Chapter 137 Became a Queen (17)

In fact, Xu Muyin chose to agree with Xu's father to sever the relationship, which is also the point where the matter has come to this point. It seems that the Xu family has no temper if they continue to sever the relationship.

Furthermore, Xu's mother's suicide is useless, and her parents can't control Xu Jiameng at all.

In addition, something happened to her, and Xu Jiameng performed very well on the show, completely out of control, she couldn't protect herself, and there was nothing she could do.

It's better to break away from the relationship. If I can't get along in the entertainment circle and cut off the relationship, there will be no such younger sister who competes with her for family property.

Although my father said before that it was all his own, he hadn't made it public yet. Now that he made it public, he wouldn't have any worries.

And when the He family saw what Chu Yin said on the show, they contacted Xu's father as soon as possible, saying that there is no need to force your children, because they don't want to marry, and it would be too impolite for them to force it.

Chu Yin was meaningless to Father Xu.

【Father Xu was really angry and kicked Xu Jiameng out of the house. 】

[Xu Jiameng is really pitiful, because she didn't marry He Rui for her sister, she was about to be kicked out of the house. 】

[It turns out that Xu Jiameng has never been favored, her parents are so partial. 】

[Who knows, Xu Jiameng enjoys the resources of the Xu family, but is unwilling to marry for the sake of the family. Is she a good thing? 】

[Marriage also needs to like each other and agree to each other, what age is it, is there still an arranged marriage? 】

[I still feel that Xu Jiameng is too rebellious and too ruthless. There is no one without parents, and parents are always right. 】

[On the contrary, I think Xu Jiameng is quite responsible. His parents want to drive her out of the house, no longer enjoy the resources and connections of the Xu family, and the property of the Xu family has nothing to do with her. She has lost her right of inheritance, but she Or is it that they will support them in the future,]

Chu Yin directly released the three recordings he made at Xu's house.

After Xu Muyin's accident, her parents blamed her for not taking good care of Xu Muyin's recording.

At that time, she also said a lot in the recording, including the eccentricity of Xu's mother and Xu's father for so many years, and the disgusting things said by Xu's father and Xu's mother.

There is also a recording where Xu's father asked Chu Yin to marry He Rui when He Rui came to withdraw the engagement, and Xu Muyin assisted.

The last section is the recording of Mother Xu forcing Chu Yin to marry He Rui.

The three recordings allow everyone to understand Xu's father and Xu's mother.

It can let everyone understand the gap in the status of the two sisters in the family.

Don't these people love to eat melons?Chu Yin let them eat their fill.

Everyone was shocked after listening to it.

I didn't expect the Xu family to be so eccentric!
He simply treats Xu Muyin as a treasure and Xu Jiameng as grass.

【We all wronged Xu Jiameng. 】

【Xu Jiameng is really pitiful. It turns out that she has been suppressed by her parents and sister all her life. 】

[Yeah, I really didn't expect Xu Jiameng to have such a hard life. 】

[Hug, distressed! 】

[No wonder, she is actually very good, but she has been suppressed and unable to get ahead. 】

[Then have you ever thought about the reason for Xu Jiameng's recordings with ulterior motives? 】

[Even if she keeps a hand, it doesn't matter, her parents have treated her like this, so why don't they allow him to do this? 】

[Does she deserve to bear the reputation of being unfilial? 】

[Mother Xu actually said that ordinary people are lowly wretches, so angry, rich people look down on the ordinary people series, how arrogant! 】

[She is so high and mighty, what does the Xu family do?Since we look down on ordinary people, then we boycott their companies. 】

[Yes, boycott, they can make money because of the support of the people, we don’t support it, what do they use to make money? 】

[We will use the power of ordinary people to teach Mrs. Xu a lesson, and let them know whether everyone is a despicable wretch. 】

Chu Yin responded to this, saying that she only thought of releasing it to prove herself as a last resort.

Now it's a desperate situation.

After all, they were all kicked out of the house by Xu's father.

It is really good to be able to break away from the relationship. This is something the client wants to do but has no courage to do.

She was fed up with her father's threats of kicking out the house and leaving the relationship, and she was fed up with her mother's constant death.

From then on, I will no longer be oppressed by Xu's father and Xu's mother for the rest of my life.

As for their property, the clients never thought about wanting it, as long as they could get away from them smoothly, they would be satisfied, and then...

Even if he wanted property, Father Xu couldn't give it to him.

Father Xu and Xu Muyin died speechless.

After driving her out in a rage, she pretended to be pitiful?

Bo sympathy?
Father Xu called to ask Xu Muyin what to do.

Xu Muyin said irritably, "What can I do?"

"If she wants to win sympathy, she can win sympathy. Can you stop her? She has a really bad heart, and she recorded it in advance."

"Is there any way to control her now? Are you all useless?"

Xu's father acquiesced that Xu's mother was useless.

I also saw calls online to boycott the Xu family.

Because of Mother Xu's arrogant speech.

He ran to beat Xu's mother fiercely.

Xu's mother was wronged to death: "She doesn't care about my life, what can I do?"

"There's nothing I can do!"

"As for those words, I only said them in a hurry."

"I really didn't mean it. I didn't know that Xu Jiameng was recording on purpose to harm us."

Xu's father looked at Xu's mother in disgust, and Xu's mother trembled slightly.

A little scared.

Xu's products were really affected by the boycott of netizens.

Among them, there are also Xu's competitors who took the opportunity to add insult to injury.

Chu Yin selected a few roles that suit her to audition, and they were basically roles of three women and four women.

Chu Yin was quite satisfied. If it wasn't for the popularity of the online reviews, gaining a lot of fans, and her excellent performance in the show, she wouldn't have had the chance to audition.

They were all very satisfied with Chu Yin.

Chu Yin sent scripts to Chu Yin for several plays, and asked Chu Yin to see whether the time was suitable or not, as well as the specifics.

If it suits you, just keep talking, if it doesn't suit you, just reply, and they will find another person.

Lu Xi made trouble with the script.

"I picked up some variety shows for you to make you familiar. Now that the schedule is relatively full, only two of these scripts are suitable in terms of time."

"But the right role at the right time is not so right."

"For example, the third female villain, this role has to be domineering and extravagant, and has to act viciously."


Chu Yin chuckled: "Actually, this is my favorite."

"And it's a costume drama, I think I'm more interested."

After staying in ancient times for more than ten years, she has been in a high position for some years, and she feels confident in taking on this role.

Lu Xi suggested: "Or take this one first, and not the others first."

"I heard that the great man has a play in his hands. He is the investor, and the seats for the first female lead and the second female lead are still vacant."

"I want to see if I can win it over for you." The great man Lu Xi was talking about was Yang Yunxiao, and when Chu Yin saw Yang Yunxiao, he yelled like this, and she followed suit.

(End of this chapter)

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