If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 183, 【An Encounter During a Class Reunion】

Chapter 183, [A chance encounter at a class reunion] (first update)
Hearing the angry voice outside the door, Xu Ziyin, who was eating, shivered violently.

Depend on!
This bitch killed her so quickly?
Isn't it just playing a guessing game, as for?


Opening the door, Xu Ziyin coughed softly and looked at the girl with her hips crossed and an unfriendly expression outside the door, and said embarrassingly.

"Hey, where did this fairy come from? Could it be that she knocked on the wrong door?"

Snorting, Song Shi simply ignored his slapstick words, and stomped her little leather shoes into the living room.

She walked around the room first, then looked towards the balcony and said doubtfully.

"Xu Ziyin, where's the lemon?"

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin was startled.

How could I forget this!
Lemon is probably shaking his head and begging in Xixi's arms right now.

After a haha, Xu Ziyin said without changing his expression.

"Yesterday I went to a friend's house to play. The children in his family like puppies very much. I let Lemon stay there for a day, and I plan to pick them up today."

"Is it?"

Turning her head suspiciously, Song Shi's big eyes had a trace of disbelief.

"The friend you mentioned should be a girl, right?"

"How? Where are you thinking?"

In fact, Xu Ziyin really hates girls' unreasonable suspicion.

Because they guessed so accurately.

In fact, he could just say that Lemon is at Xianyu's house.

But now Song Shi is obviously still angry, and it is inevitable that accidents will happen directly at this time.

The less trouble, the better.

Seeing that Xu Ziyin's scorching words did not seem to be fake, Song Shi no longer struggled with the question of where the lemons went.


Sitting on the sofa, Song Shi watched Xu Ziyin eating breakfast, holding his chest coldly and not saying a word.

The oppressive atmosphere made Xu Ziyin feel apprehensive.

After a while, Song Shi opened his mouth to speak.

"Xu Ziyin, hurry up."

"what happened?"

"You still have to accompany me to the class reunion at noon."

"Ah, you're not..."

Xu Ziyin was stunned, and just about to say something, then Song Shi gave him a vicious look.

"Xu Ziyin, if you dare to say that I lost the game, believe it or not, I will bite you to death right now!"

"Haha, no, no, I will accompany you even if you lose, but isn't the party at noon? It's only morning now, and there are still several hours before lunch."

"Yesterday, Bingbing asked me to play games today. Let's go to the Internet cafe to play for a while, and then go to the class reunion after noon."


Putting down a sentence, Xu Ziyin settled the breakfast in two or three bites.

Then he packed up his clothes and was ready to go out.

But at this time, Song Shi said again.

"Xu Ziyin, you can drive today."

"Huh? You won't take the bus today?"

Xu Ziyin was a little puzzled, didn't he dislike driving for being too adult yesterday, why did he ask to drive again today?

"Stop sitting, I have to drive today, otherwise I'm afraid that someone will get embarrassed in front of me."


Upon hearing this, Xu Ziyin immediately became interested.

"Shishi, hearing your tone, why do you feel that your classmate reunion is a bit unusual."

Rolling her eyes, Song Shi said helplessly.

"Actually nothing."

"Originally, I didn't want to participate in this class reunion, but in the classmate group, someone deliberately liked me, and even veiled to show off how rich she has found a boyfriend."

"Don't you just want to show off in front of me?"


From Song Shi's short narration, Xu Ziyin finally understood why this girl had to bring herself to the class reunion today.

Song Shi had a large number of suitors when she was in high school.

After all, she is good-looking and has good academic performance. For high school students, such a girl is fatally tempting.

At that time, there was also a girl in her class who grew up well, but she often had contact with young people in society, and her reputation was not very good.

That girl is called Li Dandan, and she has a boy she likes in school.

It turned out that it was a coincidence that the boy had a crush on Song Shi.

When I graduated from high school and had a break-up meal, I turned white with Song Shi.

Song Shi naturally declined politely, but this incident made Li Dandan hold a grudge against her.

After all, it's fine if the person you like doesn't like that you like other girls.

But the key point is that people still don't like him, which makes Li Dandan feel that he is being compared.

Now that I got a lot of money in college, and at a rare high school reunion, I couldn't help but want to bring my boyfriend to show off.

After listening to Song Shi's babble, Xu Ziyin was a little speechless.

What kind of bloody plot is this?

But after thinking about it, it seems normal for a little girl to be jealous.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyin smiled.

"Okay, my husband will find this place back for you today."

Hearing this, Song Shiqiao couldn't help but blushed, and secretly spat in her mouth.

"Hey, what husband!"

"When did I say I'm going to marry you? Most people only call you husband when they're married."

With a sigh in his heart, Xu Ziyin let out a silent breath.

It's really difficult to get this girl to change her mouth.

System, system, your trivial task is indeed too trivial.


Go to the underground garage.

Looking at the two sports cars parked in the garage, Song Shi blinked cutely.

"Xu Ziyin, when did you get another car?"

"Oh, you said this one, my sister gave it to me."

Pointing to the silver-white Porsche 918, Xu Ziyin replied casually.

"Your sister is so kind to you."

"But the brand of this car looks familiar. It seems quite expensive, right?"

"Not bad, more than 1000 million."

"How many?"

Song Shi suspected that she had heard it wrong.

Although she has no shortage of money since she was a child, her family is also well-off.

But a car more than 1000 million really broke her cognition.

Opening her small mouth, Song Shi felt lingering fear.

"Xu Ziyin, are you going to drive this car today?"

"Yeah, didn't I say to support you, why not drive a cheap car."

"Yes, but this is too exaggerated, why don't we take the bus."

Song Shi's idea is actually very simple.

In fact, she didn't have too many expectations about whether to participate in the high school reunion.

After all, she played with a few good old classmates, and they often contacted each other in private.

If it weren't for Li Dandan's face in the group, she would really not want to drag Xu Ziyin to such a meaningless party.

She is not a soft and weak character, who silently endures being ridden on the face.

What's more, her boyfriend is ten thousand times better than others.

What is she afraid of?
And she knew that Xu Ziyin owned an Audi.

She is no stranger to Audi, and it is estimated to be around hundreds of thousands.

A few hundred thousand is still within the range of her heart, but more than 1000 million is a car to drive to a class reunion.

The nature is different.

She didn't want to spoil the class reunion because of her own reasons.

After all, she wasn't that vanity-loving character, but she just couldn't stand other women's words and taunts.

Seeing Song Shi standing in front of the car in a daze, Xu Ziyin reached out and rubbed her face.

"Okay, it's just a class reunion anyway."

"It's hard to say whether I will keep in touch after this meal."

"Why do you think so much?"

Ever since, Song Shi was stuffed into the car by Xu Ziyin in a daze.



The fourth day of the new year.

Eight o'clock in the morning.

Xu Ziyin drove Song Shi to an Internet cafe near the apartment.

Although it was Chinese New Year, the business in the internet cafe was very good.

Boys and girls are squandering their prime youth in the online world.

Song Shi seems to be addicted to League of Legends during this time.

Every now and then, he makes appointments with Xiao Wanbing.

The level of technology is also gradually improving.

After turning on the machine and buying two more glasses of orange juice, Xu Ziyin and Song Shi walked to the private room for two.

As soon as he logged in to the game and put on his headphones, Xiaoyun's sly laughter rang in his ears.

"Let me guess."

"Have you two met your parents during Chinese New Year?"

Xu Ziyin was delighted when he heard it.

"how do you know?"

"Tch, who am I? Can I not know?"

"You and Shishi are both from Suzhou. Shishi has been sharing her daily life with you in the group for the past few days, but we are very envious of single dogs."

"Group? Is there any chat in your group? Why didn't I see it?"

"The four of us started another group alone. After all, you, a big boy, have some inappropriate words in it."

Xu Ziyin:? ? ?

Good guy.

Does it exclude me directly?
Is there any more humanity, so I can't listen to any private words?

Turning to look at Song Shi, Song Shi stuck out her tongue.

"Hey, Xu Ziyin, it wasn't my idea, it was Bingbing who pulled me in, and specifically told me not to pull you in too."

"Okay, okay, let's start the game."

Xu Ziyin didn't bother to worry about it.

As for the girls, it's normal for some girls to talk about each other. I am a big boy in the middle, and they really can't develop in the group.


"I said cakes, look at people!"

"We are all [-] miles away, who can keep up with you if you go all by yourself."

"Xiaoyun, don't worry about your poor three wolves, hurry up and help me catch it, I'm about to be overrun by the opponent's jungler."

"Did the prince take a fancy to me? He patronized me eight times in 10 minutes."

As the game started, Xu Ziyin's voice gradually became louder.

Bingbing's game style is too hot, and it doesn't matter whether you can fight or not.

And Xiao Yun only focused on brushing the field, and Xu Ziyin played the Ice Queen with short legs without any displacement, which was really difficult.

When the two sides fight against each other, he is often the first to be targeted. In just 10 minutes, he already has a record of 0 bar 7.

Song Shi was playing with a stone man on the road. At this time, he and the dog's head of the other party were stabbing each other tacitly, looking like a peaceful time.

During this time, Song Shi listened to Xiaoyun's suggestion and practiced the hero of stone man.

In Xiaoyun's words, Golems are not only fleshy but also use big moves to run away. Generally, junglers don't like to catch Golems.


Listening to Xu Ziyin's complaint, Xiao Wanbing was dissatisfied.

"Obviously it's my own food, but I blame this and that. I'm so accurate that you can't beat it."

"You go on the road, let Shishi assist me, and let you see how my girl's Delevingne abuses Quan!"

“Little Spicy Chicken!!!”

Laughing and cursing, the time soon came to eleven o'clock in the morning.

Glancing at the time, Song Shi said in the headset.

"Bingbing, Xiaoyun, Qiqi, let's stop here today, Xu Ziyin and I have something to do later."

Xiaoyun was having a good time playing, and when he heard this, he immediately became unhappy.

"Why, you are so impatient that you are going to the hotel to solve your physical needs now?"

"Let me tell you, next time you go directly to the e-sports hotel."

"There are beds."

"A few minutes of hero selection at the beginning of the game is enough for Xu Ziyin."

Xu Ziyin, who was about to pack up his things and leave, felt bad when he heard Xiaoyun's words.

"I said Xiaoyun, who do you look down on?"

"Who needs a few minutes?"

"If you end a game, I won't end it, okay?"

"Hehehe, who knows, I'm not Shishi, you men like to brag about how good you are, but after trying it, you find that it's all useless."

"Shishi, do you think so?"

Seeing the topic getting more and more crooked, Song Shi's face turned red, and she hastily said, "I haven't tried it before, and hurriedly quit the game."

After exiting the game, she turned her head to look at Xu Ziyin, only to see that he was staring at her with a half-smile, which made her feel terrified.

"What are you looking at!!!"

"It's nothing, it's just..."

"It's you big-headed ghost, don't say it!!!"

Eh, no.

I didn't even open my mouth, you know what I want to say?


It was inexplicable.



Approaching lunch.

Xu Ziyin and Song Shi drove to the entrance of the hotel where their high school classmates were reunited.

At this time, a group of people were already separated from the hotel entrance.

When it was about 50 meters away from the hotel, Song Shi watched from a distance and said hastily.

"Xu Ziyin, let's stop here."

Knowing what Song Shi was thinking, Xu Ziyin did not refuse, turned off the engine and parked the Porsche on the side of the road, and then the two walked towards the hotel on foot.

At the entrance of the hotel, a group of classmates were talking with each other, and a very coquettishly dressed girl stood out among the crowd.

Not surprisingly, this person should be the Li Dandan Song Shi mentioned.

Xu Ziyin walked in, and Song Shi was immediately surrounded by classmates. It could be seen that this girl was quite popular among classmates.

"Shishi, is this your boyfriend? Introduce us quickly."

Smiling, Song Shi generously introduced Xu Ziyin to the students, and Xu Ziyin also greeted everyone with a smile.

After all, everyone is about the same age, and there is no relationship of interest, so there is no such thing as being cautious.

While chatting, Li Dandan looked over. She first glanced sideways at Xu Ziyin, then looked at Song Shi and teased.

"Song Shi, is this your boyfriend? Doesn't he look good?"

Xu Ziyin was amused and didn't speak.

A narration started in my heart.

Well, our classmate Li came up and hit a straight ball with a flying kick.

Next, let's see how classmate Song responds.

"I want you to take care of it?"

"I like my boyfriend, what are you doing?"

Sure enough, with Song's character, she wouldn't be used to her, and immediately responded with a one-hit kill.

While Xu Ziyin was watching the play cheerfully, a Toyota car stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

When Li Dandan saw the car, he didn't care about bickering with Song Shi, and a charming smile appeared on his face to greet him.

"Honey, why did you come here?"

Xu Ziyin looked for the sound, and saw the car door opened, and a 27-year-old man dressed like a successful man came down.

When Xu Ziyin saw that person, he was immediately happy.


Dare to be an old acquaintance.

When did this guy date another female college student?

Sure enough, he is a veteran in the field of love, and he only looks for female college students who are good at deceiving.

The person who came was none other than Zhao Pengcheng who had offered to help him open the room when Xu Ziyin attended Chu Yao's birthday party and was about to put his female companion on Xu Ziyin's bed.

(First update.)
(Since everyone does not approve, Ji Ji can only bite the bullet and code.)

(End of this chapter)

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