Chapter 109 The Great Change of the End Times (17)

With the drastic reduction of zombies, Qiao Ran found something strange in his own space.

The ectoplasmic liquid doesn't taste as good as before. It always feels a lot thinner, like water, and it doesn't have a sweet taste. On the contrary, there is a faint smell.

The flowers and trees in the space are also gradually withering.

Vegetables planted inside are rotten with insects, and poultry are sluggish.

Qiao Ran was frightened by this change, which was obviously a trend of getting worse and worse.

As if inspired by something, Qiao Ran understood that all of this had something to do with zombies.

With fewer and fewer zombies, her space will become more dilapidated.

If one day, the zombies become extinct, it will bring unpredictable damage to her space.

Qiao Ran didn't even know where her perception came from, but she did, and she firmly believed in her heart that this was the case.

Suddenly a huge choice was placed in front of Qiao Ran, one was to exterminate the zombies, and the other was to have his own space.

As a human being, Qiao Ran still hoped that the zombies would be wiped out, but if it involved her huge golden finger, Qiao Ran couldn't let it go.

She has depended deeply on this space and cannot lose it.

Chu Yin said to 3308: "Help me see where Qiao Ran is now."

Since Qiao Ran's base was disbanded, Qiao Ran has not appeared in the public's sight.

3308 gave Chu Yin a seat, Chu Yin saw it and frowned.

Isn't this near the Hengchuan base?
Qiao Ran disguised herself to sneak into the base, and let her sneak into the research room successfully.

Just as she was trying her best to get close to the room where Yun Yizhou was held, a group of people surrounded her.

Countless guns were aimed at her.

Chu Yin walked out from the crowd.

Qiao Ran was shocked: "Gu Shuang, what are you going to do?"

Sang Yang answered for Chu Yin: "We shouldn't ask, what are you doing sneaking into our base?"

"Are you still coming to our most important research laboratory, do you want to steal the formula of the vaccine?"

"Isn't it too late, all survivors are vaccinated, oh, you weren't, were you?"

"Dr. Gu, would you mind giving her an injection?" Sang Yang looked at Qiao Ran playfully.

Chu Yin smiled slightly: "Of course I don't mind."

"I don't want you to vaccinate me. Who cares about your vaccine?" Qiao Ran sneered.

Previously, survivors were being vaccinated everywhere. If she wanted to, it was very easy to get vaccinated, but she didn't.

She didn't want to use the vaccine developed by Gu Shuang, and firmly believed that she would not be injured by zombies.

Gu Shuang stole her lover, destroyed her base, and then used the vaccine developed by Gu Shuang, that was disgusting.

"Hand over Yun Yizhou to me." Angrily, Qiao Ran took out a gun and pointed it at Chu Yin, ignoring so many guns aimed at her.

Chu Yin frowned slightly, and gave Sang Yang a wink. Sang Yang's eyes were determined and fierce, and he ordered: "Qiao Ran intends to murder Dr. Gu. To protect ourselves, we must fight back and shoot!"

The gunshot rang out, and countless bullets rushed towards Qiao Ran, which was bound to smash Qiao Ran into a sieve.

Qiao Ran calmly sneered, with a crazy expression on his face: "I really thought these toys could kill me."

After that, she fired several shots at Chu Yin without hesitation, but Chu Yin dodged it very easily.

She also imitated Qiao Ran's tone: "If you can't kill me, can you still kill me?"

A shocking scene appeared, Qiao Ran dodged some of the countless bullets, and the bullets that Qiao Ran failed to dodge did not hurt her, as if there was an invisible barrier protecting her around her, the bullets Can't penetrate.

Chu Yin was not shocked by this, because Qiao Ran was now protected by that small space.

This is why 3308 said Qiao Ran was not easy to kill.

Not to mention that she has space to hide in at any time, there is also a protective shield formed by space, and bullets can't hurt her in the slightest.

So she had never done anything to Qiao Ran before, and she didn't want Qiao Ran to find out that she had an invincible protective shield early on.

That will only make her do more things, thinking that it can be delayed for a while.

But obviously Qiao Ran still found out about being protected now, otherwise he wouldn't rush to the base alone.

As Chu Yin expected, Qiao Ran didn't know that she had a protective shield at first, but she discovered it by accident. After she found out, she dared to come here to rescue her sweetheart.

Sang Yang and the others were stunned. Chu Yin said, "Shoot and continue to rob me. Qiao Ran will definitely be killed on the spot."

I know it can't be killed, but I must have the momentum.

While dodging the bullets, Qiao Ran also fired at the crowd. A fierce gun battle erupted in the entire space, and the sound of the guns was like firecrackers.

Attracting the attention of the entire base, Tong Chengze immediately arranged for more people to encircle and suppress Qiao Ran.

Everyone has seen Qiao Ran's invincible protective cover.

Can't help exclaiming: "This is too fantastic!"

Obviously the bullet hit her, but it couldn't penetrate her body.

Bullets will even be deflected.

Facing the heavily armed encirclement and suppression by the people at the base, Qiao Ran laughed: "Your base is nothing more than that."

"It's all a bunch of trash, come on, kill me!"

"Go ahead and shoot!"

Qiao Ran was arrogant and complacent, with an extremely crazy expression, looked at Chu Yin again and said, "Gu Shuang, I'd better persuade you to return Yun Yizhou to me, otherwise I will hunt and kill people in your base from now on."

"I will kill you every day, until you become a sinner through the ages!"

As soon as Qiao Ran's words came out, the faces of the people in the base changed drastically.

There was even a trace of fear flashing across someone's face.

They couldn't hurt Qiao Ran at all, despite so many people besieging him.

If Qiao Ran really wanted to kill them, it would be difficult for them to protect themselves.

Chu Yin looked indifferent: "Qiao Ran, you read less."

Qiao Ran was stunned for a moment, she never expected that at this time, the other party could still calmly accuse her of not reading as much as she did?
But Chuyin hit the most vulnerable place in Qiao Ran's heart.

Qiao Ran is most jealous of Gu Shuang's high education and strong ability to save the world.

His face twisted in anger.

"As long as you hurt anyone in my base, Yun Yizhou will suffer ten times the damage." Chu Yin's eyes were filled with an irreversible chill.

He continued: "If you dare to kill anyone, I will make Yun Yizhou feel what is meant by extreme life is worse than death."

"How? Qiao Ran, do you want to try it?" Chu Yin raised his chin, his eyes explaining what Chi Guoguo's provocation is.

Qiao Ran looked at Chu Yin bitterly, gritted her teeth and roared, "How dare you!"

The voice was sharp and piercing, full of grief and extreme helplessness.

Did Gu Shuang expect today?
That's why Yun Yizhou was taken away.

Why is Gu Shuang so smart? Even if he has so much in his life, he still can't beat her!

Qiao Ran retreated angrily. She had an invincible protective shield. No one could hurt her during the battle, but she could hurt others.

The people at the base were more or less injured.

(End of this chapter)

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