Chapter 254 Hijacking!Hijack! (Please subscribe!)
When Xu Cang was going to Japan, an uninvited guest came to the Erhai base of Chunxia Airlines. It was Ji Kaiming, the King of Northwest Fruits that Xu Cang had expected to meet.

At this time, the new base has already been opened, Qin Xin did not receive reception at the old base, but introduced Ji Kaiming into the VIP reception room of the new base.

Ji Kaiming is not tall, with a beer belly and a round face, often with a cheerful smile, like a Maitreya Buddha.

As soon as the two sat down, Qin Xin was about to pour tea for Ji Kaiming, but was stopped by Ji Kaiming: "President Qin, don't bother, I'll leave after I have something to say, let's get down to business."

Qin Xin stopped his movements, which also fulfilled Ji Kaiming's intention: "Before, Xu Cang intended to cooperate with Boss Ji, and Xu Cang mentioned this matter to me."

"My son, who is not a talent, told me about this. However, I have been busy with other things during this period, but it was delayed. I hope Mr. Qin doesn't mind." Ji Kaiming squinted his eyes, looking Very kind.

However, Qin Xin is not just what others say.Obviously, Ji Kaiming has never had time to meet, Qin Xin is more inclined that Ji Kaiming is secretly investigating Xu Cang and Chunxia Airlines.

Of course, the investigation is the investigation, and the cooperation between the two parties will also be a big deal. It is normal to do the investigation beforehand.

"How normal Boss Ji's affairs are, anyway, it's not particularly important. It doesn't matter if we wait. It's just that some time has passed now. I don't know what Boss Ji thinks?"

Ji Kaiming smiled slightly: "Mr. Xu Cang thinks that the demand for mid-to-high-end fruits in the eastern seaboard will increase in the future, which coincides with my thoughts. It's just that I don't know how much profit the method of transporting fruits by air will make. , I am afraid that we should try it on a small scale first, lest there is no turning back after the large-scale rollout."

At the beginning, Takashi Kuroda thought that the airport would praise him for this, and often bragged to his friends about it. Unexpectedly, Haneda Airport didn't care at all.

When Xu Cang and the two came to the ANA headquarters, because it was getting late, most of the lights in the building had been turned off, except for the area of ​​the flight preparation room and flight attendant preparation room on the first floor, which was still somewhat popular, and only a few sporadic places were still lit .

However, it is true that Qin Xin had a psychological advantage in the conversation.It is precisely because of this that she is sure to use the method of extreme pressure all the time.

However, he heard that the Japanese were desperate to work, and if he was asked to talk about things in the middle of the night, it would really be unbearable.

"It's okay! Xu Cang said that if Boss Ji is willing, Xu Cang can open the sales channel for Boss Ji in the early stage, and then start to expand when he has a firm foothold. But in this way, we are responsible for transportation and sales. , then it’s not just the shipping fee, we need to take a percentage of the total profit.”

"Don't pay for the air freight, but just want a cut of the profit?" Ji Kaiming's eyelids twitched, which shows that Xu Cang is more optimistic about fruit sales than the fixed air freight cost.

That's right, just before, when he departed from Tokyo Haneda Airport, he came to this trail, and it was the same gate.Only this time he came out of it, not in.

Of course Guan Yueling could understand the sign, but she only glanced at it, and then left directly: "Maybe it's the airport staff, let's go."

Xu Cang went to the luggage hall to collect his luggage, followed by Guan Yueling, making phone calls while walking.

"Boss Ji, what Xu Cang means is that he doesn't want to start a small business. If the two sides cooperate, his idea is exclusive." Qin Xin said.

Guan Yueling smiled and said, "That's not the case. I'll go to the hotel first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow."

Takashi Kuroda wandered around the waiting hall for a while, and he couldn't help frowning when he saw the situation outside through the glass curtain wall.

At that time, he also specifically reported this situation to the airport, and there has been no news since then.Not long ago, Takashi Kuroda asked the airport about this matter, and the reply he got was "still studying", and then there was no news again.

Qin Xin said with a smile: "Boss Ji really doesn't see the rabbits and doesn't stalk the eagles. He has to arrange things for you before he agrees to nod?"

"This is probably the fastest business negotiation I've ever had in my life. It took less than 5 minutes, really." Ji Kaiming scratched his head, looking rather speechless.

In five years, we can basically see the mid-to-high-end fruit market clearly.If there is no improvement, he will stop thinking about expanding his business.

"Kuroda, didn't you say that you discovered the security loophole at Haneda Airport? You even reported it to the airport. Why did you get a follow-up? Did you receive a compliment? Why haven't I heard anything about it?" the man said with a smile. , followed Takashi Kuroda, and seemed to leave without thinking about it for a while.

He knew that Takashi Kuroda was obsessed with flight simulation games, to the point where he could almost distinguish between real and fake, and he really felt that he could control the real plane at will.

However, Guan Yueling suddenly stopped before the year 1969, lowered his head and said slowly: "However, until now we are still overwhelmed by JAL, starting from this year."

Qin Xin nodded: "Sign the contract once every five years, but the first time can be shorter, three years. Either don't sign it, or give us all the business."

"What a dream, I can fly a plane, why can't I be a pilot?" Takashi Kuroda asked back.

The moment Xu Cang's figure disappeared, the man in the black jacket squeezed in, and it was the previous Takashi Kuroda.

"It's a low-end fruit business. As we said, we only sell mid-to-high-end fruits, and the profit margin is definitely not low. Twenty percent is absolutely unacceptable. Let's do it, forty percent! We don't charge for air freight, only fourty percent The profit is taken as a percentage, but if the contract is signed, the first contract must be signed for five years." Qin Xin concluded.

The friend saw that Takashi Kuroda was in a low mood, so he stopped teasing him, and comforted him by following him: "Forget it, it's not a big deal if you can't fly a plane. When you were in college, you were carefree. If you like planes, it's fine." Now, it’s time to consider the actual needs of life, stop dreaming.”

However, Xu Cang has no similar thoughts at all, not to mention that Xu Cang has experienced the era when lies were exposed, and the so-called craftsman spirit is just a beautified illusion.

Yes, but not many!
Of course, in the spirit of learning, Xu Cang feels that it is still necessary to take a look at the face of this top airline in Asia, which may provide a little reference for the future of Spring and Summer Airlines.

In the years before these air crashes, Guan Yueling obviously walked faster.This is also normal, no airline will take the air crash as its pride.

As soon as the friend's words fell, Takashi Kuroda stopped suddenly, as if he suddenly thought of something, his mouth slowly opened, and his expression looked crazy and obsessed.

Ji Kaiming was terrified when he heard that, and he could tell that Qin Xin was not talking nonsense.She really felt that her fruit business was fungible.

"Boss Qin, the fruit business is about making small profits but quick turnover. I really can't do anything with you making so much profit all at once."

Seeing Qin Xin's behavior, Ji Kaiming's head grew dizzy.Why does this little girl exert extreme pressure at every turn, without the slightest thought of pulling?

There is no way out for playing tricks with an old fritter like Ji Kaiming, so the showdown should start so that he has no room to move around.

That's right, the luggage hall on the first floor of Haneda Airport is connected to the waiting hall on the second floor, but the door that should have been locked was not closed at all, and the sign prohibiting passing was even more useless.

Guan Yueling smiled and did not speak, she knew that Xu Cang was not talking about her, so there was no need to continue this sentence.

Of course, this is also related to the relatively long history of ANA, after all, this airline has a history of almost 50 years.

Since then, Takashi Kuroda did not do any strange things anymore, but flew from Tokyo to Osaka by plane with peace of mind.

"No! I don't think Boss Ji is the kind of person who likes to go around. He just spread out the conditions and said that it is good to accept it. If you can't accept it, you can be friends, so as not to waste Boss Ji. time."

Takashi Kuroda stood blankly in front of the glass curtain wall for a long time, and finally let out a sigh: "Sure enough, today is not a good day for flying."

Takashi Kuroda had worked as a temporary worker at Haneda Airport before, and accidentally discovered that the luggage hall on the first floor was connected to the departure hall on the second floor, and the door was not locked.

Going out along the trail, Takashi Kuroda suddenly saw the end, and what caught his eyes was the second-floor departure hall of Haneda Airport.

Soon, Xu Cang found his luggage, and Guan Yueling said beside him, "Let's go, the car that picked us up has arrived."

Of course, Ji Kaiming can also go to other airlines, but the price of other airlines must be higher than Spring Airlines, about which Qin Xin still has some confidence.

If you make money, make it bigger.If you don't make money, then reduce the scale and mix up the contract period, and you won't lose much.

Suddenly, Takashi Kuroda was patted on the shoulder, and when he turned his head, he saw this smiling man standing beside him.

It turned out that this person was still a college classmate of Takashi Kuroda.

The two entered the building, and first went to the flight preparation room to take a look.At this moment, there are only two groups of pilots preparing in the flight preparation room. The dispatch and other ground personnel are yawning, some are in a daze, and some are flipping through books they don't know what the content is about.

Just like that, Takashi Kuroda directly bypassed the security check and brought the knife into the waiting hall, and then he would have no obstacles.

It's almost ten o'clock, and it's indeed time to wait for get off work.

"We, ANA, started out as a helicopter cargo carrier, and now we have achieved such a large scale."

"It's really interesting to talk about business with Mr. Qin." Ji Kaiming is an old youtiao, but the old youtiao is most afraid of this kind of foolishness, and the showdown just started, and there is no room for him to move: "If you want to airlift fruit To the east of the coast, this market."

Xu Cang raised his eyebrows. He really knew this period of history. In 1969, the Japanese Ministry of Transportation approved JAL to monopolize international scheduled flights. This policy lasted until 1986.

So, the secretary led Ji Kaiming to the restaurant first.

Ji Kaiming really couldn't stand it next time, he felt that he was following Qin Xin's thoughts.From signing a long-term contract, to exclusive cooperation, to taking a profit, it seemed that Qin Xin had anticipated her own reaction from the very beginning, and was waiting for herself to dig into it.

After wandering around in place for a while, after confirming that there was no monitoring equipment or security personnel, Takashi Kuroda walked into the alley.He ignored the no-passing sign, but grabbed the doorknob and pushed it forward, but there was no movement.

This prohibition of passage is not only in Japanese, but also in English and Chinese.

Putting down the luggage bag, and tearing off the shipping label on the luggage bag, Takashi Kuroda showed a perverted smile on his face.

In this era, there are still many arguments in China that boast about the spirit of Japanese craftsmanship, and the strange saying that the toilet water in any Japanese hotel can be directly drunk is popular in the world.

Kuroda Takashi didn't speak, just walked forward quietly.

At the end of this trail is an iron gate, which seems to be closed, and there is a sign in front of the iron gate that says no passage here.

After waiting for a while, Takashi Kuroda went through the security check again, and then boarded the plane back to Haneda Airport in Tokyo.

After more than an hour, the plane landed at Tokyo Haneda Airport.In the arrival hall on the first floor, the figures of Xu Cang and Guan Yueling appeared.They also happened to transit through Osaka Airport and just landed at Tokyo Haneda Airport.

"It's natural."

Takashi Kuroda was stunned for a moment, and then changed the direction, from pushing to pulling, this time the seemingly closed door was opened with a gap, and this gap was enough for people to walk through.

Qin Xin said with a smile: "Xu Cang means [-]-[-]."

ANA's flight preparation room seems to be nothing special except that it is a little bigger.However, in 2000, when personal computers were not very popular, there was already a row of computers in the corner of ANA's flight preparation room, which seemed to be used exclusively by the crew.

Accompanied by Guan Yueling, Xu Cang first went to the hotel to stay. After washing up a bit, at Xu Cang's request, the two went to the headquarters of ANA again.

"No, no, Boss Ji misunderstood." Qin Xin said with a smile: "This is the bottom line set by Xu Cang. You also know that he is not in business. It's that simple."

The door was only partially open, so it was quite difficult for the man to enter.This situation is actually not worthy of any attention. It may be that the door is broken.

However, just as the two passed the last photo, Xu Cang's footsteps stopped suddenly.This time, Guan Yueling beside him felt a little surprised: "What's wrong?"

I saw that it was foggy outside, and I didn't know if it was foggy or raining.

Qin Xin stayed where she was, took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.Soon, the phone was connected, and Qin Xin immediately said, "Help me contact the Northwest Bureau."

The corner of Ji Kaiming's mouth twitched: "Miss Qin, this is what Xu Cang meant, what about others?"

"Exclusive?" The smile on Ji Kaiming's face disappeared suddenly, and he looked extremely stunned: "Does that mean I can only cooperate with you in the future?"

"This trend is not limited to transportation, and it is not limited to fruit sales. Without fruit, we have other things, but it takes some effort. The wind has risen, and it depends on whether Boss Ji has the courage."

However, he did not go in, but closed the door again, and then slowly retreated.

When he came to Japan this time, Xu Cang planned to play a little bit. After all, he didn’t have much fun when he went to England last time. Life can’t be all about work.

Before doing it differently, Qin Xin might have a little talk with Ji Kaiming.However, in this matter, Spring Airlines does not ask Ji Kaiming, on the contrary, Ji Kaiming needs the help of Spring Airlines if he wants to expand his business.

"Say it this way, Boss Ji. At present, most of the domestic cargo transportation is still in the cheap way of land and water transportation. However, it is obvious that the domestic economy is taking off. Compared with cheap, everyone has gradually begun to be willing to go to a higher level. Pay. In the past, a banana with spots on the skin and a banana without spots on the skin had the same inner flesh. Few people were willing to pay more for the banana without spots, because they thought it was not worth it. But It’s different now, beyond the basic needs of life, more and more people are willing to pay for a banana without spots, even if it’s just because it looks better.”

"It is said that the Japanese are so industrious and capable, and the scene looks similar to ours." Xu Cang casually said as he passed by the gate of the headquarters building.

However, if this is the case, Ji Kaiming basically doesn't have to take any risks, the difference is that he earns more and earns less.

Qin Xin also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.Don't look at her saying that the fruit business is very replaceable. In fact, according to Xu Cang's meaning, this business can still make a lot of money if it is done well. It is definitely not a dispensable taste.

Ji Kaiming fell into deep thought for a moment.The conditions Qin Xin said were indeed relatively harsh, but not to an excessive degree.Spring and Summer Airlines is also responsible for transportation and opening up the early market, so it is reasonable to want a cut of the profit.

Hearing this, Xu Cang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, pulled the suitcase and followed Guan Yueling out.However, when passing by a small path, Xu Cang stopped suddenly, and he quickly called to Guan Yueling: "Do you think it is possible to enter over there?"

It is a very common practice to conduct a small-scale trial first, and then promote it after the effect is good, and Qin Xin will naturally not refuse.However, she cared about another thing.

After finishing speaking, Qin Xin said to Ji Kaiming: "Boss Ji, it's time for dinner too, how about having a light meal here? Everything is ready."

At Tokyo Haneda Airport, the man in the black jacket successfully entered the waiting hall on the second floor after checking in the knife.In his hand was a ticket to Osaka Airport, with his name Takashi Kuroda on it.

At the very beginning of this conversation, Qin Xin had the psychological advantage, and she spoke with confidence.

After flying to Osaka, Takashi Kuroda went to pick up his luggage, and then he didn't leave Osaka Airport at all, but went directly to the ticket hall, bought a ticket back to Tokyo Haneda Airport, and put the knife in it Baggage check.

This is nearly 20 years of monopoly on international routes. It was during this period that the gap between JAL and ANA reached its peak.Since then, even if ANA is allowed to join the competition of international scheduled flights, it is hard to return. In the international market, JAL still occupies the initiative.

Therefore, in this conversation, Ji Kaiming should be the one who needs others.As long as she understands this point, Qin Xin will naturally be too lazy to make excuses.

"It will definitely be so." Qin Xin greeted the secretary: "Lead Boss Ji to the restaurant, I'll be there in a while."

Just like before, Takashi Kuroda took a little effort to pass through the crack of the door, and then there was a burst of noise and light.After he passed, the same sign as when he entered just now was placed under his feet, with the words "No Passing" written in different languages.

Takashi Kuroda did not go in the direction of the boarding gate marked on the ticket, but turned into a small road after leaving the security checkpoint.

Takashi Kuroda carried the luggage bag, climbed up the dark stairs, and soon arrived at a door.This time, as if he was quite familiar with it, he pushed it directly, and the door opened again for only one person to enter and exit.

Looking at the security checkpoint in the distance, his heart was pounding.

The two walked slowly, and as the photos passed by and the year numbers went backwards, what Xu Cang saw was the nearly 50-year development history of ANA.

Upon hearing this ratio, Ji Kaiming directly refused: "Impossible, [-]-[-]% is too exaggerated, at most [-]%."

He thought about it in his mind, and finally nodded: "It's a deal!"

Qin Xin said with a smile: "Boss Ji, in the future you will feel extremely grateful for these 5 minutes."

Originally, Xu Cang planned to look at some details, such as how the seats on the ground were distributed.As a result, wherever they went, the eyes of the pilot and ground personnel were fixed on them like searchlights, which made Xu Cang quite uncomfortable.In the end, after observing for a while, Xu Cang left hastily.

Going forward, Xu Cang even saw a few photos of the plane crash from above.Among them, there are 60 years, 66 years and 71 years.From the 60s to the 80s of the last century, it was called the wave of air crashes in the Japanese civil aviation industry. In the past ten years, not only ANA, but also Japan Airlines have experienced several air crashes.

"Shouldn't we sign the contract today, why should it be tomorrow?" Xu Cang looked outside, it was already pitch black.

Guan Yueling, who was walking in front, was stopped by Xu Cang, and took two steps back to look in the direction Xu Cang pointed.I saw a man in a black jacket pushing into the door with a luggage bag at the iron gate at the end of the path.

Ji Kaiming sighed: "It seems that Mr. Qin still has a heart for me for delaying time."

At this time, there are not many flights, and the ground dispatch will release it early, and then there will be nothing wrong under normal circumstances.After waiting for the last flight to take off, you can get off work.

After thinking for a while, Ji Kaiming said, "Then I wonder how much commission President Qin wants?"

Xu Cang frowned, shrugged his shoulders, he didn't need to care about people from other countries, so he followed Guan Yueling and left.

Ji Kaiming was in a good mood: "Then let President Qin arrange it."

Later, Takashi Kuroda worked in railway transportation for a period of time, but eventually resigned because Shi was not here, and recently worked as a temporary worker at Haneda Airport.

It's just that there is a sign in front of the door, which clearly says no passage.

Xu Cang is not at all interested in the grievances and resentments here.Under Guan Yueling's complaints, Xu Cang chose to remain silent.

The performance of the pilots was a little better, but they were also relatively nervous. One by one, they put down their work and paid attention to Guan Yueling, which made Xu Cang very uncomfortable.

"He's not in Erhai now, but that's exactly what he meant, and there won't be any changes." Qin Xin said calmly, "If we take over Boss Ji's fruit air transport business, then we must deploy in the northwest region. Presumably, Boss Ji I also know that the civil aviation market in Northwest China has weaker potential, and a large part of its profit comes from your air freight business, Boss Ji. But, to be honest, if we can’t take all of that business, it’s useless to us, so we might as well not Done."

Among them, the first photo is a group photo of a man standing in front of a helicopter. It is black and white and looks old.And above the photo hangs four numbers - 1952.

There has never been any change in the usual way, but today, the big leader suddenly came, scaring all the ground personnel to instinctively bow at ninety degrees.

This is the year ANA was founded.

ANA, Japan's second-largest airline and one of Asia's largest, doesn't seem to live up to its reputation with its headquarters building.

As soon as you come out of the flight preparation room, there is a short corridor connected to the exit, which is full of various photos, both black and white and colored.

"President Qin, please don't misunderstand me. My family business is only so small, but I can't afford to make a fuss." Ji Kaiming laughed dryly.

Qin Xin directly put all her brains on Xu Cang, which was indeed a good choice.

"Twenty percent?" Qin Xin was laughed at, but stood up directly: "Boss Ji, how about we pretend that this conversation never happened?"

The friend waved his hand: "Oh, you are all computer games, fake! Can the game be compared with the real one? It's different."

Takashi Kuroda was standing at the beginning of the path, and instead of going inside immediately, he pretended to look around unintentionally to see if there was any surveillance equipment in the path.

Compared with the magnificent headquarters buildings of the three major domestic airlines, ANA's headquarters building is not tall enough, not new enough, and even feels old-fashioned.

"You said I can't fly a plane?" Takashi Kuroda's eyes widened: "Hey hey, one day, I'm going to do somersaults in a plane over Tokyo. No, no, soon, you'll be able to see arrive."

About an hour later, Takashi Kuroda, who left the airport and returned home, walked on the path not far from home.The dim light reflected his slanted shadow, looking desolate and silent.

In any case, in terms of electronic equipment, Japan is indeed ahead.

"Boss Qin, isn't this profit cut a bit too much?"

Ji Kaiming raised his eyebrows: "It seems that Boss Qin is very sure, but I am not sure. But, I hope so!"

"Sure enough!" Kuroda Takashi showed a hint of excitement.

Ji Kaiming was really speechless: "Miss Qin, do you always talk like this when you talk about business?"

Ji Kaiming was also very happy, at least he got a relatively safe chance of trial and error.Although the contract was signed for five years, the scale was determined by Ji Kaiming.

But under such a bright sign, there is a man squeezing in majestically. Is this appropriate?

Although Takashi Kuroda studied business, he was so obsessed with airplanes that he applied to Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways three times after graduation, but all of them were rejected.

Xu Cang thought for a while, took two steps back, pointed to a group photo below the year 1999, and asked doubtfully, "Is it a big deal to join the Star Alliance in 1999?"

That's right, the one under the 1999 year is the photo of the signing ceremony for ANA to join the Star Alliance.

Guan Yueling was a little dazed by Xu Cang's question: "Any other important matter? What do you mean?"

Xu Cang carefully looked at Guan Yueling's expression, it seemed that he was not pretending, and then looked at the photos of the air crash in previous years, Xu Cang felt a little doubt in his heart.

If I remember correctly, there should have been a plane hijacking incident at ANA in 1999, and even the captain was killed, but where is it now?
(End of this chapter)

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