Chapter 122 Became a Queen (2)

After Chu Yin received the plot, her head became dizzy to the extreme, she just wanted to lie down and not go anywhere, the strange feeling all over her body made her irritable and longing.

Chu Yin struggled to get up, the feeling was too high.

"3308, help me give me the antidote in my blue vial."

Chu Yin was glad that he had stockpiled all kinds of potions in the last world.

Otherwise you will have to spend points.

Another small saving.

After drinking the antidote, those strange feelings in the body quickly disappeared.

After drinking another bottle of energy supplements, Chu Yin instantly revived with full blood.

This time, I came here to attend a banquet. There were a lot of people, but there were no people from the entertainment industry, and they were all wealthy people.

There are many rooms upstairs.

Looking at the time, there is still some time before He Rui comes here, Chu Yin thought for a while, since this is Xu Muyin's chance to plot against her, why is it not his chance to plot against her?

Now or never.

Chu Yin lifted the hem of the long skirt, put on the high-heeled shoes, thought about it and took them off again, held them in her hands, and then slipped out the door lightly.

Release your mental power while walking, afraid that someone who doesn't know will notice her secretly.

Chu Yin touched the stairs, and most people would take the elevator upstairs, but Xu Muyin would come to the stairs to answer in order to talk to Leng Hanting on the phone to avoid being overheard.

Usually no one comes here.

There is a door on the stairs, which is open, and Chu Yin is hiding in the crack behind the door.

Be a quiet hunter.

Holding the crystal nucleus in his hand, he began to absorb it. The next thing to do needs a little strength, and it can't be done without strength.

A quick way to talk about strength.

Quietly absorbing the crystal nucleus, Chu Yin soon heard the sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the floor, and the owner of the high-heeled shoes deliberately lightened his steps.

"How is your arrangement with her?" Seeing that there was no one on the side of the stairs, Xu Muyin talked on the phone in a small enough voice.

Glancing at the open door, he leaned against the door where Chu Yin was hiding, and kept his eyes on the upstairs, fearing that someone would come down from above.

The two are separated by a door.

Chu Yin silently took out her phone to record.

Although Xu Muyin spoke in a low voice, it was only one door away.

Leng Hanting said: "It has been sent to the room."

"Now let's look at He Rui."

Xu Muyin hummed: "I hinted to him just now that if you drink too much, you can go upstairs to Room 06 to rest. I said that is the rest room I opened."

"When the time comes, he will definitely think about going upstairs when he is not feeling well."

Leng Hanting chuckled twice.

Xu Muyin sighed: "I can't help it either."

"He Rui is a nice person. It is the best arrangement for Xu Jiameng. She is my sister, and I can't bear her to have a bad life."

"To be honest, I refused your proposal at first, because after all, I didn't get Jiameng's consent."

Leng Hanting: "Okay, don't feel so guilty, Xu Jiameng may not be able to find someone better than He Rui, we are all for her good."

Xu Muyin: "Well, I'll go and have a look."

"Something has already been poured into his drink."

"It should go up later."

Hearing the sound of the phone hanging up, Chu Yin stretched out a hand from behind the door, and slapped Xu Muyin hard on the back of the head. Xu Muyin collapsed to the ground without seeing who it was.

Having absorbed some crystal nuclei just now, Chu Yin picked up Xu Muyin by the waist with lightning speed, went upstairs, and secretly put her into Room 06.

Chu Yin rummaged through Xu Muyin's body, found the medicine, and she smiled when she got the medicine.

Feed Xu Muyin some.

He quickly ran to the utility room of the hotel, found a set of waiter's clothes to change into, and sneaked into the lobby.

The scene was very lively, with three or five chatting together holding wine glasses.

He locked his eyes on He Rui, his eyes were already blurred, he was a little unsteady, and he was still holding on.

Chu Yin was wearing the waiter's clothes and quickly shuttled through the crowd, with her head down and busy.

After the smooth operation was completed, he exited the scene gracefully, went back to the utility room and changed back into his clothes, first went to room 06 and found Xu Muyin's cell phone to send a message to Leng Hanting.

He sent another message to He Rui, asking him to meet on the rooftop, and then fooled He Rui away.

Find someone who can see room 06 with mental power, and release the mental power to monitor every move in the room.

A message came from Leng Hanting's cell phone, and he opened it while avoiding everyone. It was Xu Muyin who asked him to go to Room 15 in 06 minutes.

Xu Muyin also said that the plan had changed, she went up first, and then Leng Hanting went up by herself.

The original plan was for two people to call for some people to go up together.

Leng Hanting also drank the wine and shook his head.

I couldn't figure out why Xu Muyin suddenly changed her plan.

Did he drink too much wine, and felt that his reaction was very slow, so Leng Hanting put down his glass, and he had something to do later, so he couldn't drink any more.

Searching for He Rui's figure in the crowd failed, Leng Hanting frowned, did he already go upstairs?

should be.

As time passed by, Leng Hanting felt a strange feeling in his body, his strength was gone, and double images appeared.


Glancing at the time, 15 minutes had passed, Leng Hanting remembered Xu Muyin's text message, deliberately avoided everyone, went upstairs, and went to Room 06.

Pushing the door open, there was no scene of Xu Jiameng and He Rui having a blast together in his imagination, and his mobile phone was ready.

There was only one person lying on the bed, looking like Xu Muyin in his clothes, Leng Hanting realized something was wrong, strode over and shook Xu Muyin, "What's wrong with you?"

Xu Muyin opened her eyes in a daze, the effect of the medicine had reached its peak in her body, she wrapped her hands around Leng Hanting's neck, and whispered: "I want it."

The breath she exhaled, as well as Xu Muyin's unique fragrance, as well as her coquettish demeanor, were like a spark.

He ignited Leng Hanting, who had already been given the same drug.

The two people who lost the ability to think, under the influence of the drug, turned into a fire.

At that time, Chu Yin was wearing the waiter's clothes and shuttled through the busy hall, and had already put the medicine into Leng Hanting's wine glass.

An antidote was also administered to He Rui.

Then lead He Rui to the rooftop, lest He Rui spoil her affairs.

Chu Yin hurried downstairs when Leng Hanting entered the room, and she anxiously searched in the lobby: "Did anyone see my sister?"

"Where's my sister?"

Everyone glanced at Chu Yin, and they didn't want to pay attention to this daughter who was not valued by the Xu family.

"Sister He Qing, can you accompany me to look for it?" Chu Yin walked to He Rui's cousin and said.

He Qing hesitated for a while, and wanted to refuse, but when he saw Chu Yin's worried eyes, his heart softened again.

This girl is simple in heart, but her sister is not simple.

The reality on the Internet compares her with her sister, tramples on her in various ways, and she is still so worried about her sister.

"Let's go." He Qing thought for a while and said, "By the way, I just heard from Yin Yin that she has a rest room upstairs in Room 06, is that there?"

(End of this chapter)

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