Chapter 136 Became a Queen (16)

[Xu Jiameng's makeup is perfect! 】

[It's really beautiful, like a person walking out of a painting. 】

[It's the first time I know that she is so good-looking, let's take a closer look, she is even more beautiful than Xu Muyin. 】

[I think it looks like gold and jade on the outside and the inside on the inside. 】

When the music started, Chu Yin danced along with the music.

The reason why she danced the classical dance was because Chu Yin was on the next plane, and later became friends with the emperor. The emperor took her to admire many beauties dancing.

To be able to dance in front of the emperor is top notch.

The gestures and movements are well grasped, and they are so beautiful, Chu Yin watched them carefully at the time and remembered a lot.

Now I can imitate some movements and expressions, and strive to make my performance amazing.

Chu Yin did it.

Her every move, including every expression, and even a subtle look in her eyes are in place.

Bring the audience an immersive experience, and great visual shock and spiritual shock.

She danced out of emotion, and conveyed this emotion to all the audience, and their hearts were touched.

They obviously didn't say a word, but they seemed to be taken by Chu Yin to travel back to the prosperous age thousands of years ago, watching a noble rich lady dance alone.

As she danced faster and faster, her eyes became more agile and elegant.

While the dress was fluttering, Ru Yan's bright eyes were sadly reluctant to speak, and her dancing posture also slowed down.

In the end, this beautiful dance ended with a perfect mid-air spin.

[Soul Dancer! 】

[It looks so noble! 】

[Damn it, from this dance, I actually saw the tragedy of a noble and rich lady from gaining love to losing love to ending her life tragically. 】

[Me too, I have already made up a tragic love script in my brain, it is too contagious. 】

[Some of her movements are so difficult, my God, I believe that she is a national-level dancer, and she is too good at it. 】

[Xu Muyin also dances classical dances, compared to Xu Jiameng, Xu Muyin looks really amateur. 】

The show ended with Chu Yin successfully showing herself.

Sheng Xiao increased the investment of the navy. With the rhythm of the navy, Chu Yin really captured the hearts of many people this time. In addition, Xu Muyin also had an accident. Under the circumstances, Chuyin's reputation gradually improved, and fans were in a period of rapid growth.

It was not easy for Xu Muyin, because the exposure of the real relationship with Leng Hanting was considered by the original fans as cheating and fooling the fans, cheating and playing the victim, the fans became angry because of this, and threatened to never forgive.

Some people also reported Xu Muyin and the others to report false police reports, which was a waste of police force.

Obviously you and Leng Hanting have that kind of relationship, it's really too much for you to call the police and pretend to be a victim in order to play the victim!
The police really came to investigate Xu Muyin and Leng Hanting.

At the beginning, they attached great importance to the affairs of these two public figures, but they found nothing after searching for so long. Now the things exposed on the Internet are true, and some people have reported them.

That has to be checked.

After interrogating them for a long time, I felt that they must have something to hide.

Xu Muyin and Leng Hanting were devastated, what should I say?
Do you want to tell the police truthfully that you plan to match He Rui and Xu Jiameng?
He failed to match them up, but instead severely harmed himself.

"Didn't you say that those things were deleted?" Xu Muyin grabbed her hair.

"This incident was exposed, and many cooperations with me have to be cancelled. Although cheating is not illegal, it is also a moral issue."

"The image is completely ruined, and I don't know how to get along with it."

Leng Hanting pursed her lips: "Now it's not a question of whether you cheated or not."

"My device should have been hacked. Since we can get the evidence that we are together, then maybe we can also get the evidence of that incident."

"Evidence of our whole plan, that's the key know?"

"That thing will drive me into the abyss..." Xu Muyin panicked, tears streaming down her face.

"What kind of crime is this? It's a crime, right? If I break the law, I won't be able to stay in the entertainment industry any longer."

Leng Hanting looked at Xu Muyin: "You have a lot of wealth if you don't stay in the entertainment industry."

"But my career is in the entertainment industry, so it's the headache."

Xu Muyin hugged Leng Hanting and sobbed.

Leng Hanting: "I came up with this idea, and I was too confident."

"What kind of hacker is able to hack into my device."

"I consulted and said that this hacker is very skilled, who is staring at us?"

Leng Hanting really couldn't figure out who he had offended.

"By the way, we have checked the liquidated damages that Xu Jiameng gave the company. It is from the stock market, not from anyone." At first, Leng Hanting and Xu Muyin suspected that someone behind Chu Yin was manipulating all this, so they checked that Source of liquidated damages.

But nothing was found.

"Xu Jiameng is lawless now, she dares to say that kind of thing on the show, doesn't she want this family in her life?"

"Is she going to give up her identity as a rich girl?" Xu Muyin was furious at the thought of this matter.

Xu's father called Xu Muyin and said, "Xu Jiameng contacted us and asked again to sever ties with us."

"If you cut it off, cut it off. You must know that after the cut off, the Xu family has nothing to do with her, and she will never get half of the Xu family's money." Xu Muyin said angrily.

Now that the matter has come to an end, the Xu family doesn't want to lose face if it's cut off.
Xu Jiameng did this without thinking about how the Xu family would be treated.

Xu's father agreed: "Yes, even if we die, you will inherit everything, and there is no share for her at all."

"She made me very angry when she made this public on the show, and it completely irritated me. I am still being laughed at by people, saying that I will do anything to cooperate with the He family."

"How dare she! Do you think that being in the entertainment industry can make her live comfortably, let alone that she is not well-known now, even if she really becomes a first-line big name, once she dies, she will be miserable!"

"I'm so complacent that I think Sheng Xiao can protect her for the rest of my life, but once Sheng Xiao abandons her, she's not as good as a dog."

Furious, Xu's father didn't bother to think about the consequences, and directly announced the severance of the relationship.

Xu Jiameng has nothing to do with the Xu family in the future, and can no longer enjoy the resources and connections of the Xu family. He stubbornly and face-savingly said that he drove Xu Jiameng out of the house.

As a public figure, Lu Xi did not allow Chu Yin to publicly announce the severance of ties, which would have a bad influence, and don't say that she brought it up on her own initiative. There is no need to argue about it. Since Xu's father said he was the one who chased him away, it was him. Hurry up.

You can also get a wave of sympathy.

So Chu Yin only responded to this matter, saying that he would fulfill the obligation of supporting his parents when they were old in accordance with the law.

This law must be followed.

(End of this chapter)

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