Chapter 158 The Princess Has Ambitions (11)

Chu Yin and Sang Yang traveled leisurely all the way towards Hanjiang. They tasted a lot of delicious food and experienced a lot of customs along the way.

As Sang Yang said, I went out to visit the mountains and rivers.

Chu Yin leaned against the big tree, looked up at the blue sky and white clouds, and said with emotion: "In the past, every task was relatively busy. Such moments are really rare."

"Sang Yang, it's thanks to you. If it weren't for your existence to make the task so easy, I wouldn't have the opportunity to stay here so comfortably and wait for you to grill fish for me."

Sang Yang turned over the grilled fish in his hand, checked that it was ready, and handed it to Chu Yin: "Sister, it's ready, let's eat."

"Delicious, secret seasoning, professional cooking."

Chu Yin took it and tasted it: "To be honest, I'm used to your food, and it's quite to my liking."

"It's my honor to be able to cook for my sister. I'm very satisfied when I see my sister eating." Sang Yang looked at Chu Yin with a satisfied face: "Sister, we are good friends, right?"

Chu Yin was stunned for a moment: "I thought you had fought side by side so many times, and you had put your life and death on account of me. I thought it was a friendship between life and death."

"No, of course it's a life-and-death relationship. I'm just afraid that my sister doesn't think so, so I'm embarrassed to say that." Sang Yang looked at Chu Yin shyly: "So can you promise me a request?"

Chu Yin looked at him suspiciously: "What?"

Sang Yang said: "Let's leave a contact information, can we keep in touch in the future?"

In this way, I can often contact my sister. In fact, my sister looks very easy-going on the surface, but she is actually a person who likes to be alone.

What if my sister doesn't want to get in touch and just wants to meet by fate.

Chu Yin let out a groan: "That's it?"

"I thought it was too much to ask."

She added Sang Yang as a friend, and patted Sang Yang on the shoulder: "Encourage each other in the future!"

"Mutual encouragement!" Sang Yang smiled happily.

The two finally arrived at the frontier, and at night, according to the location provided by the system, they found the emperor very smoothly. Taking advantage of the late night, Chu Yin first stunned the entourage outside the door with medicine.

The two of them entered the emperor's room, and together they quickly controlled Cheng Jinxu, tied him to a chair, and closed the door. Chu Yin and Sang Yang sat opposite Cheng Jinxu.

Cheng Jinxu looked at the two people who broke in suddenly, one was his imperial sister and the other was his national teacher.

Could this be a dream?

"Why are you here?" Cheng Jinxu asked, "You still don't kneel down when you see me. It's so disrespectful. Could it be that you have forgotten my identity?"

"What the world, I am the future emperor." Chu Yin sat down and looked at Cheng Jinxu leisurely.

"Let's call you Brother Huang again for the time being. Brother Huang is disturbed by love, and it's all the actions of a tyrant. I should stand up bravely and work for the well-being of the common people in the world."

Cheng Jinxu laughed angrily: "Tyrant?"

"It turns out that those rumors came from your handwriting."

"Cheng Yuyang, I really didn't expect you to be so ambitious and want to become emperor."

"Isn't it okay to win the king and lose the bandit?" Chu Yin asked back.

Cheng Jinxu's chest heaved and said, "I've been wronged by you."

"Do you really dare to kill me? You killed me and seized the throne. After a hundred years, you will go underground. Do you have the face to meet your ancestors?"

Chu Yin laughed: "Brother Huang is really funny. If you can't do anything about it, you just use your ancestors to suppress me?"

"Rather than relying on my ancestors to suppress me, it is better to rely on all my ancestors to manifest their spirits now, and lift off the tightly bound and thick coffin boards to come out to save you."

"However, all the ancestors were buried in the capital, even if they lifted the coffin boards and ran to Hanjiang, the daylily might be cold."

Sang Yang was really amused by Chu Yin: "Sister, your words are too funny."

"Are you planning to piss him off with words?"

"National teacher, do you need to explain to me? Your national teacher's office, generations of ancestors have not participated in these, why do you violate the ancestors, are you not afraid of retribution?"

"Are you going to discard all the majestic status of your National Teacher's Mansion and the world's worship of the National Teacher's Mansion?"

Chu Yin spread her hands and looked at Sang Yang amusedly: "He started to use your ancestors to suppress you again."

"I'll go, this dog emperor is really eloquent." Sang Yang was speechless.

"Why, why, my whereabouts are secretive, how on earth did you find me!" Cheng Jinxu roared unwillingly.

He hides his identity and disguises himself just to be on the safe side.

He is so cautious, it stands to reason that no one will know his location.

Including the officials in Hanjiang, no one knows his whereabouts, and he has been acting in secret.

Sang Yang glanced at Chu Yin, seeing that Chu Yin didn't intend to continue talking with Cheng Jinxu, he asked Chu Yin tentatively, "Sister, shall I kill you?"

Chu Yin felt that the tone was very familiar. A few days ago, Sang Yang asked her about the fish. At that time, Sang Yang asked her if she would eat it. She said yes, and Sang Yang said, "Then sister, I will kill it."

Chu Yin nodded slightly, let's kill, later changes will happen, there is nothing to talk about.

Said to Sang Yang: "Give him a painless and uninjured death package, so that it looks like a sudden death."

In the plot, the emperor has power and power, and if he wants to kill the client, he will kill him. Now he will kill him if he wants to, which is just a matter of Feng Shui.

Sang Yang resolutely killed Cheng Jinxu's vitality. According to Chu Yin's order, he did not cause any trauma to Cheng Jinxu. It looked like he died suddenly. Cheng Jinxu didn't even make any sound, so there was no made a sound.

"It's the best way to do this." Sang Yang said: "After just experiencing the end of the world, I don't want to always see those bloody scenes."

"Just try to be as refreshing as possible."

"On the way back, can my sister teach me some medically ingenious ways to kill people?" Sang Yang looked at Chu Yin expectantly.

Chu Yin pressed Sang Yang's forehead angrily: "Don't learn anything else, learn this."

"But if you want to learn, I can only give up my ten years of merit to teach you."

After killing Cheng Jinxu, their mission for this trip was considered over. As for Cheng Jinxu's body, they didn't care about it. Cheng Jinxu's followers would be brought back to Beijing as a sudden death.

It can't be said that their protection is not in place, it will lose his head, but it will be fine if he dies suddenly, because it is the emperor's own physical condition.

It just so happened that Cheng Jinxu died without injury, and it did look like he died suddenly. This was their best and only choice.

Moreover, these attendants did not dare to leave Cheng Jinxu's body alone, they had to get the emperor's body back and give the court an explanation, so that their family members would be safe and sound.

You can't just run away like this.

Chu Yin sighed with emotion: "My client's body went to the mass grave after his death."

"My client is too." Sang Yang said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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