Chapter 110 The Great Change of the End Times (18)

The people at the base failed to stop Qiao Ran in the end.

After Qiao Ran left, there was an uproar in the base, and there were many discussions.

Everyone was talking about how Qiao Ran became invulnerable.

Sang Yang chased Chu Yin and asked, "What's the matter with her?"

"Is this the ultimate in absorbing crystal nuclei?"

"I don't understand, I'm shocked, such a person is terrible."

Sang Yang was still a little worried: "Such a person is like a bomb, hiding in the dark and staring at you. I'm worried that she will harm you."

"It is a hidden danger if it is not eliminated."

Chu Yin patted Sang Yang on the shoulder: "Don't worry too much."

"She won't be around for long."

"What we can do now is to get rid of the zombies as soon as possible, and don't leave any one behind. This is the top priority."

Sang Yang sighed, and looked at Chu Yin seriously: "Good sister, you are a person who puts the people's righteousness first, and I admire you very much."

Chu Yin was surprised by the sudden flattery.

"how you said that."

Sang Yang: "Qiao Ran is no longer your rival in love, she has been upgraded to an enemy of life and death."

"I saw that she looked at you with a strong killing intent. Cough, of course, she fired so many shots at you, obviously to put you to death."

"Then is she your confidant?"

Chu Yin nodded seriously: "Indeed."

"That's why your enemy is so terrible, but you only want to get rid of the zombies in your heart, completely disregarding your personal grievances and safety."

"Hiss." Chu Yin supported his forehead.

"Yes, you are right, sister and I are such a righteous person, please do your best to worship sister!" Chu Yin spread her hands.

Can't explain.

Could it be that if you told Sang Yang that the zombies were extinct, Qiao Ran would also be extinct?
To get rid of the zombies quickly is to get rid of Qiao Ran as soon as possible.

But it is said that it will take a few years to get rid of all the zombies, and Chu Yin feels that it is a bit too long.

It seems that he has to find a way to speed up. Qiao Ran has already discovered that he has an invincible protective shield, and he is very likely to rely on this to do whatever he wants.

I don't want to let her go out for so long.

The only thing that makes me feel a little relieved is that although Qiao Ran has such perverted abilities, his mind is average, and he thinks more about Yun Yizhou.

Yun Yizhou, who chose to stay in Yun Yizhou was to hold Qiao Ran back someday.

As long as Yun Yizhou is still in his hands, Qiao Ran must be thinking about Yun Yizhou.

He didn't dare to go too far, for fear that Yun Yizhou would be hurt.

Chu Yin went to the research room, worked for a while, and took Sang Yang to meet Yun Yizhou in the middle of the night.

This is also the first time that Chu Yin officially came to see Yun Yizhou after he was imprisoned by Chu Yin for so long.

"Gu Shuang, you're finally here." Although Yun Yizhou didn't hear Qiao Ran coming during the day, he felt that something should happen.

Otherwise, how could Gu Shuang, who has always been indifferent to him, come to see him.

Now he only hates Gu Shuang but has no love at all.

"Gu Shuang, you succeeded, you shut down all my love and old love for you."

"Now I only hate you." Yun Yizhou's eyes were bloodshot, staring at Chu Yin.

It was as if he wanted to pluck out a piece of flesh from Chu Yin's body.

It was only here that I slowly felt Qiao Ran's goodness.

Qiao Ran was really kind to him.

The biggest secrets are shared with him.

Chu Yin spat: "I don't care about your broken love."

"Don't disgust me here."

"Are you mentioning love all the time, are you brainless? Do you think that losing your love will cause me to die of pain? I will be heartbroken."

"Actually who cares, you're just poor enough to have nothing. You can't say anything other than your so-called love."

"Sang Yang, please knock him out." Chu Yin propped his chin and looked at Yun Yizhou.

Yun Yizhou's lips were colorless and his face was pale. Sang Yang could probably be knocked out with a fist.

Sure enough, Sang Yang only used a light fist, and Yun Yizhou fainted.

During the whole process, Yun Yizhou didn't have time to make any sound.

Chu Yin injected Yun Yizhou with a needle.

Sang Yang asked what it was.

Chu Yin chuckled: "If my sister tells you, it will destroy her image of stalwart in your heart."

"In order to maintain my image, I can't say it."

Sang Yang became even more curious with a gossipy face.

Climbed Chu Yin's shoulders with both hands, and squeezed with moderate strength: "Tell me."

"I really want to know what you are doing, my good sister."

"Isn't it very exciting, with a little naughtiness?"

Chu Yin put her hands behind her back, pretending to be profound.

Sang Yang asked hard again, but in the end he still didn't come out.

I was so anxious that I tossed and turned in the middle of the night.

Sang Yang was not the only one who tossed and turned in the middle of the night.

And Chu Yin.

Chu Yin was thinking hard about whether there was a quick solution to the zombies.

It can solve both zombies and Qiao Ran, the task can be completed quickly, and society can recover faster.

After thinking about it, go out by yourself.

In fact, the most important thing in this task was to eliminate all the zombies. Even if Qiao Ran was tried to kill Qiao Ran, the zombies still existed, so he still needed to find a way.

I have spiritual power, can find hidden zombies faster, and I occupy a lot of crystal core resources, and my combat power is stronger than many people.

It's just that after he left the base, Yun Yizhou felt a little uneasy.

But people always have to choose. If you want to get rid of the zombies quickly, going out in person is an effective and simple way.

The next day Chu Yin announced that he would personally lead the team out to clean up the zombies.

She asked the various bases to provide information, like those zombies that have been difficult to deal with and have not been solved, she will solve them.

Chu Yin's decision was opposed by most people.

Because in their eyes, Dr. Gu cannot do such a dangerous thing.

If something happened to Dr. Gu, it would be a great loss to human beings.

Especially the people in the Hengchuan base are very opposed.

They are all people who have seen Qiao Ran's invincible protective cover. When the time comes to seek revenge from Dr. Gu, what will happen if something happens.

Chu Yin smiled slightly and said, "I can't hide in the base just because I'm afraid, it won't protect me for the rest of my life."

Sang Yang echoed Chu Yin: "Dr. Gu is right."

"My eternal belief, Dr. Gu." He held up his hands: "I still want to follow Dr. Gu."

"From today onwards, I will be responsible for Dr. Gu's safety."

"As for all the previous matters, I am no longer responsible. From then on, I only concentrate on following Dr. Gu to clean up the zombies!"

Gao Lang twitched the corner of his mouth, and gave Sang Yang a slap on the back of the head as soon as he went up.

"It's not sure who will protect who." He said angrily.

The crowd was silent.

God knows how speechless the aloof Sang Yang's dazed look is now.

Before Chuyin set off, she transferred Yun Yizhou to a secret place, which only Sang Yang and Tong Chengze knew except her.

She left enough supplies for Yun Yizhou, at least until the next time she went to see Yun Yizhou.

(End of this chapter)

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