Return to 2000: Captain of the Great Powers

Chapter 253 The Captain and Death!

After Xu Cang hung up the phone, Ma Cheng also put away his phone outside the office of the head of the strategy department in Muhua headquarters in Yangcheng.

He glanced back at his office, adjusted his mood a little, and then pushed the door open.Soon, the president of Asiana Airlines, Park Seok-won, stood up.

"Sorry, I'm busy with work." Ma Cheng motioned for Park Xiyuan to sit down and talk.

The two sat opposite each other, and Ma Cheng cut to the chase: "President Park, let me open up with you. Korean Air has approached me, and hoped that we would transfer the source of customers to them."

Before Ma Cheng finished speaking, Park Xiyuan, whose expression changed slightly, interrupted immediately: "Mr. Ma, we Asiana can adjust the profit share of the route."

However, Ma Cheng waved his hand: "President Park, do you know how much Korean Air's profit share is? [-]% to [-]%, they only need [-]%. [-]%, do you Asiana Airlines give it?"

"Twenty percent!" Pu Xiyuan gasped, "They're crazy. If it's twenty percent, they basically don't make any money."

"I don't care if Korean Air makes money or not, as long as our Muhua can make money. President Park, Korean Air has more wide-body jets than you. Under the cluster effect, their cost may be lower than yours. Two For Korean Air, it basically doesn’t make any money, and for you, I’m afraid it’s about to lose money.”

Park Xiyuan's handsome appearance is almost distorted, this is simply obvious.

"Mr. Ma, Asiana Airlines and Muhua Airlines have cooperated for a long time, and there is a friendship."

"If you want to open an international route at Jianchuan Airport, you must obtain the approval of the airline company that has the priority of the local airport, don't you know that?" Xin Weiwei sighed: "The flight department wants to open Cebu, other Everything is ready, and it is stuck at the Jianchuan Airport Group."

It has to be said that the president of ANA is very in line with Xu Cang's aesthetics in terms of appearance and temperament, except that he is a bit too tall.

Having said that, Lu Jinghua tasted it all at once, and spread his hands: "I also heard that you are going to open an international flight to Southeast Asia, is it because of this?"

Talking about his own future, Park Xiyuan also felt bleak: "Isn't there an old saying in your country? Time is destiny!"

The staff started to review the valuable aviation materials first, but this time the number of aviation materials is relatively large, so it may take a long time to review.

"What's the matter, I just did a little favor." Xu Cang still wanted to perfunctory, but after meeting Qin Xin's cold eyes, he could only touch his nose embarrassingly: "Uh, that's the one." It's a little bit difficult to be busy. But, how powerful I am, isn't it easy to catch?"

Lu Jinghua shrugged his shoulders: "How do I know that? Oh, you just cooperate. It's good enough just to have someone from the Southwest Bureau, but if someone from the Air Safety Department of the General Administration comes over, it will be a wild ride. Please cooperate, cooperate. .”

Guan Yueling is really interested now: "Mr. Xu is also related to Tiandong Airlines and Muhua Airlines?"

In the end, Xu Cang was still defeated: "What's the matter? You don't want to know about the priority of Jianchuan Airport, do you?"

Among other things, in terms of in-flight services, ANA is quite high-end. If Xu Cang wants to learn ANA’s in-flight services, it is for
Guan Yueling's eyes lit up: "Mr. Xu, I didn't expect you to be interested in international airlines."

However, Guan Yueling did not say too many irrelevant words, and quickly returned to the topic: "We intend to open a route in Southwest China. I just heard that Spring Airlines has obtained the priority right of Jianchuan Airport, so naturally we need to get Xu Sir's approval."

Xin Weiwei stopped suddenly, and burst into laughter: "Isn't this obvious? Can it be done?"

"Sorry, your subordinates don't seem to be able to control their emotions well, and their voices are getting so loud."

At this time, Ma Cheng also stood up: "Korean Airlines can't tolerate you, and Asiana Airlines can't tolerate you, so why not change your mind and find a third company? We still have an old saying that a good bird chooses a tree to live in." "

Xu Cang frowned all of a sudden, he didn't like this kind of meandering way of speaking.

"It's all fuss." Lu Jinghua went up to meet her, with a smile on his face.

Moreover, the board of directors entrusted him with responsibility for this matter, but it turned out like this. In the end, he still had to bear the responsibility.The board of directors already had a lot of dissatisfaction with him, but now the complaints are probably even worse.

The first time Xin Weiwei met Xu Cang was with Xia Shuyue. It was not only the first time she met Xu Cang, but also the first time she met Lu Jinghua. Since then, the relationship between the two has begun.

"No one wants to earn hard money all the time." Xu Cang didn't hide it.

"Service on board." Guan Yueling muttered to himself.

This time, Qin Xin did not expect it. Guan Yueling's behavior is really puzzling. ,
However, just as Guan Yueling walked to the door, Xu Cang suddenly said: "President Guan Yue, did you react so much to the opening of the international routes of Shanghai and Yangcheng by JAL?"

"Engine, one, tire" the staff checked each item one by one, ticking off each item, while Zhang Desheng followed behind with an unnatural expression on his face.

Guan Yueling stopped suddenly, and looked back at Xu Cang.

My good fellow, this temper really doesn't change at all.

Xu Cang shouted: "Is it really a contract of selling oneself?"

"So fast?" Qin Xin was a little surprised, the president of ANA moved too fast.

Guan Yueling smiled and said: "If Mr. Xu agrees, we will give Mr. Xu a satisfactory amount."

This stop directly frightened Qin Xin, but Xu Cang's reaction was flat.

"I said you don't understand, what you see is the tip of the iceberg, and you think it's all." Lu Jinghua said seriously: "In this world, there is only one person who can directly influence Xu Cang without worrying about any problems. , and that person is not me."

"Xu Cang!" Qin Xin didn't say much, but just called Xu Cang's name lightly.

Xu Cang clapped his hands: "Yes!"

"Are you sure it's ANA?" At this time, Xu Cang restrained his jokes and asked seriously.

Even if it wasn't physical work, the staff was still a little tired after bending over for more than an hour to check.Twisting his waist slightly, he pointed to the pile left behind: "What are these?"

"But it's a one-off. I've never liked disposable things very much. Besides, we don't need your money. We want other things."

"The chairman's family of Asiana Airlines does not participate in the management of the company. During this period of time, the responsibility of Asiana Airlines will fall more on President Park, even though in essence, President Park does not have too much responsibility." Ma Cheng said softly: "The current situation is definitely a matter of time before Asiana Airlines collapses. I heard that Korean Air also has a lot of opinions on you. Looking at it this way, the future of President Park is worrying."

"Frozen front wheels? Is there such a thing?" Seeing the photo of the plane provided by Lu Jinghua, Xu Cang was stunned.

Xu Cang is a hot-tempered person, since he has made up his mind, he will do it directly.Sure enough, Guan Yueling was very efficient. He led Xu Cang to the embassy early the next morning, got his visa, and went straight to the airport without any delay.

"The skin isn't even broken, but you can't tell, right?" Qin Xin asked back.

About two hours later, Xu Cang and Qin Xin had already appeared in Jianchuan City.According to the agreement, the two of Xu Cang came to the best Japanese grocery store in Jianchuan City. As soon as they entered the private room, they saw a woman waiting there.

"They're just decorations, cabin accessories." Zhang Desheng laughed.

"So, don't try to influence him, don't try to do things that don't fit your position, just follow him."

As a result, Qin Xin's secretary appeared outside the door.Qin Xin handed the document to the secretary: "It's done!"

Although only the front wheels entered the grass, the aircraft was basically not damaged, but as soon as the wheels came out of the ground, the nature of the incident was different.

Park Xiyuan didn't expect this section, but he stopped: "Mr. Ma, but it's okay to say."

"I don't like fish." Xu Cang didn't hide it, and spoke bluntly.

In the aviation material warehouse of the Spring and Summer Aviation Base, a staff member was reviewing a new batch of aviation materials, and standing next to him was Zhang Desheng, the buyer of this batch of aviation materials.

However, Qin Xin didn't give Xu Cang a chance to react at all, and directly grabbed Xu Cang's hand and rubbed it on the ink pad, and then pressed it on the place where he signed just now.

"You don't have to feel it, that's it." Lu Jinghua smiled and said, "By the way, Mr. Qin will come to see you later, you stay here for a while, I'll go out and get busy first."

It's just that as soon as Lu Jinghua came out, he saw a slightly familiar figure standing in the open space not far away.Lu Jinghua was taken aback: "Weiwei?"

"That's for sure. The nature of this matter is not that bad, and the Northeast Bureau didn't take too much notice, and let the Southwest Bureau handle it. The Southwest Bureau just called not long ago, and I will come here tomorrow. By the way, I also specifically asked for a name to follow." You talk."

"Mr. Ma, I have an unfeeling request." Park Xiyuan begged: "If possible, can you deal with the matter of changing partners?"

After discussing the matter of Jeju Island, Xu Cang didn't stay in South Korea for a long time. He returned to Shanghai from Jeju Island, and then returned to Erhai Lake from Shanghai.

Qin Xin didn't say anything about the plane rushing out of the runway, but when she came in, she put on a straight face, found a chair in the room and sat down, just sat down without speaking.

"Are you really busy?" Xin Weiwei, the cabin manager of Blue Sky Airlines, came slowly, but the crumbling button on the top of the jacket undoubtedly reflected how open-minded Xin Weiwei was.

Qin Xin didn't speak, but looked at Xu Cang instead.However, Xu Cang showed his face and smiled: "See, why don't you see it, why don't you see what medicine they sell in their gourds?"

"It can be done, but I don't want to do it." Lu Jinghua said sincerely: "I think Xu Cang will know about this soon. At that time, whether he agrees or disagrees is his own decision, and I don't need to influence it."

Qin Xin snorted: "Don't you know it yourself? Tell me, what's going on?"

"President Guanyue seems to have something important to do?" Xu Cang said indifferently.

Ma Cheng nodded: "You can try."

"Are you busy? If you're not busy, take a walk with me. Blue Sky Airlines has something to tell you."

"President Park, don't think I'm ruthless. In this battle between you and Korean Air, I hold a huge bargaining chip. Originally, I could use the bargaining chip in my hand to get more money, but I didn't do that." .It’s good for everyone to get together and leave, there is no need to act as if no one is sorry for the other.”

However, as soon as Xu Cang arrived at Erhai Lake, he received the news that his plane had overrun the runway.

"Sign, sign, sign!" Xu Cang nodded hurriedly, took the document from Qin Xin, found the right location, and signed his name directly.

However, just when Guan Yueling was about to greet the waiter, the door of the private room was suddenly opened, and a burly man rushed in from the outside.

Qin Xin nodded slightly: "Xu Cang is now the major shareholder of Spring Airlines, he has the final say."

"Vivi, don't stay at Blue Sky Airlines any longer, come here. The position of cabin manager here is still vacant. Maybe you can't be the first cabin manager because of your qualifications, but succession is absolutely no problem. .”

Pu Xiyuan's face turned pale all of a sudden.The passenger source of European and American routes provided by Muhua Airlines is a relatively important part of the passenger source of Asiana Airlines’ international routes. It was lost all of a sudden. Under the current environment, Asiana Airlines may be directly crushed.

At this moment, Qin Xin's secretary answered a call, but she hung up the phone soon after, and interrupted: "Miss, the secretariat has received a fax from ANA, hoping to discuss cooperation matters with you."

It's not the vice president of operations, not the general manager of the flight department, but the cabin manager. I don't understand what that means?It's nothing more than seeing the relationship between Xin Weiwei and him, and wants to play the emotional card.

Xu Cang patted the back of Qin Xin's hand in private to reassure him, and then said with a smile: "If you want to open an international route in Jianchuan, you can! But, I want to send a group of people to your side. You must guarantee to spend all your money." Share the content of the on-board service.”

"Can you understand Japanese?" Guan Yueling asked in surprise.

"With me?" Now Xu Cang felt a little unbelievable: "What are you talking about with me? It's not that I committed a crime."

"Not much, just a little!" Xu Cang smiled and said, "Of course, this is another price."

The three said their names to each other, and they sat on both sides.

Guan Yueling smiled, and did not answer immediately, but turned her head to Qin Xin: "Miss Qin also meant this?"

"Maybe you can find a third way." Ma Cheng handed the note to Park Xiyuan.

"Let's go, talk while walking." Xin Weiwei walked away first, followed by Lu Jinghua.

"Weiwei, you don't understand." Lu Jinghua shook his head: "You're not flying, so you can't feel the speed of Xu Cang's rise, so you don't have a sense of awe. Didn't you think that Chunxia Airlines can get the priority? Xu Cang is already an unstoppable trend, we just need to follow him, and we can reach a level that was unimaginable before."

Qin Xin thought for a while: "Then arrange it, I will go to Jianchuan with Xu Cang."

Guan Yueling calmed down a little, looked at the anxious subordinates on their faces, and said in a relatively calm tone: "Mr. Excuse me. The opening of international routes will be discussed in detail later.”

After that, he didn't say anything, but left Ma Cheng's office neatly.

After working for more than an hour, there are still some miscellaneous items that I haven't looked at.

Guan Yueling took a deep look at Xu Cang, and finally showed a very bright smile: "Then I would like to thank Mr. Xu for his help. We will help with the visa. It will be done for you tomorrow in less than two days, and then tomorrow How about leaving at night?"

However, since there is no direct flight to Tokyo, Xu Cang and Guan Yueling will fly to Osaka first, and then Osaka to Tokyo.It only takes about an hour to fly from Osaka to Tokyo, which is not troublesome.

Lu Jinghua explained from the side: "After the nose wheel of the plane came out, the crew called for a tow truck. This photo was taken by the maintenance at that time. The preliminary judgment is that the ice and snow froze the nose wheel steering device, making the plane unable to turn."

However, before Guan Yueling had an attack, the man bent down and whispered a few words in Guan Yueling's ear. Suddenly, Guan Yueling, who had been calm all the time, changed his face drastically, and suddenly stood up.

After speaking, Lu Jinghua left the room directly.

Xu Cang did meet the owner of the land on Jeju Island later. The two did not understand the language, but they just chatted a little with the help of an intermediary, so they must not discuss serious matters.

While Lu Jinghua and Xin Weiwei were arguing, Xu Cang who was staying in the house was not feeling very comfortable, so Qin Xin came over.

Xu Cang looked at the things in Qin Xin's hand: "Huh? The guarantee is so thick."

Pu Xiyuan thought for a moment and put the note back in his pocket: "Thank you, Mr. Ma."

"Huh?" Qin Xin was taken aback.The behavior of sending a special letter to notify like this is quite formal, which shows that the other party is extremely sincere.It's just that when did Spring and Summer Airlines and All Nippon Airways have a field of cooperation?

Xin Weiwei said in disbelief: "It took me so long to climb to the position of cabin manager, you want me to just throw it away?"

Qin Xin's secretary nodded: "Yes, I've confirmed it. ANA reported that if they agree to negotiate, their president is already waiting in Jianchuan."

"I know, Mr. Ma." Pu Xiyuan already knew that there would be no more gains this time, so he no longer wanted to stay, got up slowly, and planned to leave: "If that's the case, then I won't bother you anymore."

Lu Jinghua's reaction fell into Xin Weiwei's eyes, and she couldn't help but feel surprised: "Jinghua, even if Chunxia Airlines gets the priority of Jianchuan Airport, it is not one of the three major hubs after all, not even Rongfu Airport. Jianchuan The development speed and potential of the airport can only provide Spring Airlines as a strong regional airline. So, you have to be so cautious?"

Xu Cang has just returned from Korea and is going to Japan again, so it is normal for Qin Xin to worry that Xu Cang is too tired.

"All right, I'll listen to you." Since Xu Cang said so, Qin Xin naturally had no objections.

The punishment still needs to be punished. What Xu Cang meant was not to escalate the problem. After all, there are indeed some objective factors.

Indeed, Muhua Airlines holds such an important bargaining chip for European and American routes, and it is even more important when Korean Air and Asiana Airlines are fighting to the death.

Guan Yueling also put down his chopsticks, smiled, and looked at Xu Cang with interest: "Mr. Xu is younger than he looks in the photo."

Lu Jinghua nodded: "Well, we looked at the operation of the crew, the speed of leaving the runway is normal, and the handling is timely, but the road surface is slippery and the brakes are not stopped. It must be dealt with, but , to what extent I know."

Qin Xin raised her eyebrows, like a sharp sword, she was so clever, she immediately understood the meaning of Xu Cang's words.

These words directly made Ma Cheng laugh: "President Park, I don't know how to answer what you said. Friendship, tsk tsk, there is this between Hana and Muhua, this is the first time for me I heard."

Xin Weiwei was startled, then frowned: "What are you talking about?"

"Miss, can you see me?"

"Oh?" This unexpected information made Guan Yueling a little surprised, but it didn't affect anything. She nodded: "The maximum number of people is 20, and it is limited to the crew members. It's not easy."

Xu Cang has no sense of burden for purchasing land in Jeju Island.The night before dawn was the hardest, and it was obvious that the owner of the land couldn't bear it anymore.

"Naturally it's excellent." Xu Cang himself has a lot of things to do, and he must do it as soon as he can, and he doesn't want to waste too much time on ANA's side.

Regardless of the outcome of the bureau's handling, the first thing to do is to figure out what went wrong, so as to avoid the possibility of recurrence in the future.

With Ma Cheng's means, it is not difficult to maximize the benefits of this bargaining chip.But Ma Cheng didn't do that, and he was pretty good against the relatively weak Asiana Airlines in the battle.

This is not to stop Xu Cang, but to let Xu Cang think it over before he can say it. On this kind of occasion, he can't make a sudden decision.

"Then I want to know what we can gain from it." Xu Cang was straightforward as always.

Even Xu Cang was the first time to encounter such a thing, let alone other pilots.

"Even if you go back now, it won't change anything. If President Guanyue doesn't mind, wait for me for two days. I'll get my visa and go back to Japan with you and take care of things." Xu Cang said with a smile: "Also, get my business done first, maybe I can help you in opening the route between Shanghai and Yangcheng."

In this way, not only Guan Yueling, but even Qin Xin was quite surprised. It was absolutely unexpected that Xu Cang wanted this.

However, Ma Cheng stopped Pu Xiyuan: "President Park, if you don't mind, I have something for you."

"Okay, okay, let's go, let's go drink!" The staff was unrestrained, and took the work slip directly, and patted Zhang Desheng on the shoulder.

The two looked at each other, Xin Weiwei saw a lot of things in Lu Jinghua's eyes, she took a deep breath: "It seems that when I first met him, I still underestimated him."

"It's really pleasant to work with Mr. Xu." Guan Yueling didn't expect the conversation to be so smooth: "I see that Mr. Xu seems to like shrimp and shellfish. Shall I ask someone to change the menu?"

She knows that Spring and Summer Airlines is a low-cost airline, and basically takes the low-cost route in China.In this environment, the demand for in-flight services is not high due to the low cost. There is really no need to learn from ANA, and it is naturally not for domestic routes.

The Japanese food is basically those things, Qin Xin has nothing against it, but Xu Cang doesn't like fish sashimi, so he only ate some shellfish and shrimp sashimi.

"Also, put a fingerprint on it." Qin Xin actually held a piece of ink pad in front of Xu Cang, and made Xu Cang look stupid.

With that said, Ma Cheng walked to his desk, picked up a pen and wrote down a series of numbers on the sticky note.

Before he was reborn, he married Qin Xin. If Qin Xin got angry in life, she would not make a scene, but would just sit there and not speak, nor would she take any angry actions.

After finishing speaking, Park Xiyuan turned around and wanted to leave.

At around the same time, at the security crossing at Tokyo's extremely busy Haneda Airport, a thin man in a black jacket put a gray duffel bag into an X-ray machine.

"Hello, my name is Guan Yueling, the president of ANA." Her Chinese has no accent, and it is soft and soft, which sounds very pleasant.

Pu Xiyuan was taken aback for a moment, and didn't say anything, as he acquiesced to Ma Cheng's words.

Xu Cang was also in a good mood: "OK!"

"Well, just keep an eye on it. The Southwest Bureau should come over and ask, right?"

"But you can indeed influence him, with the relationship between you two." Xin Weiwei suppressed her smile and said seriously.

Xu Cang put down his chopsticks: "No need, I didn't come here specially for dinner, it's just a matter of meaning, let's talk about business."

"Then I'll ask the store to change the menu. Because time is tight, the menu is my own idea. I'm very sorry."

"Yo Hou, let you be the messenger? What can't be said, why do I ask you to say it?" Lu Jinghua joked.

Xu Cang was like a conditioned reflex, Huo De stood up at once: "Here!"

"It's okay! I still have a lot of things to do in the future. I don't want to delay the matter of ANA. It's better to settle it earlier." Xu Cang thought in his heart: "As I said just now, we will definitely open international flights in the future. It started from Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea. On international routes, ANA is a good teacher. This time they are asking us again, so we must seize this opportunity.”

"I'm from the south, but...forget it." Xu Cang originally wanted to say that he had also encountered heavy snow at Qitai, but after thinking about it, he decided not to say it: "Make sure of the situation, if the snow is really frozen and Don’t embarrass the crew too much, who would have thought of this?”

Just like South Korea's Korean Air and Asiana Airlines, Japan's Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways are also fighting each other, and the fight is inextricable.

The relationship between the two is unusual, as soon as they get closer, the sour smell of love will blow over their faces.

"Equity transfer agreement! I asked you to sign it before, but if you don't sign it, I still need some tricks for you." Qin Xin smiled contentedly: "Now 50.00% of the shares of Spring and Summer Airlines are yours, and you are the major shareholder gone."

Anyway, it was Guan Yueling who paid for it in the end, and it was not free.

"Oh, that..." The staff member tapped himself on the waist, glanced at the sundries over there, flipped through a few, and checked the rest of the items after confirming that they were correct.

Xu Cang put the photo aside: "It's an eye-opener today. I really didn't know there was such a thing. It should only take five or six minutes for the plane to land from landing gear. How can this accumulate so much snow? "

"I heard that Spring and Summer Airlines has obtained priority at Jianchuan Airport?" Xin Weiwei cut straight to the point after not walking a few steps.With the relationship between her and Lu Jinghua, there is really no need to hide it.

Xin Weiwei couldn't help frowning: "Are you afraid of him?"

As soon as the three of them sat down, Guan Yueling snapped his fingers, and the waiter began to serve the dishes.

"So formal?" Xu Cang asked casually, "Isn't it a contract of prostitution?"

Zhang Desheng glanced at the remaining pile of aviation materials, secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately put on a smiling face: "Let's go, I'll treat you."

Then, Qin Xin shouted: "It's done!"

"This..." Park Xiyuan didn't expect Ma Cheng to refuse so simply.Although he was somewhat prepared to come here this time, he didn't expect that he didn't even meet the minimum requirements.

"Why did you tell me that time in Jakarta? You still want to hide it from me, huh?" Qin Xin's tone was not serious, but the nasal voice at the end fell into Xu Cang's ears. .

Xu Cang was very helpless: "It's just a trivial matter to me, isn't the skin broken?"

"Are you from the south? Have you ever seen such heavy snow?"

"Oh? You mean to tell Muhua not to make it public?"

According to the plan, after getting the visa in the morning, I got on the plane in the afternoon and went straight to Osaka, Japan.

Guan Yueling nodded slightly: "It's a deal. Mr. Xu, go back and make preparations. We will take care of the visa."

Xu Cang was taken aback: "What the hell?"

Mr. Ma said with a little regret: "President Park, I need to be responsible to our passengers. We must let them know the change of our partner accurately. This is an airline's obligation. Or in Korea, such a big Everything can be concealed, and the passenger's right to know is not guaranteed?"

It seems that Guan Yueling has also done his homework, knowing that it is Xu Cang, not Qin Xin, who is really in charge of Chunxia Airlines.

"Slightly understand!" Xu Cang smiled and said, "I don't care about the matter between you and Japan Airlines, but I don't want to delay my affairs. If possible, I want to sign the training agreement as soon as possible."

Park Xiyuan nodded quickly: "That's right, Mr. Ma, please consider our Asiana situation."

"Hey, tell the dispatch room and ask them to arrange a shift for me in Binjiang. I want to see for myself whether the snow on the side of Binjiang is really that heavy." Xu Cang ordered: "There is still this matter to be investigated. Now, the announcement of the possibility of front wheel turns freezing in the next snow and ice weather."

Xu Cang scratched his head: "Why do I feel like I'm being used as a shield?"

Seeing Xu Cang and the others come in, the woman stood up. She was almost as tall as Xu Cang, with neat and refreshing long hair and exaggerated long legs, which really had a visual impact.

It is a bit outrageous for Xu Cang to describe the stock rights that others dream of as a contract of sale.

Xu Cang endured it for 5 minutes, his scalp was numb.

The man nodded naturally, then opened the bag himself, and took out a palm-length knife from it: "This is it."

"As soon as possible, how fast do you want?"

International routes are originally a high-end mode of transportation. Even if the airline itself is a low-cost airline, it cannot be too cheap on international routes, and the service level must be raised.

Qin Xin kept silent at the side, after hearing what Xu Cang said, she called softly: "Xu Cang."

After Guan Yueling left, Qin Xin approached Xu Cang: "Aren't you tired in such a hurry?"

After his own inspection, his luggage was stopped by the staff of the X-ray machine.

Lu Jinghua didn't speak anymore, it's worth pondering.

If it really involves important things, this so-called real estate agency is not the target of their trust.However, the two set a time, half a month later, Xu Cang will come to formally sign the contract.At that time, both sides will bring trusted translators, and also need to bring some necessary relevant legal personnel to review the agreement.

Such reckless behavior made Guan Yueling a little dissatisfied, this man is her subordinate, such behavior is very disrespectful.

"You still need to tell me? The first draft of the announcement has been drawn up, and I will review it later and send it out."

After finishing speaking, Guan Yueling wanted to leave directly.

Asiana Airlines has managed to survive until now, is it possible that it has come to an end?

This was discovered by Guan Yueling, and he asked intimately: "Mr. Xu is not used to Japanese food?"

"Is there a knife in it?" the staff member asked.

"It's really inconvenient to involve that."

However, this reaction made Xu Cang feel uncomfortable the most.

Lu Jinghua curled his lips: "That's why I asked you to convince me and get Xu Cang to agree to the Cebu route through me, isn't that what you mean?"

What I saw in the photo was the nose landing gear of the aircraft.However, the entire front landing gear pillar has been completely covered by ice and snow, only one wheel is exposed.

"Forget it, then I won't ask. But, I have to restrain you, otherwise I will keep everything from me in the future, so it's okay?" Qin Xin didn't know where to find a piece of paper Document: "This is a letter of guarantee. You signed it for me. You promise that you will not hide anything in the future."

However, the more he played outside the box, the more it showed Luo Yong's guilty conscience, which actually made Lu Jinghua feel curious.

Park Xiyuan took the note and asked with some uncertainty, "Phone number?"

Saying that, Ma Cheng leaned back and put his hands on the armrest: "Muhua will re-sign the agreement with Korean Air, which is confirmed. President Park, I deeply regret the current situation of Asiana Airlines .However, we who do business should have expected this result."

Seeing that Xin Weiwei still couldn't understand the situation, Lu Jinghua said anxiously, "Blue Sky Airlines is going to disappear, what are you still attached to?"

In order to learn from the best, at least in Asia, ANA’s in-flight service is one of the best. If you want to learn from it, it’s best to go to ANA, and it’s delivered to your door, so convenient.

Qin Xin glared at Xu Cang: "No sign?"

The staff took out the knife and pulled it out of the scabbard. There was no blood groove on the blade, and it seemed to be just an ordinary fruit knife.

"You can't carry this with you. You can check it in later. This thing can be checked in." The staff put the knife back into the scabbard, greeted the colleague, and signaled the man to follow the colleague to check it.

During this time, Japan can accept some dangerous goods as consignments, such as certain knives, which are different from domestic regulations.

It is for this reason that the staff did not react very much when they saw the knife in the man's bag.As long as the passenger is willing to accept it as checked baggage rather than carry-on, it should be fine.

The man took the knife, put it back in the luggage bag, and showed an extremely bright smile: "Okay! I'll check it in."

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