Chapter 157 The Princess Has Ambitions (10)

Chu Yin: "Of course we have to wait."

Rumors don't spread that fast in this era, and it will definitely take time. Wait for the rumors to become more intense before taking action.

Without rumors about Cheng Jinxu's tyrant, how could he explain the change of ownership?

After the country changed hands, so what if many people realized that this was a long-planned conspiracy?
So what if they realize that Cheng Jinxu is not a tyrant?The country has changed hands.

In the plot, Cheng Jinxu disregarded the law, disregarded the status and privileges that the client should have as a royal princess, and executed the client. It is not too much for the client to hope to seize the country under the condition of making a wish.

She was originally a member of the royal family, so her knowledge and perception were different from ordinary people, and she was forced to be ambitious.

Zhuang Shaozhao was impatient: "Wait, wait, I'm always made to wait."

"I don't know how Luo Xi is doing now, whether I have met the emperor." Zhuang Shaozhao was afraid that Luo Xi and the emperor would make emotional progress.

Chu Yin didn't speak, got up and left.

It's annoying to see Zhuang Shao taking this love picture.

Tiantian only knows about Luo Xi, so it's no wonder that the rebellion failed, it's no wonder that it succeeded like this, she can't hold her breath at all.

A few days later, Chu Yin was eating dinner, lifted the chopsticks but put them down again, and said to Zhishu: "You handle the dishes tonight quietly, pretending that I have already eaten."

Knowing that something was wrong, Zhishu asked Chu Yin, "Your Highness, is there something wrong with this dish?"

She tried it again with the silver needle, and there was nothing abnormal about the silver needle.

Chu Yin smiled helplessly: "If you try it out, how can you call it poisoning? That method is too low-level."

"Who is going to attack the princess, I will investigate the matter thoroughly." Zhishu frowned angrily.

Chu Yin shook her head: "No need to check, I know."

"Don't say anything about this, just treat me as poisoned."

Zhuang Shaozhao has already started to poison, it's boring.

It started so early, I thought it would be after the high and low things were done.

It's just a chronic poison, the toxin will attack slowly, and when it's done, it will almost penetrate into the bone marrow, and there is no cure.

Zhuang Shaozhao's personal servant walked up to Zhuang Shaozhao, and whispered to Zhuang Shaozhao: "The princess has finished her meal."

"I didn't notice any problems, nothing unusual."

The joy of success flashed in Zhuang Shaozhao's eyes, and he waved his hands to make people retreat.

When things are done, it only needs to use a single medicine on her body, and the princess can be completely poisoned to death, and people can't see the clue.

And the reason for doing this is to take Heng'er's face into consideration, so as to avoid being criticized by the world again.


No, even if it's a month or a day, I don't want her to be the one.

The princess's ambition is obvious, and the people who are trying to win him over now are laying the foundation for supporting her as a queen in the future?
He hates, loathes.

Two days later, Chu Yin said to Zhuang Shaozhao: "I will be away from Beijing for a while, please wait patiently. After I return to Beijing, you can start."

"Everything in this palace in Beijing has been arranged, so don't act rashly."

Zhuang Shaozhao hummed.

"Don't worry, I won't act rashly."

"Wait for me at ease, I will bring back your Luo Xi when I go." Chu Yin curled her lips.

Zhuang Shaozhao's eyebrows twitched, he had a bad premonition, but he couldn't express it.

"Do you know where Luo Xi is? Or is Luo Xi in your hands?" Zhuang Shaozhao stared at Chu Yin.

Chu Yin clicked his tongue: "I don't know, isn't Bengong going out to help you find it?"

"Don't be so guarded against me. I know what Luo Xi means to you, so I won't do her any harm." Chu Yin's words were always so ambiguous.

Zhuang Shaozhao was quite afraid, and he didn't dare to have other thoughts.

He could only secretly send Chu Yin away from the capital.

Chu Yin met Sang Yang in the outskirts of Beijing, and Chu Yin said to Sang Yang, "Actually, I can go alone this time. You go with me, won't your client have a psychological shadow?"

"What psychological shadow?" Sang Yang asked back.

Chu Yin said: "Then let's go kill the emperor. Aren't the national teachers all loyal to the emperor and patriotic? If we kill the emperor, will he accept it?"

Sang Yang: "Even the emperor killed him, and he wished to kill him back."

"It's just that my client is not brave enough to make a wish to kill the emperor, but just thinking about it secretly in his heart."

Chu Yin chuckled: "That's fine."

"That's all right."

"Hey, why does the emperor want us to kill it ourselves?" Sang Yang sighed: "But it's not bad to go out to visit the mountains and rivers with my sister."

Chu Yin sighed: "Actually, this task has become very simple because I met you."

"If it weren't for your status as a national teacher, it would be difficult to lure the emperor out of the palace. Emperors generally don't go out of the palace, and even if they do, the battle is not small."

"This time the emperor went out of the palace for the sake of his children's private affairs, and it's inconvenient to take too many people out, so he made it easier for us."

"Simply, let's cut the mess quickly and kill him."

"If you didn't meet me, what did my sister plan in the first place?" Sang Yang asked curiously
Chu Yin seriously recalled his plan when he didn't meet Sang Yang, and said, "That's more complicated."

"Anyway, it's not that simple. It's much more complicated. It takes a lot of planning step by step. You are stronger as a national teacher than I am as a royal princess. Now the emperor will believe what you say, and the emperor can't think of you and me. Together."

"Don't talk about the emperor, Zhuang Shaozhao never dreamed that you are with me."

Sang Yang raised his eyebrows: "That can't be helped, who made you my good sister."

"That's right, we two missionaries work together, one plus one is not equal to two, isn't the matter much simpler?"

"It can't be that it's so hard for two people to do it, after all, the identities of the two clients are not simple."

"And what my sister taught me is what the emperor loves to hear."

"What is the fate of the Phoenix Empress, what is beneficial to him, those are the words he likes to hear, and he will definitely believe them."

"I asked my system to take a look at the position of the emperor." Sang Yang said.

Chu Yin hummed, and after a while Sang Yang said, "Still in Hanjiang."

"Still stubbornly looking for Luo Xi."

Chu Yin pursed her lips: "Although the Han border is far away, Zhuang Shaozhao arranged for the border general of the Han border to spread rumors about the emperor's tyrant there. The emperor should have heard about it, but he didn't rush back to Beijing to deal with the matter. Is it true? He takes Luo Xi seriously."

At that time, rumors were flying all over the sky, but it was not limited to the capital, and various arrangements were made to send these rumors to various places quickly. This was also Chu Yin's plan.

"The more you can't find it, the more worried you are, sister, you definitely don't know the feeling of worrying about your lover's safety." Sang Yang looked at Chu Yin, and the soul of gossip awakened: "Have sister ever been in love?"

Chu Yin: "No."

"Why don't you talk about it?" Sang Yang asked.

Chu Yin looked at him: "Have you talked about it?"

Sang Yang: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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