Chapter 111 The Great Change of the End Times (19)

Chu Yin led the team to eliminate powerful high-level zombies, and went wherever the zombies were powerful.

Although everyone has been vaccinated and will no longer be infected with the zombie virus, once they fall into the hands of zombies, it is extremely common to be bitten to death.

This kind of advanced zombie is very difficult to deal with. It is difficult for human beings to deal with the current ability of strength alone, but human beings have wisdom.

The power of wisdom is extremely powerful, enough to make up for the gap in human strength.

The reaction speed of the zombies is really fast now, so fast that afterimages appear in the shadows, it is difficult to catch up. Chu Yin can only leave a mental imprint on the zombies to track.

And the existence of spiritual power also allows her to avoid many potential crises. She can conduct reconnaissance in advance and will not be ambushed by sudden attacks by zombies.

Although the current zombies don't have much wisdom, they already know how to lurk and hide when they reach the level of advanced zombies, and they can catch humans by surprise.

Just like animals know how to hide in the dark and ambush.

Seeing the zombie like this, Chu Yin was even deeply worried that the zombie would develop advanced wisdom.

From the plot to the complete fall of the world, zombies do not have advanced intelligence, but because of the existence of space itself, there is variability.

The strength is also incomparable, and the body is as strong as a stone, which is difficult to destroy.

With Chu Yin leading the team, the speed of eliminating zombies was indeed much faster.

Because some zombies are too cunning, they will ambush people even if they can't catch up, and human beings will spend a lot of money in order to eliminate zombies.

And Chu Yin's mental power is like cheating, knowing the location of the zombies and being able to scout in advance.

Sang Yang was very surprised: "Good sister, you have reminded us several times that zombies are ambushing us, how do you judge?"

Chu Yin pretended to be profound: "If you are more detailed, you can judge it."

"Thin? How thin?" Sang Yang looked a little weird.

He was a little suspicious that Dr. Gu was driving, but there was no evidence.

Chu Yin clicked his tongue: "It must be very thin."

"Through some traces and details, it is judged that there are zombies, and more is intuition. Not everyone has intuition. If you don't have it, don't force it."

Chu Yin shrugged.

Intuition is mental power.

Sang Yang shrugged like Chu Yin.

Chu Yin shrugged again.

Sang Yang finally understood.


Chu Yin closed her eyes in enjoyment.

"After the zombies in that temple are wiped out tomorrow, let's go back to the base."

That is the last zombie in this area. After she cleans it up, this place will be protected and no more zombies will be allowed to enter, making it a safe area.

Chu Yin planned to go back to see the situation in Yun Yizhou.

Sang Yang: "Everything is arranged by the leader."

It is quite far from the capital now, and it takes a day or two to drive.

After the number of safety zones increased, although the roads in the safety zone were repaired immediately, they were still not as smooth as before the end of the world.

The next day, Chu Yin led Sang Yang and the others to a fierce battle in the temple and successfully cleaned up the zombies.

After driving for two days and returning to the base, Tong Chengze told Chu Yin, "Qiao Ran didn't give up, and came again."

Chu Yin asked, "And then?"

Tong Chengze said: "Several people in the base were severely injured and ran away again."

"Then did she find out that Yun Yizhou was transferred?" Chu Yin asked.

Tong Chengze nodded: "Of course, otherwise, can she let it go without you?"

"She came here while you were away."

Chu Yin's eyes darkened: "I really can't cry without seeing the coffin."

"Dare to come, dare to seriously injure people in our base, it seems that I will do what I say!"

Chu Yin released the news, accusing Yun Yizhou of many strange crimes, saying that Yun Yizhou would be executed.

And announced that Qiao Ran had the invincible protective cover.

The world is horrified, people with this ability are too scary.

Nothing can sanction her, doesn't that mean she can do whatever she wants.

And she does whatever she wants.

He has broken into Hengchuan Base, the largest base in the capital today, twice, in an attempt to kill Dr. Gu Shuang, who has made outstanding contributions to mankind, and wounded people twice.

A base as large as the Hengchuan base could not do anything to Qiao Ran, and everyone couldn't help but feel scared.

This Qiao Ran is scarier than zombies!
Qiao Ran couldn't sit still when she heard that Chu Yin was going to execute Yun Yizhou.

Break into the base and ask to see Chu Yin.

Chu Yin said to Sang Yang: "Let her wait."

Qiao Ran heard that he had to wait, and his eyes were dark: "Tell Gu Shuang, don't show me off, and be careful that I will kill all the people in your base."

Sang Yang gave Qiao Ran a cold look.

"Go out and kill."

"My good sister said that if you hurt another person, you have to cut a piece of Yun Yizhou's body."

"Come on, try to get Yun Yizhou Xi to die."

Qiao Ran took a deep breath, and looked at Sang Yang with disgust: "Damn boy, Gu Shuang lost Yun Yizhou, so he can eat anything."

She hates a man who looks more charming and feminine than a woman.

Sang Yang hooked his lips.

No more talking.

Why are these people full of love in their minds, they adore Dr. Gu and are willing to stay by her side and do things for her, so they think it's that kind of relationship?

Chu Yin was busy preparing a medicine in the research room.

Hit the potion on Yun Yizhou.

Yun Yizhou has been brought back by Chu Yin.

After taking the medicine, Yun Yizhou fell into a brief coma. After monitoring Yun Yizhou's physical condition, Chu Yin gave him another injection to wake him up, and patted him on the shoulder.

Said to Yun Yizhou: "Wake up."

Yun Yizhou stared at Chu Yin blankly.

I wanted to move but found that I couldn't move, and my consciousness was extremely clear.

During this period of time, Yun Yizhou hadn't been so clear-headed for a long time.

"Be patient, I'm afraid you'll faint from the pain, so I specially gave you medicine. Don't worry, you won't faint no matter how painful it is."

Chu Yin picked up a sharp scalpel and slid it on Yun Yizhou's shoulder.

Qiao Ran sat in the waiting room, and the screen in the waiting room showed Chu Yin's every move in the research room.

Yun Yizhou was lying on the cold iron plate, and Gu Shuang took a scalpel and cut the flesh on Yun Yizhou's shoulder.

Without anesthesia, Yun Yizhou was cut alive, sweating profusely from the pain, tears soaring, veins exposed, eyeballs bulging, but unable to move a bit.

"Qiao Ran, you seriously injured my man, let Yun Yizhou pay it back for you." Chu Yin turned to look at the camera.

Chu Yin's eyes were so deep that Qiao Ran was shocked.

Demon, this is a demon scarier than her.

In terms of ruthlessness, Gu Shuang was even more ruthless.

How could she do it and torture Yun Yizhou like this.

Yun Yizhou didn't do anything, she could do anything.

"Stop, tell Gu Shuang to stop, if Yun Yizhou dies, I want everyone in the world to be buried with me!" Qiao Ran yelled madly stimulated.

"Tell her to stop!" Qiao Ran yelled at Sang Yang.

Qiao Ran's heart was bleeding from pain.

Yun Yizhou suffered all this because of himself.

I implicated him.

It's all his own harm.

While Qiao Ran was angry and distressed, she fell into deep self-blame and guilt.

Qiao Ran was so anxious that tears rolled in her eye sockets, she blamed her for being useless and not being able to rescue Yun Yizhou.

(End of this chapter)

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