Chapter 105 The Great Change of the End Times (13)

Sang Yang also told Chu Yin that Qiao Qi died, just like in the plot, she just arrived at the base for a few days, and died when she was on a mission.

Chu Yin was silent. This is Qiao Qi's fate. If no one changes it, her death is inevitable.

Chu Yin felt that the reason why Yun Yizhou had the courage to play badly was probably because he knew about Qiao Ran's space.

And not being reused at the Pingsheng base is just an incentive to put it badly.

Put it, put it whatever you want.

Yun Yizhou is not reused, he should realize the reality, without Gu Shuang, he is nothing.

Especially this time, I became famous before Yun Yizhou even arrived in the capital. Compared with myself, Yun Yizhou is nothing.

When he was in love with the client in the past, he had more hobbies, and the client was always obsessed with research and study, so it is inevitable that his professional ability is not as good as the client.

Yun Yizhou once complained that the client did not give him so much love and time.

Dedicated time to medicine.

But Chu Yin thought about it again, is he really willing to show up?

He knew the existence of space earlier than in the plot, and now he is frustrated everywhere. Wouldn't he really have other ideas because of this?
Yun Yizhou is messing around, and Chu Yin is doing research like crazy.

After she gave all human beings the correct way to obtain the energy of the crystal nucleus, the speed at which human beings obtain energy is many times faster than in the plot. Now human beings use a faster time to obtain more energy in the crystal nucleus, and their physique is rapidly and comprehensively changed. Chu Yin continued to develop vaccines based on the enhanced physique of human beings.

If human physique keeps changing very slowly, the ending will be like the plot, one will ebb and flow, the number of zombies will increase infinitely, and finally fall.

But the rapid change of human physique has always made it less interesting. Chu Yin encountered trouble in the research, and the problem has not been solved, and the research has stalled.

Until Sang Yang sat beside Chu Yin and sighed: "The crystal nucleus has changed our physique, can the crystal nucleus change the physique of animals?"

"You said if we feed a chicken with a crystal nucleus, will it become a flying chicken? If we feed a cow with a crystal nucleus, will it become a flying cow? It shouldn't be possible, Dr. Gu, none of us can fly now. Get up, Dr. Gu, how much energy do you think we need to absorb to fly?"

"I want to fly, I want to fly freely..." Sang Yang propped his chin and sang boringly, holding a stone in his hand. When he exerted force, the stone turned into powder, and he hurriedly showed it to Chu Yin: "Dr. , you see, I can already crush a stone with my bare hands with the strength of my body."

Chu Yin thought it was a bit funny at first, but Sang Yang still wanted to fly, so how many crystal nuclei would he need to provide that much power.

I still want to use it for animals, but humans are not enough, but Sang Yang has a big brain, if animals use it, wouldn't it be mutated into a spirit beast.

She stared at the stone powder in Sang Yang's hand, and nodded with satisfaction: "As expected of the first batch of people who absorbed the power of the crystal nucleus, they can reach this level."

Breaking stones with bare hands is very strong!

"Wait... You said, can the crystal nucleus change the physique of animals?" Something flashed through Chu Yin's mind, the crystal nucleus...

The problem she faces now is that the medicine is too weak, and the zombie virus is too strong. Even if the human physique is changed, the medicine is still weak, and it is still weak, and it still cannot be applied to the enhanced human physique.

Then if, the medicinal property is enhanced with crystal nucleus energy!
The medicinal property is strengthened, the human physique is strengthened, and the combination of two strengths can resist the powerful zombie virus.

Isn't this all right?You only need to find a way to extract the energy of the crystal nucleus to enhance the medicinal properties, and everything will be solved.

"Sang Yang, thank you for finding inspiration for me, thank you so much, but I have something to do now, you should go out and fight zombies."

Chu Yin patted Sang Yang's slender white hands: "Save your strength to fight zombies, don't break rocks, be good, go quickly."

Push Sang Yang out of the laboratory, and operate with passion.

With Gu Shuang's strong foundation in biomedicine, and Gu Shuang's research direction in the past two generations, he also has a solid foundation in traditional Chinese medicine, coupled with the enhancement of human physique, and after a series of experiments, he successfully extracted the energy of the crystal nucleus With enhanced medicinal properties, Chu Yin successfully developed a vaccine against the zombie virus.

After being vaccinated, even if you are injured by a zombie, you will not become a zombie.

When the vaccine comes out, everyone knows about it.

The leaders of each base hurried to the Hengchuan base to ask for vaccines.

Of course, each base has to exchange things for vaccines, which is why the research laboratories of each base want to be the first to develop vaccines.

Which base can be the first to develop drugs, which base can integrate resources and become stronger.

So Chu Yin didn't care which base to go to at first. As for the Pingsheng base, the client felt normal after the two episodes. Chu Yin simply didn't go this time, trying to be quiet here.

The first batch of vaccines is not much, Chuyin chooses to provide them to the high-level and elites of each base, and it is also very important to reduce the loss of elites.

Of course, the provision of each base is paid, and each base also knows that there is a price to pay for the first batch of vaccines. After integrating the resources sent by each base, the Hengchuan Base has become a large base on an equal footing with the Pingsheng Base.

Pingsheng base: ...really speechless.

In any case, I watched helplessly as the small base next door turned into a big base step by step because of a woman.

This is really a pit, Yun Yizhou is a waste!
The raging jealousy of the Pingsheng base turned into anger towards Yun Yizhou.

If Yun Yizhou had agreed to their request and recruited Dr. Gu, wouldn't the Pingsheng base be famous now?
After the end of the world is over, isn't their status very proud?
To make such a great contribution to mankind, it will also be recorded in the annals of history!

I'm pissed I'm pissed!

It's all the fault of Yun Yizhou, the indistinct playboy.

Yun Yizhou is defiant, and sometimes he even thinks darkly, when the human race is at the end of its rope, everyone will demand him, and as a result, Gu Shuang's vaccine came out?

Qiao Ran was so jealous that his expression twisted.

Sitting on the chair weakly, the nails were pinched into a crescent shape in the palm of the hand, and he gritted his teeth: "Why."

Why does she still exist like a savior.

Make outstanding contributions to mankind.

Why does all this still belong to her? She can already imagine Gu Shuang's appearance at this moment, being respected by everyone, saving human beings from suffering, and enjoying everyone's praise and praise.

Why can she do it alone!
She obviously doesn't have Yun Yizhou anymore, what is she relying on!
Unscientific, she was just lucky, lucky, a blind cat met a dead mouse.

It's like she figured out the way to absorb the crystal nucleus and use the power, it's just her luck.

Qiao Ran couldn't accept that the woman he had been jealous of all his life was really so good.

(End of this chapter)

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