Chapter 133 Became a Queen (13)

"Don't you want to join the entertainment circle? If the entertainment circle knows that you forced your mother to death, what will everyone think of you?"

"Do you think you'll be a fool by then?"

"You are already covered in black material, why do you want to add black material to yourself?"

Mother Xu even threatened her.

Suicide warning.

The client had feelings for her at the time, and this big move was very useful for maxing out damage, but for Chu Yin, Xu's mother could only use it in vain, and the big move was useless.

"Whatever you want, marriage is a big issue, I can't compromise, I can't marry someone I don't love."

"Now is the age of freedom of marriage."

"You don't want to do it for the benefit of the family, so are you worthy of staying in this family? Are you worthy of enjoying so much?"

Chu Yin said: "It is suggested to sever the relationship here. I can double the money you spent on me."

"Cut it off, okay? Is it okay?" Chu Yin knew that the next step would be a warning to break away from the relationship, so he said it directly in advance.

This look of not being afraid of anything made Mother Xu very powerless.

"Without a family, what are you? You have no money, no connections, no connections, you are just a poor guy who was abandoned by a wealthy family, you know that?"

"Other people's good looks towards you are based on the fact that you are the daughter of the Xu family. Are you really not aware of the importance of your current identity to your life?"

"Let me tell you, it's hard to have no money. You can't buy anything you like. It's not easy to mix in the entertainment industry. If you want to do something, you lose your relationship and contacts. Just like those ordinary people, you will be with them." The same is an out-and-out poor thing, living at the bottom all his life, humble and painful!"

Chu Yin looked at Mother Xu unexpectedly.

Xu's mother seems to be weak in the family, accommodating Xu's father and Xu Muyin without restriction, but she is very arrogant in her bones and looks down on ordinary people.

But the mean words of ordinary people...


All I can say is, it was fun.

Chu Yin was unwilling to live or die. Since Xu's mother had already committed suicide, seeing that it didn't work, she had to commit suicide in the middle of the night to scare Chu Yin.

She cut a gash on her wrist and didn't bleed much, but was rushed to the hospital anyway.

Chu Yin was not frightened, but in a messy situation.

run away.

Xu's mother has already staged a suicide scene, and she has also recorded herself, including some conversations with Xu's parents before. She has already got what she wanted, and there is no point in staying in this family.

Chu Yin knew that this scene would happen sooner or later as she was out of control, so she waited at Xu's house, but it was actually surprising that it could happen so quickly.

Both He Rui and Xu Muyin announced the dissolution of their engagement.

Many people left messages to comfort Xu Muyin.

scolded Hori.

At this time, Xu Muyin is on Weibo @楚音.

Said that her parents wanted her to go back, because her parents had collapsed several times because of her running away from home, and they missed her very much.

Only then did everyone know that Chu Yin had run away from home.

Xu Muyin also invited many sailors to lead the rhythm.

[Boycott this unfilial artist! 】

【Xu Jiameng must have felt ashamed to stay here. 】

[There are rumors that Xu Jiameng's mother committed suicide because of her, but she went back, she was ruthless and cold-blooded. 】

【She is a kind of person who is heartless and ungrateful. Her sister treats her so well and she treats her like that. What's the surprise of doing such a thing? 】

[The character is too bad, no wonder even if you are born with a superior background, you can't get ahead in the entertainment industry. It seems that the people's eyes are discerning. 】

Chu Yin was scolded to a new level.

Chu Yin was reading the materials, holding a piece of paper and said to Lu Xi, "I think this is good."

"It's good, but there's just a call over there, so you don't have to go to the audition."

Chu Yin: "Change one."

"what about this?"

"This doesn't work either." Lu Xi had a headache.

"You are really a wave of ups and downs! Your father was angered by you and sent to the hospital. Netizens rumored that your mother committed suicide because of you."

Chu Yin chuckled: "That's not a rumor, it's true."

Lu Xi gave a thumbs up: "You are awesome."

"You have no choice now, this is what I can help you get in." Lu Xi picked up a document.

"This live broadcast of gossip interviews, the program group has no lower limit. Seeing that you have been very popular recently, I want to ask you some unknown things to earn traffic."

"And it will definitely make things difficult for you and make you look ugly."

"Okay, that's it." Chu Yin shrugged.

"When will it be up?"

Lu Xi: "Next week."

"I just want to see your jokes, but it's still a live broadcast, and you are full of black material. The host must be sharp and aggressive. You should be mentally prepared."

Chu Yin smiled: "No problem."

If there is a show, go up first~

The popularity of this show is quite high, because people follow this style.

In addition, I am also very hot!

"However, if you are willing, this is also a good opportunity to attract fans. As long as you perform well, the company will arrange trolls for you to cleanse you step by step."

"When your reputation gets better, there are still chances in a few plays." Lu Xi felt that she was really devoting herself to being a future actress and superstar.

"It's too much brain work, I feel like I don't have enough nutrition." Lu Xi looked at a pile of information, these days for Mengmeng, she really tried her best!

Chu Yin got up immediately: "I'll cook for you now."

Lu Xi: "..."

After confirming that he will be on the show, Chu Yin made the official announcement directly.

[There is a good show to watch! 】

[How many catties and taels, let’s go. 】

[The host of this show is notoriously venomous, and even more ruthless towards those dirty artists, how dare she? 】

[Speaking of which, how did she get on the show? The show must be looking at Sheng Xiao's face, or it's just her?Eighteen lines. 】

[However, it should be said or not, everyone seems to have accidentally scolded her. 】

During this period, Xu's father and Xu's mother kept trying to contact Chu Yin, but Chu Yin just ignored him.

They couldn't find Chu Yin again, and they were going to die of anger.

How can you force her to commit a crime when no one is in front of you?

The He family was impatient, saying that Xu Jiameng really didn't want to let it go, they didn't force it.

He Rui was still a little disappointed about this, if only Xu Jiameng was willing, he could take revenge on Xu Muyin emotionally.

Xu's father and Xu Muyin posted @楚音 on Weibo several times, and even added a picture of Xu's mother in the hospital, but failed.

Xu Muyin also appeared on a show the day before Chu Yin's show. In the show, she said that there was no such relationship between herself and Leng Hanting in the past.

When asked about the situation at home, Xu Muyin had a pained expression on her face, unwilling to mention it.

And on the day Chu Yin was on the show, some chat records and photos went viral on the Internet.

It is Xu Muyin and Leng Hanting's affectionate chat records, and the evidence that Leng Hanting promised resources to Xu Muyin, including past intimate photos.

Chu Yin only released so much for the time being, and did not release the evidence of their purchase of medicines and the plan.

Release it little by little for the greatest effect.

(End of this chapter)

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