Chapter 149 The Princess Has Ambitions (2)

Chu Yin would like to call it ideal.

She felt that the client was someone with lofty aspirations. Since you are all sorry for me and you all care about the throne, why not let me be the emperor and control everything.

She believed that her death was purely due to lack of power and failure to control her own destiny.

Chu Yin was contemplating and planning.

How to accomplish this task?
Maybe I have to use Zhuang Shaozhao.

This is the easiest and least risky way.

Zhuang Shaozhao failed to succeed alone, but he knew the plot. With himself, would it be difficult to rebel?

He has nothing he can't take advantage of. He dares to rebel for a woman, disregarding his wife, family, and even his son.

Killed the whole family, killed his wife and son.

His legitimate son is also the client's son. After he failed, the son's tiny head fell to the ground, and the client was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

I hate Yu Shaozhao so much that she killed her son.

If Zhuang Shaozhao didn't rebel and didn't want to rob the emperor of women, even if the emperor wanted to clean up the Hu clan one day, as long as he didn't rebel, her and her son's lives would definitely be saved.

The reason why the emperor insisted on executing her was because Yu Shaozhao conspired against her. The rebellion completely angered the emperor and made him have a heart that would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

The youngest son is innocent, no matter how much the client begged the emperor, the emperor did not intend to let it go, and the client had such lofty ambitions only through those helpless experiences.

Hate myself for being incompetent, hate myself for having no power, myself and my son can only be slaughtered by others.

"Zhishu." Chu Yin called softly, Zhishu pushed the door open and came in.

"Princess, have you relieved your fatigue?" Zhishu's slender and slender hands climbed onto Chu Yin's shoulders again.

Chu Yin closed his eyes slightly in enjoyment: "Where is the son-in-law?"

The servants serving Cheng Yuyang were all brought out from the palace.

When Cheng Jinxu betrothed Cheng Yuyang to Yu Shaozhao, it was actually Zhuang Shaozhao who first fell in love with the princess and asked to marry him.

And in order to show his trust and great love for Yu Shaozhao, the emperor sealed her when they got married.

The consort of this dynasty can be an official, but in fact, most of them will not allow the consort to hold too much power.

But Zhuang Shaozhao was an exception, he was able to marry the princess because he was too powerful and powerful, and the emperor gave him all kinds of favors, which made him feel elated.

Zhishu thought for a while and said: "My son-in-law is in the back garden, it's Mr. Luo who came."

"Huh? She's here again?" Chu Yin smiled slightly.

"I'm going to see her too."

No one in this village can tell that Luo Xi is a woman, but she has to disguise herself as a man every time she comes.

Zhuang Shaozhao asked everyone to call her son, and everyone obeyed.

Although the client had his own princess mansion, the emperor and the queen mother let the client live in the mansion instead of their own princess mansion in order to show their love and favor to the Hu family and to highlight the extraordinary status of Yu Shaozhao. .

But even though he lived in the Zhuang Mansion, Young Master Zhuang took care of her as the princess of the client's royal family, and he still respected her on the surface, and the servants didn't dare to make mistakes.

In the back garden, Zhuang Shaozhao and Luo Xi sat playing chess together.

Not Go, but backgammon.

"Princess Wan'an." The servants around Zhuang Shaozhao saluted Chu Yin respectfully.

"Princess please be safe." Luo Xi got up in a panic, sprained her foot and fell towards Chu Yin. It was Zhuang Shaozhao who gave her a hand, and she glanced at Yu Shaozhao gratefully.

Eye to eye, seeing Luo Xi's slightly flushed face due to nervousness, Zhuang Shaozhao couldn't help but waver.

At this time, Zhuang Shaozhao already had the idea of ​​treason.

Because he has already noticed the emperor's actions.

Chu Yin suddenly felt that he was a shining light bulb.

"Young Master Luo, you don't need to stick to small details. You are a guest when you come, so sit down." Chu Yin nodded slightly, and Luo Xi took the opportunity to sit down.

Luo Xi's bright eyes rolled, and she looked at Chu Yin with a smile. Every time she came to play with the princess, she never came over to say hello, but this time she actually came.

"I'm just here to have a look. I have nothing else to do. You continue to play chess." Chu Yin sat aside and looked at the two of them.

The servants made tea for Chu Yin, Chu Yin tasted the tea silently, looked at Luo Xi, her facial features were exquisite, her red lips and white teeth were indeed adorable.

This time-traveling girl actually doesn't have much ability.

However, because she is not from this era, her thoughts and behaviors are different, and she is the luck heroine herself, so it is normal to attract people.

Shao Shao looked at Chu Yin, hesitant to speak.

I said in my heart that you are here, how can I get along with Miss Luo Xi comfortably.

"Don't be rigid." Chu Yin looked at Yu Shaozhao with a half-smile.

Luo Xi took a step forward and greeted Zhuang Shaozhao: "It's your turn!"

Even though Chu Yin was here, she didn't feel that there was anything wrong, because she was now a "male".

Chu Yin smiled, and the heroine had to be "frank".

"I'm tired today, let's go down tomorrow. You should stay here for a while." Hu Shaozhao looked at Luo Xi expectantly because Chu Yin had lost his mind here.

Luo Xi said without thinking, "Of course."

"I won't go back. You said you let me make this place my home, so I won't be polite!"

"Princess, do you welcome me?" Luo Xi suddenly realized that Chu Yin was at the side, and asked Chu Yin cautiously.

Chu Yin pursed her lips and smiled: "Of course Mr. Luo is welcome."

Luo Xi smiled happily, thanks to the fact that she has been disguised as a man here, otherwise the princess would be jealous if she knew that she was a woman.

Only Shaozhao knew that she was a woman.

Luo Xi really thought that she could deceive others by disguising herself as a man.

In fact, anyone who is not blind knows that she is a woman.

It's just that no one broke it.

"Come here, send Young Master Luo back to rest first." Yu Shaozhao ordered, Luo Xi curled her lips: "It's really boring."

"I'm still having fun, so you don't want to play anymore."

"Why don't you play with me, princess?" Luo Xi was an acquaintance.

The princess, although she is the younger sister who hates the bad emperor, but this time I get close to the princess, and I feel that she is a gentle person.

That can also make a good relationship!
Chu Yin shook her head: "I'm not very good at it."

"I teach you."

"That's fine." Chu Yin reluctantly agreed.

Hu Shaozhao silently gave way, and Chu Yin and Luo Xi played backgammon.

Chat while playing chess.

Chu Yin seemed unintentional and said, "Mr. Luo, I always think you look familiar."

This startled Luo Xi, did the princess see her in the palace?
Just as Zhuang Shaozhao was about to say something, Chu Yin immediately said, "Maybe I misremembered."

Chu Yin and Luo Xi chatted about poetry again, and Luo Xi, a copyist, casually recited two classic poems from textbooks and said that he wrote them on the spot.

Although Chu Yin knew that she plagiarized, she still acted astonished: "I didn't expect Mr. Luo to have such an amazing literary talent!"

"I really admire it."

(End of this chapter)

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