.

The mall is very lively.

Among the hustle and bustle of the crowd, Song Shi was like a curious baby, pulling Xu Ziyin to look around, going up to participate in everything he saw.

Finally, tired of shopping, she took a short break in a milk tea shop.

Until then, she mysteriously took out a beautiful box from her bag and handed it to Xu Ziyin.

"Hey, a New Year's gift for you."

Xu Ziyin opened it and saw that there was a water-blue bracelet in the box, and the word Shishi and her birth date were engraved on the chain.

On the back of the bracelet is a creature whose name cannot be named. It looks chubby and has a long nose. It may be a snowman.

"How about it, do you like it?"

The girl's eyes widened in anticipation.

Nodding, Xu Ziyin said softly.


After finishing speaking, he saw the girl across from him stretch out her hand.

"What about my New Year's gift?"

With an embarrassed smile, Xu Ziyin took out his phone.

"I don't know what gift to prepare for you, how about I send you a red envelope?"

This action immediately aroused the girl's disgust.

"Just a red envelope and you want to send me away?"

"You are simply too careless."

"Hmph, I'm angry."

In fact, this is Xu Ziyin's intermittent brain short circuit.

Sometimes he acted like a lover, and other times he acted like a young man who didn't know the world.

Song Shi obviously didn't care whether Xu Ziyin had prepared any gifts, what she cared about was whether Xu Ziyin took this matter to heart.

Even if he just sent a bouquet of flowers when they met, it would make Song Shi happy for a long time.

Now Xu Ziyin's nonchalant performance naturally made Song Shi unhappy.

But the little emotions are fleeting, and after a while, Song Shi, who comforted himself, chatted with Xu Ziyin again.

After staying in the milk tea shop for a while, Song Shi took Xu Ziyin to start shopping again.

When passing by a store selling clothes, Song Shi suddenly said happily.

"Xiao Xu, didn't you plan to give me a red envelope just now? Why don't you buy me a piece of clothing? Consider it a New Year's gift."

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin was naturally extremely happy, and was still thinking about what gift to prepare to compensate her.

Walking into the store, the sales lady who saw her saw a customer coming and greeted her immediately.

Seeing Xu Ziyin looking at the down jackets in the store, she immediately introduced them vigorously.

"Sir, your girlfriend is so beautiful and has a good figure. I've been selling clothes for so many years, and this is the first time I've seen such a fairy walking out of a painting."

Xu Ziyin agrees with the former praise of her beauty, but is the latter a good figure?
Xu Ziyin glanced back at Song Shi.

Xu knew what Xu Ziyin was thinking, Song Shi puffed out her small chest and said viciously.

"What are you looking at!!!"

For Song Shi, being praised for being beautiful since she was a child is basically immune, but listening to the sales lady talking about a girlfriend, and in public places still makes her feel inexplicably happy.

Just wish this guy wasn't so irritating.

She resisted the urge to bite off a piece of flesh from him and asked.

"Xiao Xu, what color do you think I look good in?"

Before Xu Ziyin replied, the sales lady showed her professionalism again.

"You have an oval face and good skin. White suits you best."

"What about him? The same style, what color does he wear?"

Song Shi pointed to Xu Ziyin again.

Xu Ziyin was taken aback.

"I also want?"

"Yeah, we wear the same style."

The sales lady looked at Xu Ziyin, and then said seriously.

"Your boyfriend is very handsome, and he looks chic in black."

"In this way, when you walk on the road, others will know that you are a match made in heaven."

The sales lady's words were very helpful to Song Shi, and after she rolled her eyes at Xu Ziyin, she happily took the white down jacket and went to the fitting room to try it on.

And the sales lady was still praising Xu Ziyin endlessly.

"Your girlfriend is really good-looking, prettier than a celebrity."

Xu Ziyin laughed out loud.

"In the future, if you can talk, talk more. I don't think you will be the store manager within half a year."

After a while, Song Shi changed her clothes and came out.

Xu Ziyin looked at it, this down jacket is really good, and the color matches Song Shi's complexion very well. The waist style shows off Song Shi's figure curve, the waist is delicate, but the chest is not big, and the pink face is covered by fair skin The down jacket is soft and charming.



After buying a down jacket for couples, Song Shi was really in a good mood, feeling sorry that he finally no longer chose to go shopping aimlessly, but took his arm to the cinema on the top floor.

There are indeed a lot of blockbuster movies released during the Spring Festival. It was afternoon, and the whole theater was crowded with people who came to watch the movies.

Compared with the previous theaters that were occupied by young couples, the cinemas during the Spring Festival tend to bring more families.

Looking at the dazzling movie introduction, Song Shi blinked her big eyes and said cutely.

"Xiao Xu, there are so many movies, which one should we watch? It's over, I'm having trouble making choices again."

Looking for the sound, Xu Ziyin looked up, and finally found the movie that Yin Muqing participated in among many movies.

A commercial film, the male and female protagonists are the most popular movie stars nowadays.

"Just watch this one, Speed ​​of Life and Death."

Song Shi didn't refute Xu Ziyin's decision, and the two bought the latest show and sat in the waiting area to wait.



The dim theater was full of people.

Because it was very late when buying tickets, the best viewing seats had already been bought, so Xu Ziyin and Song Shi could only sit in the corner of the back row.

After a while, the movie started.

This is Xu Ziyin's first experience of Yin Muqing's acting skills.

She on the screen is completely different from her in real life.

In the movie, she played the role of a glamorous female killer, with few lines, but every time she spoke, it was accompanied by the death of a target character. The climax of the movie was on a highway, she rode a special The general motorcycle is holding an AK and chasing the target he needs to strike.

In the hail of guns and bullets, just looking at the tense and exciting picture can make people's adrenaline soar.

It can be described as no urine point in the whole process.

After watching the whole movie, Xu Ziyin felt emotional.

It is true that her fame as a household name is not only due to the cultivation of her slow voice, it is also inseparable from her own good acting skills.

At least in Xu Ziyin's opinion, she was more than ten grades better than those fan circle actresses he knew in his previous life.

Walking out of the theater, Song Shi was still immersed in the atmosphere just now, and sighed in a daze.

"Xiao Xu, so women can be so handsome?"

"It's over, I seem to like the female star, I have to search her name on the Internet and watch her other movies when I go back."

Xu Ziyin didn't reply, he was thinking about another thing.

If Mu Qing were to change into the costume of the female killer in the movie...


As soon as that picture appeared in his mind, Xu Ziyin couldn't help breathing quickly.



It was about five o'clock in the evening when the movie ended.

After shopping all afternoon, Song Shi was satisfied and ready to return.

Back in the community, Song Shi didn't go home immediately, but took Xu Ziyin for a walk in the park of the community.

Little girls in love are like this.

I want to stick with my sweetheart all the time, even if there is a short gap between parting, I want to stay longer.


The sunset is sinking.

In the slightly cold wind, the girl put her small hands on her chest, opened her mouth and let out a strong breath.

"Xiao Xu, I'm going back."

Song Shi looked reluctantly.

Xu Ziyin hummed.

Seeing that the idiot didn't make any moves, Song Shi stomped her little feet fiercely and repeated it again.

"I'm really leaving."

Smiling, Xu Ziyin didn't understand what she meant, and pulled her into his arms.

While looking down for the warmth, Song Shi closed her eyes and cursed softly with a red face.

"Don't stick your tongue out!"

Having said that, she was clumsy and opened her teeth a long time ago under Xu Ziyin's provocations, attracting wolves, tigers and leopards to drive straight in.



Back at Xianyu's apartment, it was already Yueshang Liuzhi.

Xiao Xianyu was sitting on the sofa knitting an unfinished sweater, while Xixi was sitting on the carpet playing with toys.

Seeing Xu Ziyin's return, Yun Xianyu quickly put down her needle and thread and ran into the bathroom to bring him a basin of hot water.

"I'm home?"

"It's cold outside, wash your face with a hot towel first, and go to the cold."

Xu Ziyin took the towel handed over by Yun Xianyu, and then said softly.

"Have you had dinner yet?"

"My elder sister and I have already eaten, but my elder sister left some food for my father, I am afraid that my father will not be full outside."

Before Yun Xianyu could reply, Xixi raised her face and replied charmingly.


Xu Ziyin felt much more relaxed when he got home, and sat on the carpet with Xixi to play with toys.

Yun Xianyu lowered her head and continued to knit the sweater earnestly. Occasionally, she raised her head to look at the playful Xu Ziyin and her sister, and there were shallow ripples in her moist peach eyes.

Twinkle like stars.

into the night.

Xu Ziyin lay on the bed and looked at the group chat messages on his mobile phone.

Xu Ziyin studied in Suzhou high school, and his classmates are basically locals.

Now that everyone has entered the university, it is a rare winter vacation, so naturally they are discussing the reunion in the classmate group.

It's not long before graduating from high school, only half a year. If it's a junior or senior year, it's basically hard for high school parties to happen again.

Xu Ziyin didn't intervene, but just quietly watched the group chat where the impressionable creatures were suggesting where to go to the party, and what activities to do after the party.

Just at this time, the phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, Xu Ziyin connected it to his ear.

The next moment, Yin Muqing's lazy voice came from his ears.

"Xu Ziyin, are you home?"

"What's the matter, where else can I be if I'm not at home?"

"Oh, then I will finish the activity in a while."

"Huh? You'll come over later. You're in Suzhou now? Isn't your family from Yanjing? Do you not accompany your family during the Spring Festival?"

After hearing Xu Ziyin's words, Yin Muqing sighed heavily.

"I want it too."

"But my movie will be released during the Spring Festival, and the director will definitely drag us leading actors around to promote it and get exposure for the box office."

"Spend the night in Suzhou tonight, and have to go to Hangzhou tomorrow."

"All right, tell me when you arrive, and I'll pick you up downstairs."

Xu Ziyin replied casually, and then remembered something again, which meant something.

"Did I go to see the movie you acted in today?"

"How about it, is my sister acting very well?"

"It's really good, and your female killer's outfit is pretty good."

After Xu Ziyin finished speaking, there was no movement on the other side.

After a while, Yin Muqing's charming laughter sounded.

"Xu Ziyin, Xu Ziyin."

"You just said you want to watch a cosplay, why are you making so many detours?"

"And you're not afraid that the female killer will squeeze you dry tonight?"

"You know, once I put on the costume, it's easy to get into the scene, but once I get into the scene, it's not so easy to end. You have to be mentally prepared in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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