Return to 2000: Captain of the Great Powers

Chapter 322 The wind is blowing, let's start!

At an altitude of 6 meters above the Atlantic Ocean, a huge steel creation is traveling in the void under the huge thrust of four GE CF80-2C747B engines.At this moment, the outside world is already pitch black. Most of the lights in the cabin of this Boeing [-] have been turned off, and many of the passengers have also begun to rest, but there are still few lights flickering in the slightly empty first-class cabin.

For ocean-going flights across continents, the price of first class is prohibitively expensive.Therefore, many times, the first class cabin of this kind of flight will not be too full.The first-class cabin here unexpectedly has less than a third of the occupancy rate, perhaps this is also related to the time of the flight.

About three hours later, the plane will land in Berlin, Germany. At that time, it was more than two o'clock in the morning in the middle of the night in Germany. This time is not good.Who, rich enough to afford the exorbitant prices of first class, would accept such poor flight times if it wasn't an urgent matter?
However, due to the poor occupancy rate of the first-class cabin, the first-class cabin has always maintained a relatively quiet environment, which is undoubtedly the only thing to be thankful for the irritable Pratt & Whitney Power president Clark Lorenz.

From the moment he hurried to board the plane, his disturbed mind was haunting his brain.The PW531-4000 engine of British Airways Flight 112 had a serious problem in the power system from Europe, which tortured him like a sharp nail through the bone. If he couldn’t get a moment of silence on the plane, he felt like he was going crazy. .

Perhaps the good days of Pratt & Whitney Power are really over. The PW8000 project has made the entire Pratt & Whitney Power hesitate. They are consuming a lot of money every day to maintain this project. However, the PW787 engine that was originally planned to be supplied to Boeing 4000 is not in use. It's not uncommon for Clark to be feeling this way about such a major problem so soon after Boeing announced its initial choice of powertrain for the 787.

As one of the few passengers in the cabin who still had the reading lights on, Clark dared not take a rest. As soon as he closed his eyes, he could not help thinking of the public criticism of Pratt & Whitney after the British Airways 531 incident was made public.No matter what industry it is in, doing business requires word of mouth, but the PW4000-112 engine is afraid that Pratt & Whitney's reputation will be ruined.

Clark supported his head with one hand, and closed his eyes slightly, but he did not feel sleepy at all. He was still thinking about how to have an interview with Xu Cang after he landed in Berlin and then transferred to Munich.

To be honest, Clark still doesn't know how to deal with the British Airways 531 incident, but there is one thing he can be sure of, that is, Xu Cang can't speak.

As a witness to the incident and a solver of the special situation, Xu Cang has an unparalleled right to speak on this matter.His words and deeds will greatly affect the outside world's perception of Pratt & Whitney engines.Therefore, the key to solving the British Airways 531 incident may not be on Xu Cang, but the key to controlling the fermentation of the incident is on Xu Cang.

As long as Xu Cang doesn't say anything, and even says he can defend Pratt & Whitney's engine, in the field of public opinion, Pratt & Whitney and Boeing will be able to minimize the impact of British Airways 531.

But why didn't Xu Cang speak?
If the big wing breaks, that is to say, it is placed on Xu Cang, if it happens to other pilots, it is certain death.Clark was almost sure that even Xu Cang had a narrow escape.Under such circumstances, can Xu Cang tolerate the culprit who caused him to fall into such danger?

Clark has no personal relationship with Xu Cang, but relying on his feeling, he can almost know that Xu Cang is not a person to be fooled.How to keep Xu Cang neutral is almost the sole purpose of Clark's trip to Europe.

However, just as he boarded the plane, he got another message.Xu Cang decided to launch a rescue operation on the Alps at dawn in Germany.Of course Clark knew what happened in the Alps, but the news that the international rescue team tried their best but failed was very clear.

At this moment, the intensity of the snowstorm in the Alps has reached its peak. Xu Cang wants to fall into the Alps at this time?

If it were someone else, Clark might think he was crazy, betting his life completely for money.But in Xu Cang's body, everything is different. After all, he is a god-man who survived the broken wing.

If he dares to do this, he will surely succeed!

There are a large number of European civil aviation elites trapped in the Alps. If Xu Cang rescues them, they will definitely win the favor of these people.If Xu Cang said anything disgusting about the engine of Pratt & Whitney Power, even if it was out of superficial support for the savior, these people should have some reactions.

These people will still have a real impact on the European market, and the capacity of the European market is even larger than that of the US market. If it becomes turbulent, Pratt & Whitney Power will be quite uncomfortable.

Just as Clark was thinking wildly, a man's voice suddenly came from the seat next to him.

"Are you sure?" That person was none other than Clark's secretary: "Okay, I will convey it."

The secretary hung up the satellite phone. Ordinary mobile phones here have no signal, so satellite phones can only be used.Moreover, this kind of thing needs the permission of the airline.At least at the time, the idea that the phone would interfere with the aircraft's communications system was a rife.

However, as the president of Pratt & Whitney Power, there are still some privileges, such as bringing satellite phones on board and using them.

Under the slightly surprised gazes of other first-class passengers, the secretary turned sideways and approached Clark: "News came from the European branch that Xu Cang has confirmed the model for the rescue operation in the Alps."

"Huh?" Clark noticed the secretary's expression and was slightly surprised: "Isn't it Airbus 319?"

"No!" The secretary shook his head.

Clark was even more surprised: "Those European guys gave up such a good publicity opportunity?"

What chance could there be for a more spectacular appearance than in the Alpine snowstorm?

"Which model is it?" Clark was a little puzzled for a moment, and there was nothing more suitable than the A319 in this rescue flight.

The secretary's face was a little strange: "Perhaps it is good news for us."


The secretary pondered for a moment: "It's CS300. He chose CS300 as his car. The European branch confirmed that a CS300 originally belonging to Lufthansa has been transferred from Berlin to Munich, and a thorough pre-flight will be carried out at Munich Airport. examine."

"CS300?" Clark was taken aback: "CS300, then PW6000"

"That's right, if Xu Cang succeeds, it will also be good news for the PW6000 engine. Our PW6000 has just been put into commercial use, and it also lacks an excellent publicity news, and to a large extent, it can be offset Negative impact of PW4000."

The power system of CS300 aircraft is exactly PW6000.Therefore, the previous secretary said that it was good for Pratt & Whitney that Xu Cang chose CS300 to carry out this rescue operation.

"Yes, yes." Clark breathed a sigh of relief. Since he learned the news of the PW4000 engine just now, he has been immersed in uncontrollable anxiety, and now he finally got some gratifying news.

"I think we can ask the PR department to prepare in advance, for example." Before the secretary finished speaking, the satellite phone rang again. He looked down at the number, and instead of connecting immediately, he looked at Clark: "Secretary room."

Clark frowned. At this moment, he was a little frightened. His secretary's office called here, which made him feel a little uneasy.

He adjusted his mood: "Go ahead."

The secretary licked his dry lips, and clicked the connect button.Soon, a sweet female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Horstein, are you with Mr. Lorenz?"

The secretary's name is Carl Horstein, the chief secretary of the secretary's office, and the entire secretary's office is his subordinate.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Secretary Karl was also a little nervous, afraid that his subordinates would pass him bad news in the next second.

As a result, the female subordinate said: "Bombardier's chief legal counsel wants to talk to Mr. Lorenz. If possible, I can transfer his call for you."

"Bombardier's Chief Legal Counsel?" Secretary Carl really didn't expect that Bombardier's legal counsel wanted to find Clark, so he immediately covered the microphone and whispered to Clark: "Bombardier's Chief Legal Counsel wants to talk to you, do you want to transfer him?" come over?"

"Bombardier?" Clark thought for a moment, "give it to me."

As he spoke, Clark took the satellite phone handed over by his secretary Carl, and said into the microphone, "Transfer his call over."


Soon, with a few beeps, a man's thick and thick voice sounded: "Mr. Clark Lorenz?"

"it's me!"

"Hello, I am the Chief Legal Counsel of Bombardier Group." There was a hint of a smile in the man's voice: "I'm sorry to bother you, but there is something I need to remind you."

Clark didn't like the mocking voice of the other party very much, but he was still patient: "What?"

"Not long ago, our company signed an agreement with Mr. Xu Cang, and Mr. Xu Cang's subsequent Alpine rescue operations will use the CS300 aircraft provided by our company."

Clark's mood that had just been relieved suddenly became tense, and he smelled something bad: "So?"

"Since this is an agreement signed between our company and Mr. Xu, all the results of the rescue operation since then belong to our company, including text, video, etc." The voice of Bombardier's legal counsel finally became solemn: "That is to say, If Mr. Xu Cang succeeds, your company must not use it as a material for the promotion of the PW6000 engine. If your company violates it directly or indirectly, we will definitely pursue your company's legal responsibility."

Clark had originally felt that Bombardier's phone call was not well-meaning, but now he sounded furious: "The CS300 aircraft uses our PW6000 engine, why can't I promote it?"

"Naturally, we can't prohibit people from discussing spontaneously. However, if your company deliberately promotes public opinion, it will obtain illegal benefits from the agreement between our company and Mr. Xu. Of course, we can pursue your company's legal responsibility based on this."

This sentence is actually relatively easy to understand.

Of course, Bombardier cannot organize spontaneous discussions among the public, but many public opinions cannot form a large scale without proactively fueling the flames.But if Pratt & Whitney Power deliberately promotes public opinion, it will undoubtedly benefit from it.However, this matter itself was an agreement between Bombardier and Xu Cang. Both paid the price, but Pratt & Whitney did not pay anything, and it was completely white prostitution.

Of course, this kind of thing is generally not easy to pursue, after all, rubbing hot spots is also a relatively common behavior.But if Bombardier insists, Pratt & Whitney really dare not act too recklessly.

It is almost certain that Bombardier's legal department dared to call him, which proved that as long as Pratt & Whitney dared to cross the line, then Bombardier would have a way to deal with them.

Clark was so angry that he almost vomited blood on the spot: "You did it on purpose?"

This kind of thing is originally in a vague area, but Bombardier is obviously serious, and there is no personal grievance in it that is absolutely impossible.

"Intentional?" Bombardier's legal adviser smiled, and then his voice turned cold: "Isn't this obvious? Of course we did it on purpose. If there is no ban on the sale of PW6000, we would be willing to give you this favor to eliminate PW4000 Negative public opinion brought about by the engine. But now you still have a headache how to deal with British Airways flight 531."

"Damn it, you will only invite greater revenge." Clark said angrily.

"Is there a worse situation than now?" Bombardier's legal adviser said: "Unless you cancel the embargo on us, or reach a third-party agreement with Mr. Xu."

Clark's eyelids twitched wildly. He had a feeling that he was being led by the nose by Bombardier and Xu Cang.

"Cancelling the embargo?" Clark hesitated for a moment: "That's impossible. You should know why we embargoed you. Being erratic in front of Airbus is also very harmful to us."

For this kind of thing that everyone knows, Clark has nothing to hide.

In fact, it's okay to reject Airbus even at the beginning.But now riding a tiger is difficult, he can't accept it first and then backtrack. Isn't this playing Airbus like a monkey?
No one wants to offend Airbus, at least not Pratt & Whitney Power.

There was silence at the other end of the conversation for several seconds, and then another man's deep voice came: "Then you talk to Mr. Xu Cang's people directly."

After finishing speaking, Bombardier hung up the phone directly.

Not long after, the phone changed to a busy signal, and then there was another beeping sound.

About five or six seconds later, a very young voice rang on the other end of the phone: "Mr. Clark Lorenz?"

The owner of this voice does not seem to be a native English speaker. There is a little accent during the period, but it is extremely weak.

Reminiscent of what the people from Bombardier said before, Clark tentatively asked: "People from Xu Cang?"

"That's right, I am talking to you on behalf of Xu Cang. My name is Yi Feng." Yi Feng said with a smile, "I am Xu Cang's plenipotentiary representative, and the guarantee I make to you is on behalf of Xu Cang."

"Yi Feng?" Clark clenched his right fist: "What does Xu Cang want to tell me?"

"Mr. Lorenz may have made a mistake." Yi Feng acted extremely relaxed: "Mr. Lorenz should have something to say to Xu Cang."

The muscles on Clark's face twitched when he heard the words: "You joined forces with Bombardier, why? Fighting against us, what benefits can you get?"

"No, no, Mr. Lorenz misunderstood. We never wanted to fight against Pratt & Whitney. We even said that we wanted to give Pratt & Whitney a big gift."

"Oh?" Clark's face turned pale: "What?"

"An order for one hundred PW6000 engines." Yi Feng said: "Since the PW6000 was fully commercialized, this should be the first big order, right? Is this a big gift?"

"An order for one hundred PW6000 engines?" Clark's heart moved when he heard that. This is undoubtedly a big order, and it has a strong demonstration effect. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a big gift.However, Clark also had some doubts in his heart: "You should know how much the price of these 6000 PW[-]s will be. I don't want this to be just an unrealized intentional order."

It's not that Clark looks down on Xu Cang, but based on Clark's understanding of Xu Cang, it's impossible for Xu Cang to spend the money to buy one hundred PW6000 engines, unless Xu Cang gets a lot of financing from the outside world.

"We will pay the deposit according to the procedure." Yi Feng said with a smile: "However, as the first big order of PW6000, can Mr. Lorenz give us a good discount?"

"This is negotiable." Clark's tone softened slightly.

In any case, as a businessman, no one would turn down a big order, nor would anyone exert some bad emotion on his buyer.

However, what Yi Feng obviously wanted was not just a "negotiable" discount, but a clearer and bigger promise: "Mr. Lorenz, I mean the most favorable treatment."

"Most" Clark was obviously stunned. After a brief shock, he even smiled angrily: "Mr. Yi, only those who have cooperated with us for more than ten years can get the most favorable treatment. If I remember correctly, This is the first cooperation between you and us. Is it inappropriate to ask for the most favorable treatment for the first cooperation?"

In fact, Clark is already relatively restrained.If the other party was not Xu Cang's spokesperson, he would directly scold this person for being shameless. He dared to make such a rude request.

"Mr. Lorenz, maybe the conversation you had with Bombardier just now has not been deeply imprinted in your mind, but I can remind you. If you promise to give us the most favorable treatment, you will be exempted from being held accountable by Bombardier. You can publicize it as much as you want. The performance of the PW6000 in the Alps, at the same time, you don’t have to be afraid of Xu Cang’s heartfelt words on the British Airways Flight 531 incident, he will remain silent, as if he didn’t hear the sound of the low-pressure fan blades of the PW4000-112 engine scraping against the inner wall.”

Hearing the second half of Yi Feng's words, Clark couldn't stand it anymore. This means that Xu Cang not only knew that the source of the British Airways Flight 531 incident was the Pratt & Whitney engine, but he had even guessed the cause of the incident. It was a direct hit to Clark's deathbed.

"Damn it, you are nothing but empty-handed wolves." Clark's heart was bleeding: "I admit that your order is indeed a good start for PW6000. However, we are confident that PW6000 will not worry about sales. You guys The order of 6000 PW[-]s was obtained at the most favorable price, and we lost at least [-] million US dollars. I don’t need Xu Cang to keep silent if I invest this money in public relations. I don’t believe that [-] million US dollars in public relations fees can’t stop this One thing, besides, there is Boeing's help in this matter. What you have paid is not of the same order as what we have paid. "

Money can't solve many problems, but many times it's not that the applicability of money is limited, it's just that money is not enough.A public relations fee of [-] million U.S. dollars is basically enough to turn black into white in public opinion.Especially things in civil aviation are relatively small, and the difficulty is relatively low.

In fact, Clark couldn't bear to spend [-] million US dollars on public relations.He said that these are nothing more than that Yi Feng's request is too outrageous, which can no longer be described as a lion's mouth.

He admits that Xu Cang's attitude is very important now, but he can't do it like this, it's a bit too much.

Perhaps aware of this, Yi Feng suddenly said: "What if we add the PW8000 engine?"

"What?" Clark was obviously stunned for a moment. He immediately thought of the reply from Spring and Summer Airlines, and said excitedly: "Xu Cang agrees to participate in the flight test of PW8000?"

"That's right, but you must at least create a prototype that is suitable enough. Otherwise, without a minimum safety guarantee, Xu Cang would not be able to gamble his life on an uncertain future."

Due to Pratt & Whitney's doubts about the future of variable-speed engines, the PW8000 engine project has been held back, and even a prototype has not yet been built.Xu Cang can tolerate certain risks, but this risk cannot be infinite.With a prototype, at least it shows that this engine has undergone some safety tests, thus eliminating some extremely low failures.

At least, Xu Cang couldn't bear to fly like British Airways flight 531 during the test flight, the outer wall of the engine fell off, and then the failure of the engine spread to the wings.

Just because he can survive once in a perfect state doesn't mean he can survive the next time.As long as he is rational, it is impossible for Xu Cang to choose never once.

Therefore, Xu Cang can participate in the flight test of PW8000, but Pratt & Whitney Power must guarantee a minimum level of safety.

This is definitely not an excessive request, and Clark didn't even think about it: "Yes, we will let Xu Cang come over for flight tests after we have done enough ground tests."

"Then about the order for the PW6000 engine?" Yi Feng asked.

"If Xu Cang agrees to participate in the test flight of PW8000, this deal can be reached." Undoubtedly, this is not simply achievable, but a big profit.Whether it is Xu Cang's technology or the successful precedents of the Boeing 777 and Trent 1000 he participated in before, this transaction is undoubtedly worthwhile.

However, Yi Feng did not end the conversation because of this: "Mr. Lorenz, if this condition is added, we will become the one who pays more on the weight of the balance."

Clark's speech faltered, he was disturbed by Yi Feng's calculating style: "What other conditions do you have?"

At this point, Pratt & Whitney has paid enough, or so Clark thinks.However, Yi Feng didn't think so, and this deal couldn't be reached.He was afraid that Yi Feng would raise some unacceptable conditions, after all, in this transaction, Pratt & Whitney was the more urgent one.

"It's just a trivial condition." Yi Feng said with a smile: "As far as I know, your parent company, United Technologies Group, has a good relationship with AMR Group?"

"Huh?" Yi Feng's words made Clark a little confused: "To be precise, our aviation system department is closely cooperating with AMR's SABER (Expo) Group. What do you mean? Why do you ask this?"

"If I remember correctly, AMR still owns American Airlines, right?"

The more Clark listened, the more confused he became: "What exactly are you trying to say?"

"If I can, I hope that Pratt & Whitney can use the relationship between UTC and AMR Group to convince American Airlines of one thing."

"American Airlines?" Clark was taken aback, "What's the matter?"

Yi Feng smiled: "About the choice of US-Japan international route partners."

Soon, Yi Feng put down the phone in the conference room of Erhai headquarters of Spring and Summer Airlines.Beside him, Qin Xin and Lu Jinghua were standing beside him. When Yi Feng just hung up the phone, Qin Xin said anxiously, "What about Pu Hui?"

"It's ok." Yi Feng threw the phone on the table: "It went well."

Hearing these words, Qin Xin and Lu Jinghua couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, Lu Jinghua soon became a little puzzled: "Xu Cang asked those trapped people to hand over one-tenth of their net worth and gave them a three-year deadline. Isn't this condition too generous? , even if they were asked to give half of their net worth, they would probably be willing."

Lu Jinghua's idea was normal and very feasible.As a result, Xu Cang only asked them to hand over one-tenth of their net worth, and also gave them three years, which was simply extremely lenient.You know, Xu Cang took a huge risk to save them, such conditions are obviously unreasonable.

But this kind of argument is different for Yi Feng, he shook his head: "No, Xu Cang never wanted a one-time deal. One-tenth of his net worth is enough, so Xu Cang can get enough The return will not arouse the resentment of those people. When they are all rescued, we will be able to use this as a bond in the future to obtain more long-term benefits."

Many of those people in the Alps have a lot of energy in the civil aviation industry, and building a good relationship with them will help them compete for the European market in the future.Moreover, everything should not be too extreme, the asking price for half of the net worth is too exaggerated.In this way, even if they agreed, when they get out of trouble afterwards, maybe they will unite to take revenge on Xu Cang.

Therefore, Xu Cang's price should not be too harsh, but it can also bring him considerable benefits. One tenth is his standard after careful consideration.

"Longer-term benefits? Is it possible that we will enter Europe in the future?" Lu Jinghua curled his lips, obviously not very agree with the feasibility of this idea.

Of course, Lu Jinghua couldn't see so far, and Yi Feng didn't explain too much.

"Yi Feng, the deposit for the order of 6000 PW[-]s is also a large sum. AVIC doesn't want to participate, and our financial side can't give that much money," Qin Xin said.

"It's okay, when Xu Cang rescues those people trapped in the Alps, even if it is one tenth, the amount of reward is extremely huge, and it can be used to pay for a hundred PW6000 engines." Yi Feng said: "So It is impossible to settle a large order at one time, and it is reasonable to extend it to three years, which coincides with the payment time limit Xu Cang gave to those trapped. We do not need to continue to allocate additional funds."

Just like buying an airplane, it is impossible to pay the full price for such a high-value commodity worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars at once.Just like ordinary people buying a house, many of them will be paid in installments.However, it will not be delivered in ten years as proposed by Xu Cang and Li Rongcheng before, and the three-year installment period is still relatively common.

Therefore, the three-year grace period that Xu Cang gave was because he had thought about this in advance.This made Xu Cang look generous, and he would not delay the payment of PW6000.

One-tenth of the net worth may not seem like much, but in fact, many people's net worth is a fixed asset. If they are asked to take out one-tenth of the cash at once, they may not be able to take it out.However, if the time is extended to three years, it will be much easier to handle.

Lu Jinghua was right, Xu Cang's conditions were indeed extremely generous.

"What about the American flight?" Lu Jinghua snorted, "What has Xu Cang been called in Japan? I haven't seen ANA come out to speak for Xu Cang, just be a coward. That's it, Xu Cang." Cang also solve the problem of the US-Japan route for ANA?"

Yi Feng smiled and said: "ANA's US routes can give us a lot of profit sharing, which is to make money lying down. Moreover, Xu Cang has another plan, and must let ANA's focus on international routes. If On the U.S.-Japan route, ANA suffered another setback, and they may completely abandon international routes and choose to retreat. This is not a good thing, so we must give them hope so that they can build on the past.”

At this point, Lu Jinghua couldn't understand: "All Nippon Airways shifted its focus to international routes. What benefits does it have for us?"

"Well, this is a bit complicated." Yi Feng was not very good at explaining Xu Cang's plan to Lu Jinghua: "It involves many things, such as Guoda Airlines, All Nippon Airways, Japan Airlines, Jiasu Airlines and JCAB."

"Okay, okay!" Hearing this, Lu Jinghua felt dizzy: "I'll just guard Spring and Summer Airlines, and you don't need to explain to me, you can just think about these things."

Lu Jinghua still understood the boundaries of his own abilities better. Just a few words from Yi Feng, he knew that this was not something he could touch at all.

Compared with Lu Jinghua's business problems, Qin Xin was extremely worried about Xu Cang's choice to enter the Alps.She can know what the Alps are like just from the TV, but Xu Cang wants to fly a plane deep into it.

"Yi Feng, about Xu Cang's going to the Alps." Qin Xin asked softly, "Can we stop it?"

Yi Feng shook his head very directly: "I'm afraid it can't be done. Some things of Xu Cang need to be done. This involves not only Bombardier and Pratt & Whitney, but also Luo Luo."

"Luo Luo?" Qin Xin was a little confused: "Hasn't the agreement between Xu Cang and Luo Luo been fulfilled? The Trent 1000, right?"

"No, there is another new one." Yi Feng said, "It is related to the longer-term Asia-Pacific distribution rights of Trent engines and the cooperation of Rolls-Royce's engine repair factories in China."

Qin Xin recalled a little: "I haven't heard Xu Cang mention this before."

"This is a temporary addition." Yi Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry, this matter seems to be very troublesome, but according to Xu Cang, this is just a little effort, and it is a waste of money."

"Is that so?" To be honest, Qin Xin also felt a little helpless.

At this juncture, Lu Jinghua was already useless in many things, and Qin Xin was actually beyond his capabilities.Only Yi Feng can understand and execute Xu Cang's instructions with ease, which is also an important reason why Xu Cang "wants" Yi Feng from Guoda Airlines.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Lu Ling, the legal consultant of Spring and Summer Airlines, came in.Originally, he was supposed to be in Jeju Island, South Korea, but recently he has dealt with most of the things there and returned to China temporarily to help.

After entering, Lu Yao first nodded to Qin Xin, and then turned to Yi Feng: "Boss Yi, the news from Asiana that Korean Air has officially issued a purchase offer to Asiana."

"Oh?" Yi Feng said with a smile: "It was passed by Park Xiyuan?"

"Yes." Lu Yao nodded: "Not long ago, Daehan made a private offer to Asiana Airlines, and now it is made public, it should be that the high-level leaders of both parties have reached a preliminary agreement."

Yi Feng pursed his lips: "Then this time it's for real, and we've finally reached this point."

As he said that, Yi Feng looked at Lu Yao: "Is the matter on Jeju Island almost?"

"Well, the company registration process is very smooth, and there are some irrelevant things left. Mr. Yi, do you need me to go back and keep an eye on it?"

"No need." Yi Feng shook his head: "It's just in time for you to come back, and there is something I need you to do next."

Lu Ling hurriedly said, "Yi Feng, please tell me."

"You go to the file room of the Ministry of Justice. There are documents about the Minzhuang Air Crash over there. In the future, you will take over the case and initiate a class action lawsuit against Korean Air."

"Minzhuang Air Crash?" Lu Yao thought for a while, "But the key to this matter lies in the characterization of the incident by the Civil Aviation Administration of Korea. The Civil Aviation Administration of Korea has not been certain, and the lawsuit is easy to fall into a situation of wrangling."

"It's okay, the Korean Civil Aviation Administration will make a qualitative decision soon, and it will be the result you want." Yi Feng said with a smile: "You just prepare, there will be support from the legal department of Muhua Airlines, and the momentum will be noisy. The bigger the better. If there is a need for funds, you can directly write a budget list, and the financial side will allocate it to you as soon as possible after review."

Lu Yao is from the legal department of Muhua Airlines. Of course he knows how strong the legal department of Muhua Airlines is, but this kind of matter is not something that lawyers can control. Even if there is a big trouble, it will actually not help the judgment much.Without the final conclusion of the accident from the Civil Aviation Administration of Korea, Korean Air won't say it won the lawsuit, and there is no problem at all if it has been dragging on.

"Mr. Yi, the current situation is"

Lu Ling wanted to explain his thoughts, but Yi Feng raised his hand to stop him: "Xu Cang thought of everything you thought of, and he thought of everything you didn't think of. So, don't question, go to Just do it."

Lu Yao was taken aback, but finally said nothing, just nodded: "I see, I will do it."

After speaking, Lu Yao was ready to leave.

Just as he walked to the door, Yi Feng stopped him suddenly: "I almost forgot one thing."

Lu Yao stopped in her tracks: "Boss Yi, what's wrong?"

"Beside the archives of the Minzhuang air crash, there is another document. You can take it out and study it together."

"Huh?" Lu Yao frowned: "What document?"

Yi Feng smiled and said: "Very interesting document, about Air Seoul."

On the sloping lawn in front of the hotel in Munich, Germany, even though the sky was full of stars at this moment, Xu Cang did not feel sleepy at all. He just sat on the grass in such a bored way, looking up at the night that seemed to have never changed since ancient times.

Suddenly, Xu Cang showed a slight smile: "You came here from England in such a hurry just to watch the stars with me?"

"Why not watch the stars with a legendary figure who is destined to be recorded in the annals of civil aviation?" Behind Xu Cang, Jonathan, Luo Luo's chief engineer, stood with his hands behind his back and a trace of fatigue on his face.

Ever since Xu Cang decided to use the CS300 aircraft to enter the Alps, he flew directly from the Rolls-Royce headquarters in a business jet. It is normal to be tired after traveling and traveling.

"Then you are really elegant." Xu Cang leaned back and put his hands on the ground, looking extremely relaxed.

Seeing Xu Cang's expression, Jonathan couldn't help but be a little surprised. This is not at all the state that a person who survives a catastrophe and is about to face a life-and-death flight should have.

"Are you really not afraid at all?" Jonathan asked suddenly.

"Do you mean before, or after?"

"It's all there!" Jonathan took a deep breath: "Whether it's the broken wing of British Airways 531, or the possible trip to the Alps in the near future, shouldn't you be afraid?"

Xu Cang did not answer immediately, but bent his right leg and put his right arm on his knee: "You are not me, so I can't explain my current state to you. Tell me, you came all the way from England, you shouldn't Just to see the stars."

Jonathan looked at Xu Cang who didn't turn his head, feeling a bit complicated: "There is a Rollo-Royce engine workshop in Munich Airport, Germany."

"Well, I saw it." Xu Cang said, "So, what do you want to say?"

"Give us three hours, and we can adapt the Trent 1000 to the CS300." Jonathan said solemnly: "Back then, when Bombardier was looking for a power system for the CS300 aircraft, it also approached us. We have the CS300 power system The related data of the interface, according to our calculations, the Trent 1000 is very consistent with the CS300 in terms of adaptability, it can be”

"Does Bombardier know about this?" Xu Cang suddenly interrupted Jonathan: "The Trent 1000 is compatible with the CS300?"

Jonathan's face froze: "That. Of course, the adaptability of the Trent 1000 is certainly not as good as that of the PW6000. After all, the power system interface of the CS300 is specially made for the PW6000, but those slight flaws can be ignored. .”

"We're not going for fun, Mr. Jonathan." Xu Cang sighed: "I know that the choice of the power system of the 787 project has hit you hard, so you are eager to prove the excellence of the Trent 1000 so that Boeing can change its mind. However, Boeing dared to make an official announcement at the press conference, which shows that this decision is not so easy to change."

"What's impossible?" Jonathan suddenly excitedly said, "In British Airways Flight 531, the outer wall of the PW4000-112 engine fell off. This will undoubtedly greatly deduct points from Boeing. This is obviously an opportunity for us."

"Is this really an opportunity?" Xu Cang turned his head: "The intake problem of your Trent 700 was also quite serious back then, but did it affect the sales of the subsequent Trent 700? An engine failure is very serious, but Definitely not fatal."

Xu Cang's words directly made Jonathan speechless. The problem of the Trent 700 air intake mentioned by Xu Cang is indeed true.Back then, this problem directly caused the outer wall of a running engine to break down, which is not far behind the outer wall of the engine of British Airways Flight 531 that happened not long ago.

Therefore, Luo Luo is not necessarily qualified to make fun of Pratt & Whitney, everyone is in the same boat.

However, even with such a big problem, the Trent 700 engine only experienced a short-term sales slump before picking up again.This is the background of the aero-engine giant. Everyone is willing to believe that this kind of thing is just an accident, not a quality problem of the engine itself.

Is the British Airways Flight 531 incident serious to Pratt & Whitney?That is of course serious.

However, it is obviously delusional to cancel the status of PW4000-112 in the 787 project just because of this matter.

However, at least it gave Luo Luo a chance to sneak in.

On the one hand, the PW4000-112 engine is extremely stretchy, and on the other hand, the Trent 1000 has excellent performance. This comparison does not mean that Boeing can really change its mind, even if this possibility is relatively small.

Although Jonathan realized this, he was still a little at a loss when Xu Cang pointed it out directly.

"I will not let some unforeseen possibilities arise in a situation that must have been won for the sake of a small probability event." Xu Cang confirmed.

Jonathan actually didn't have much hope, but he was still a little disappointed after hearing what Xu Cang said.However, he understood Xu Cang's temperament, once he made a decision, he would not change it easily, and if he said more, it would arouse Xu Cang's resentment.

"I see." Jonathan was a little depressed: "I brought the lawyer of the British Airways president Alsiris. The vice president over there, Jerry Parik, is very ambitious. I am worried that he will deliberately embarrass Asiris. lawyer, so I brought it here.”

After Jonathan finished speaking, he scratched his head and planned to leave.

At this moment, Xu Cang stood up: "Jonathan, I cannot assure you that Boeing will choose the Trent 787 for the 1000. However, if it is to make Boeing give up the PW4000-112, I feel that I can do it. "

Jonathan's half-turned body immediately froze: "Are you sure?"

"Do you still remember the previous agreement?" Xu Cang suddenly smiled: "Extending the Asia-Pacific distribution rights of the Trent series engines for ten years and the cooperation project in the Rolls-Royce engine repair factory?"

Jonathan's eyes lit up: "But, you said it was impossible at the time."

"It's possible now." Xu Cang said, "Is the agreement still valid?"

"Effective, effective!" Jonathan was extremely excited: "As long as Pratt & Whitney can be pulled down, we are confident to replace PW4000-112."

Xu Cang stretched out his right hand: "So it's a deal?"

Jonathan was taken aback for a moment, but also stretched out his right hand.

The two shook hands, but Jonathan didn't understand one thing: "Xu Cang, I'm curious about what you can do to get Boeing to give up PW4000-112."

Xu Cang withdrew his right hand and looked at the endless and far-reaching night sky: "With Pratt & Whitney's status, Boeing will give it great respect and patience, so it is impossible for a British Airways 531 incident to destroy Boeing's trust in Pratt & Whitney. But If you can't do it once, then do it a second time!"

Xu Cang felt the blowing of the night wind, and the icy coldness that penetrated his heart made his surging heart a little quieter: "The wind is blowing, let's start!"

Sorry, I was busy shopping during the day, so it's a little late

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