If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 184, 【Ukrainian Sister Flower】

Xu Ziyin actually admired Zhao Pengcheng.

It's not about his character.

After all, he doesn't necessarily have a good character if he spends every day with female college students, but it can't be said to be bad. After all, as long as this kind of thing is not one-sided coercion, mutual consent, each takes what he wants, and it doesn't involve character issues. At most, it's just that people don't like their moral values.

I heard Chu Yao say that he seems to be the sales manager of a certain company, and the position of sales can best exercise a person's ability to assess the situation.

It has to be said that this kind of people can often go further and climb higher in society, and know what position to take on which occasion.


With a glossy hairstyle, Zhao Pengcheng was just about to show his demeanor in front of his girlfriend and classmates in the new office, when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he saw a young boy in the crowd staring at him with a half-smile .

Looking at that person, Zhao Pengcheng was startled, and immediately walked up to Xu Ziyin, ignoring Li Dandan who was sticking to him.

"Brother Xu, why are you here?"

"Are you Dandan's high school classmate?"

Smiling slightly, Xu Ziyin glanced at the curious students around him, and then signaled Zhao Pengcheng to talk elsewhere.

Zhao Pengcheng quickly followed without saying a word.

Seeing his man leaving here with Xu Ziyin, his words were full of flattery, Li Dandan was a little confused.

what's the situation?
And Song Shi also glanced at Xu Ziyin in surprise, and then told the students to hurry into the hotel and stop standing there stupidly.


He took out the cigarette case and handed it to Xu Ziyin. Xu Ziyin waved his hand and smiled.

"Brother Zhao, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Seeing that Xu Ziyin didn't smoke, Zhao Pengcheng didn't light it for himself, but put the cigarette case back into his pocket before replying.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to meet brother Xu today. It's all about fate."

"By the way, brother Xu, are you also Dandan's high school classmate?"

High school classmates?

Looking at Li Dandan who was still standing in front of the hotel across the street, Xu Ziyin shook his head.

"No, like you, I accompanied my girlfriend to her class reunion."

Hearing this, Zhao Pengcheng suddenly showed a meaningful smile.

It seems that Brother Xu and himself are of the same kind.

After all, he knew the relationship between Xu Ziyin and Chu Yao, but now he accompanied other women to the class reunion. Doesn't that mean that everyone is the same kind of person?

Looking at Zhao Pengcheng's smile that only men can understand, Xu Ziyin didn't say much, but asked curiously.

"That girl is your new girlfriend?"

"You mean Dandan?"

"Actually, we haven't known each other for a week. It just so happened that today she told me about a class reunion and asked me to come with her. What she said told me to be more magnanimous."

"Hearing her words, it seems that she has a problem with some classmate and wants to show off at the party."

"Brother Xu, you also know that little girls like to show off. It just so happened that I came here today with nothing to do. I thought that if I could make her happy today, I would be able to win it smoothly tonight."

As soon as Zhao Pengcheng finished speaking, Xu Ziyin's expression became subtle.

With his sharp eyesight, he figured out the ins and outs in an instant.

Li Dandan's appearance is not bad, the classmate who can make her difficult to deal with is naturally a girl, and it is estimated that she looks better than her.

And today Xu Ziyin said that he came with his girlfriend.

With Brother Xu's wealth, it is naturally impossible to find an ugly girlfriend.

After going back and forth, wouldn't the train of thought become clear in an instant?
"Brother Xu, the girl Dandan mentioned is your girlfriend, right?"

Nodding his head, Xu Ziyin smiled.

"if not?"

When he slapped his forehead, Zhao Pengcheng was stunned.

"Damn, isn't this flood rushing into the Dragon King Temple? Wouldn't it be humiliating for me to show off in front of Brother Xu?"

"Okay, don't be poor."

"Today is my girlfriend's classmate reunion. Brother Zhao, you know that it's rare for classmates to get together again. We all come here as family members. Don't let this pure class reunion change the taste. Brother Zhao, you understand me mean?"

"Of course, speaking of it, I'm actually quite disgusted with this kind of behavior at class reunions. Everyone is still a student and hasn't stepped into the society yet. Why do you want to learn that?"

After saying something in agreement, Zhao Pengcheng laughed again.

"Brother Xu, are you free tonight, brother, let's go to have fun tonight?"

Zhao Pengcheng's idea is actually very simple.

When I met Xu Ziyin for the first time, I realized that he was a rich second generation, so I deliberately exposed my identity.

It's not that he wants to get anything from Xu Ziyin.

He was able to climb from a small employee to the position of a sales manager step by step, and he has long cultivated a pair of eyesight.

Many friends, many paths.

No one knows if they will be in trouble in the future and need someone to rescue them.

After parting with Xu Ziyin for the first time, he also thought about whether to take the initiative to contact him to improve his friendship.

But on the one hand, they have no business contacts, and on the other hand, it seems that they are too close to each other when they meet for the first time.

Now that we meet again, isn't this opportunity coming?

Zhao Pengcheng was naturally able to propose an invitation.

After thinking about it, Xu Ziyin didn't refuse.

"That's ok, you can wait for my call that night. I guess the class reunion will be over soon, and my girlfriend will have to drag me shopping."

"I see."

Seeing Xu Ziyin nodding in agreement, Zhao Pengcheng was in a good mood, and then glanced at Li Dandan who was looking forward to it across the street and whispered.

"Brother Xu, Dandan is not a bad person, but she just has the problem of being spoiled by some little girls. Don't be as knowledgeable as her."

Raising his eyebrows, Xu Ziyin said unhappily.

"If I have the same knowledge as her, can I stand here and have a good talk with you?"

"It is also true."

"But having said that, I haven't touched Dandan yet. Although the probability of being a chick is not high, but with Brother Xu's handsomeness, it should be easy to win."

"How about I tell her, tonight..."


After hearing Zhao Pengcheng's meaningful words, Xu Ziyin suddenly became dumbfounded.

"I said Brother Zhao, why do you like to put your own woman on other men's beds every now and then? This is not a good habit."

"Hey, it's just for fun anyway."

"I won't get married in the future."

"If she doesn't want to, I won't force her. As long as she has money these days, let alone female college students, high school students and junior high school students are easy to find."

"Come on, if you dare to harm minors, believe it or not, I will report you to the police?"

"Haha, I'll just talk about it and I'll just talk about it."

After chatting for a while, the two got to know each other a lot, and seeing that the delay was almost over, they walked towards the hotel together.

Zhao Pengcheng was naturally sensible and slightly behind Xu Ziyin by half a body.

Walking to the door of the hotel, Li Dandan who had been waiting hastily greeted him.

Without further ado, Zhao Pengcheng pulled her aside and whispered a few words, then gave Xu Ziyin a look of completion.



With Zhao Pengcheng's instructions, Li Dandan, who knew Xu Ziyin's identity, could not deliberately show any hostility to Song Shi and say something tit for tat.

The gunpowder smoke that was originally going to be diffuse in this scene also dissipated invisible.

At the dining table, seeing Li Dandan immersed in his meal, Song Shi felt a little uncomfortable.

She leaned closer and whispered curiously in Xu Ziyin's ear.

"Dirty ghost, do you know Li Dandan's boyfriend?"

"Why is she so quiet all of a sudden? Isn't that like her character?"

"Is it?"

Xu Ziyin smiled.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Could it be that you really want a group of classmates to watch you two fight?"

"That's true."


The class reunion is on track.

The old classmates hadn't seen each other for a long time, chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was getting hotter.

Xu Ziyin and the others who came as family members naturally couldn't overwhelm the guests, they just watched with a smile on the sidelines, occasionally clinking glasses and taking a sip.

There is special equipment for singing K in the box.

Halfway through the meal, Song Shi was dragged to the stage by the students to sing.

Seeing Song Shi leave Xu Ziyin's side, Li Dandan took a glass of wine and walked to Xu Ziyin's side, half-bent down showing that plump ravine with a smile and chanted.

"Handsome guy, don't take to heart what I said before."

"Let me have a drink first, don't be as knowledgeable as a little girl like me."

As he spoke, Li Dandan raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, and then threw a charming smile at Xu Ziyin.

Xu Ziyin was a little confused.

What plane are you doing?
Turning his head to look, he saw Zhao Pengcheng smiling at himself with his mouth crooked.

Xu Ziyin understood instantly.

In fact, after Zhao Pengcheng and Li Dandan talked about Xu Ziyin's identity, she no longer had the idea of ​​comparing with Song Shi.

After all, in terms of looks and net worth, it seems that Xu Ziyin is much higher than Zhao Pengcheng.

Coupled with Zhao Pengcheng's intentional hint, Li Dandan's mind instantly became active.

She Song Shi is really good-looking, and she has found such an excellent boyfriend.

But wouldn't it be a hundred times more enjoyable to snatch him over by yourself than to show off in front of Song Shi?
No matter how you look at it, she is not bad.

Looking at the beautifully dressed girl in front of him, Xu Ziyin felt a little helpless.

Money, indeed, is the root of all evil.

How could a girl of eighteen or nineteen become like this?

But the girls all drank a cup, and Xu Ziyin couldn't make a bad face, so he took a small sip to cope.

Song Shi, who was singing on the stage, suddenly found that Li Dandan ran to Xu Ziyin to "scratch his head and make a pose" and didn't care about singing anymore. He dropped the microphone and ran to Xu Ziyin, protecting him behind him, and said viciously like a calf.

"Li Dandan, what do you want to do?"

"What am I doing?"

Blinking innocently, Li Dandan said slightly aggrieved.

"I just came here to apologize for what I just said."

"Is it?"

"Can you be so kind?"

Song Shi obviously didn't believe it.



It was around two o'clock in the afternoon when the party ended.

Sitting in the car, Song Shi was still brooding over the scene just now.

"Dirty ghost, what did Li Dandan tell you?"

"What else can I say, just apologize to me."



After a while of silence, Song Shi said again.

"Dirty ghost, don't you have a crush on Li Dandan?"

After hearing this, Xu Ziyin called out his grievances.

"I'm talking about Shishi, your brain circuit is too strange, from where can you draw this conclusion, besides, can I fall in love with her?"

"How is she better than you?"

"In terms of looks, you beat her by seven or eight blocks. In terms of long legs, you are almost as good as the sky. In terms of personality, is she as gentle and considerate as you? In terms of breasts, uh, in terms of breasts, it seems that she is really..."

Originally, Song Shi was listening happily, but Xu Ziyin's abrupt words made her frown in an instant.

"Xu Ziyin!!!"

"Did you do it on purpose!!!"

"Okay, okay, don't bite, just drive."


After playing around for a while, Song Shi sat on the co-pilot and hummed a light tune.

It can be seen that she is very satisfied with today's class reunion.

After all, Li Dandan did not oppose her, and she successfully introduced Xu Ziyin to her classmates, which naturally made her feel very happy.

Looking at the profile of Xu Ziyin driving seriously, Song Shijiao said.

"Dirty bastard, where are we going now?"

"Go to Xinhua Bookstore."

"Xinhua Bookstore? What are you doing there?"

"I'm going to buy some history books to read, and I'm more interested in books in this area recently."

"oh oh."

Song Shi didn't ask much.

In her opinion, going to a bookstore with her boyfriend to read books seems to be a particularly romantic thing.


The afternoon passed quickly.

Xu Ziyin didn't do anything else this afternoon, but spent a leisurely day at Xinhua Bookstore with Song Shi.

I have to say that reading is really easy to cultivate one's morality, especially books related to history can easily calm down the restless mood.

Reading books is not Xu Ziyin's whim.

He can keep an eye on the tasks issued by the system all the time.

Although he now has a lifespan of more than three years, he still dare not take it lightly.

He will never be able to completely let go of this knot until he finally heals his physical illness.

Stepping on the fine silhouette of the setting sun, Xu Ziyin sent Song poetry downstairs to her community.

When they were about to part, the two of them naturally had another round of rubbing each other's ears.


Night falls.

Xu Ziyin drove to the place agreed with Zhao Pengcheng.

Brilliant nightclub.

Zhao Pengcheng, who was waiting at the entrance of the nightclub, was shocked when he saw Xu Ziyin get off the Porsche 918.

As a man, although he can't afford a Porsche, it doesn't mean he doesn't understand this kind of super sports car.

He naturally knows the price of the Porsche 918 very well.

The last time I saw him, he appeared to be driving a red Ferrari, now a Porsche 918.

He sees a lot of rich second generations, but there are still very few who can easily afford tens of millions of sports cars.

In this way, Xu Ziyin's weight in his heart naturally deepened.

"Brother Zhao, this is the good place you mentioned?"

After turning off the engine and getting out of the car, looking at the magnificently decorated nightclub hall, Xu Ziyin said calmly.

With a smile, Zhao Pengcheng flattered him.

"Brother Xu, you just come with me. My brother has already made arrangements. I promise to make your trip worthwhile tonight."

"A couple of Ukrainian sisters came here a few days ago, and they haven't been raped yet..."

"No, Brother Xu, aren't you coming tonight?"

(I have been in poor health for the past two days, and there is only one update today.)
(To be added tomorrow.)

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