Chapter 103 The Great Change of the End Times (11)

Chu Yue took a moment and said to Yun Yizhou: "When did I say that I would invite you to join the Hengchuan base?"

Sang Yang immediately followed suit: "You are not welcome at our Hengchuan base, you can go to the Pingsheng base next door, everyone is wanted there."

A pair of fox eyes looked at Yun Yizhou contemptuously, even with a hint of contempt.

And Sang Yang has a bit of a poisonous tongue.

Yun Yizhou sneered, and retorted: "I'm also a doctor of medicine, I don't believe I'm not qualified, what are you, a sissy, are you Shuangshuang's sister?"

"You have to admit that you are Shuangshuang's sister, and then show the evidence of your castration, and I will be more polite to you in the future."

And Yun Yizhou was even more vicious.

Sang Yang squinted at Yun Yizhou and rolled up his sleeves. Seeing that Sang Yang was going to do it without saying anything, Chu Yin stretched out his hand to stop Sang Yang.

Seeing this, Yun Yizhou frowned, thinking that Chu Yin was still protecting him, but Chu Yin's actions in the next second made him freeze in place. Chu Yin took out his gun and pointed it at a certain place in Yun Yizhou, ordering: "Here He apologized."

He looked at Chu Yin in confusion, opened his mouth, trembled all over, and couldn't speak.

Chu Yin narrowed his eyes, and his expression became more and more dangerous: "Yun Yizhou, do you want to bet? Bet that I dare not shoot or bet that you can dodge this bullet."

"You should know me and know that I walk the talk."

Yun Yizhou didn't dare to gamble, he couldn't afford to gamble.

Who dares to bet on his "brother".

Chu Yin's red lips parted slightly: "Three...two..."

"I'm sorry." Yun Yizhou immediately apologized.

Sang Yang nodded in satisfaction, with a face full of sarcasm: "Those who know current affairs are outstanding!"

Chu Yin put away his gun: "Let's go everyone, you and Yun Yizhou go to the Pingsheng base together."

Chu Yin and the others turned to leave, but Qiao Qi immediately stood up and said, "Dr. Gu, take us into the capital city, it's still a long way from here."

"We will also encounter danger at such a distance."

Chu Yin turned around and asked, "I don't care if you are in danger."

Qiao Qi: "..."

"But Dr. Gu, you've already saved us once, why don't you make good people go to the end?"

"And it's a matter of little effort for you, just take us, Dr. Gu, I always think you are a person with great love, you will definitely not be stingy to help everyone."

Qiao Qi was about to continue, but was interrupted by Chu Yin: "Okay, save your sister's words of fraternity from the Holy Mother, and I won't accept your words."

After all, he took the people away without looking back.

Knowing that this was Yun Yizhou and the others, she didn't even bother to come in.

But it's funny to see Yun Yizhou being so miserable. This time they took more time on the road, and they arrived in the capital later than in the two episodes.

Chu Yin returned to the base, and before she could say anything, Gao Lang and Sang Yang ran to Tong Chengze and told Tong Chengze that if a medical doctor named Yun Yizhou joined their base, it would be fine.

Neither can Qiao Ran, nor can Qiao Qi.

Tong Chengze nodded, and immediately wrote down the names of these three people in the small notebook.

These three people successfully entered the blacklist of the Hengchuan base.

When Yun Yizhou stubbornly led Qiao Ran and others to join the Hengchuan base, he found that he couldn't even enter the gate.

Yun Yizhou had no choice but to choose to join the Pingsheng Base.

Immediately arranged work in the laboratory, but this time Yun Yizhou was not the main researcher in the laboratory.

Because there were originally two doctors here, and Yun Yizhou was no match for these two doctors in terms of resume, past achievements and abilities.

In addition, knowing that Yun Yizhou was blocked by the Hengchuan base, they felt a little uncomfortable. People who no one else wants can become important talents when they come to me?

Furthermore, the base felt that the people brought by Yun Yizhou were too weak to see, which proved that Yun Yizhou had a bad mind.

In the plot, Gu Shuang outperformed these two doctors in all aspects, so the Pingsheng Base made Gu Shuang the main researcher because of Gu Shuang's achievement resume, and Yun Yizhou followed Gu Shuang's honor. Become a principal investigator.

Yun Yizhou was disappointed by the arrangement of the Pingsheng base, but he was not very shocked by such an arrangement.

Qiao Ran was stunned, why?
In his previous life, Yun Yizhou was a key member of the research laboratory. He was a leader in research and development, unattainable and respected.

Now, he seems to be a helper for the other two doctors in the research room. The research and development direction must be according to those two doctors. Yun Yizhou has no right to speak and dominate, and he has not been reused by the base at all.

This is so unscientific.

With Yun Yizhou in this position, can he still develop the vaccine from his previous life?

Qiao Ran was a little worried, if the research and development could not be done, would Yun Yizhou not be as brilliant as in his previous life.

And Gu Shuang was already famous for his method of absorbing crystal nuclei, and Qiao Ran's resentment deepened. Why Gu Shuang could shine at any time, but Yun Yizhou became dim.

After a few days, the leaders of the Pingsheng base also learned from others that Yun Yizhou's ex-girlfriend was actually Dr. Gu, so they changed their minds again.

The leader personally found Yun Yizhou, hoping that Yun Yizhou would go to Hengchuan base with him, and use old feelings to trick Dr. Gu into Pingsheng base.

They have always wanted to find this Dr. Gu. They have learned about Dr. Gu's resume and achievements in the past, and they know that this is a key talent.

After learning about the matter between Yun Yizhou and Qiao Ran, the leader told Yun Yizhou: "If you want Gu Shuang to change your mind, you must break up with Qiao Ran. When Gu Shuang comes to our base, I will Let you be the main developers together, and let the research center take you as the core."

"Do you want to?"

"Yes." Yun Yizhou was fed up with not being able to occupy a dominant position in the research room, and fed up with being ordered around by the other two.

He must be the core, the leader of the research laboratory, and follow his direction in all directions.

Those two were not good at all.

And he still has feelings for Gu Shuang, Qiao Ran...

From the bottom of my heart, I did have feelings for Qiao Ran before, but the difficult survival and various things along the way obliterated this feeling.

Gu Shuang is concerned about his own future. If he can call Gu Shuang over, he can develop a vaccine together, and when he develops a vaccine against the zombie virus, he can be a human hero together with Gu Shuang.


Qiao Ran still has secrets.

If Qiao Ran's secrets were more...

"Then you go and deal with Qiao Ran first. After it's settled, I'll take you to see Gu Shuang." The leader smiled.

When the leader talked to Yun Yizhou, Qiao Ran had an ominous premonition. When Yun Yizhou came back with a heavy face, Qiao Ran asked urgently, "What did you say to me?"

Yun Yizhou said: "He hopes that I will break up with you, and then make up with Gu Shuang, and bring Gu Shuang here."

"Let's develop a vaccine together here."

"He said it was for the fate of all mankind, and hoped that we would give up small love for the sake of great love."

(End of this chapter)

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