Chapter 106 The Great Change of the End Times (14)

Yun Yizhou was very frustrated. This apocalypse should have been an opportunity for him to flex his muscles, but he hadn't achieved much so far. Fortunately, he had planned something for himself.

But Gu Shuang became famous all over the world in one fell swoop, and he was much weaker than her.

Yun Yizhou was called away by the leader, and as soon as he was called over, he was pointed at by countless gunpoints.

This made Yun Yizhou's scalp tingle, and he asked, "What did I do, why did you treat me like this?"

He thought that the leader told him to tell him about the vaccine. The Pingsheng Base had already exchanged a batch of vaccines with the Hengchuan Base. He said that the high-level and elites were given the vaccine first, but they hadn't been given the vaccine yet, and he hadn't been able to get it. It seems that the vaccine has not been sent over there yet.

This made Yun Yizhou anxious.

He desperately wants access to the vaccine.

The leader found a lot of Yun Yizhou's faults, and the leader said something big and serious.

Isn't there a saying that there is nothing wrong with wanting to commit a crime? Now the higher ups insist on putting dirty things on Yun Yizhou's head, but Yun Yizhou can't do anything about it, so many guns are pointed at him.

He made a sign of surrender with both hands, a little humiliated: "So what are you going to do?"

He had already thought about it, and when he successfully escaped this time, he and Qiao Ran would leave here.

Waiting for a vaccine.

And he didn't do nothing during this time, did everyone really think that he was just a mediocre rogue king?
Putting it badly was just a cover. When he knew that Qiao Ran had space and he would not be reused by the base, he had already decided to do a big thing.

The leader sneered and looked at Yun Yizhou contemptuously: "The base has its own rules. If you come to the base and make a mistake, you will be punished by the base. Therefore, our base decided to transfer you to the Hengchuan base for detention. You will be judged."

He has long been displeased with Yun Yizhou, a bad king, and has no one in his eyes.

Why so crazy?

I didn't fix him before because I didn't have time or mood. Now that Hengchuan Base wants it, they are naturally willing to offer it.

As long as you give Yun Yizhou to them, you can get more vaccines, which is very cost-effective.

But there must be a legitimate reason to hand over Yun Yizhou.

Yun Yizhou was directly annoyed and laughed: "Did I create the zombie virus or what happened? I still need two bases to judge me together."

The leader immediately said: "We now have reasons to suspect that you, Yun Yizhou, conducted illegal research before the zombie outbreak and created the zombie virus."

Yun Yizhou: "?"

"In view of Yun Yizhou's serious suspicion, we must imprison you, and the people from the Hengchuan base will come to pick you up later."

Qiao Ran stood on the top floor, looking in the direction of the leader's office, wondering why Yun Yizhou hadn't come back after being away for so long.

It wasn't until the car with the logo of Hengchuan Base drove over that Qiao Ran felt uneasy.

Seeing the people getting out of the car, Qiao Ran's brows jumped even more, and she hurried downstairs.

Gao Lang and Sang Yang stood next to Chu Yin on one left and one on the right, and there was a large group of people behind them, all of whom were elites from the Hengchuan base, and their aura was well controlled.

This is Tong Chengze's rigid rule, but whenever Dr. Gu goes out, there must be pomp and circumstance.

Chu Yin led a large group of people into the room, and Yun Yizhou was already handcuffed and fettered.

Seeing Chu Yin, Yun Yizhou asked, "You want me, right?"

"Or did they take the initiative to use me to exchange vaccines for your Hengchuan base?"

What is Gu Shuang's reason for doing this?
He thought that he had nothing to do with Gu Shuang anymore, and according to Gu Shuang's character, he probably wouldn't come looking for him again.

But it happened.

Chu Yin greeted the leaders of Pingsheng Base, and looked at Yun Yizhou: "That's right, I will deliver the vaccine myself."

"And... I want you."

Chu Yin stretched out his finger and pointed at Yun Yizhou, and winked at Sang Yang and Gao Lang, who then winked at the people behind, who went to control Yun Yizhou.

During this period of time, Yun Yizhou had lived comfortably enough, but he didn't know how far his relationship with Qiao Ran had progressed.

No matter where it goes, now that the vaccine has been developed, she has to be free, so...

It's time to disassemble the cp.

You can't just let Yun Yizhou ignore him, there is still a task to get revenge on him.

Vaccines are now being developed.

Chu Yin suddenly remembered something, and asked the leader of the Pingsheng base: "This leader, may I ask, what is Yun Yizhou's crime?"

The leader took two steps forward, stood up, and said righteously: "We have reason to suspect that the zombie virus was caused by Yun Yizhou's illegal research!"

Chu Yin's eyes widened in astonishment.

Silently stretched out his hand and nodded his praise.

Meow, what a talent.

This kind of thing can be pinned on Yun Yizhou's head.

In order to justify his name, he also tried his best to make a deal with Yun Yizhou and himself.

How could Chu Yin know that this was not thought out by the leader at all, it was said by Yun Yizhou himself, and then the leader picked it up and used it.

Seeing that Chu Yin hesitated to speak, the leader asked, "What does Dr. Gu want to say?"

Chu Yin sighed: "It's nothing."

In fact, there may be other reasons.

A batch of their equipment mysteriously disappeared from the Pingsheng base, and a batch of many instruments in the research room also mysteriously disappeared.

A batch of supplies also mysteriously disappeared.

Doesn't this leader know how to pin this on Yun Yizhou?

It wasn't a buckle either, it was Yun Yizhou who did it.

But why did he not doubt Yun Yizhou about these things.

In fact, the strange disappearances at Pingsheng Base are all related to Qiao Ran in Yun Yizhou, which 3308 told him.

While he was devoting himself to researching and developing a vaccine, Yun Yizhou was acting badly on the surface, but in fact he and Qiao Ran were working together to make a big deal.

They used the space to steal a lot of things from the Pingsheng base, and used things to bribe many people.

It's just a coincidence that the base outside has just been established, and her vaccine has also come out.

Chu Yin guessed that the reason why Yun Yizhou and Qiao Ran continued to lurk here was because they wanted to steal the batch of vaccines they had sent over before leaving.

Worried that Yun Yizhou ran away, and also worried that he would steal the vaccine, he simply came to deliver the vaccine himself and took him away.

In Chu Yin's view, it was very normal for Yun Yizhou to have such a choice, because this time he was not reused by the base, he was despised by others, and he was hit hard.

Where it is as comfortable as the plot, the whole process of the first life went smoothly.

Although the second life did not develop a vaccine, he was reused because of the client at the beginning. No one despised him and respected him.

When Gu Shuang died, he had already established a firm foothold in the base. Later, when he was with Qiao Ran, human beings were already miserable at that time, and they had a lot of things in their hands, which made many people still respect them, and their status was also very high.

Now that he is not welcomed as soon as he comes, and there is space, it is reasonable to want to stand on his own.

(End of this chapter)

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