Return to 2000: Captain of the Great Powers

Chapter 323 If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight!

Chapter 323 If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight!
At Munich Airport, Germany, it was late at night, it was already past three in the morning, and it was only three hours before dawn.Previously, the Boeing 531 of British Airways 777 had been towed away by a trailer. The airport inspected the runway several times to confirm that no parts of the front plane were scattered on the runway surface, which would affect the take-off and landing of subsequent aircraft.

However, due to the weather in the Alps, a large number of European routes were affected, and it was late at night, which did not have much impact on Munich Airport.

Not long ago, a Lufthansa CS300 aircraft transferred from Berlin, Germany landed at Munich Airport, Germany.The plane did not slide into a regular parking stand after landing, but went directly to Lufthansa's maintenance workshop at Munich Airport.

In the huge and empty maintenance workshop of Lufthansa, several high-power lights illuminate the workshop space.On both sides of the factory building, there are a lot of aviation parts and some tools used by the maintenance.

Munich Airport is the airport where Lufthansa has the third largest number of aircraft in Germany.Therefore, in order to reduce costs and facilitate aircraft scheduling, Lufthansa built a maintenance workshop at Munich Airport to facilitate the daily maintenance and inspection of aircraft.

At this moment, a group of maintenance personnel has gathered in the factory building, and they are setting the chocks for the incoming CS300 aircraft. It seems that a detailed inspection of the aircraft will be carried out later.

At the corner of the entrance of the factory building, Xu Cang looked at the slender and graceful CS300, and couldn't help admiring this artistic work of the essence of human industry.

Beside him, the representative of Bombardier is also quite proud: "This is a CS300XT aircraft. Compared with the basic type and ER type, the braking distance for landing is shorter. When it is fully loaded, the braking distance is .

"1661 meters." Xu Cang said flatly: "It is indeed a good plane."

The representative of Bombardier was stunned for a moment, but for a person of Xu Cang's level, it is normal to know some data, and he didn't have much reaction, just continued: "How much have you read the aircraft manual?"

About two hours ago, Bombardier representatives sent Xu Cang a complete set of CS300 aircraft manuals.It was taken directly from Lufthansa's Munich base.

Although the representative of Bombardier believed Xu Cang instinctively, it would be better to read more manuals.

"It's over." Xu Cang just said calmly.

"Read it?" The Bombardier representative tilted his ear: "You mean it's finished?"

Xu Cang said to the parked CS300 aircraft: "This aircraft has a double-cabin layout customized by Lufthansa, with a total of 120 seats, a seat pitch of 91 cm and 81 cm, a seat width of 48 cm, a wingspan of 35.1 meters, and a wing area of ​​112.3 square meters. meters, height 11.5 meters, cabin height 2.13 meters, width 3.27 meters, fuselage diameter 3.7 meters. The maximum take-off weight is 55339 kilograms, the maximum range is 4075 kilometers, the cruising altitude is 12497 meters, the cargo hold water volume is 31.6 cubic meters, and the maximum cargo capacity is 4853 kilograms .”

The corner of Bombardier's mouth twitched: "Okay, okay, this data is more accurate than I know. The amount of materials this time is about five tons, is it enough?"

Xu Cang shook his head: "Not enough."

"Not enough? Enough is enough. It's not about providing them with long-term living supplies. According to the forecast of the meteorological department, the blizzard will weaken in two days. By then, the helicopter will be able to barely enter the mountain. In other words, providing supplies for about five days is enough But, isn’t five tons enough? It must be based on the minimum amount, isn’t it enough?”

The shipment to the Alps included fuel, clothing, food and medicine.Now is the moment of life and death, and it's not a vacation. As long as you carry it according to the minimum standard that you can't die from starvation or freezing, the carrying capacity of less than five tons should be enough.

"More than 100 people." Xu Cang said.

The representative of Bombardier was taken aback: "It's not more than 100 people, it's impossible, can this number be wrong?"

The allocation of materials must depend on the number of people. Such important information can be mistaken, and it is not difficult to calculate the data. This kind of mistake is too low-level.

"Wait a minute, how many people are here? If the cargo space is not enough, then the passenger cabin needs to be refitted, and some seats are removed to accommodate additional supplies." The Bombardier representative thought about it: "I will confirm with Lufthansa. After that, the level of the maintenance workshop here is still relatively high, and the seat should be disassembled."

It can only be said that Lufthansa is still rich and powerful, and the maintenance workshop of just one sub-base basically has everything that one expects to find, which really saved them a lot of trouble.

The seats in the passenger cabin can be disassembled, and the CS300 customized by Lufthansa is a typical double-cabin layout, that is to say, it has a first-class cabin, and the disassembly speed will be faster than the full economy class layout.

"How many people came here?" Bombardier representative asked: "If the difference is not too much, you can fix the materials on the seat, so that you don't need to dismantle the seat. After all, there will be a round of inspection later, and dismantling the seat is still too expensive It's time, and I'm worried I won't make it.”

It is perfectly acceptable to transport the item in this way as long as it is secured to the seat.This is not an emergency, but will be used in real flights.However, the fixing method is not the kind of imaginary fixing, but there will be corresponding rigid standards, what kind of fixing device to use, where to fix it, how the fixing effect is, how to place it, and precautions will all be stipulated.

"No, the number is about 300 people. If there are too many people, it is impossible to fix the cabin. We can only remove all the seats." Xu Cang said: "For the landing distance, the lighter the weight of the aircraft, the better. Removing the seat is also a good thing to reduce the landing distance."

A lighter plane is beneficial to Xu Cang, and the Bombardier representative must understand this.What shocked him was another thing, and that was the number of people.

"300 people! That's nearly 180 people out of thin air. How could the error be so big?" Bombardier's representative felt extremely incredible: "No matter how many mistakes you make, it's impossible to make such a big mistake in the number of rescues. Xu Cang, are you sure? ?"

At the end, the representative of Bombardier suddenly thought of something. He opened his mouth, then pursed his lips, and said after a while, "The 180 people you mentioned are the staff of the manor?"

Xu Cang lowered his eyebrows: "Everyone pays attention to the holiday tycoons in their early 180s. Those are the 'people' who should be rescued. However, the remaining [-] ordinary employees of the manor never pay attention or care Their life and death, and even the ration of relief supplies have crossed them out."

The representative of Bombardier didn't look very good, because he also instinctively ignored all the chefs, waiters, cleaners and other ordinary people in the manor.Hearing what Xu Cang said, he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

The representative of Bombardier was silent for a moment, but in the end he still raised the sharp question: "If the standard of 300 people is used, then even if all the seats are removed, the amount of materials carried will be relatively large, and I am afraid it will be close to full load. .”

The cost of 300 people for five days is not a small amount.Previously, due to the extreme confidence in the power lines and oil and gas pipelines of the manor, coupled with the convenient means of uphill land and air transportation.Therefore, the enthusiasm of the manor for material reserves has not been very high.This is why when the Alps suddenly suffered a rare blizzard in a century, there was a shortage of supplies inside the manor.

Although Bombardier's representative stated that it is enough to bring the minimum standard supplies, but now those people in the manor are very hungry, and there is an extreme shortage of heating supplies.

In this case, the extreme demand for materials can easily lead to many problems.Under reason, people can obtain supplies docilely according to the minimum survival standard, but in the case of casualties in the early stage, those people in the manor will definitely increase their demand for supplies because of fear.

If the distribution is not good, there may be problems inside the manor.It is not because of the shortage of materials, but the violence caused by the internal competition for materials.

Therefore, the minimum standard rationing mentioned by the Bombardier representative is actually unsafe. To maintain stability, the standard for a single person must be higher, at least to make the people in the manor "feel" that these supplies are sufficient.

However, if the single-person ration standard is raised, and the number of personnel is more than doubled, then the amount of supplies will not be twice as much as planned, and it is estimated that it will reach three times the previously estimated amount of supplies.

If the amount of materials is increased in this way, the weight of the aircraft is not very optimistic.

You know, the small airport runway in the Alps Manor is only 600 meters long.Normally, you can only land a helicopter or a small navigable plane, and it is more difficult for a slightly larger regional plane to land on it, let alone a mainline airliner like the CS300.

However, because the airflow in the airspace of the Alps is too chaotic, the small plane cannot maintain stability at all, so it can only use a mainline passenger plane.

The CS300 and A319 are the smaller ones among mainline aircraft.

However, even for CS300, the length of its full-load landing runway actually exceeds the length of the runway of Manor Airport.However, Bombardier calculated at the beginning that the flight should not be fully loaded, and the landing distance is about 450 meters to 500 meters.

Although the margin is still very small, it is always supported by theory.

But now it's different, the material carrying capacity has been tripled, and it's almost full.If this falls, the plane will be in danger.

"Xu Cang, if it is done according to the standard of 300 people, after the final weight is counted, I will ask the headquarters to calculate it."

Now it is a rough judgment no matter what, the specific weight of the materials will be calculated, and how much weight can be reduced after the seat is removed must be counted.The technical department at Bombardier headquarters has specialized calculation software that can calculate the landing distance of the aircraft.

Even so, Bombardier representatives are concerned.

"Xu Cang, the limit set by our calculation software for the snow thickness of the runway surface is [-] millimeters. However, there is no doubt that the snow thickness of the runway surface of Zhuangzhuang Airport must exceed [-] millimeters. In other words, the actual landing distance will only be longer than our calculations."

To calculate the landing distance, not only the weight of the aircraft, approach speed, local wind direction, wind speed, runway slope, and local temperature must be considered, but the road surface condition is also an important reference standard.Under the same circumstances, the stopping distance on a dry runway must be shorter than that on a wet runway.

The appearance of the road surface condition is usually divided into seven grades, the highest grade is six, that is, dry runway, and the lowest grade is zero, which is basically forbidden to take off and land on this kind of road surface.

Under normal circumstances, if the snow area on the runway exceeds [-] mm, takeoff and landing should be prohibited, that is, the runway condition level is zero.The software at Bombardier headquarters can set the maximum snow thickness on the road to [-] millimeters, and there is no relevant data to support it any thicker.

Even from a legal point of view, a runway with a snow thickness of [-] millimeters is not suitable for takeoff and landing.However, Bombardier headquarters can still calculate a value.

However, given the current situation in the Alps, the thickness of the snow on the road must exceed [-] millimeters, so the final value calculated by Bombardier headquarters is also inaccurate.

The Bombardier representative pondered for a while: "Based on past experience, it would be more appropriate to add 15.00% to the actual landing distance."

"Add 15.00%, then according to the theory, the plane will definitely not be able to land." Xu Cang laughed.

"But you can't completely ignore the theory, if the difference is too much." The Bombardier representative paused: "Isn't that going to die?"

"It's okay, just do as I said, remove all the seats." Compared with the representative next to him, Xu Cang's mood seemed very stable.

"You..." Bombardier's representative didn't know what to say for a moment, he sighed: "Xu Cang, people are different. For those ordinary people, you are delaying the survival of more than 100 rich people Opportunity. From a moral point of view, we should treat everyone equally, but now that objective factors are limited, we just can’t save everyone. This is the reality.”

In fact, the Bombardier representative didn't use the headquarters software for calculations at all. If he had to think about it, he knew that if the supplies for 300 people were equipped, the plane would definitely not be able to land.That still goes back to the original question, the materials must be reduced, and the reduced amount is quite a lot.

"Xu Cang, according to our previous calculations, the amount of material supplied by the 110 people can theoretically support a safe landing." The Bombardier representative hesitated for a while, but finally said the cold words: "Xu Cang Cang, just follow the original plan. You take the least risk and get the most benefit. Those rich people who survive can also give more pensions to the families of ordinary employees. This is the best choice for all parties .”

"If you want to save those people, you have to take a huge risk. Moreover, if you can't fall, those people will still die. Why not let them die... more valuable?"

In the view of Bombardier representatives, if there are enough supplies for 300 people, the plane will definitely not be able to land.If you don’t bring so many supplies, those ordinary people will die. If you bring them, the plane will not land, and they will still die.Since they are all destined to die, why not choose a more cost-effective way?
At least choose the original plan, there are more than 100 people who can survive, Xu Cang does not need to take risks.And choose the latter option, neither party can get what they want.

Bombardier is broken, but it doesn't want to invest in a flight that is doomed to fail.

Xu Cang didn't say anything more about this issue, but looked at the plane and raised his hand: "When your people arrive, tell me."

This flight is of great importance, both Xu Cang and Bombardier are cautious.Therefore, the inspection of the aircraft will not be handed over to outsiders.After Lufthansa's maintenance checks are completed, Bombardier's own maintenance staff transferred from the German branch will check again to ensure the absolute safety of the release.

What Xu Cang meant was that when Bombardier's inspectors came over, he would observe from the sidelines and eliminate all possible hidden dangers.After a while, the plane will have to disassemble the seat, and then do a safety check. Xu Cang can't keep staring at it, he only checks for the last time.

However, the representative of Bombardier was obviously not satisfied with such an answer, because Xu Cang didn't answer what to do at all.

"Xu Cang, what do you say?" Bombardier representative asked.

But Xu Cang just nodded slightly towards him, and left the workshop silently. Not long after, his body disappeared into the darkness.

Looking at Xu Cang who was leaving, the Bombardier representative's face twitched involuntarily. After hesitating for a moment, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

Soon the call was connected, and the Bombardier representative immediately said solemnly: "Boss, something went wrong here."

After Xu Cang left the airport, he walked to the vicinity of the hotel. When he reached the hotel entrance, he saw a tall figure leaning against the doorpost from a distance. When he got closer, it was Richard.

"Aren't you resting yet?" Xu Cang walked closer and found that Richard's eyes were bloodshot, but he was extremely excited.

However, Richard is not young.This kind of all-night thing may be acceptable to young people, but it is a bit difficult for people of Richard's age.

Richard smiled and said, "Today is destined to be a sleepless night, how can I sleep? Well, you didn't sleep either, you just went to the airport?"

"You know, I can't sleep." Xu Cang said with a light smile, "Yes, I just went to the airport and found a rather difficult problem."

Richard raised his eyebrows: "Is it about those manor employees?"

Xu Cang sat down on a big rock at the entrance of the hotel. He raised his head and looked at Richard with a playful but sad expression on his face: "You know about this? Don't you? If I don't take the initiative Go check it out, no one will tell me about it until takeoff."

Previously, when Xu Cang asked for information on the trapped rich man, he had thought about the staff of the manor.At that time, he asked the people who cooperated with the rescue, but was told that the problems of the manor employees were not serious.At that time, Xu Cang subconsciously thought that there were not many employees in the manor, and it was enough to just increase the amount of supplies a little.

After all, it is not the past, and various automation equipment can indeed reduce the number of service personnel to a minimum.

However, not long ago, Xu Cang had his own mind, and instead of arranging someone to cooperate with him, he directly contacted Sir Capet who was far away in England.Let him investigate the specific employee information of the manor.This investigation is not difficult. Half an hour later, Sir Capet gave Xu Cang a list.

At this time, Xu Cang learned that there were almost 180 employees in the manor, not just a few as he thought.

The survival problem of such 180 people is described by some people as "not a big problem".

"Xu Cang, the fate of these people has been doomed." Richard said in a deep voice, "If it is destined to save only some people, then this choice shouldn't be difficult. It's not your fault, but reality only Give you the choice."

Xu Cang said coldly: "But I know now."

"Then just pretend you don't know, and you shouldn't have any burden." Richard sighed: "It's fair to pay and then get rewarded. Each of the more than 100 rich people paid at least The price of more than 100 million US dollars, this is what they paid. And the remaining 180 people are unable to pay, so naturally they should not get what they deserve. There are only two paths in front of you. If you are in danger, everyone will still die in the end. It is meaningless and there will be no compensation or pension. Or, according to the original plan, rescue the more than 100 rich people. Because of humanitarianism or superficial morality, there is a high probability that a part of the money will be donated as a pension for those ordinary people."

Richard looked at Xu Cang: "How do you think you should choose?"

Xu Cang pursed his lips: "Is there no third way?"

"The third way?" Richard shook his head helplessly: "I have already estimated that if the material standard of 300 people is used, the total weight of the resulting aircraft will be impossible to land with the length of the manor's runway. I know , You can fall even with a broken wing, but there are some things that cannot be influenced by manpower. The length of the runway is not enough, it is not enough, and it is not enough.”

The length of the runway at Zhuangyuan Airport is quite limited, which made it impossible for Xu Cang to take off after landing this flight.

Because the fuel in the manor's own oil storage has been exhausted.Before, there was no electricity in the manor, so the people in the manor used the oil in the airport oil storage.In addition to being used for power generation by fuel engines, some of them are directly used for heating.

Manor Airport was originally small in scale, and only received helicopters and some small business jets before, so the demand for fuel reserves was very low.Therefore, once the people in the manor pumped the oil from the oil storage depot out of emergency considerations, it bottomed out within two days after it started.

This meant that after Xu Cang landed, he couldn't get fuel replenishment, so he could only bring round-trip fuel.But in this way, the weight of the aircraft will exceed the standard, which is completely unfeasible.

Therefore, the current plan is that Xu Cang's plane carries a little more fuel than one-way, and after landing, the oil in the plane is directly pumped out for heating or power generation, so as to make the best use of everything.Like this, just can carry less fuel on material.

In any case, even if the plane landed at the Manor Airport in an empty state, the length of the runway is stretched, and the less things you can bring, the less you can bring.It was impossible for Xu Cang to bring more emergency supplies for nearly 180 people at once.

Xu Cang fell silent for a moment, the current situation was indeed completely beyond his expectation.

Seeing that Xu Cang didn't speak, Richard suddenly asked, "Has the candidate for the co-pilot been decided?"

"Huh?" Xu Cang raised his head: "Co-pilot, I don't need a co-pilot?"

"You want to go alone?" Richard was startled: "Two people are always safer than one person. Some things are difficult to complete alone. I think it's better to find a co-pilot to cooperate with you."

"The person who cooperates with me?" Xu Cang shook his head: "There is no one I trust here. Rather than not trusting me, I might as well be alone."

Anyway, Xu Cang is used to turning the tide by himself, and it's good to be alone.

Of course, Richard was right.If there is a trustworthy deputy, it is indeed much more convenient than fighting alone.

"What do you think of me?" Richard asked suddenly.

"You?" Xu Cang glanced at Richard and found that he didn't seem to be joking: "You want to go together?"

Richard nodded and confirmed: "Yes, I want to be together. My skills should be okay, and it should be enough to be your deputy."

Xu Cang didn't know how to answer Richard's words.

When it comes to technology, Richard certainly has no problem.As the leader of the International Federal Airline Pilots Association, how can he convince the public if his skills are not strong enough?It's just that Xu Cang couldn't figure out why Richard did this.

No matter how you look at it, this matter is risky. Why does Richard take risks?

"Do you have family and friends in the manor in the Alps?" Xu Cang asked doubtfully.


"Then why?" Xu Cang spread his hands, "It doesn't make sense."

"Why does it have to be reasonable?" Richard thought for a while: "An'an has been stable for half her life, and suddenly wants to stimulate it. Is this a good reason?"

Xu Cang rolled his eyes, this reason was too childish and perfunctory.

"If you feel bored, you can find other things to play, I don't have time to accompany the interest."

After speaking, Xu Cang tightened his clothes and walked towards the inner path of the hotel.

However, within two steps, Richard's laughter came from behind him: "An ocean-going captain will always look for an experienced first mate, and there are always two control positions in the cockpit of an airplane, which doesn't mean anything." ?"

Richard's voice was even louder: "Xu Cang, you need a trustworthy deputy, a First Officer who will take care of all your worries!"

Xu Cang only paused slightly, but he didn't reply at all, he just went straight to the hotel, leaving behind a lonely and resolute figure.

Watching Xu Cang leave slowly, Richard said to himself: "Xu Cang, how should you choose?"

While speaking, he covered his chest and held the doorpost of the hotel gate with his other hand. It took a while before he felt comfortable.

"Man, are you too excited?" Richard leaned on the doorpost and let out bursts of hearty laughter: "Yeah, how can you not be excited?"

After returning to the hotel, Xu Cang locked himself in the room alone without turning on the light, and just sat there for more than an hour.

In that dark room, there was finally a ray of light. It was the light of the mobile phone on the table. Someone sent him a message.Xu Cang's body moved like a sculpture, and he glanced at the phone. It was sent to him by the representative of Bombardier. Bombardier's maintenance has arrived, and it is time to do the last check before takeoff.

Xu Cang had previously explained that he would personally observe the last take-off inspection.

Xu Cang sat upright in the dark for a while, and finally picked up his phone and stood up.He walked slowly towards the door of the room, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw a waiter standing at the door, which surprised Xu Cang slightly.

"Sir, I'm sorry to disturb you." The waiter greeted Xu Cang very politely: "Someone is looking for you in the hotel lobby, maybe you can go and see him."

"Someone came to see me?" Xu Cang frowned.

The waiter nodded: "Yes, and a lot."

Xu Cang was stunned for a moment, he seemed to be thinking about it, and nodded to the waiter: "I see, I'll go now."

After speaking, Xu Cang closed the door and took the elevator to the lobby on the first floor.

At this moment, the time has reached more than five o'clock in the morning, and it is not far from dawn.At this moment, the originally empty and quiet hotel lobby was filled with a chilling atmosphere. When Xu Cang appeared, everyone in the lobby cast their eyes on him.

I saw that the number of these people was extremely large, estimated to be hundreds of people, and all of them were either luxuriously dressed or had extraordinary temperaments.Needless to say, these should be the family members or agents of the rich people trapped in the manor, and they came here to sign an agreement with Xu Cang.

Standing at the very front is an old woman. Even though this person has gray hair, every silver thread is tied up meticulously. Some precious jewels flashed from the neckline, as well as the majestic temperament exuding from her whole body can be seen. respected status.

Beside her is a smiling middle-aged man in fine clothes.He was the first to see Xu Cang coming, and before speaking, he nodded to Xu Cang, looking very friendly.And the young man on his right, with a hooked nose, high cheekbones, and thin lips, looks like a person with a cold temperament.

Hundreds of people gathered together, in twos and threes, whispering to each other. It didn't look like they were here to sign an agreement, but it was a bit like a high-end party for emotional connection.It wasn't until Xu Cang came close that he attracted everyone's attention.

There is no way, Xu Cang's clothing and skin color are very different from these people, and the difference can be seen at a glance, so it is easy to recognize.

"You are Xu Cang?" Although the silver-haired old woman had wrinkles on her face, she spoke with confidence and seemed quite aggressive.

Xu Cang nodded: "It's me!"

"It looks like I'm only in my 20s, so I'm really young." The middle-aged man in Chinese clothes behind the old woman spoke English, but his accent was long and long, with a kind of lazy elegance: "Hello, I'm Stephen Longsi , This is Mrs. Wharton. We have a large number of people here, so to avoid confusion, the two of us will communicate with you on behalf of everyone."

After Stephen finished speaking, he deliberately paused for three seconds.If someone expressed objection at this time, it could be raised at this time, but in the end no one objected, it seemed that it was discussed in advance.

"Paying one-tenth of your net worth within three years, is this your condition?" Mrs. Wharton stepped forward, even more imposing.

Xu Cang didn't like this old man who was too tough, but he didn't show it too much: "That's right, that's the condition. I don't know what you guys think?"

"I don't have any ideas, of course. Three years of turnover time, one-tenth of the net worth, if you can be saved just by paying these, it is undoubtedly a very cost-effective deal." Stephen laughed: "Is the agreement signed? Problematic. Just, there's something I want to confirm."

Xu Cang frowned: "What?"

Stephen waved his hand, looking very accommodating: "I just want to know, how much supplies are you going to bring there?"

"What?" Xu Cang frowned even tighter: "If you have any questions, please finish it all at once. I don't like beating around the bush."

"Talk all at once? Hehe." The hook-nosed young man behind him sneered and said, "We got the news that you want to rescue the manor staff together. But the supplies of so many people will make the plane unable to land at all." , is there such a thing?"

Xu Cang's face darkened: "Whether you can fall or not is not up to you."

"Then who has the final say?" Mrs. Wharton insisted, "Do you have the final say?"

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded from the crowd: "Xu Cang, are you still obsessed with it?"

As the crowd parted, Bombardier's representative walked up and stood in front of Xu Cang: "Just now, the headquarters gave me an accurate calculation result. If according to what you want to transport supplies for nearly 300 people, then the The required landing distance is 310 meters. This is calculated under the condition of snow thickness of 500 mm, and the actual estimate is more than [-] meters."

"Two thousand and five hundred meters!" Xu Cang's pupils shrank suddenly. This result surprised him but seemed to be expected.It's just that it's too obvious to exceed so much: "The difference is close to 500 meters."

The representative of Bombardier said in a deep voice: "If there is a difference of 200 meters, we are willing to take this risk out of trust in your flying technology. However, if the difference between the actual length of the runway and the expected landing distance is 900 meters, this is completely exceeded. To the extent that manpower can make up for it. Xu Cang, you should face the reality."

Mrs. Wharton said coldly: "It is wise to give up those 180 people."

"Xu Cang, this should not be your responsibility, so you shouldn't feel guilty." The Bombardier representative sighed: "But if you insist on going your own way, we may not be able to continue to cooperate with you. This kind of doomed Failure to do so is not something we want to invest in."

"Our Airbus is the same." At the corner of the crowd, a slender man sat on a chair in the lobby and looked at Xu Cang playfully: "Hello, I am Airbus Headquarters COO Ronnie Covein My German colleague may have approached you before. Unfortunately, he may not have thought that Mr. Xu is such a compassionate saint at that time. Now I apologize for you on his behalf. If the cooperation between Mr. Xu and Bombardier is terminated, Airbus The previous invitation to Mr. Xu will not count."

After saying this, the corners of Mrs. Wharton's mouth curled up without a trace.

The representative of Bombardier frowned: "Xu Cang, you are driving yourself to a dead end. Let go of that useless kindness, they have nothing to do with you."

However, just as the Bombardier representative's voice fell, a humble voice sounded in the hall: "Excuse me, who is Mr. Xu Cang?"

In an instant, everyone in the field looked back at the entrance of the hall, and saw a middle-aged woman in ordinary clothes standing timidly. Dare to look at him.

The people in the hall were either rich or noble, and in front of these people, she seemed even more humble.

"It's me!" Xu Cang separated from the crowd and walked up to the middle-aged woman: "Are you looking for me?"

"It's you?" The middle-aged woman sized up Xu Cang and was extremely surprised by Xu Cang's youth: "Is it you who are going to the Alps?"

Xu Cang was startled: "You are?"

The middle-aged woman hurriedly said: "My children are working in that manor in the Alps. I heard that someone is going to the Alps to rescue them."

"So, you came here?" Xu Cang took a deep breath.

"It's not me." The middle-aged woman pointed out the door: "It's us!"

Xu Cang froze for a moment, then looked in the direction the middle-aged woman pointed.With the help of the lights overflowing from the hotel lobby, the hillside grass outside the hotel was densely packed with people.These people are not as luxuriously dressed as the people in the hall, they are the most ordinary group of people.

However, unlike the people in the hall, these people's eyes exude the purest emotion, the worry for their loved ones.

They didn't come close, they just stood outside silently, as if they were afraid of disturbing Xu Cang, but unconsciously placed their unlimited expectations on Xu Cang.

"These are the people nearby, and some of them are still heading here." The middle-aged woman grabbed Xu Cang's wrist: "The previous rescues have failed several times, and now we can only count on you, Mr. Xu Cang. "

As if they had been summoned, all the family members of the manor employees outside turned their eyes to Xu Cang.Invisibly, Xu Cang only felt a surge of pressure like a tsunami, which was the pressure caused by the gathering of the beliefs of many people in one person.

Xu Cang glanced around, his expression was calm, he knew he had to make a choice!
However, how to smooth out the 900-meter landing distance?
In the hall, Ronnie Covein looked at Xu Cang's back with an interesting expression.And on the balcony on the second floor of the hotel, Lian Shanli looked down at Xu Cang, and just whispered two words: "Fool!"

In the shadow on the lower part of the hillside, Richard stared at Xu Cang at the entrance of the hotel lobby, in the center of the light source, with far-reaching eyes.At this moment, everyone's hope is pinned on Xu Cang. This is not a blessing, but a curse.

The shadows that surrounded Xu Cang seemed to bind Xu Cang tightly, making him unable to breathe at all.

"What are you going to do?" Richard murmured, "This is the weight of the crown, can you bear it?"

(End of this chapter)

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