Chapter 139 Became a Queen (19)

When Xu's mother heard about the divorce, her eyes widened: "No, husband, it is impossible for me to divorce you."

"Do you still want to say that you have abandoned your wife and daughter? Do you want your reputation to get worse and worse?"

"Or do you want Xu Muyin to be influenced by you again?"

Xu's mother knew that Xu's father cared about Xu Muyin the most. After saying this, Xu's father really gave up the idea of ​​divorce.

Waiting for Xu's mother viciously: "I won't make it easier for you if I don't divorce."

"You loser, you made our Xu family suffer so badly, do you think I will treat you well?"

Xu's mother smiled sadly. It doesn't matter if it's good or not. The important thing is that she can't get a divorce. Divorce is too embarrassing, and she can't accept being abandoned.

Weeping and saying: "If it wasn't for loving you, why would I have wronged my Mengmeng over and over again? Because I love you, I wronged Mengmeng for you and Xu Muyin, and now I have even severed relations with Mengmeng. For you, I gave up my own daughter, can't you see what I have done?"

"These years, it's all because of you. I'm afraid that you won't be able to give Xu Muyin all the love. I'm afraid that Xu Muyin will not be happy. To be happy for you, for this family, I have to sacrifice my own daughter."

"Paying so much, you can't deny me, woo woo..."

"Shut up, I don't want to hear your words." Xu's father slapped Xu's mother on the face, knocking Xu's mother to the ground, ignoring Xu's mournful eyes, turned and left.

Chu Yin had already used hacking technology to monitor Xu Muyin's mobile phone, and when she learned that she was going to meet He Rui, she anonymously notified the paparazzi to follow Xu Muyin.

I secretly took some photos of Xu Muyin and He Rui sitting together and posted them on the Internet.

The two titles are very eye-catching.

"Xu's business is suspected to be in crisis due to netizens' boycott, Xu Muyin seeks peace with He Rui in order to save the family business. "

"The former first-line actress was tossed between two men, just because..."

Boiled again.

After the last revelation, everyone knew the relationship between Xu Muyin and Leng Hanting.

[Xu Muyin is looking for He Rui again?Where is the coldness? 】

[This is Leng Hanting putting a hat on He Rui, and He Rui is putting a hat on Leng Hanting in turn? 】

[I'm really indifferent to Xu Muyin, her private life is so chaotic. 】

[It's disgusting, betray He Rui, and still have the face to go back to him. 】

Chu Yin tapped the keyboard quickly in front of the computer. She was writing a post, um, it was about Xu Muyin, about why Xu Muyin went to He Rui.

She introduced in detail the enmity between the Xu family and the Meng family in the business field over the years, the current progress of the He family and the Meng family, the impact on the Xu family after their marriage, and Xu Muyin's purpose for finding He Rui.

Although Xu Muyin looked for He Rui but didn't say anything, but she did, and it was enough to make a fuss.

Chu Yin also laughed when she thought of this. Xu Muyin has an arrogant temperament, and she can't say something. Since she can't say it, why go to find her? Isn't this just causing trouble for herself?

Apparently not only Chu Yin felt that way, Leng Hanting also blamed Xu Muyin, so don't go if you don't say anything.

Isn't this an injustice?

Chu Yin wrote this post and posted it everywhere.

Anyway, I happen to be resting at home and have nothing to do, why not read Xu Muyin's jokes.

In the past, when the client was trampled on in various ways because of Xu Muyin, Xu Muyin also watched jokes every day, and looked at the client with playful eyes every day.

Thanks to Chu Yin's post, netizens roughly understood the ins and outs of the matter.

[Xu Muyin originally went to He Rui for the benefit of the family, I thought she was sincerely repentant. 】

【Leng Hanting is so powerful, why didn't she settle this matter. 】

[I still have to watch my woman ask for her ex-fiancé. 】

[Fortunately, He Rui voluntarily divorced the engagement, Xu Muyin didn't deserve it at all, and the divorce was what she deserved. 】

[It was really wrong to blame He Rui before, Xu Muyin deceived everyone by pretending to be a victim. 】

After Chu Yin's operation, Xu Muyin was pushed to the hot search.

There are many people in the comments, comparing the two sisters as in the past, praising one and trampling the other.

In the past, Xu Muyin was praised and Xu Jiameng was trampled on, but now the roles are reversed, Xu Jiameng is praised and Xu Muyin is trampled on.

Seeing that the matter was almost fermented, Chu Yin directly released the evidence of Leng Hanting's purchase of the medicine, as well as the evidence of their plan.

And provide it directly to the police, this is the evidence the police are looking for.

The police also followed the evidence provided by Chu Yin, followed the clues, and found the drug dealer.

Leng Hanting and Xu Muyin felt chills when they saw the evidence exposed on the Internet.

"This day has finally come. This person wants us to be ruined!" Fear flashed across Leng Hanting's face.

It wasn't until these evidences surfaced that Leng Hanting and Xu Muyin finally realized deeply that this was breaking the law and should be sentenced.

"If I get in, I will be a real bad artist, and my career in the entertainment industry will be cut off completely, and I will be blacklisted for the rest of my life." Xu Muyin was extremely unwilling.

The fundamental reason for entering the entertainment circle at the beginning was to make achievements that Xu Jiameng could only look up to in her entire life in the field that Xu Jiameng had always dreamed of.

To beat Xu Jiameng by making achievements, in any field, Xu Jiameng must be suppressed for the rest of his life.

But as her fame grew, she enjoyed the feeling of being sought after by others. She had fallen in love with acting deeply, and fell in love with being a respected female star who was regarded as a goddess.

Leng Hanting smiled bitterly: "If I go in, do you think Rui Yao can still be controlled by me?"

"I will also lose everything I own, I have to quit Ruiyao."

"I really don't understand how things turned out like this." Xu Muyin was in pain, and yelled at Leng Hanting: "I shouldn't have listened to you back then."

"It's a stupid way to match Xu Jiameng and He Rui!"

"It's just an accident, but it's not a stupid way. If everything goes well, these things won't happen at all." Leng Hanting denied Xu Muyin's words.

Not stupid, how can it be said to be a stupid way.

In fact, they really succeeded in the plot, without any accidental success.

Xu Muyin was the biggest beneficiary among them. It was logical to retire the engagement, it was logical to gain more fans, it was logical to suppress her sister, and it was logical to get her sister out of the circle.

Xu Muyin screamed: "We have an accident, who is the beneficiary?"

"A lot, a lot." Leng Hanting himself has enemies outside, Xu Muyin was very popular before, and I hope she will have many accidents.

There were a few plays that were supposed to belong to Xu Muyin, but because of these incidents, those plays belonged to others.

"A lot, a lot..." Xu Muyin murmured.

Yeah, a lot.

There are so many that it is difficult for her to tell who is trying to harm her so much!

I hate it, I hate it!
The police came with the evidence and took away Xu Muyin and Leng Hanting. In the face of the irrefutable evidence, they could only confess everything, hoping to be treated leniently.

 Double monthly ticket ~ Baoer, can you be cheeky and make some points?I love you twice~
(End of this chapter)

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