Chapter 123 Became a Queen (3)

Chu Yin stared blankly at He Qing, her little face was flushed, and it was normal for her to react a little slower after drinking.

The reason why he was looking for He Qing was because Xu Muyin told He Rui that she had a rest room upstairs on purpose in front of He Qing.

Their original plan was to take people like He Qing up to find out about He Rui and Xu Jiameng.

So now Chu Yin also took advantage of He Qing's knowledge of the rest room to call He Qing.

"That's it." Chu Yin looked at Wen Weiwei who was next to He Qing.

Wen Weiwei has always been gossiping, seeing Chu Yin's inviting eyes, she was immediately moved.

A few people beside Wen Weiwei also said, "We're bored here too, let's go for a walk together."

"It's fine anyway."

This is how Xu Muyin called these people in the plot, and she used the same method, which went very smoothly.

Everyone was preparing to go upstairs, and just happened to meet He Rui. He Rui waited and waited on the rooftop, but did not wait for He Muyin, turned around to look for her, met a group of people, and asked, "Where are you going?"

He Rui, who drank the antidote, was no longer affected by the drug, and now his consciousness is very clear.

He Rui thought it was because he blew the wind on the rooftop.

"Let's go find Mu Yin, do you want to go together?" He Qing blurted out.

And a little regretful, if Xu Muyin was in the lounge, it would be because she drank too much and felt uncomfortable, or she was arranging her clothes or makeup, and it always felt bad to call He Rui.

But Xu Muyin is He Rui's fiancée, so there's nothing wrong with it.

He Rui looked at the crowd, and also wanted to see Xu Muyin in his heart.

He always felt that Xu Muyin was very cold towards him recently.

Especially at the banquet tonight, Xu Muyin always deliberately avoided him, not wanting to get any closer to him, as if she was avoiding something.

Chu Yin silently glanced at He Qing.

This is good, this is wonderful.

Zhengchou didn't know how to ask He Rui to go with him. Although he was the future brother-in-law, in order to avoid suspicion, the client seldom talked to He Rui.

He Rui was tricked to the rooftop before to give Leng Hanting the illusion that things were done, and now he can play again.

"Mu Yin, are you in?" He Qing knocked on the door, but there was no response.

Xu Muyin and Leng Hanting were passionately engaged, and they had already forgotten everything, so there was no knock on the door.

"This door seems to be open directly." Chu Yin looked at the door.

This was also designed by Xu Muyin at the time, so that the door would not be locked and then the door would be pushed open without giving anyone time to prepare.

Before He Qing made a move, the person next to He Qing directly pushed the door open.

The door was pushed open, and everyone was shocked on the spot.

"Ah... ah...!" Xu Muyin screamed in fright when she saw so many people suddenly appearing in the room.

Leng Hanting turned over and grabbed the quilt to cover him and Xu Muyin.

"What are you doing!" After He Rui realized it, veins twitched on his forehead.

The women on Chuyin's side had never seen such a scene before, and some of them couldn't see Xu Muyin's well-being, so they immediately took out their mobile phones and sent a message to the drinking people in the hall downstairs.

"Come and watch the show."

"Come up quickly, room 06 on the second floor."

"Absolutely explosive."

"Come up quickly, you will definitely not lose money, and if you come late, you will not see a good show."

Several people's fingers jumped rapidly on the mobile phone, tapped a few times, and sent it to others.

The people downstairs received the message and immediately rushed to the people around them.

"Get out, get out." Xu Muyin screamed at the person at the door.

Everyone wanted to exit, but they were blocked by people coming up. The entrance was as crowded as a vegetable market. Everyone poked their heads inside, and many took out their mobile phone cards to take pictures.

Now Xu Muyin is in the first and second tier of popularity.

Her material is fierce, she is definitely talking material!
"It's actually Leng Hanting!"

"It's no wonder Xu Muyin quickly became popular. It turns out that she has such a relationship with the president of the contracted company."

"Brother, don't be too sad." Someone put He Rui on the shoulder.

He Rui stood where he was, numb.

"It's still Xu Muyin who knows how to play. He never forgets to have a private meeting in the room when he attends a banquet."

"Tsk tsk, big stars are also embarrassing and conspicuous."

There was a lot of chatter at the scene, and they were all mocking and making fun of it.

"Xu Jiameng, what are you doing standing there, get them out of here, out!" Xu Muyin covered herself with the quilt, extremely embarrassed.

Leng Hanting wanted to get up and beat these people up, but it was a pity that he didn't have any clothes on, and it was inconvenient to put on clothes now.

His face was dark, and his dark eyes scanned everyone back and forth.

"Get out, you guys go out, don't look at my sister anymore." Chu Yin seemed to have suddenly recovered, and silently put the phone away.

Before that, she had already taken advantage of the chaos to shoot a video.

"Get out quickly." Chu Yin looked at He Qing: "Sister He Qing, can you help me?"

"Let them go quickly."

Those who watched the excitement refused to leave.

He Qing twitched the corners of his mouth, a little angry, and pointed at Chu Yin: "Your sister really knows how to play."

"What do you think of our He family?"

"Being insulted by you like this."

"Let's go." He Qing pulled He Rui who was stuck in place.

He Rui pursed his lips, his voice was hoarse and desperate, and he said to Xu Muyin: "You'd better give our He family an explanation."

He Rui's words erupted into roars of laughter.

"How else can I explain it!"

"It's all caught."

"Brother, can you do it, you can really bear it."

Almost all the wealthy families present were of similar conditions, and they were not afraid of offending He Rui. Everyone drank a lot of wine, and they were all excited after watching such a good show.

"Get out, get out of the way!" He Rui's chest heaved violently, seeing He Rui's fury, everyone gave way.

Hatsune pushed everyone out one by one, and silently closed the door for Xu Muyin.

Before closing the door, Chu Yin also told Xu Muyin: "Get dressed quickly."

"I'll be standing guard at the door."

Just ask if your sister is caring or not.

Of course Xu Muyin ignored Chu Yin.

From childhood to adulthood, Xu Muyin always held high in front of this younger sister.

Xu Muyin was used to being superior, but being laughed at by her always weak younger sister, Xu Muyin felt aggrieved and uncomfortable.

When Xu Muyin came out, Chu Yin stepped forward to meet her, and asked Xu Muyin with concern: "Sister, are you okay?"

Xu Muyin smiled sarcastically: "Stop pretending to care about me."

"Seeing that something happened to me, you are happier than anyone else in your heart."

She stretched out her slender fingers and pressed Chuyin's forehead heavily.

"Don't panic and blame me, shouldn't we think about solving the problem now?"

"There will soon be a lot of rumors going against my sister."

"Check it out, let me check it out, I'll see who dares to do anything." Leng Hanting knew that he and Xu Muyin had been drugged.

Looking at Chu Yin suddenly, his eyebrows twitched: "Why are you here?"

In the original plan, shouldn't Xu Jiameng be in the room?

Xu Jiameng was already in a state of taking medicine when she was sent to the room, but she is in a normal state now.

Xu Muyin looked at Chu Yin suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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