If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 182, 【Battle until dawn】

Chapter 182, 【Fight till dawn】(for subscription)
After putting down the phone, Xu Ziyin sat up from the bed.

Now that Mu Qing is back, he has to go back to accompany her no matter what, and it happens that he also wants to inquire about that about Jika.

Xu Niannian should be able to handle it easily.

But obviously whether Mu Qing can accept it or not, she has to do her psychological work well.

Just because a woman loves you doesn't mean she can agree to love you in bed with another strange woman.

This is a matter of dignity.

Although Xu Ziyin has lived for more than three years now, he still needs a lot of points to completely heal the sick body.

Now that you can get a lot of points for completing the task, Xu Ziyin naturally can't take it to heart.


Seeing that the lights in Xianyu's bedroom had been turned off, Xu Ziyin drove back to his apartment in the dark.

A few minutes after sitting down on the sofa in the living room, Yin Muqing in a gorgeous dress opened the door and walked in.

I haven't seen her for a long time, but she seems to be a little more mature and plump, with a charming makeup on her face, and a seductive charm flashing between her frowns and smiles.

Seeing Xu Ziyin looking at him in a daze, Yin Muqing put the bag in his hand on the tea table and sat lazily beside Xu Ziyin, then put his slender legs on his lap and said wearily.

"Little brother, my sister is very tired after walking all day today."

"Help my sister pinch her legs."

Naturally, Xu Ziyin would not refuse, picked up those beautiful legs wrapped in black silk and kneaded them carefully, while asking.

"For those who celebrate Chinese New Year, do you still want to run public announcements all over the country?"

After giving him a blank look, Yin Muqing said lazily.

"What do you think?"

"With so many blockbuster movies released during the Spring Festival, it is not easy to win the box office champion during the Spring Festival."

"The Spring Festival stalls are like this every year. After this busy period, you can take a good rest in the next two or three months."

"Do you think being a star is as easy as you think?"

"There are more and more newcomers in the entertainment industry these days. If you can't continue to expose yourself to gain popularity, you will easily be surpassed by newcomers. The entertainment industry is not a place for nostalgia. Once you disappear from the audience's sight, they will soon will forget you."

"That's why many celebrities have already earned enough money, but they still take the trouble to participate in various variety shows, even if they are very reluctant."

"Comparatively speaking, my sister is lucky. Artists from other entertainment companies can't be as free as I am. Their daily schedules are already full."

After listening to Yin Muqing's chatter, Xu Ziyin smacked his lips.

He has never been in contact with the entertainment industry, so he doesn't understand the intricacies of it, but he also knows that this fucking society is like this, and it's the same in any circle.

Only those at the top can enjoy life wantonly.

Otherwise, even a big star who is loved by thousands of people still has to obey various arrangements involuntarily in front of the capital.


The two chatted for a few words, and Yin Muqing suddenly leaned over and asked curiously.

"Xu Ziyin, Sister Man was poisoned, did you doubt me when you knew about it?"

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"I did doubt you."

She thought that Yin Muqing would be very displeased when she said this, but instead of being annoyed at all, she nodded seriously.

"It's normal for you to doubt me."

"If you trust me so much, I think you are sick in the head."

Xu Ziyin:? ? ? ?
"Actually, when I first heard Sister Man talking about this, I subconsciously thought of you, but thinking about it again, it's completely impossible."

Curling his lips, Xu Ziyin was a little speechless.

"Are you going to tell me this when you come here tonight?"

"if not?"

Angrily stretched out his hand and gave Xu Ziyin a chestnut, Yin Muqing was dissatisfied.

"Why didn't Sister Man tell me about such a big incident?"

"If Sister Man hadn't gone to Yanjing to call me and tell me, I would have been kept in the dark."

"Why, you are so suspicious that I dare not tell me, for fear that I will kill Sister Man again?"

Seeing the woman whose expression suddenly changed in front of him, Xu Ziyin was numb.

Just now you said that I doubt you are normal.

Now do this again?

Are women such unreasonable creatures?


After gossiping, Yin Muqing went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Xu Ziyin returned to the bedroom and began to warm the bed, looking forward to the next activities.

A moment later, there was a sound of footsteps at the bedroom door.

Xu Ziyin looked at it, and couldn't help being stunned.

The imaginary costume of the female killer did not appear, and Yin Muqing was still wearing the pajamas she usually wears after taking a shower.


It's just that she was holding an AK47 in her hand...

think about it.

In dim light and shadow.

A woman with a graceful figure appeared at the door of the bedroom, wearing hazy pajamas, her seductive curves looming in the gauze, but she was holding a gun in her hand.

This picture is as inconsistent as possible.

Seeing Xu Ziyin's astonished expression, Yin Muqing giggled.

"I came in a hurry. The costumes are locked in the warehouse, and it's hard for me to get them, but I brought the prop gun."

After saying that, Yin Muqing walked to the bed, her charming expression instantly turned cold and cruel.

She handed the muzzle of the gun to Xu Ziyin's forehead, and said every word with a cold face.

"Man, take off your clothes obediently."

"As long as you take good care of Miss Ben tonight, I can promise to save your life."

That's it for the show?
Xu Ziyin groaned, and instantly threw the woman beside the bed down on him.

"Okay, let me see how good you are, a goblin."

"How dare you speak such wild words!"



The night was getting darker, and the cold wind whistled and slapped the windows.

The bedroom is as warm as spring.

The sound of gunshots and begging for mercy resounded endlessly.

after an hour.

Until Xu Ziyin shot a shuttle of AK bullets into the prisoner's body, the prisoner rolled his eyes and was about to faint, and the gunpowder smoke in the field finally stopped.

Lying in Xu Ziyin's arms, Yin Muqing stroked his chest slowly with his small hands, exhaling like a rand.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, it seems to have changed~"

"That's not it, how is it, have you taken it?"

Xu Ziyin replied without shame.

After hearing this, Yin Muqing giggled, then touched Xu Ziyin's cheek and said disdainfully.

"Little brother, don't you know that elder sister has the strongest desire at this age?"

"If you can still do it, my sister doesn't mind fighting with you until dawn."

Shrinking his neck, Xu Ziyin stopped talking.

It's not bad for him to fight until dawn, but it's easy to hurt his body too much.

There is a saying, one drop of ten drops of blood.

Restraint should be exercised when necessary.

He doesn't want to live a life of soaking goji berries in a thermos at such an early age.


After rubbing their ears together for a while, Yin Muqing's drowsiness gradually came over him.

Just when she was lying in Xu Ziyin's arms and was about to have a comfortable sleep, Xu Ziyin suddenly whispered in her ear.

"Mu Qing, there is something I want to tell you."

"what's up?"

With eyes closed, Yin Muqing said in a daze.

"Actually, I have a woman outside."



"Otherwise, what do you want me to say, congratulations?"

With an embarrassing smile, Xu Ziyin said again.

"How about I find a time for you to meet?"

Hearing this, Yin Muqing also heard a trace of strangeness in Xu Ziyin's words.

She really didn't care about Xu Ziyin having other women besides herself. It was also Xu Man's business to care about. When the two met, she told Xu Ziyin not to ask about his private life.

But now Xu Ziyin was going to let him meet that woman, which made Yin Muqing a little puzzled.

Ordinary men hope that the king and the king will never meet again, so why come to him and not play cards according to common sense?

Slightly opening his eyes, Yin Muqing turned sideways to look at the little man beside him, and said with a smile that was not a smile.

"Why, why did you suddenly think of asking me to meet her? Are you not afraid that I will go up and give her a bad mouth?"

"Hehe, that won't be."

"No? You can't fathom a woman's mind."

Xu Ziyin wanted to say something more, but Yin Muqing muttered impatiently.

"Okay, let's talk about it later."

"Now either fill me up, or hug my sister and sleep well, you choose one."

Xu Ziyin smiled.

"Can you make a compromise?"

"Compromise? How to compromise?"

As soon as Yin Muqing finished speaking, she felt something hard squeeze in, and Xu Ziyin immediately hugged her.

"Hey, that's the compromise."

"Okay, let's go to sleep..."


After a few breaths, Xu Ziyin let out a long breath.

But Yin Muqing couldn't fall asleep in this state.

She looked at the sweet man sleeping next to her pillow, and the corner of her mouth twitched.

So angry.

I really wish that the prop gun at hand could become a real one and shoot him in the head.



The next day.

When Xu Ziyin woke up, the beauty in his arms was already gone.

The scene of being forcibly conquered by her last night sounded, and the corners of Xu Ziyin's mouth curled up.


Sure enough, they are all duplicity creatures.

While secretly savoring the beautiful scene, the mobile phone on the bedside table rang.

After taking it and glanced at the caller ID, Xu Ziyin was a little puzzled.

Didn't this girl go shopping all day yesterday, and today she came to wake herself up again?
After connecting the phone and putting it to my ear, Song Shi's joyful voice came from the phone in the next second.

"Xiao Xu, get up, the sun is drying your ass."

Curling his lips, Xu Ziyin said helplessly.

"Shishi, I went home last night and thought about it for a while, and found that the name Xiao Xu is inappropriate."

"My aunt calls me Xiao Xu, and you call me Xiao Xu too. Isn't this relationship messed up?"

"Yes, then you call Mom to come and listen."

"Go! Go! Go!!!"

"That's fine, then I'll call you a bastard from now on, I still think this title sounds nice."

"Okay, get up quickly, we have a high school reunion today, you go with me."

"Your high school reunion, what's the point of me being an outsider?"

"The squad leader said that those who have family members should bring their family members with them. Do you think you are an outsider?"

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin was a little helpless.

"Well, let's play a guessing game, as long as you guess correctly, how about I go with you?"

play games?
Isn't this a spice to cultivate feelings between young lovers?
Song Shi suddenly became interested.


But when Xu Ziyin finished the first sentence, Song Shi regretted it a little.


"One thing, edible, straight and long."

"Straight long?"

"Yes, it's still tough."


"No, let me give you another reminder. It can be eaten and used, but it is usually used by boys for girls. Few girls will choose to eat it. After all, the taste is not very good."

After listening to Xu Ziyin's prompt, Song Shi on the other end of the phone sat in front of the dressing table and fell into a state of sluggishness, her little face was as red as a monkey's butt.

She is not a girl who doesn't know anything, she also learned some aspects of the structure of men in biology class, now after hearing Xu Ziyin's words, she instinctively thought of some pictures that drove her crazy.

"Didn't you expect that?"

"Then let me give you another hint. You may not be very good at using it for the first time, but after using it for a long time, practice makes perfect."

"Especially after using it, it turns red."


After a long silence, Song Shi said loudly.

"Dirty ghost, stop talking, my head is sweating."

Huh, Xu Ziyin said strangely.

"Why are you still sweating after playing a game?"

"If you can't guess, just admit defeat."

Doesn't admitting defeat mean that the game has failed, and Xu Ziyin won't accompany her to the class reunion?

Suppressing the shame and anger in her heart, Song Shi replied.

"Dirty ghost, I have never used the thing you mentioned, how could I guess it, you are cheating."

"No, you must have used it. I don't know if you have eaten it or not, but most girls will try it out of curiosity."


"Xu! Zi! Yin!, you spout blood!!! When did I use it!!!"

The short-tempered girl didn't even use the words "love" and "dirty ghost".

"Ah, haven't you ever used lipstick?"

"I remember you were wearing lipstick when we met yesterday, the color was so bright."

Beep beep.

Just as Xu Ziyin finished speaking, a busy tone came from the phone.

Shaking his head, Xu Ziyin was speechless.

Why can't you afford to play, just hang up the phone if you say hang up?



Humming a light tune, Xu Ziyin dressed and got up, and then opened the window to dissipate the smell in the room.

In the living room, Yin Muqing had already prepared breakfast before leaving, and it was being placed on the dining table with a white porcelain bowl.

She said last night that she was going to Hangzhou today, so she saw Xu Ziyin sleeping soundly early in the morning, and she didn't wake him up after a hard and busy night last night.

After washing up, Xu Ziyin sat at the dining table and ate a loving breakfast, and then took out his mobile phone to see if there was any result of the discussion in the high school group last night.

After discussion among a group of treasures, the meeting time was finally set on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, and the specific location was the hotel where we had a breakup meal after the college entrance examination.

Just when Xu Ziyin was considering whether to attend this class reunion.

Suddenly, there was a heavy knock on the door of the apartment. The sound was like the god of hell urging his life.

"Xu Ziyin, open the door for me!!!"

(cough, cough, ask for tickets every day!)

(End of this chapter)

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