Chapter 145 Became a Queen (25)

Xu Muyin has no good way to save the company from the mess. Whenever she sees news about Chu Yin, she will feel jealous and turn into a troll to complain about Chu Yin on the Internet.

As if this could make her feel a little happy.

Chu Yin found that this account was the most vicious, the most malicious, crazy and rhythmic, and there were shadows of this account everywhere.

I searched along the past and found that it was Xu Muyin.

People who have always been self-proclaimed, people who are extremely arrogant, turned into Internet trolls, and they can't do actual harm to themselves.

Chu Yin hacked into this account and admitted in this account that the owner of the account is Xu Muyin.

Because when Xu Muyin used this account to gossip about Chu Yin, someone asked her that you are so cute because you are Xu Muyin, and Xu Muyin ignored the news.

Now Chu Yin simply replied for her and confessed for her.

Xu Muyin was so pissed off when she saw the news on her account, she worked so hard to create an account to vent her emotions online, but it was exposed.

Sure enough, someone was still staring at her, even though she had been in for three years, this person still didn't let her go.

This is what hackers do, right?That's how Leng Hanting's equipment was hacked back then, leading to the leakage of important things.

And now this incident proves that the hacker is still watching them.

Because of this, Xu Muyin felt deeply uneasy, feeling that she was being watched by others in everything she did. In this era, if one is watched by a top hacker, there will be no privacy at all.

Unless you don't use electronic equipment yourself, how can you avoid electronic equipment in this era?

"Hurry up and call your daughter!" Xu Muyin rushed to Mother Xu and slapped the table angrily.

Mother Xu trembled in fright, and muttered, "Why should I call her?"

"She ignored me at all, and I didn't do anything."

No matter whether she pretended to be depressed and wanted to commit suicide or said she was sent to the hospital to die soon, she was indifferent.

Always call the police for yourself.

Said that the police came faster than her, she seemed to be on the set in other places forever.

"You're not going to fight, are you?" Xu Muyin waited for Xu's mother to give her a vicious look, and Xu's mother took a deep breath: "You look really scary now."

Like the vicious eyes of a criminal.

"Mu Yin, I used to be so kind to you, don't be so mean to me, don't bully me like this." She shrank her neck.

Xu Muyin snorted: "There's so much nonsense!"

"Hurry up."

Xu's mother called Chu Yin, and the first thing Chu Yin said when she answered the phone was: "Have you been beaten again? I'll call the police for you."

Mother Xu said aggrievedly: "No, I didn't get beaten this time."

Chu Yin didn't speak.

When Xu's mother called her, it was nothing more than being beaten, and she wanted to commit suicide, but in fact, Xu's mother cherished her life very much and would not commit suicide at all.

Chu Yin never worried that she would really die.

Xu Muyin snatched the phone, took it aside to avoid Xu's mother, and said to Chu Yin: "Xu Jiameng, tell me, who is staring at me from behind?"

"There must be someone behind you, right?"

"Come out if you have the ability, don't play tricks in the dark, don't hide and hide, and fight me openly if you have the ability!"

Xu Muyin tried to force Chu Yin to tell her everything, but she was scratching her head every day if she couldn't get the truth, and she couldn't figure it out after thinking about it for three years in prison.

Chu Yin clicked his tongue: "Don't scare me in broad daylight, there is no one behind me, you must say there is someone."

Xu Muyin said angrily: "Are you pretending to be stupid?"

"Is it interesting?"

"Can you stop staring at me? If you have any grudges or grudges, come out and fight openly! If you Xu Jiameng did all of this, please be kind and admit it, don't you dare to admit it?"

"Don't I live in this world without privacy? What right do you have to keep staring at me?" Xu Muyin shouted angrily.

Chu Yin snorted: "Is someone staring at you? Then you should regulate your behavior."

"You are doing well and sitting upright. If you don't give others an excuse, it's useless to stare at you. Be a good citizen, don't you understand?"

After Chu Yin finished speaking, she hung up the phone, Xu Muyin was so angry that she dropped Mother Xu's phone.

He fell to the ground and still didn't let go of his hatred, and stepped on it a few times.

"Xu Jiameng just refuses to tell the truth, just refuses!" Xu Muyin stared: "She just wants me to live in fear for the rest of my life!"

Xu Muyin and Leng Hanting firmly believe that there is someone else behind the scenes.

Of course, there is also the reason why Chu Yin has never admitted that she has been misleading them. Chu Yin has never admitted that she is the one who caused the crime.

"I don't want to stay in the country anymore, I can't stay in the country anymore." Xu Muyin was restless.

If she is recognized by others when she goes out, she will be attacked, and all the words attacking her are flying on the Internet. Her reputation is terrible and bad.

"I want to go abroad, liquidate the company, it's really boring to keep this mess." Xu Muyin found Xu's father and made her own request.

"Now we can save some money after counting. If we continue to suffer losses, we will lose everything." Xu Muyin looked at Father Xu seriously.

Xu's father sighed: "But this is a family business for many years, so let's forget it?"

"Then what do you want me to do?" Xu Muyin asked back: "With my current reputation, do you think the company can really come back to life? Whoever wants to cooperate with me will be attacked and encounter unnecessary troubles."

"I'm like a street rat in this circle, you know?"

"Do you insist that I suffer here alive?"

Father Xu was silent for a long time, and said, "Actually, there is another way."

"I don't know if you want to, but you can go to He Rui to apologize."

"You never apologized for what happened back then. If you are willing to bow your head and apologize, He Rui can let you go. As long as He Rui speaks, the Meng family will follow He Rui's wishes."

Xu Muyin smiled bitterly, and slumped on the chair weakly: "You must trample on my dignity like this, and you must make me lower my proud head."

"I'm already like this, can't you leave me with a bit of dignity?"

"I apologize now. I will only be ridiculed by the crowd. They all know that I approached He Rui because of the company's situation. When I found He Rui, I didn't speak up. So I won't look for him again, and I won't speak up when I find him. .”

"I'd rather beg for food than open my mouth."

Who is He Rui? It's her ex-fiancé. In order to get rid of this fiancé, she paid such a high price. Then this fiancé turned around and married the woman she hated the most.

They also teamed up to deal with the Xu family. Could she not know what He Rui was thinking?

Isn't it just pointing at her and bowing his head to apologize and admit his mistake?

She doesn't!
To be honest, Xu Jiameng didn't disgust her to this extent.

The marriage between the He family and the Meng family was undoubtedly a slap in the face for her. When did He Rui think about his past love?

 Thank you for your rewards and everyone’s support. The National Day holiday is here. I wish you all a happy holiday and a beautiful mood~ I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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