If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 188, 【The Spring Breeze Doesn't Pass the Yumen Pass】

Chapter 188, [Spring Breeze Does Not Pass Yumen Pass] (first update)
Xu Ziyin actually has no feelings for Sister Sophia.

He didn't need to give them any affection either.

Even without their own appearance, they will become the playthings of other men, one or even countless.

So in Xu Ziyin's view, although he can't give them any status, at least he can give them a stable life guarantee.

This is already a rare ending for the two sisters.

Besides, from the current point of view, the two sisters are not disgusted with Xu Ziyin, and there is no coercion or even coercion.

Accepting this pair of sisters, Xu Ziyin had a man's desire to hunt for beauty, but more of it was to gain points, and the two did not contradict each other.


Under the bright light and shadow, the incandescent lamp on the ceiling emits a faint white light, and the two beauties on the bed want to refuse and welcome, their eyes are wide and horizontal.


In the vast void.

Xu Ziyin's consciousness gradually became illusory. In a trance, a cloud of shadow wrapped around his body. The shadow twisted, spread, and instantly transformed into four slender and beautiful vines, eroding from the ends.

The four vines were full of explosive power, accumulating on his body little by little, devouring and wearing away.

Xu Ziyin resisted a little, and four extended vines appeared from the void beside him to imprison him.

Breathing, the movement has almost stopped.

The resistance continued, but in vain.

The eight vines wrapped him inside, and in a short while, a crystal liquid similar to beads of sweat appeared on the slender vines. The liquid seemed to have a strong corrosive effect, and it absorbed Xu Ziyin's body little by little. Which melts.

After successfully imprisoning Xu Ziyin, the vines began to attack, and a mass of rose-colored dark matter appeared in Xu Ziyin's consciousness.

The rose-colored dark matter has the most perfect shape and soft light, and it seems that there are bright stars rippling in it, attracting people's consciousness to sink.

It seems that after taking a look at it, it is completely reduced to this.

Breaking through the pink package of dark matter, the inside gradually became hot, and the ion current flowed wantonly in it, like a volcanic eruption.

It seems that the eruption of the volcano caused the vines to relax for a short time. Xu Ziyin successfully broke through the confinement, and the body transformed by consciousness resumed its action, but the dark matter in the body was difficult to move. It was churning wildly.

Rose-colored dark matter spreads and disintegrates from within.

It seemed that Xu Ziyin was difficult to deal with, and two white clouds appeared around Xu Ziyin in an instant.

The nebula had an incomparably attractive luster. When Xu Ziyin was in a daze, the white nebula instantly engulfed him, like two groups of powerful electric magnetic fields.

Consciousness melted away again, breathing became difficult.

And the rose-colored dark matter finally recovered from the agitation.

With the arrival of the rose star rain, when Xu Ziyin was about to withdraw and leave, the star rain poured on it, and the consciousness that had been gathered in an instant collapsed again.


that's it.

Devour, twist, entangle, resist.

In the endless void, volcanic eruptions came again and again.

The color of the star rain changed from red to white, and in a blink of an eye, the entire sea of ​​consciousness was completely reduced to the nourishment of the enemy.

I don't know how long it took.

Xu Ziyin's consciousness gradually returned to reality.

Turning her head to look, Sophia hugged his arm tightly with a red face, breathing lightly, and a charming blush was rippling on her fair face.

"Brother, let me tell you a secret~"

Stretching out her dexterous tongue and licking Xu Ziyin's ear, Sophia said softly.

After Yunyu broke through the relationship between men and women, Sophia instinctively felt that the relationship with Xu Ziyin was much closer.

Besides, she's just like that.

With a hum, Xu Ziyin said softly.

"What secret?"

Glancing at her rosy-faced sister lying beside her, Sophia whispered.

"Brother, sister doesn't want to live here forever."


Xu Ziyin was a little surprised.

"Don't live here? Then where are you going to live?"

"Oh, that's not what it means. It's very good here, and my sister and I like it too."

"My sister just thinks it's too boring to live here all the time, and she wants to find something to do."

It turned out to be the case.

With a knowing smile, Xu Ziyin touched Sophia's flat belly and whispered.

"Then what do you want to do?"

"My sister has always wanted to open a milk tea shop. My sister liked drinking milk tea very much when I was a child."

"Is that all?"

"That's easy. Tomorrow, I will ask the housekeeper to find a shop for you in a nearby area. I will open a milk tea shop, which will be managed by you and Sophia."

"Thank you brother."

Hearing this, Sophia's eyes were delighted, and that graceful figure climbed up again.

The older sister Sophia, who has always been mature, is not as bold as her younger sister in this matter.

Instead of half pushing and half giving, Sophia has always taken the initiative.

But it also allowed Xu Ziyin to enjoy the blessings of Qi people.


The night was dark.

The tired three gradually felt the onset of deep drowsiness, hugged each other and fell asleep.

Just when Xu Ziyin fell into a deep sleep, the cold mechanical sound of the system sounded in his heart, making Xu Ziyin's confused consciousness instantly clear.

【collection card】

[In view of the fact that the host successfully integrated two first-class female superpositions]

[Rewards are as follows]

【Two thousand points】

【Body Restoration Liquid】

[Body Repair Liquid: It is only suitable for women. After use, it can repair all congenital wounds of the body. 】

Seeing this generous reward, Xu Ziyin lost his mind for a long time.

Can you get [-] points for completing a card collection task?

You must know that he usually only gets two or three hundred points for a successful breakup with a woman.

Doesn't this mean that the more you stack up in the future, the more points you will get?
It seems that it is not difficult to collect three sick body healing cards.


He also said that you are not an old lewd ruffian system, so you have exposed your true nature.

But looking at the bottle of body repair liquid, Xu Ziyin fell into deep thought again.

Repair all congenital wounds?

That sister's poison doesn't seem to work.

Moreover, the system specifically marked that it was only applicable to women, so it seemed whimsical for me to use this bottle of medicine to heal my sick body.

So what is the use of these bottles of liquid medicine?

Thinking about it, Xu Ziyin's eyebrows jumped suddenly, he thought of a person.

Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's infertility seems to be a congenital problem.

Even though she was indifferent to her infertility when getting along with her, why couldn't Xu Ziyin see the downcast look at the corners of his brows and eyes?
As a woman, she was deprived of her reproductive function from birth.

But any woman can't accept it, right?

How happy would she be if she was restored to her former self and had the ability to be a mother again?
It seems that since I met her, I have rarely seen her really smile.

As Xu Ziyin's first woman, Yin Muqing held an irreplaceable weight in his heart.

If she regains her reproductive function.

While being happy, I agreed to be with Xu Niannian...

Seems like it should be possible, right?
With such a sweet dream in his arms, Xu Ziyin gradually fell asleep.

(Many readers feel that the recent plot is not good-looking.)
(In fact, the outline set by hairtail at the beginning is such a style in the mid-term.)
(End of this chapter)

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