Chapter 147 Became a Queen (27)

It's not that there are no domestic people abroad, Xu Muyin's incidents are too big, even if they are abroad, there are people who know about their past.

Although the reaction was not as strong as that of people in China, it was impossible to cooperate with Xu Muyin.

If you want to follow the normal path, you don’t have resources, contacts, or much money, so money comes slowly.

They want to use that money to start from scratch and create brilliance abroad, but they are anxious and anxious to return to the peak of the past, and the ordinary way of making money is simply not worth it.

They all come here with the mentality of making big money, and they can’t calm down to make small money. For them, the place where they can really make money is not so legal, and after being cheated a few times, their money quickly disappears. Get scammed.

In fact, those illegal money-making industries also look down on them, only the money in their hands.

In the eyes of those forces, Xu Muyin and Leng Hanting are helpless people who are alone in a foreign country. Why don't they keep this kind of people for cheating money?

Xu Muyin and Leng Hanting often quarreled, and Xu Muyin blamed Leng Hanting for being too big-hearted to trust others and be cheated of money.

Leng Hanting blamed Xu Muyin for not paying, and talking too much.

Xu Muyin's appearance is very good, and she was once a popular star. The Chinese people abroad also know it. Seeing that their life is getting more and more difficult, they start to think of Xu Muyin.

Although these two people don't have much money to cheat, they still have sex!

In fact, foreign countries are not so easy to mess with. They have entered a dark circle by themselves. Even if the money is cheated out, it is very difficult to get out completely.

When the two arrived at the day when they had no money to pay the rent, Leng Hanting said to Xu Muyin: "I've been abroad for so long, and I own everything you eat and wear."

"Now it's time to earn your own money."

"Where am I going to earn money? Do you want me to be a cheap labor force?"

"Don't you know that those formal units don't want me at all?"

She can speak several languages, and she wants to be a translator. Although the income is mediocre in her opinion, it can relieve the urgent need.

But everyone checked it out, and once they found out, they didn't want her at all.

Sometimes she doesn't understand why there are so many Chinese people abroad, why are Chinese people everywhere?
Those things about me are almost known by those people in this place.

There is no way, like Xu Muyin used to be a popular star, even though she is down to this point now, she is still someone else's talking point.

"You don't need to be a cheap labor force, someone pays you a high price, you understand." Leng Hanting smiled.

Xu Muyin looked at Leng Hanting in shock: "Are you really going to treat me like this?"

Leng Hanting's eyes were deep: "This guest is not an ordinary guest, but the leader of a power. As long as you make him happy and he gives us a little way, we can get up."

Xu Muyin closed her eyes in pain: "I really regret going abroad with you."

"I regret it too. I want to know that you don't have a penny here, so I don't come to this ghost place. Now I'm stuck in this weird circle, and I can't get out even if I want to."

"They said, if you don't agree, we will be beaten until we submit."

More than a year later.

Chu Yin went abroad to participate in the film festival. This film festival has always attracted much attention. The trophies awarded are extremely valuable. The most authoritative in the industry has a high status in the film industry. As long as you get the best award from them, you will be worthy of the name The returning superstar.

The film that Chu Yin wanted to use for filmmaking was very successful and received very high praise. It was even reported that it was the best film in the past ten years, and the box office was even more amazing.

Chu Yin successfully won the award, and she let go of the stone hanging in her heart after receiving the award.

The title of actress is well-deserved and deserved, and the task has been completed.

Thinking that Xu Muyin was also in this country, Chu Yin had nothing to do, so she went over to have a look.

It was a dirty street. Chu Yin walked in and stopped in front of a narrow alley. She looked around, and Xu Muyin lived in this alley.

There was a coffee shop on the opposite side of the alley. Chu Yin went in instead, ordered a cup of coffee, and observed the situation on the other side through the window.

Xu Muyin came out.

She was wearing gaudy and revealing clothes, heavy makeup, and a smell of dust, her eyes were always slanted, staring naked at the passing men.

She has completely given up on herself, and many people have promised them a lot, but they all deny them afterwards.

Leng Hanting didn't know what he was busy with all day long, but he would come back to her every day.

When a man came over, Xu Muyin naturally put his hand on it, and walked into the alley with his shoulders crossed.

A lofty and aloof woman, to come to this field, was unwilling to lower her haughty head no matter what, but now in a foreign country, she is like this.

Xu Muyin's thinking is too simple. She has been abroad, but she only saw the appearance, and has never been exposed to these dark sides.

And when you get in touch, you will understand that some circles are easy to enter and difficult to exit.

Chu Yin silently passed this video about Xu Muyin to Father Xu.

When Father Xu saw the video of Xu Muyin on his phone, he immediately knew what Xu Muyin was doing, and was so angry that he went to the hospital.

The two of them can only take care of food and clothing with the money they usually work, and they have to ask Chu Yin for money when they are sick.

Xu's mother called Chu Yin: "Your father is in the hospital, can you bring some money here?"

Chu Yin hummed.

Now Xu's father doesn't beat Xu's mother anymore, because he has to count on Xu's mother's daughter for anything.

Xu's mother also looked down on Xu's father. Before Xu Muyin took away the property, although Xu's life was struggling, Xu's mother still had money to use.

Now that there is no money, Xu's mother is moved to divorce.

But Xu's father was not happy anymore, all kinds of morals kidnapped Xu's mother, Xu's mother was influenced by these words, and she never left every time she said it.

The two tortured each other.

Father Xu's illness completely collapsed, and he became a medicine jar. After Chu Yin returned to China, she never paid a visit to them. The task was completed, and she left this world.

After Xu Jiameng returned to China, she took a look, but Xu's father still didn't have a good look at her.

He didn't dare to scold Xu Jiameng, but kept a cold face and resented in his heart. He was afraid that no one would care about him if he scolded others.

Seeing Father Xu's aggrieved look, Xu Jiameng curled her lips.

"Father, this is your retribution, and you will probably have to live in such an aggrieved way in the future."

"Xu Muyin has no way to get ahead, you can't wait."

Xu's father was angry and anxious when he heard this, Xu Jiameng made a grimace: "Liu Wei Wei... come and hit me!"

Father Xu almost fainted from anger.

Looking at Xu's mother, Xu Jiameng felt a sense of despair.

Because mother Xu looked at her, she still didn't have the kindness and love that a mother looks at her child.

Never, never.

Now there are only inexplicable expectations, hoping to give her something, and calculating what can be obtained in this meeting.

Dejectedly said: "Maybe I won't come to see you for many years to come, take care."

(End of this chapter)

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