Chapter 102 The Great Change of the End Times (10)

When Yun Yizhou saw Chu Yin, he stood up and said, "Shuang Shuang, I'm here."

Chu Yin ignored him and looked at the trapped people. The people trapped here were all in a mess, and simply asked how they got trapped here.

"We are so lucky to meet Dr. Gu, we have already heard about Dr. Gu on the radio." Someone said excitedly.

Someone exaggeratedly echoed: "Yeah, when Dr. Gu came in, I thought the gods came down to earth."

"If it weren't for Dr. Gu to bring someone here, we might all be dead, and we can hardly keep going."

Qiao Qi jumped up and waved at Chu Yin: "Dr. Gu, it's me, remember me?"

"You saved me once, and you saved me again." She looked at Chu Yin with piercing eyes, and pulled the silent Qiao Ran up: "Sister, this is our benefactor."

"I saved me last time, and this time I saved everyone."

Qiao Ran's face trembled, and he wanted to punch this stupid bitch to death.

Don't you know that you like Yun Yizhou?Don't you know that Gu Shuang is Yun Yizhou's ex-girlfriend?

If it weren't for this brain-dead virgin whore insisting on giving to others along the way, she wouldn't have used up all the supplies in the space.

She even gave pistol bullets to others for self-defense, and then asked for it from herself. There was nothing she could do if she didn't give it to her. Could it be that Yun Yizhou wanted to see that she didn't care about her sister's life or death?

The equipment has also been consumed all the way.

As a result, Gu Shuang had already arrived in the capital, and they were still struggling to survive on the road.

It's okay for this Holy Mother to give away food and equipment, and even bring others with her. The team has expanded, but they are all frankly a group of weak people.

If you don't take it, you will die or live, and all kinds of moral kidnapping, she always has so many arguments that people can't refuse.

I often tell myself, look, sister, even if we bring them, give them alms, and help them, we are still alive and survived. We just lost some supplies, but we got a lot of happiness.

The joy of helping others is the most precious.

Hearing these words, Qiao Ran's head would explode. If he hadn't prepared so many things in advance in his own space, he would have starved to death.

Seeing Qiao Ran's extremely aggrieved look, Chu Yin laughed out loud, and gloated at Qiao Ran: "Yes, Qiao Ran, you should thank me anyway, I'll send you my own sister. come back."

Qiao Ran stared at Chu Yin and almost vomited blood.

With so many people, it's not easy to have a seizure.

I had to grit my teeth and say two words very bluntly: "Thank you."

Yun Yizhou was frantically looking for a sense of presence: "Shuangshuang, why are you ignoring me."

Shuangshuang in the last days, so clean and bright, she was wearing a white shirt and even shiny earrings, her hair was flowing, paired with a pair of black suit pants, she was tall and slender, her skin was translucent and shiny, bright and elegant.

And even though Qiao Ran drank the spiritual liquid every day, his whole body was dirty and looked nothing more than that.

Qiao Ran looked jealously at Yun Yizhou staring at Chu Yin obsessively, she bit her lip, her face full of unwillingness, if Qiao Qi hadn't brought her such a big trouble and cost her so much things, she wouldn't have done so Embarrassed.

Now there are only some vegetables grown by myself in the space, which are the seeds collected after the end of the world and watered with psychic liquid, but fresh vegetables are not dared to be taken out at all.

There are also some chickens, ducks and fish, which are also living creatures found after the end of the world and kept in the space. This kind of fresh raw meat cannot be taken out until at least after the base.

How can these appear out of thin air on the road.

There is no progress in the relationship with Yun Yizhou, too many people, too complicated, too annoying.

Gao Lang looked at Yun Yizhou and asked softly, "Is this your ex-boyfriend?"

Chu Yin nodded slightly, and Sang Yang curled his lips aside: "That's all."

Yun Yizhou looked at Sang Yang. Sang Yang had a soft and beautiful appearance, while Gao Lang was also tough and handsome. Standing beside Chu Yin in two styles, one on the left and one on the right, Yun Yizhou suddenly felt a sense of crisis: "Who are they?" ?”

"Shuangshuang, it looks so close to you."

Chu Yin frowned slightly: "Yun Yizhou, if you know how to respect people, you should call me Dr. Gu."

"As for who they are? Of course they are mine..."

"Good friends, good friends, everyone has good friends and good friends, don't you too? Look, you have so many good friends and good friends now." Chu Yin looked around everyone, Yun Yizhou's team is really strong what.

"By the way, where are those three people?" Chu Yin looked and looked, but didn't see the first three men.

Mentioning this, Qiao Ran's eyes dodged, Chu Yin thought for a while, and pointed at Qiao Ran with a slender finger: "Did you kill it?"

In the plot, Qiao Ran doesn't have Qiao Qi as a generous saint around her. No one consumes her things endlessly, and she doesn't take advantage of many things. If she pays more attention, she won't be exposed easily.

And as long as the road is a little passable, even if everyone senses that there is something wrong with Qiao Ran, they will not say it outright. Anyway, everyone benefits.

But with Qiao Qi, the Holy Mother, causing so much trouble to the team, Qiao Ran exposed more, and was easily angered by them and had other thoughts.

Conflicts became inevitable, including the way Yun Yizhou looked at Qiao Ran now, which was not as friendly as in the plot.

Being told, Qiao Ran was so frightened that she trembled all over, staring at Chu Yin angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Chu Yin covered her mouth and stared at her innocent and bright eyes: "Sister, you are so fierce, I am so scared."

Yun Yizhou looked at Qiao Ran with some doubts.

The three of them died one after another. He had actually considered whether it was Qiao Ran's fault. Qiao Ran had many suspicious points and a secret.

This made Qiao Ran even more panicked. She had no choice but to kill the three men who insisted on asking her for her secrets and asking her to hand them over.

She doesn't allow anyone to be so greedy and try to get what belongs to her.

Qiao Qi looked at her sister's flustered look in shock, covered her mouth, a little unbelievable, did her sister really kill three partners?

"Sister." She suddenly felt a little afraid of this sister.

Qiao Ran scolded impatiently: "Shut up, you shut up!"

"Sister, you are so fierce." Qiao Qi looked at Qiao Ran aggrieved.

Yun Yizhou frowned: "Okay, Qiao Ran, don't be aggressive to everyone. Now that we have met Shuangshuang and have been rescued, let's pack up and follow Shuangshuang."

"What?" Qiao Ran looked at Yun Yizhou in astonishment: "Go with her?"

"Yeah, since she joined the Hengchuan base, let's change our minds and join the Hengchuan base. I won't go to the Pingsheng base. I want to work with her to develop a vaccine to eliminate the zombie virus."

Qiao Ran's eyelids twitched wildly, and his face was full of resistance: "No, I don't want to go to Hengchuan, no."

He paid a price to let Gu Shuang leave Yun Yizhou, and now Yun Yizhou wants to return to Gu Shuang, how can it be possible.

So what is the contribution I have made along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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