If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 189, 【Dating】

Chapter 189, [Dating] (second more)
The next day.

Xu Ziyin woke up slowly while Sophia was rubbing his ears and temples.

Opening his eyes, he saw a long leg straddling his chest.

Facing the girl's strange eyes, Xu Ziyin rubbed her head and smiled.

"Where's Sophia?"

"My sister is going to take a bath, she is too embarrassed to face you like this, hee hee."


The battlefield was too chaotic last night, and they hugged each other and fell asleep without having time to clean up after the chaos.

Now that I woke up, with the blessing of the girl's reserved heart, looking at this picture and the pungent and strong smell in the room, I couldn't help but feel a little shy.

"What about you, why don't you go wash?"

Xu Ziyin said again.

Hearing this, Sophia smacked Xu Ziyin's face, and said sweetly.

"I'll wait for my brother to get up and wash together, and Sophia will wash for you."

Just as he was talking, the bathroom door opened, and Sophia came out in her pajamas.

Glancing at the two intimately lying on the bed, Sophia turned her head away.

Shaking his head and smiling, Xu Ziyin got off the bed naked, with Sophia hanging on him like this.

After another spring breeze darkened the bathroom, Xu Ziyin got dressed and took Sister Sophia to the restaurant.

The servants have prepared a hearty breakfast.

After eating, Xu Ziyin talked to the housekeeper about the milk tea shop, and the housekeeper naturally agreed.

After breakfast, Xu Ziyin didn't stay in Jinyuan for long.

Although Sophia is very clingy, she also knows that the scope of her clinginess is only limited to this villa.



The time has come to the tenth day of the new year.

In a few days, Soochow University will start school.

During this period, Xu Ziyin was going to Yanjing for a trip.

My sister is still receiving treatment. Although the current treatment is very effective through telephone communication, Xu Ziyin has to go there anyway.

I believe my sister will be very happy to see herself.

But the day before departure, Xu Ziyin was called out again by Song Shi.

There's no way, little girls in love are like this, wishing to stay with their sweetheart all the time.

What's more, Song Shi is now Xu Ziyin's official girlfriend, and she also has such qualifications.


In the slightly cold wind.

The girl stood happily at the gate of Soochow University.

Today, she put on that white down jacket, with cute ball hair, and a happy smile on her little face full of collagen.

Looking at Xu Ziyin who appeared on the street corner, and the couple's down jacket of the same style on his body, Song Shi's big eyes suddenly became more smug.

Coming to the girl, Xu Ziyin hadn't spoken yet, Song Shi let out a sigh of relief on her little hand, and then kicked her little hand into his pocket.


Xu Ziyin couldn't laugh or cry.

"I said Miss, where are you going? You should tell me a place."

"Oh yes."

With a hee hee smile, Song Shi said playfully.

"Go play script killing today."

"In the past two days, I saw that the students in the group were discussing. There is a script killing shop in Yuhe Square. I heard that it is very interesting."

Yuhe Plaza, script killing?

Xu Ziyin clearly captured these two key words.

The place this girl is talking about is the store she opened, right?
Not surprisingly, it should be.

Seeing that Xu Ziyin was silent, Song Shi didn't talk nonsense, she reached out to stop a taxi, and pulled Xu Ziyin into the back row.


The start of school is approaching.

The flow of people in Yuhe Plaza is increasing day by day.

It was noon, and the store was overcrowded.

Song Shi came to the milk tea shop next to the shop with Xu Ziyin on her arm.

After ordering two cups of milk tea, Song Shi sipped the milk tea and waited for the script-killed guests at the previous table to finish.

Just at this time, Xu Ziyin had the time to take out his mobile phone and send a message to Huang Yating cryptically.

It probably means that I want to come over later and don't stretch out.

After all, in the narrow space of a taxi, Song Shi's sharp eyes cannot be hidden from playing with her mobile phone by herself.

It's not that Xu Ziyin wanted to hide anything.

He just didn't want to add unnecessary twists and turns to this date.

Besides, even if Xu Niannian saw herself and Song Shi, she could still cover up their relationship very well.

After a while, Xu Ziyin received a reply.

[Good boss. 】


After waiting for about 10 minutes, the guests at the previous table ended.

Song Shi excitedly led Xu Ziyin into the scene of script killing.

Script Kill is a large-scale collective puzzle game.

In addition to Xu Ziyin and Song Shi, there were also two young couples participating.

The plot is remarkable, at least in Xu Ziyin's view, there is nothing remarkable about it.

But seeing Song Shi playing vigorously, Xu Ziyin also cooperated with her.

After the script killing was over, the two went to the board game venue again.

However, both of them are not very good at playing billiards, and they left here after playing a game with general interest.

It wasn't until Xu Ziyin and Song Shi left that Xu Niannian came out of the office.

She looked at the direction Xu Ziyin was leaving with a complicated expression on her face.

She naturally recognized Song Shi who was wearing a couple outfit with Xu Ziyin.

Although she didn't know the girl's name, she was the girl she met at the gate of Suke University after breaking up with Xu Ziyin.

At that time, she knew that this beautiful girl should be Xu Ziyin's girlfriend.

In fact, Xu Niannian envied Song Shi very much.

I envy her that she can hold hands with Xu Ziyin intimately in public in a couple outfit.

And she didn't seem to have gone out on a date with Xu Ziyin alone.

The only times I was alone were in my rented house.

Although Xu Niannian knew her own position.

But in the situation of love for a long time, why doesn't she want to expose herself to the sun and wantonly enjoy the envious eyes of others.

As women, no one just wants to be an underground lover willingly for the rest of their lives.

In the darkness, Xu Niannian sighed heavily, and then greeted the new guests with a professional smile.



Today's appointment has no purpose.

Song Shi strolled around Yuhe Square with Xu Ziyin on her arm, taking a look around, whenever she saw any novelty, she wanted to get involved with it.

Girls never seem to be bothered.

Xu Ziyin could hardly see any sadness on her face, it was always that energetic and youthful face.

Seeing Song Shi's happy little face, Xu Ziyin couldn't help asking.

"Shishi, why do I feel that you are happy every day?"

After hearing this, Song Shi was stunned for a moment, and then pinched his arm angrily.

"You bastard, what are you talking about?"

"Isn't it good to be happy? Is it possible to pull a face every day?"

"Besides, aren't you happy staying with me?"


Without thinking, Xu Ziyin quickly replied.

"That's fine."

"I'm happy to stay with you."

(End of this chapter)

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