Chapter 140 Became a Queen (20)

Because Xu Muyin and Leng Hanting are public figures, the officials also made a notification.

It is said that the evidence is conclusive, and the punishment will be determined according to the circumstances of the crime.

【Xu Muyin's operation is too harsh. 】

[I really didn't expect Xu Muyin to plan to harm our Mengmeng like this. 】

[In order to retire the engagement decently, to design Mengmeng to be with He Rui, to ruin Mengmeng's reputation, ruin Mengmeng's life, how vicious! 】

[And in the end, if he didn't succeed, he immediately turned to pretend to be the victim, and then tried to push Mengmeng to He Rui. 】

[Xu Muyin's heart is really rotten. The most regrettable thing in my life is to have a crush on such a vicious woman. 】

[The viciousness is shocking, the viciousness is outrageous, I think I once fancied her, and I will spit out the dinner overnight. 】

【Me too, I hate her so much, I used to love her so much and trust her, she ruined all my love and trust, how can I not hate her! 】

[Her works should all be taken off the shelves, and will be banned in the future, she deserves it! 】

[This kind of person doesn't deserve to live at all, does she deserve it?She still has so many properties, we still have to boycott the Xu family, otherwise she will still live a life of master in the future. 】

[That is, anyway, our Mengmeng has nothing to do with the Xu family, and there is no one good in their family except Mengmeng. 】

[The most pitiful thing about the whole thing is Mengmeng. 】

[If there is no such thing, we would not know what kind of existence Mengmeng is at home. It's fine to be neglected by parents and not to be loved by them, and there is a black-hearted sister who entraps her. 】

[But Mengmeng is so good in this environment, far surpassing Xu Muyin, really amazing! 】

[Judging from Xu Muyin's vicious treatment of Xu Jiameng, Xu Muyin must have suppressed Xu Jiameng everywhere in the past, otherwise Xu Jiameng would have become famous long ago. 】

【Xu Jiameng's parents are angry at helping Xu Muyin, especially Xu Jiameng's mother, this is her own daughter, she doesn't even treat her like a human being! 】

[But having said that, isn't Xu Jiameng and He Rui the 'protagonists' according to the plan?How did they become themselves again? 】

[Could it be that they ate something wrong? 】

[No wonder the police have been unable to find out about this matter. According to evidence, Leng Hanting had destroyed the hotel's surveillance system before. 】

In fact, when Chu Yin provided evidence, she selectively provided evidence for exposure, including recording the audio of Xu Muyin and Leng Hanting's phone call behind the door. She edited the recording before providing it.

Based on any evidence, she picked herself up completely. In the eyes of others, she must be a person who did not take the medicine that day.

So in the eyes of netizens and fans, Chu Yin didn't take the medicine that day, and he didn't fall into the trap.

On the day of the hotel, she was just a melon-eating crowd who didn't know anything, and then she was an innocent and poor person affected by public opinion, and finally couldn't stand this family, left Ruiyao, left the family, and ushered in the spring.

But the police talked to Chu Yin.

Ask Chu Yin about the details of that day.

Chu Yin said: "I drank a little wine, and then my brain seemed to be broken. I went to the toilet to vomit, and then hid in it to rest."

"Then I went to find my sister."

"Is that so?" The visitor stared at Chu Yin closely.

Chu Yin looked calmly: "That's right."

"I really can't remember some things."

The person who came said: "But Xu Muyin insisted that you must know something, and you may even be a participant."

Xu Muyin and Leng Hanting were in the bureau, and after much deliberation, they couldn't think of anything else to say except Chu Yin. They felt that even if Chu Yin wasn't the mastermind of this matter, he knew something about it and had a great possibility of participating.

They hoped to find out Chu Yin's head, and it would be best to drag Chu Yin into the water as well.

Chu Yin smiled abruptly: "My sister has always been at odds with me. She planned to harm me, but now that things have been revealed, she wants to drag me into trouble."

"I guess so."

"Actually, I should be considered a victim. I'm very sad. I didn't expect her to have such vicious thoughts."

"We have the same father and grew up together. How could she come up with such a plan? If it succeeds, I will be a woman who will do everything possible to steal my sister's fiance. I will be ruined and ridiculed for the rest of my life. "

Chu Yinai looked at the visitor sadly.

After dismissing the people, Chu Yin went to participate in the event. The event site was crowded with people. When the reporters saw Chu Yin, they rushed up, and the microphones were about to smash Chu Yin's face. Lu Xi and some staff desperately stopped in front.

"May I ask if you have anything to say about your sister Xu Muyin's situation?"

"Will you issue a letter of understanding then?"

"May I ask if you will forgive your sister for doing this in your heart? Will you still be a family in the future?"

"May I ask how you were on the night of the banquet?"


The reporters rushed to throw out a bunch of questions, which were straightforward and malicious.

Chu Yin looked coldly at the piles of reporters, and there was a kind of intense excitement on their faces, as if they could write [-] words of news with just one word from their mouth.

He simply ignored it and entered the event site.

After the event ended, there were still a lot of reporters surrounding Chu Yin, trying to get Chu Yin to say something. Some reporters deliberately angered Chu Yin, hoping that Chu Yin would speak.

However, her expression was indifferent, and she left the event scene without saying a word.

The video of Chu Yin being surrounded by reporters at the event site was posted on the Internet.

【Honestly speaking, Mengmeng should also be in pain. 】

[Why are these reporters holding on to her? 】

[I also asked her if she would issue a letter of understanding. If I were cute, I wish she would get the punishment she deserved. 】

[Mengmeng has been suppressed by Xu Muyin all her life, and has never been happy. What qualifications do we have to ask Mengmeng to forgive Xu Muyin? 】

[Xu Muyin ignores the law, is this a crime, do you know? 】

[I'm convinced, I don't know how many artists have broken the law, are all these artists legally illiterate? 】

[It's not legal illiteracy, it's luck, and they think they can escape legal sanctions. 】

[Your circle is really chaotic. 】

Knowing that Xu Muyin planned to plot against him like this, He Rui was filled with anger.

It's okay for Xu Muyin to cheat, but she would go all out to get rid of the engagement.

Is this the woman he once loved?Such sinister intentions and such unbearable behavior.

Immediately decided to marry the Meng family.

He was still hesitating before, and he didn't even know what he was hesitating for, but now he doesn't hesitate anymore.

The daughter of the Meng family is very good, with a gentle personality, knowledgeable and reasonable, and she is also very good to him. She will definitely be a good wife.

Even if the purpose of the marriage between the Meng family and the He family is to deal with the Xu family, there is nothing wrong with that.

Xu Muyin has never respected herself, never respected the He family, ever since she cheated, and ever since she planned to do so, she has been defiant and has not taken the He family seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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