Chapter 146 Became a Queen (26)

Xu's father was not reconciled: "I have persisted for so long, and before others have completely defeated us, you have to give up with your own hands."

Xu Muyin sneered: "That's because you are stupid, you only know how to resist."

"We take the money and go abroad, away from this place of right and wrong, I can always make a difference."

Xu's father said: "Actually, we will not reach the end of the day. Now our interests have been squeezed out. The Meng family and the He family have stopped staring at us so much because they can't see the interests. They are about to stop."

"What they want is not for us to go bankrupt, but to push us out of that circle. We keep what we have now, and we can survive with patience."

"Mu Yin, you don't understand. They have always dealt with us when it is profitable. If there is no interest, they will stop. They will not be willing to damage their own interests and continue to treat us. Simply put Said that we are not worth a little loss."

"That's why I persisted so hard."

"Even if the company becomes a small company after falling into disrepair, as long as it changes its strategy, it will return to profitability one day, and there will still be opportunities at that time."

Xu Muyin snorted coldly: "When will it last, until I lose all my youth?"

"I want to wait pitifully for others to stop, why?"

"Besides, in this life, can you wait until the company returns to its former state?"

Xu Muyin insisted on this, and Xu's father finally nodded in agreement.

Liquidated the company and sold real estate.

It is about taking Xu's father and Xu's mother to go abroad with the whole family.

But Xu Muyin took the money and ran away.

That's right, he took the money and ran away, not Xu's father or Xu's mother, but Leng Hanting.

The two quietly went abroad with all their property, and left a letter to Xu's father, saying that she would come to pick them up when she became famous.

Father Xu was so angry that he vomited blood.

This is too pitiful!
Unexpectedly, it was not He Rui or the Meng family who defeated them in the end, but her own daughter. She cashed all the money and ran away.

Xu's mother was crying in the dark, all the money in the family was taken away, and they had no place to live.

Xu Muyin didn't even leave them tens of thousands of yuan to rent a house, not a cent. Xu Muyin even took away all the jewelry, diamonds and gold that she had accumulated over the years.

When the two walked downstairs to Chuyin's company, they were spotted by sharp-eyed reporters with microphones pointed at their faces.

Xu's father said sadly: "I have nothing now. My eldest daughter has taken away all my property. I hope my younger daughter can help me."

"Eldest daughter, is that Xu Muyin? How did she get rid of your property? I heard that you sold all the real estate in the family, is that true?"

"Yes, she sold everything."

Xu's mother hurriedly grabbed a microphone and said anxiously: "Yes, that's right, she also took away all my valuables."

"We don't have a penny now, we have nothing to do."

"Mengmeng, you have to help us."

Chu Yin is filming, and this film is intended to be used as a post-production film, so Chu Yin is very attentive, and she doesn't bring her mobile phone when filming.

When I got the phone, I saw news of Xu's father and Xu's mother flying all over the sky.

It's all on the hot search.

The assistant said to Chu Yin: "What should I do? Now I'm down and out. If you don't care, the netizens will scold you in turn."

"Human nature is very contradictory."

Chu Yin called Lu Xi, and Lu Xi said, "Don't worry about filming, I've settled them down."

"I rented them a house for [-] a month, and I paid three months' rent, and I won't pay again after that. Then I introduced a job to you, so you don't have to come back."

"You don't have to worry about it online, the company will help you out and say that you have settled them down."

"We have clearly told them that you will not come out, you will not meet, let them not think about making trouble, and they promise not to make trouble."

"After all, they still want to save face, knowing that it would be embarrassing to continue to make trouble."

"If there is no other way this time, I probably won't come to you."

Chu Yin pursed her lips and smiled: "Sister Lu is so kind."

"Let's arrange them like this. They are not very old. Just do something to earn a living. When they are old, they can be sent directly to the nursing home."

Three thousand a month, a small house with moderate conditions, maybe they will feel aggrieved, but so what?
After all, it is a shelter.

Who told Xu Muyin to sell their big house.

Tut tut, how pitiful.

She was full of eyes for Xu Muyin, but Xu Muyin ran away with all her property, and she was ruthless enough to them.

This incident caused a sensation on the Internet.

【Xu Muyin is so ruthless, she ran away with all her family property, father Xu and mother Xu favored their precious daughter for so long, in the end they became a vicious wolf. 】

[It's unbelievably ruthless, unimaginable, no matter how wrong Xu's father and Xu's mother are, they really love her! 】

[I'm still kind, Xu's father drove me out of the house back then, and now I'm still settling them down. 】

[That's right, they both have the face to find me cute. 】

【I'm really spineless. Back then, I drove away my cuteness with momentum. Now I should never look for my cuteness. 】

[Forget it, the law stipulates that children have the responsibility to support their parents, and the so-called severance of the relationship cannot change this fact. It is right for me to abide by the law and establish a good image for everyone. 】

[My heart aches for Meng, meeting such bad parents. 】

[I am so cute, there are a lot of adults, even now she has not said a word to Xu Muyin. 】

[She never plays these rhythms, I am very upright. 】

Chu Yin was embarrassed when she saw these words. Fans felt that she hadn't said a word about Xu Muyin in public, hadn't made trouble with her, hadn't denounced her, and hadn't made a fuss about her. In fact, about Xu Muyin manipulated many things quietly by herself.

He even wrote a small composition for Xu Muyin.

She smiled, and hacked into Xu Muyin's money account.

Xu Muyin was very cautious, and did not dare to put the money in her own account, but through a series of tedious, tortuous and complicated operations, deposited the money into an account she thought was very safe.

Including Xu Mu's valuable jewelry, Xu Muyin sold them off, because it was too strenuous to carry things around.

Take away your parents' money?That won't work.

That was the pension money of the parents, and Chu Yin got the money back again, did Xu Muyin think that she would not be able to find the money if she had to bother?
In fact, 3308 has been paying attention.

After getting the money back, I will use it for Xu's father and Xu's mother to live in a nursing home. If they live longer and suffer from more diseases, the money may not be enough.

Xu Muyin soon realized that her money was gone, she looked horrified, and looked at Leng Hanting: "The money is gone."

Leng Hanting slammed the wall hard: "How could it be!"

I hurriedly checked my own, and it was still there, but my own money was not as much as Xu Muyin's.

(End of this chapter)

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