Chapter 148 The Princess Has Ambitions (1)

Xu Jiameng really did what she said.

After she left, she hadn't visited Xu's father and Xu's mother for many years.

She has been filming, she likes filming, and she is very talented in this area, she likes this profession, and good works come out constantly.

He has been constantly trying various roles, and he is an evergreen tree with both strength and good looks in the entertainment industry. Later, when he was in his 30s, he met someone he liked, had a bold sibling relationship, and then entered the palace of marriage.

When she got married, she didn't invite Xu's father and Xu's mother to go.

And because her wedding scene was kept secret, Xu's father and Xu's mother didn't even get to see a photo.

They looked at the simple food in front of them and sighed that they would never be able to enjoy the glory and wealth in this life.

Xu's mother blamed Xu's father and Xu Muyin all day long, and the quarrel between the two never ended.

As for Xu's father, he always cared about Xu Muyin in his heart, but he couldn't see her or hear from her, so he was depressed all day long.

Xu Jiameng gave birth to a son and a daughter, both of whom are well-behaved. Xu Jiameng has a happy and sweet family. She has never received any love from her father and mother, so she does her best to give her children the love they deserve.

Sometimes I pay attention to Xu Muyin.

Xu Muyin and Leng Hanting separated.

Xu Muyin didn't know who she ran away with.

Xu Muyin was abandoned again.

Xu Muyin left with someone again.


The tasker Chu Yin numbered 3308 completed the task of the client Xu Jiameng, and received task rewards: points: 1000 points, wish power: 80 points, merit: 70 points, soul power: 3 points.

No.: 3308
Name: Chu Yin

Race: Terran

Gender: Female
Rating: two stars

Points: 1000+5000
Willpower: +80
Merit: 70+380
Soul power: +3
Chu Yin was a little happy to see that his level had been upgraded to two stars.

"Did you upgrade to 3308-star naturally like this?" She asked [-] softly.

3308: "Yes, the system judges automatically, based on your past task completion."

"You have completed the tasks very well, every one of them, so you have reached the standard for upgrading to two stars."

Chu Yin chuckled: "Then upgrade to two stars, what changes?"

"Of course, there will be more rewards." 3308 said.

Chu Yin nodded thoughtfully: "In other words, the commission for each task is a little more?"

3308 hummed and emphasized: "Reward, reward."

Chu Yin laughed.



This is pretty good, if you upgrade to two stars, you will get more rewards and more rewards.

Although the rewards for this mission were not as much as those in the previous world, Chu Yin didn't pay much attention to it, because there really wasn't much merit in this mission, and she was just acting immersively.

Chu Yin walked around the mall, and now that she has a little more points, she wanted to spend, but she just looked and looked again and again, and felt that she didn't need anything for the time being, so she gave up.

After absorbing the soul power and wish power this time, Chu Yin felt a slight change in her soul.

"3308, let's go to the task." Chu Yin said.

3308: "OK."

When she reached the plane, Chu Yin opened her eyes, and someone was pinching her shoulders with moderate strength, which made her feel very comfortable.

"Princess, are you awake?" the person who pinched her shoulder asked.

Chu Yin hummed and looked around. This is a luxuriously decorated bedroom. Calling her a princess should be in ancient times.

After all, I didn't see any camera equipment, it wasn't filming.

Chu Yin still has some sequelae of filming.

"Stand back." Chu Yin raised his hand and dismissed the people in the room.

3308 immediately asked Chu Yin to accept the plot.

The client, Cheng Yuyang, is the current princess.

But in the imperial court, the Zhuang clan was so powerful that the late emperor had already feared him, but there was nothing he could do about it.

When the current emperor Cheng Jinxu was still a prince, in order to get the support of the Zhuang family, he asked to marry the daughter of the Zhuang family, and thus had the support of the Zhuang family. As a prince, he was able to ascend the throne smoothly.

Later, the Zhuang family's concubine became the queen, and died of illness not long after, and the queen's position has always been empty.

The Zhuang family helped Cheng Jinxu ascend the throne, and later asked to marry the princess. In order to strengthen the relationship between the monarch and his ministers, Cheng Jinxu married the last emperor's only unmarried princess, the client Cheng Yuyang, to Zhuang Shaozhao.

Zhuang Shaozhao is the son of old general Zhuang, and now he is also a well-known general in the dynasty, and now the Zhuang family is also the master of Zhuang Shaozhao.

Cheng Jinxu seems to trust Zhuang Shaozhao very much, and he has all kinds of favors, but in fact, his heart is to make him feel smug and want him to get carried away.

Then a time-traveling girl Luo Xi came to this world. At first, she was just an unknown little palace lady, but later she was favored by Cheng Jinxu by virtue of her uniqueness, and became the little palace lady next to Cheng Jinxu.

The two had feelings when they got along, and when they had feelings, they would have conflicts. Luo Xi ran out of the palace after the conflicts, and was rescued by Zhuang Shaozhao when he encountered danger, and brought back to the mansion, and then deeply attracted by Luo Xi. absorb.

Also deeply in love with her.

Afterwards, Luo Xi returned to the palace for some reasons, reconciled with the emperor, and then had conflicts again, and came to the Zhuang mansion again.

In this way, this Luo Xi returned to the palace to be sweet with the emperor when she was happy, and when the emperor provoked her, she would always find a way to come out to seek comfort from Zhuang Shaozhao and stay for a while.

After doing this many times, the emperor finally knew that Luo Xi would go to the Zhuang mansion whenever she got angry, and Zhuang Shaozhao also knew that the person he loved deeply was actually someone close to the emperor.

The emperor's favor over the years made him elated, and he asked Cheng Jinxu to reward Luo Xi to her.

This angered Cheng Jinxu.

How dare he miss his woman!Unforgivable!
In addition, how could others be allowed to snore on the side of the couch, the Zhuang clan has always been a hidden danger in his heart, and then he planned step by step, intending to weaken the power of the Zhuang clan, and then completely eliminate it.

Zhuang Shaozhao was aware of it, and also knew the emperor's feelings for Luo Xi.

Since the emperor wanted to get rid of his Zhuang family, why didn't he replace him, take over the world, and get that beauty.

Zhuang Shaozhao rebelled and failed for various reasons.

The nine families were implicated in the rebellion, and the dealer was killed inside and out, but the client was the royal princess.

According to the law of this dynasty, no matter what happens to the husband's family, the royal princess can be saved from death as long as she does not participate, and only needs to be imprisoned in the palace.

No matter how the emperor investigated, the client did not participate in the rebellion.

However, the emperor still couldn't tolerate this half-sister, so she was secretly executed.

The client was simply an innocent cannon fodder. Her husband was obsessed with a time-traveling woman and wanted to rebel against her. The emperor secretly executed her regardless of the law. She died in this battle.

The client's wish is: to be enthroned as the emperor, and to avenge any revenge, and to avenge any injustice.

The emperor's brother executed her in disregard of the law, and her husband rebelled against other women. In this case, it is better to let her be the emperor.

To be honest, Chu Yin was a little surprised by the client's wish, but he also found it funny.

(End of this chapter)

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