Chapter 150 The Princess Has Ambitions (3)

Luo Xi was embarrassed by Chu Yin's praise: "Your Highness, the princess, has praised you."

"I actually just said it casually."

Chu Yin's expression was even more shocked: "The casual writing is so amazing, who in the world can match Mr. Luo's beauty."

Zhuang Shaozhao nodded in approval, he had been shocked by Xi'er's literary talent more than once.

The poems she wrote are not at all awkward like a little girl, showing everyone's demeanor.

None of those self-proclaimed talents in Beijing can compare to her.

Even the most knowledgeable imperial teacher is far inferior to her literary talents.

If she is a man, if she wants to show off, how can those people wait for the opportunity?
Chu Yin and Luo Xi played backgammon all afternoon, chatted all afternoon, had a good chat, and even had dinner together at dinner time. Zhuang Shaozhao felt that the two women were very interested, as if nothing happened to him.

This made Zhuang Shaozhao a little depressed.

After dinner, Chu Yin said to Zhuang Shaozhao directly in front of Luo Xi: "The general can come to my palace room at night."

Luo Xi looked at Zhuang Shaozhao with a smile, winked at Zhuang Shaozhao, and whispered to Zhuang Shaozhao: "Good thing, Your Highness has turned your cards!"

Chu Yin smiled slightly, Zhuang Shaozhao was a little embarrassed.

How can the princess talk about this kind of thing in a human face?
The key is to stay in front of Luo Xi.

Does the princess know that Luo Xi is a woman?Is this move a declaration of sovereignty?
Claiming to be the Palace...

She hasn't called herself Bengong for a long time.


Ever since he had Luo Xi in his heart, he really didn't want to have sex with the princess anymore.

The reluctance between Zhuang Shaozhao's brows is obvious, but she is still a princess after all, even if she has already planned to rebel in her heart, she has not succeeded, and she has to give face.

Chu Yin first went back to check on the client's child, Zhuang Heng.

He is almost five years old, and the little boy is so cute. When he saw Chu Yin, he said, "Mother, today my son has learned another article, let him recite it to his mother."

Chu Yin touched Zhuang Heng's little head, thinking, when he succeeds in enthroning in the future, this child will be the prince.


Zhuang Heng recited the article, Chu Yin held him in his arms, took his pulse calmly, and checked his physical condition.

What reassures Chu Yin is that he has a good physique and nothing wrong with him.

After coaxing him to sleep, Zhuang Shaozhao came to her dormitory only after hesitantly. Seeing that Chu Yin was neatly dressed, he was relieved in his heart.

Dressing neatly meant that the princess didn't mean anything in that regard, probably just had something to talk to him about.

Chu Yin saw that Zhuang Shaozhao's expression relaxed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As long as they fall in love with Luo Xi, will they unconsciously want to defend her like a jade?
The emperor is like this, including Zhuang Shaozhao. Luo Xi's existence makes them not interested in other women?
"General, sit down." Chu Yin called the handsome Zhuang Shaozhao to sit down.

The present Zhuang Shaozhao is indeed dignified, neatly dressed, with a dignified expression, this is not from his wife's room, this is coming to see the princess.

"You look like this, can't I eat you alive?" Chu Yin saw him standing still with a sullen face, calling himself Bengong, and using the identity of a princess to suppress others.

This made Zhuang Shaozhao a little worried.

"Since you're reluctant to sit down, then pour me some wine." Chu Yin glanced at the jug on the table.

Zhuang Shaozhao poured two glasses of wine in silence, then sat down: "I don't know how to offend Madam, and make Madam so angry."

"It's your elder brother who scolds you for pouring wine for your husband. The current emperor has never treated his ministers so harshly..." His face was full of worry.

Even now that the emperor has made various moves to get rid of him, he still respects him three points on the surface, and the princess is not polite now.

Is she so sure that the emperor will succeed?
Chu Yin: "You are the one who toasts and not eats fine wine."

"I asked you to sit down, so I have something to talk to you about. What are you afraid of when you refuse to sit down? Are you afraid of having intimate contact with me?"

"It's a joke, how can I care about this." Chu Yin looked disdainful.

Don't say that Zhuang Shaozhao pretends that Luo Xi wants to protect her body like a jade in his heart, it means that Zhuang Shaozhao wants to do something and she still refuses to do it!

Zhuang Shao was pointed out according to his intentions, and his anger was mixed with embarrassment. He didn't know why he resisted, probably because Luo Xi had said more than once that there is a couple for life, and neither the spirit nor the body should belong to others.

"I have also heard about the actions of the emperor." Chu Yin was too lazy to talk so much with Zhuang Shaozhao, and went straight to the point.

Zhuang Shaozhao had a gloomy face: "So what does the princess think?"

"You are my son-in-law, so I naturally don't want you to be in trouble." Chu Yin looked at Zhuang Shaozhao, pointed to the room where Heng'er slept, and said, "Don't forget, we still have a son."

"Oh." Zhuang Shaozhao lost interest.

"It was just a misunderstanding between the minister and the emperor. The emperor did not give the minister a chance to explain. Could it be that the princess can save this situation?"

Young Master Zhuang said in his heart that the emperor wanted to get rid of the Zhuang clan.

Even if you want to change anything, there is no need. The Zhuang family has made great contributions to their royal family, but the royal family crossed the river and demolished the bridge. They were the first to be unkind and unrighteous, so why not if the Zhuang family took over the world?

Chu Yin could hear the sarcasm in Zhuang Shaozhao's words, and a sarcasm appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I was born in the royal family, and when my father was around, I loved me especially, which also led to my general reluctance to ask for help." She raised her chin, her expression full of arrogance: "So there are other things in this palace. One way to seek it out with the general.”

Zhuang Shaozhao: "What way?"

Chu Yin hooked her lips, opened and closed her mouth, but did not make a sound, but Zhuang Shaozhao understood the mouth shape.

What the other party said was: Rebellion!

This made Zhuang Shaozhao startled.

"Why, are you questioning Ben Gong's courage?" Chu Yin asked.

Zhuang Shaozhao: "Princess, you can't say these words indiscriminately. If people hear them, you and I will die."

"Today I will be a princess and I never said that."

"I didn't say anything, I sincerely invite you to conspire against me now." Chu Yin said it outright, scaring Zhuang Shaozhao to sweat profusely.

"If the princess wants to talk nonsense again, don't blame the general for being ruthless." Zhuang Shaozhao looked at Chu Yin angrily.

Chu Yin took a sip of his wine and waved his hands speechlessly: "You can do it, don't pretend."

"Your desire to treason is written on your face. I have been married to you for a few years, and I have already seen it clearly."

"For Mr. Luo, right? Let me tell you, there are people in my palace, and Mr. Luo's background is like a mirror in my heart."

"Including that you have privately begged the emperor to reward you with Luo Xi."

Zhuang Shaozhao looked at Chu Yin in shock: "You..."

How to even know these.

(End of this chapter)

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