Chapter 113 Roxide is back ([-])

That's why he chose to pretend to be unfamiliar in front of outsiders, and then turned around and dragged her into a classroom where there was no one to hug her.

Sera raised his eyebrows, isn't this even more exciting.

"Why did you come back by boat? Did you take a nearby merchant ship?"

"No, I used a merchant ship that was stranded on the island."

Losid picked her up and put her on the top of the piano to sit down. He squeezed into her skirt with one leg, and approached again just after a little distance.

"I miss you."

The height of the girl sitting on the piano was just right enough for him to kiss her lips, but Roxid didn't do so right away, he gently pulled her right wrist that was fixed with a splint.

"This is the wound that kept you up all night?" He manually began to unwrap the bandages wrapped around the board.

"What are you doing?" Sera quickly grabbed his hand to stop him from continuing to dismantle it.

"Help you." He raised his head, his lips were slightly parted, his pink lips and tongue were clearly visible, and his intentions were obvious.

Sierra suddenly remembered that his saliva was not only taken internally, but also had such miraculous effects externally.

She suddenly asked tremblingly: "Are you going to um... lick my hand?"

"Otherwise?" His eyelashes lightly brushed his eyelids, revealing a look of confusion that was incompatible with his evil face, and a few seconds later, the confusion turned into a cute confusion.

"Of course not! How dirty! I absolutely don't want it." Sera shook her head vigorously and drew her right hand to her back. "I refuse you to do this."

Her strong resistance made Lloyd frown, "This will make you better soon, don't you know?"

"It's fine if it's in the mouth, absolutely don't lick my fingers."

"Okay." He lowered his eyes, his face looked lonely after being rejected, and even his mercury-like long hair was strangely dull in Sera's eyes.

A strong sense of guilt welled up in my heart when I faced this face.

It seemed that he just wanted to lick his hand to heal his injury, and he didn't have any other weird ideas.

Sera touched his face with one hand, and said softly: "I don't mean to dislike you, but I think the wrist wrapped in gauze that hasn't been washed for a few days is dirty, can I wash it for you next time?"

Lifting his drooping eyes, his eyes became bright again, and his pointed chin lightly touched her warm little hand, "I don't mind."

"But I don't mind." Sera moved her hand to Rothed's lips, her eyes were soft and focused, "I miss you Rotheder very much, compared to those false touches in dreams, you really let me I'm heartbroken, I just saw you in the office, I'm really happy."

Her fingertips slid across his chin, touched his neck, and landed on the wide, straight and thin shoulders to tease his body senses all the way, and finally stopped in front of the beating heart.

"You are really beautiful when you become a human. You are more beautiful than any man I have ever seen."

The admiration in Sera's eyes from the bottom of her heart can't be fooled. The emotions she released and the real touch completely infected Lorshid.

He stared at her pale red lips with lipstick for a moment, then leaned forward and kissed them before the girl drove him crazy.

Sierra fell backward under the pressure, and he quickly hugged back his waist and head.

The soft lips touched, and the two sides started a heated discussion.

Without the worry that the fangs will bite the mouth, the entanglement on the mouth will become more and more inseparable.

The body temperature became very high, and she was almost out of breath. She pulled his woolen vest with her left hand and plucked a lot of hair from it.

 I operate normally, don't lock it.

  There is another chapter to get up and send
(End of this chapter)

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