If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 190,【You just dislike my small breasts! 】

After wandering around with Song Shi all afternoon, Xu Ziyin got on the plane to Yanjing the next day.

Before going to Yanjing, Xu Ziyin originally wanted to know about her sister's family situation and Xu Wei's specific identity, but when she arrived in Yanjing, she found that Xu Man had been receiving treatment in a heavily guarded nursing home.

Outside the nursing home were two guards with long guns.

Seeing this scene, Xu Ziyin also knew that he didn't need to know Xu Wei's true identity anymore.

For Xu Ziyin's arrival, Xu Man seemed very happy. With the relationship between the two siblings, there is no need to ask each other for warmth. Just looking at each other, Xu Man read a sentence. The heartless little red guy still remembers that you have a sister, and the two agreed. laughed.

Since Xu Man was still in the treatment stage, he couldn't go out and walk around, and naturally it was impossible to take Xu Ziyin to travel around the capital. Xu Ziyin was not interested in this either. He stayed with his sister in the nursing home for two days before returning to Suzhou.

However, before leaving, Xu Man gave Xu Ziyin a mobile phone number and told him that if he encountered any unsolvable problems in Suzhou, and his sister was not around and couldn't come back in time, just dial that number.

Xu Ziyin didn't think too much, saved the number, and then slowly left under the reluctant eyes of his sister.


Time soon came to the eve of the start of school.

The day before the start of school, the students returned to school one after another.

In the dormitory, Xu Ziyin also saw Zhao Bing, whom he had not seen for a long time.

I haven't seen him for more than a month, Zhao Bing seems to have gained a lot of weight, and his originally pointed chin looks much rounder.

While swallowing clouds and fog, Wu Yong couldn't help joking.

"I said A Bing, could it be that the squad leader also has the effect of raising people? Why did you gain so much weight during the winter vacation?"

After cutting, Zhao Bing didn't take it seriously.

"What do you know? Xiaoyu said that she doesn't like boys who are too skinny, and said that she would be too sick to hug."

"I stayed in her city for more than a week during the winter vacation. You don't know that there are too many special delicacies in her place. No, if you eat for ten days in a row, you will get fat."

As he said that, Zhao Bing touched his shiny hair with trepidation.

"But let's not talk about it, you've gained a little weight, and you seem to have become a lot more stable."

After hearing this, Zhou Chong on the side nodded in agreement.


"It's more pleasing to the eye. You looked like a thin monkey before."

"You're a thin monkey. Do you think that everyone who has trained themselves to be big and round like you can be called stylish?"

"My name is burly. If you don't know how to use idioms, don't use them indiscriminately. It will appear that you are uneducated."

While chatting and laughing, Zhao Bing's cell phone rang.

He picked it up and took a look, quickly pinched the cigarette out of his mouth, made a silent movement to Xu Ziyin and the others, and then put the phone next to his ear and said disgustingly.

"Honey, are you at school?"


"Okay, see you downstairs in the dormitory later."

Putting down the phone, Zhao Bing stood up, hummed a little song, walked to the mirror and began to fiddle with his hairstyle.

Wu Yong rolled his eyes violently, and lay on the chair in the posture of Ge You lying down.

"Can you stop showing off?"

"The child really can't bear it."

Xu Ziyin looked interesting and couldn't help but tease.

"I said Wu Yong, since you are envious, why not find one in school?"

"You are the type who wears glasses and is gentle. It is estimated that many girls also like your style."

Hearing this, Wu Yong sighed quietly.

"Old Xu, I think so too."

"But I don't have the eloquence of you and A Bing. Don't look at how happy I am chatting in the dormitory. If I really chat with girls face to face, I probably won't be able to hold back a fart for a long time."

Zhao Bing, who had finished tidying up his hair, heard Wu Yong's words, turned around and cursed with a smile.

"You, hold your Two-dimensional wife for the rest of your life."

As he spoke, he pouted at Xu Ziyin again.

"Old Xu, let's go."

Seeing this, Xu Ziyin was a little puzzled.

"You are going on a date with the monitor, why are you calling me?"

"Xiao Yu said that she brought a lot of special products from home, including yours. Let me ask you to go and get them together."

Hearing the word special products, Wu Yong couldn't care less about complaining, and jumped up from his chair in a jerk.

"What specialty?"

"Is there anything to eat?"

"What's the matter with you? Are you familiar with my Xiaoyu?"



Seeing Du Xiaoyu again, Xu Ziyin's eyes lit up.

After more than a month of changes, the squad leader's attire seems to be much more fashionable.

It seems that after having a boyfriend, girls will indeed start to pay attention to their appearance.

In the past, although the squad leader's attire could not be described as earthy, it could at best be described as well-behaved.

But after a winter vacation, the changes are not small.

Seeing Xu Ziyin and Xu Ziyin walking towards her, Du Xiaoyu handed him the special product she brought to Xu Ziyin.

"Xu Ziyin, these are some of the more famous snacks in our hometown. It may be difficult to buy them in Suzhou."

"It's not worth much. It's just a New Year's gift for you."

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin immediately became happy.

"I said monitor, if you give special products, you can give them special products. Why do you have to add a new year's gift? Wouldn't it be too unreasonable if I didn't accept the gift in return?"

As soon as Xu Ziyin finished speaking, Zhao Bing punched him angrily.

"Mother-in-law, please keep it as soon as you ask."

"To be honest, if Xiaoyu and I can get together, you can be considered a half-matchmaker."

Xu Ziyin agrees with this.

If he hadn't woken up the sleeping Zhao Bing with his slap back then, and forced him to join the debate, the two of them might not have been able to get to where they are today.

Therefore, Xu Ziyin really deserves to be the half-matchmaker.

During the chat, Zhao Bing proposed to go to Huijin Xindi to get together at night.

It's been a long time since the four of them got together.

Xu Ziyin wanted to refuse, but seeing that Du Xiaoyu had already called Song Shi, Xu Ziyin had no choice but to give up.


After half an hour.

The four-person team that participated in the debate competition gathered again at the gate of Soochow University.

Song Shi and Du Xiaoyu hadn't seen each other for a long time, so naturally they were holding hands and talking endlessly.

Xu Ziyin and Zhao Bing walked behind them chatting with each other.

It's evening.

On the road from Soochow University to Huijin Xindi, there is an endless stream of freshmen carrying big bags and small bags.

The snow on the road has already melted, but the branches on the branches have not yet sprouted buds.

Stepping on the bluestone road, Zhao Bing lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth, and breathed out a smoke ring before he said slowly.

"Old Xu, I've decided."

"Decide what?"

"Decided to take Xiao Yu home at the end of this semester to meet my parents."

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin didn't speak, only slightly frowned and asked after a while.

"Are you serious?"

"You have to know that when you meet your parents, the nature is different."

"It's normal to fall in love with each other, but once you meet the parents of both parties, it's like adding an extra bond."

"I understand. In fact, after getting along with each other for this period of time, I think Xiao Yu is really suitable for me."

"You know, I'm easily distracted by colorful things, and I'm not sure if I will make her unhappy in the future."

"When I met the parents, at least I reminded myself. Once I have other unnecessary thoughts in the future, I will always be alert to myself."

Seeing that Zhao Bing's words were precise and his expression did not seem to be fake, Xu Ziyin didn't say anything more.

The prodigal son turned back so easily?

But I have to say that Xu Ziyin admired Zhao Bing for making this decision.

However, school has just started, and there is still more than half a year until the summer vacation, and no one knows what will happen in this half year.

After thinking about it, Xu Ziyin smiled.

"Speaking of which, I have already met Song Shi's parents."

Hearing this, Zhao Bing was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression became extremely astonished.

"I'm going, is it true?"

"So fast?"

"It's actually normal to say that Song Shi and I are both locals in Suzhou. I went to her house for Shishi's birthday a few days ago, and her parents naturally knew about me."

Stretching out a thumb, Zhao Bing really wanted to say something, and it took him a long time to hold back a word.



Seeing that the speed of the two people behind them was getting slower and slower, Song Shi and Du Xiaoyu stood in place and waited until Xu Ziyin and Zhao Bing caught up with them, then they said suspiciously.

"Dirty ghost, what are you talking about that is shameful? You boys can walk slower than us girls at such a distance."

Before Xu Ziyin replied, Zhao Bing looked at him strangely and said.


"Old Xu, your name is very unique."

Too lazy to answer his words, Xu Ziyin looked at Song Shi and said with a smile.

"It's nothing, just chatting about interesting things that happened during the winter vacation."

"Is it?"

Suspiciously looking up and down the two of them, Song Shi didn't ask any further questions, and naturally took Xu Ziyin's arm and said softly.

"I told Xiao Yu, how about we go eat hot pot later? Huijin Xindi has opened a new hot pot restaurant. I heard that it is the taste of Sichuan and Chongqing. I haven't tried it yet."

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin smiled.

"I'm not picky eaters, you and the monitor can decide."


With the start of school approaching, the flow of people in Huijin Xindi began to become full.

Stores that have been closed for a long time also open their doors to attract customers.

After a winter vacation, Huijin Xindi had a lot of newly opened shops.

This kind of shop lot in the university town has always been very popular.

After all, today's college students are high-consumption groups.

There were a lot of customers in the hot pot restaurant, and the group waited for about 10 minutes before they got in line. During this period, Zhao Bing went to buy a few cups of milk tea graciously.

During the meal, the atmosphere remained lively.

It seems that Xu Ziyin has never seen a cold scene where Song Shi was there.

And Zhao Bing and Du Xiaoyu were also talkative masters, and the three of them talked one after another, but Xu Ziyin, on the contrary, only interrupted occasionally and buried himself in cooking.



It was already sunset after dinner.

Walking out of the hot pot restaurant, Zhao Bingfu whispered a few words in Du Xiaoyu's ear, after listening Du Xiaoyu blushed and glanced at Song Shi.

Zhao Bing came over knowingly, walked up to Song Shi and Xu Ziyin and said seriously.

"Old Xu, Song Shi, you guys go back to school first, Xiaoyu and I have something to do."

Xu Ziyin understood, while Song Shi blinked cutely, as if he was very puzzled.

It wasn't until Zhao Bing disappeared from her sight with Du Xiaoyu in his arms that Song Shi tilted her head and said in doubt.

"Dirty ghosts, do they have anything to avoid us?"

With a knowing smile, Xu Ziyin joked.

"I said Shishi, do you really or falsely don't know?"

"It's been a long time since I've seen this young couple, so naturally we need to find a hotel to release our passion."

"Besides, school will officially start tomorrow, and it will be inconvenient to come out and open a room at that time."


"Open house?"

Listening to this word, Song Shi seemed to think of something, her little face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then secretly spat.

Looking at the girl on Xiafei's cheeks, Xu Ziyin didn't deliberately tease her, and walked towards the direction of the school.

Before taking a few steps, a pair of small hands were abruptly inserted into his pockets, Song Shi pursed her red lips and asked in a low voice.

"Dirty ghost, are you also thinking about something nasty?"


Xu Ziyin replied without thinking.

I thought this was the standard answer.

But obviously this answer did not satisfy the girl around him.

With her silver teeth bared, Song Shi said viciously.

"You mean you're not interested in me?"

"You just dislike my small breasts!"

Xu Ziyin couldn't fix it in an instant.

He stopped and looked down at Song Shi who was like an angry little tiger.

After a while, he shook his head and said helplessly.

"Then do you think I want to or don't want to?"

Looking at you like that, I would say that if you want to know, your arm will suffer again.

Say no, you can also think that I despise your small breasts.

It has to be said that the girl's strange brain circuit is really difficult for ordinary people to understand.

"I don't care, it's your problem anyway."

"Okay, Missy, I was wrong."


Just as Xu Ziyin and Song Shi were standing at the intersection of the street "flirtatiously", a pair of girls not far away looked at the picture of the two of them at this moment.

In the slightly cold wind.

Xixi was carrying a bag of apples, and standing in front of the fruit stall, she looked at Xu Ziyin, and then at Song Shi, who looked intimate with his arm.

She knew Song Shi.

When Song Shi and Yun Xianyu went to the jewelry store together, Xixi liked this lively big sister very much.

As for Xu Ziyin, she naturally couldn't admit her mistake.

After a long silence, Xixi looked up at Yun Xianyu with a bitter face and said aggrievedly.


"Why are Big Brother and Sister Song Shi holding hands?"

Yun Xianyu silently looked at the inexplicably matching pair against the sunset on the street corner, and only after a while did she smile softly, and stretched out her hand to rub her sister's head.

"Xixi, let's go home, didn't you say you want to eat ribs tonight?"

"Sister, will I make you sweet and sour pork ribs?"

Holding her mouth shut, Xixi feels aggrieved.

But looking at her sister's smiling face, she finally nodded and hummed heavily.

But just after nodding, she couldn't help asking again.

"Then big brother will go home to eat with Xixi and sister tonight?"

(First update.)
(Daily asking for tickets, hehehe????(?????????????)???????)

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