Chapter 108 The Great Change of the End Times (16)

"Wait a notice will be issued to everyone in the Yun'an base to voluntarily withdraw from the Yun'an base and join the Hengchuan base. They can be vaccinated first. Furthermore, our Hengchuan base will never provide vaccines to the Yun'an base in the future." Chu Yin told Sang Yang Said.

Tong Chengze gave Chu Yin a lot of rights, especially the vaccines. Chu Yin can arrange whatever he wants. Chu Yin has a very good life in this base.

Can that boost Qiao Ran's power?

Can't wow!

Don't have so many people in your hands, and make some troubles.

In the future, vaccines will never be provided to the Yun'an base, and no one will join the Yun'an base.

Sang Yang had a smirk on his face: "Dr. Gu, you are good or bad."

"In this way, the Yun'an base that just got up will be disbanded."

Chu Yin chuckled: "That's what I want."

The most important thing today is to get vaccinated. Even if you get vaccinated, you won't become a zombie even if you get injured by a zombie. The people in Yun'an base panicked when they heard that the vaccine would not be provided to them.

There is no vaccine for staying in this base, so what's the point of staying.

You can't just leave like this. If you want to seek refuge in other bases, the more things you bring, the better. A group of people rolled things up, ranging from various instruments and equipment as small as a desk lamp.

Qiao Ran couldn't stop these people at all, and angrily scolded at the side: "You are all a bunch of treacherous people."

"I have given you so many benefits and you have forgotten."

Someone said: "Then we can't get vaccinated for the rest of our lives just because we follow you."

"That's right, you have to offend Dr. Gu if you don't want to offend anyone."

"Do you know that it is dangerous not to be vaccinated? Do you want us to follow you in danger? The conditions here are nothing more than this."

"Now the Hengchuan base is a big base, and it is more secure for us to go there."

Qiao Ran broke down and shouted: "Then you just leave, why did you take my things?"

"What's the use of keeping these things, you won't be able to keep them unless we take them away." Someone sneered, beckoning someone to move the instruments to the car.

Qiao Ran's heart was bleeding, she and Yun Yizhou worked so hard to get these things.

It was Yun Yizhou's hard work.

Qiao Ran's base collapsed just like that, people ran away and everything was emptied.

Guarding the empty base, Qiao Ran knew that no one would choose to join the Yun'an base. Who would join a base where there was no vaccine available.

He secretly hated, this Gu Shuang is really vicious!

Snatched Yun Yizhou away and destroyed her base.

Qiao Ran went mad with jealousy, and the killing intent surged in her chest.

Batch after batch of vaccines were sent to various bases, and more and more people were successfully vaccinated. Various bases were actively sending people out to find survivors, and at the same time searched for zombies all over the world to eliminate them.

After being vaccinated, it can resist the zombie virus. Even if it is injured by a zombie, it will not be infected with the zombie virus. The loss of human beings is rapidly reduced, and the number of zombies is also rapidly decreasing.

Chu Yin developed a purification agent to purify the water resources and soil polluted by the zombie virus.

Once again made an outstanding contribution to social reconstruction.

And the survivors who could be found were gradually all vaccinated.

After everyone cleans up the zombies in an area and protects it, it is called a safe area. The number of safe areas is gradually increasing, and they accommodate ordinary people. Humans have also begun to gradually rebuild.

Everything is gradually moving in a good direction, and Chu Yin is very pleased.

Yun Yizhou was imprisoned in the secret room of the research room. There are many guards here, and the security is very good.

He leaned against the wall decadently, missing Qiao Ran's space so much.

Since Gu Shuang locked him in, he never came to see him again.

He can't do anything here, and no one talks. What he eats every day is some expired compressed biscuits thrown in from the small window, or some expired bread.

Are these things for people to eat?Not at all.

I am used to eating all the things raised by the spiritual liquid, and I am used to drinking the spiritual liquid. I can't eat these vulgar things at all, and every time I eat them, I feel extremely painful.

But in order to survive, I have to eat.

Being locked up here for too long, all the little meat raised in Qiao Ran's space fell off, and she was extremely thin and lethargic.

"I want to see Gu Shuang, let me see Gu Shuang." Yun Yizhou frantically beat the wall.

"Gu Shuang, what do you mean, you brought me here, you didn't say a word to me, and you didn't see me, what are you going to do?"

"Gu Shuang, if this is your new way of torturing people, then you win, and I'm about to be driven crazy by you. You are willing to treat me like this after our relationship for so many years."

"You might as well kill me, kill me, I'm really fed up with this oppressive atmosphere, I feel like I'm a beast raised by you."

Yun Yizhou lay on the barred window, looking at the opposite camera, Gu Shuang should be able to see it.

Sang Yang said to Chu Yin, "He's making a fuss again."

"Do you want me to go in and teach him a lesson?"

"No, leave him alone, don't let him die anyway." Chu Yin glanced at Yun Yizhou from the screen, shouted in a strangely loud voice, frowned, and ordered Sang Yang: "Who is responsible for delivering food to him every day?" Yes, give less, you see this is interesting."

Sang Yang pursed his lips: "It's really sloppy, why are you so full?"

"How are the zombies eliminated?" Chu Yin asked.

Sang Yang said: "It will take at least a few years to clean everything up. We have been working hard for so long."

"Hey." Chu Yin handed Sang Yang a transparent glass bottle: "Open it and drink it, and try it, and see my new invention."

Sang Yang drank it without saying a word.

After drinking, all the fatigue was gone, and he was full of strength. Sang Yang felt that he was resurrected with blood, and he asked, "What is this?"

"Energy supplement." Chu Yin said, "I newly developed it."

"With this, you can drink a bottle when you're exhausted from fighting zombies, and you won't face exhaustion."

The current zombies have evolved so much that ordinary people can no longer deal with them. Basically, the elites of various bases and those who have absorbed countless crystal core energies can deal with them.

What's more, it tests the human's long-lasting combat ability. Zombies are tireless and can fight all the time, but humans can't. Even if they have energy support in their bodies, they will always be exhausted.

Sang Yang looked at Chu Yin with a smile: "Good sister, give me some more."

"Of course, I don't want to think about you for any good things." Chu Yin opened the glass cabinet, which was full of them, and asked Sang Yang to take whatever he wanted.

There is no way, anyone who asks Sang Yang to coax people to flatter is very good at it. After so long, whenever I have free time, I will come to her and talk to her to relieve fatigue. It is also a little joy in the boring life in the laboratory.

Gao Lang was not good at coaxing people to flatter, but he would visit Chu Yin from time to time and tell Chu Yin about the situation outside.

(End of this chapter)

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