Chapter 134 Became a Queen (14)

The technology emperors identified these things as true.

【Oh my god, it's too embarrassing. Yesterday Xu Muyin was still trying to get rid of her relationship with Leng Hanting, so today's news came out. 】

【Yeah, looking at the chat records, they have been together for a long time, and Xu Muyin's famous work is also a resource given by Leng Hanting. 】

[So Xu Muyin is not innocent at all, who knows the specific situation at that time. 】

[It's disgusting, it's true that Xu Muyin cheated. 】

[Obviously she has done it, but she still pretends to be a victim to gain sympathy, how dare she! 】

[Xu Muyin turned out to be such a duplicity person, she is so good at showing green tea, she was still talking about how sad she was when her engagement was terminated yesterday on the show, saying that she was innocent. 】

【Isn't it normal for her to have an affair first?He still pretended to be innocent, causing us to scold He Rui! 】

[Yeah, it's a shame that we comforted her in various ways, she just treated us fans like monkeys. 】

[Is this still the kind and beautiful goddess Yin in our hearts? 】

[Xu Muyin, who is full of lies, is so disgusting, I don't want to be a fan anymore. 】

【I'm going to watch Xu Jiameng's show, maybe we also scolded Xu Jiameng wrongly. 】

[Yes, Xu Jiameng may have known the inside story a long time ago, so she didn't want to help her sister deceive us true fans. 】

Chu Yin was on a live show, when the host asked her: "Do you have any talents?"

"We don't see many of your past works here."

Chu Yin glanced at the host.

This live TV program also opened barrage, in order to be able to interact with netizens at any time.

[I just like such a daring host, ask a worthless talent about her skills, and see how she responds. 】

[Yes, the host really lived up to my expectations! 】

Those who watched this live TV program were basically Chu Yin's black fans.

And the navy arranged by Sheng Xiao Company waited for the opportunity to move, waiting for Chu Yin to perform well before bringing a wave of rhythm frantically.

Chu Yin thought for a while: "There will be so many, which aspect do you want to talk about? If you show them one by one, I'm afraid it will waste too much time."

Lu Xi in the background: "..."

Okay, this is the confidence and confidence of a future superstar.

Facing the famous host with sharp words, she was really rude.

There are only a few words in the host's mind: boasting without shame.

Okay, the entertainer who dared to be so crazy in front of her is still a dirty artist, so he needs to be rectified.

"For example, dance, music?" The host felt that since she was an [-]th line, these things must not be good.

Then there's the fact that she's all about making dramas.

Chu Yin said, "Then let me sing a song for you."

"Do you mind singing a cappella?" the host asked.

Chu Yin smiled inexplicably.

A cappella?

This is very difficult and requires extremely high singing skills.

Especially now that it is full of black fans, if the performance is poor, it will definitely be sprayed with bruises.

The host is determined to embarrass himself and make himself look ugly.

But if this is sung well, it will definitely attract fans, even if others make it difficult for me, I have to face it.

Although Sheng Xiao wants to build himself, he still needs to be hardworking himself.

The client's singing skills are very good. Her wish since she was a child was to enter the entertainment industry, so naturally she will not let this go.

But no one knew about it. In the past, she sang a cappella for Xu's mother, but Xu's mother curled her lips and said that she was not as good as Xu Muyin, and asked her to learn more from Xu Muyin.

In fact, Xu's mother didn't understand at all. Xu Jiameng's singing skills far surpassed Xu Muyin's. Xu Muyin only wanted to enter the entertainment industry later, and she couldn't compare to the client who practiced since she was a child.

Lu Xi was a little angry in the background, she felt that the host had gone too far.

Singing a cappella, she made it clear that she wanted to make a big fool of her own artists.

Chu Yin agreed to sing a cappella, and the host brought a new microphone over. The host also specially introduced that this kind of microphone can achieve real a cappella.

The barrage is all a joke.

【I see what she sings. 】

[Really dare to sing a cappella, if you go out of tune, you will die of laughter. 】

Call friends to make people look at the joke.

Chu Yin chose a popular song familiar to the public to sing, which is a true cappella.

As soon as he opened his voice, the host was surprised.

But netizens are still sneering.

Netizens were surprised when they heard the middle part.

The cynicism gradually faded away.

【Xu Jiameng is really capable. 】

[It's really solid! ? 】

[Singing like this is unexpected! 】

A song ends.

[God, why didn't I know that Xu Jiameng sang so well before? 】

【What path did she go?Singer or actor? 】

[That's right, I'm just busy scolding her, but I don't know what specific works she has. 】

[She has filmed a few dramas, but she doesn't seem to show her face much in it, she should be acting, right? 】

[Did she go in the wrong direction? With such a strong foundation, she should become a singer. 】

[Even if she has a little bit of strength, so what, she should be boycotted if her character is not good, the entertainment industry cannot tolerate this kind of scum. 】

[Sister, haven't you eaten Xu Muyin's melon yet?When you come back after eating, you won't be so sure about Xu Jiameng. 】

【Maybe Xu Jiameng is the one who was scolded innocently. 】

[That's right, let's eat melons first. 】

Lu Xi jumped up in the background.

"Mengmeng is so competitive, I never expected her singing skills to be so good, even better than professional singers!" Lu Xi stared at Chu Yin closely.

The host was a little embarrassed.

I didn't expect it to be really level.

It suddenly occurred to me that Xu Muyin can speak four languages, the show is mainly for traffic, many shows compare their sisters, why can't I do it?
"Your sister can speak the languages ​​of four countries, and you grew up together, you should be able to?"

Chu Yin: "Yes."

"I know six."


Chu Yin smiled slightly.

"I can choose a passage from the netizen barrage, can you translate it into the languages ​​of the six countries?" the host asked.

Chu Yin nodded.

Four of them were learned together with Xu Muyin, and the other two were self-studied by the clients who purchased courses since they were young.

She always wants to learn more things to get the love of her father and mother through more efforts, but she has worked hard for many years, but it has not been effective.

The host specifically appealed to netizens to leave messages, and everyone left messages one after another. In the end, the host chose a complicated sentence and asked Chu Yin to translate it.

The simple ones are boring, maybe the simple ones she learned in private.

It is complicated, and it is said by netizens that the gold content is high.

Chu Yin didn't even think about it, and directly translated it into six languages.

The pronunciation is very pure, causing netizens to exclaim.

[She actually knows it, I can testify to French, I am a French teacher. 】

[Her pronunciation is very standard. 】

Netizens of various professions testified for Chu Yin one after another.

【She turned out to be pretty good. 】

[I thought that Xu Muyin's ability to speak four languages ​​was good enough, but I didn't expect her to be better than Xu Muyin. 】

【Oh my god, who the hell said that people are inferior to Xu Muyin in everything? 】

(End of this chapter)

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