Chapter 112 Losid is back ([-])

This schedule is exactly the same as going to school, and there is no need to face that terrible family all the time, and Sera has no objection.

There are not many ladies practicing here. She passed by several piano and dance classrooms, and all she saw were some new faces.

It looked like anyone could come here, given enough money.

"This is the restaurant, and it's also where you learn dining etiquette."

Two rows of long tables enough to accommodate forty people face to face, like a communal canteen.

"This is the corporal punishment room. Generally, girls who have committed serious mistakes will be locked up here to reflect on their mistakes."

A small dark room, except for a black leather sofa, there is not even a lamp.

"This is the teachers' office. If you need to ask for leave, you can come to me here. Normally, you can take one day off at home seven days a week."

In an office area surrounded by bright windows on three sides, several ladies were standing around a slender man with a long back. His silver hair that was hanging down to the tail was particularly eye-catching in the wood-colored interior.

Sela paused, staring at the familiar figure without blinking.

Bernice also noticed the young man with his back to them, a look of amazement and admiration appeared in his eyes, and his rigid tone softened a bit, "I'll take you inside to recognize the teacher."

She stood at the door and knocked on the wooden door with the back of her hand.

"We have a new classmate coming."

The gentle and gentle voice was completely different from the tone that had just been explained to Sera. She couldn't help turning her head to glance, and then looked back clearly.

Also, after all, no one can resist the charm of Lloyd.

Five people in the office, including the silver-haired young man, all looked at the girl in black skirt standing by the door.

When I met Lloyd again, he was standing in front of me with his legs in khaki trousers, holding a box of small biscuits in his hand. The beige wool vest on his body was warmed by the sun, and the cold white shirt was clinging to his face. Touching his skin, the buttons are buttoned below the Adam's apple, and the neck is slender.

"This is the new piano teacher, Roxid Cyril."

"This is the dance teacher"

Bernice's voice was gradually fading away, and Sera looked at Losid who was only a few steps away from her in front of her without saying a word. The people and things around her were gradually blurring, leaving only him .

Loxyd walked in front of her holding the biscuit box, he lowered his head slightly, and stretched out his clean, mermaid-like hands to her.

"Hello, Miss Serra."

A beautiful voice like singing, so familiar.

Sela also reached out her hand, and as they clasped together, she felt his fingers tighten.

"You know my name." She asked with a smile.

"Understood." Lloyd quickly let go of his hand, with a degree of estrangement, and the state of being in heat in the dream before was almost two extremes.

Sera became interested in his attitude of pretending not to know each other, so she simply pretended to be a stranger, avoiding him, walked up to several other teachers and said hello one by one.

The polite attitude and ladylike demeanor made it impossible for several teachers to fault them.

"You look very educated."

"Thank you."

"Okay, Sierra, come with me to the classroom now, let's meet your new classmate." Bernice called her at the door.

As she continued to ignore Lloyd and passed him, Sera heard the whispers of the teachers inviting him to dinner.

As for whether he agreed or not, she didn't hear clearly, the sight staring at her back was quite hot, and she didn't disappear until she turned the corner.

It was not until noon, and the language class was being taught in the classroom, and they were learning the Sunderland language.

The course was interrupted by Sera's arrival, and there were only fifteen tables in total. She came to introduce herself to these new faces openly.

Many girls were surprised when a daughter of an earl family came here to study. Most of them were born in wealthy families and spent a lot of money here, and they had little contact with nobles with titles, let alone a Leicestershire Miss.

For a while, the atmosphere in the classroom was tense.

Sierra found an empty desk at the back and walked over to sit down. As soon as her buttocks touched the chair, Bernice put the two sets of clothes she had just brought in on her desk.

"After you trouble Miss Sela in school, wear the same uniform as your classmates."

Sera looked at the girls sitting in front, and found that they were all in black swing skirts, with a row of black buttons on the chest directly to the neck, and a circle of lace collars blooming around them.

"Why?" How did she feel that this was more like going to jail.

"To prevent comparisons from appearing."

Really rigorous.

"Okay, let's take a class here to get familiar with it first. I believe you must be proficient in the Sunderland language class."

Bernice settled her down, gave her another set of textbooks, and left.

The Sunderland language is indeed very familiar in Sera's memory, which is similar to her muscle memory of riding a horse. It is a skill left by the previous "Serra" to her.

Not particularly proficient, but can keep up with the progress.

She obediently finished a class in the new environment, and waited for the only time to relax during the meal, when more than a dozen girls found their playmates and left side by side, none of them said hello to Sera.

This class was a little more difficult than she imagined.

She stood up silently, was the last one to walk out of the classroom, and walked slowly towards the big dining room.

Passing by the piano room, the closed door suddenly opened, and Sera's figure flickered, and she was dragged in by the hand stretched out from inside.

Loxyd took her back, stuffed her tightly into his arms, and then let out a charming sigh.

"it's me."

Of course I knew it was him, who else could there be besides him.

Sierra's face was buried in the woolen vest, and his heartbeat was throbbing, rubbing against her face through the clothes again and again.

These non-human creatures really don't realize how terrifying their own power is.

The excited Lloyd probably wanted to strangle her to death in his arms, and then dragged her back to the bottom of the sea to treasure.

Enduring the pain that his ribs were about to be strangled, Sera pushed Roxide's waist with his left hand, raised his face and said, "Mr. Roxide, do you hug students like this on the first day you meet?"

"Who is the first day I met you." He rejected their strange relationship without a moment's hesitation, and the little distance pushed away by her was quickly and airtightly posted back.

"Loxyd, hug me gently." She twisted her body.

When the hands on the back were relaxed, Sera hugged his waist, and looked at him with his chin resting on his chest, "Didn't you just accept cookies from another teacher and pretend you don't know me well."

Loseyd explained: "I read books on the boat for a few days to understand your world. The teachers here cannot have an intimate relationship with the students."

(End of this chapter)

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