Chapter 101 The Great Change of the End Times (9)

Gao Lang led a mighty group of people into the Hengchuan base. Walking in the base, Chu Yin looked around the base and felt that the Hengchuan base occupied an area that was not too small.

The reason why it is small is because of the lack of talents and insufficient equipment.

Now there are more than 100 more elite talents, and there will be no shortage of equipment and equipment in the future.

Tong Chengze, the top leader of the base, received them. Chu Yin, Gao Lang and Sang Yang were at the front. Tong Chengze attached great importance to Gao Lang, and learned about Chu Yin from Gao Lang.

I have great respect for Chu Yin.

"Dr. Gu, our research laboratory is in need of a real talent. Are you willing to lead them to develop a drug to solve the zombie virus?" Tong Chengze asked.

Chu Yin agreed.

After coming to the Hengchuan base, he also began to teach everyone in the Hengchuan base how to absorb the full power of the crystal nucleus and how to exert all the strength of the body, which improved the overall strength of the Hengchuan base per capita.

The Pingsheng base next door was extremely jealous.

Recently, when members of the base go out, as long as they meet people from the Hengchuan base, they have never won a fight.

He has never won in robbing supplies and people.

It is known that everyone in the Hengchuan base has absorbed the power of the crystal nucleus, and many people have begun to absorb the power of the crystal nucleus very early.

Can not help but wonder.

They also began to grope to absorb the energy of the crystal nucleus, but the power they could get was very little, and the effect was not strong. Compared with the people in the Hengchuan base, they were much weaker.

Could it be that the crystal nuclei absorbed by the Hengchuan base are different from the crystal nuclei absorbed by them?
The crystal nucleus is the same, so the method must be different, and the wrong path is taken.

You have to figure out a way.

After seeing the agility and strength of the people in the Hengchuan Base, they can fight with their fists, cope with the zombies with ease, their physical stamina is very durable, and they are not afraid of long-term battles and other advantages, they are not willing to continue to be weak.

Pingsheng base sent a high-level leader to talk to Chu Yin by name.

Because they learned from the population of Hengchuan base that the method of absorbing crystal nuclei was taught by Dr. Gu, and they already knew about Dr. Gu, who is a doctor of medicine. Even before, they waited for Dr. Gu with full confidence. I thought that Dr. Gu would definitely go to their base.

Who knew that he went to the Hengchuan base next door.

Now he wants to learn how to increase his strength, and also wants to poach Chu Yin.

The words are very direct.

Chu Yin shook his head and said, "I joined the Hengchuan base, so I won't go to other bases."

"As for the method of absorbing the crystal nucleus, human beings are a community of destiny. Naturally, I will not hide it. I will tell you how to absorb the complete energy of the crystal nucleus and how to fully use the power in the body."

"Don't worry, it will be fully announced later."

These were also discussed with Tong Chengze. From the perspective of the overall situation, the Hengchuan Base cannot hide this method. It is useless for the people in their base to be strong. If it is, all human beings must change their physique and become stronger. , so that we can resist the zombies together.

Ask Chief Tong to discuss with the chiefs of other bases, and announce on the radio how to completely absorb the energy of the crystal nucleus and fully use the body's strength.

Each base also sent people over to discuss this matter, and finally decided to make it fully public. The method of completely absorbing crystal nucleus energy and fully using body strength was played on the radio of each base in a loop, so that the survivors outside could also strengthen themselves after hearing the method. The stronger the player, the fewer zombies.

Out of morality and gratitude to Chu Yin for providing the method, the bases also brought a lot of supplies and equipment to the Hengchuan base.

With these things, the Hengchuan Base got rid of the size of a small base and became a medium-sized base.

Also because there is Chu Yin in this base, and there are many people who are optimistic about Chu Yin, so more and more people come to join him.

Yun Yizhou heard the method of absorbing crystal nuclei on the radio, and holding the crystal nuclei suddenly realized: "It turns out that this is the way to absorb the energy of the crystal nuclei."

"A lot was wasted before."

"Gu Shuang came up with this idea. Gu Shuang is really powerful." Qiao Qi said to Qiao Ran: "Sister, Gu Shuang is the lucky star of mankind. What she does is more meaningful. She has helped many people. She is so selfless." , announced such an important thing.”

Yun Yizhou echoed: "Yes, if she wants to hide it, the per capita strength of the Hengchuan base will soon far surpass all bases, and soon one family will dominate, but she chose to announce it so that human beings will become stronger together. "

Qiao Ran's face trembled when he heard it...

"Sang Yang, I want to go out and catch a zombie myself today." Chu Yin stood in front of the laboratory table in a white coat, looking at the zombie in the glass room.

"The virus on this zombie's body is not very strong. I want to use a stronger virus for experimentation."

Sang Yang moved his eyelashes, raised his eyes to look at Chu Yin, and said, "I'll get you any zombies you want, and you don't need to do it yourself."

"By the way, this is for you." Sang Yang took out a crystal nucleus from his pocket, which was relatively pure. Chu Yin looked at Sang Yang: "Is there such a pure crystal nucleus?"

This zombie evolves very fast.

Rao has enhanced a lot of human strength and physique, but it seems that he still can't keep up with the speed of zombie evolution.

Chief Tong was worried that Chu Yin would go out alone, so he not only sent Gao Lang and Sang Yang to follow, but also sent many strong men from the base to protect Chu Yin.

Before leaving, I gave thousands of reminders, and I must protect Dr. Gu no matter what.

Gao Lang patted Tong Chengze's shoulder heavily, and said earnestly, "Don't worry so much, you don't have a clear understanding of Dr. Gu's ability."

Tong Chengze shook his head worriedly: "I know that Dr. Gu is a real strong man, but it doesn't prevent me from worrying. She is now the treasure of my base, so I naturally have to protect it."

Gao Lang laughed: "Brother, you have eyesight."

Chu Yin took a group of people out to find stronger zombies, but in Chu Yin's eyes, ordinary zombies were not considered strong, so they were all killed and got their crystal nuclei.

After running around several places, I finally heard that there was a strong zombie. It was still haunting a hotel on the outskirts of the capital in the morning, and some people were trapped inside. A rescue team was needed. The rescue team from Pingsheng base was still on the way. , Chu Yin simply led the people there immediately.

When we arrived at the place, the hotel was already surrounded by zombies, and the zombies desperately wanted to rush into the hotel. Fortunately, the door of the hotel was a thick and strong door, and there were people blocking it, and every window had a strong protective fence. Hanging on the fence and unable to enter.

Chu Yin shot at the zombies first, and Yun Yizhou, who was trapped inside, heard the gunshot and said happily, "Someone is here to save us."

She was surrounded by strong men from the Hengchuan base, and quickly dealt with these zombies. Chu Yin also put the strongest zombie without the crystal nucleus, and then brought Sangyang and the others to call them into the hotel. the door.

There were many people trapped inside, and Chu Yin saw several people in Yunyi State at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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