Chapter 159 The Princess Has Ambitions (12)

On the way back to Beijing, Chu Yin taught Sang Yang what he wanted to learn. Of course, he did not use real people to teach him, but only taught him theoretical knowledge.

Traveling to the outskirts of Beijing, Chu Yin took Sang Yang to a hidden village, and said to Sang Yang, "I locked Luo Xi in there."

Sang Yang took a look inside: "It's a pity that Luo Xi didn't leave the boundary of the capital, and Cheng Jinxu was tricked by me to go to Hanjiang to look for her. It's no wonder I found her."

When Chu Yin returned to the Zhuang Mansion, Zhuang Shaozhao hurriedly asked Chu Yin, "Where's Luo Xi?"

"Where is Luo Xi? Didn't you say you would bring Luo Xi back?"

Chu Yin said calmly, "Luo Xi will be safe, we'd better do the big things first."

"Can we do it now?" Zhuang Shaozhao was very entangled for a while, wanting to ask the princess Luo Xi's whereabouts, but also want to pay attention to the rebellion.

Big things will happen?

"Let's do it? On the day you ascend the throne, I will definitely return Miss Luo Xi to you." Chu Yin looked at Zhuang Shaozhao with no warmth in his eyes.

Zhuang Shaozhao: "So are you threatening me?"

"Cheng Yuyang, let me tell you, if you don't return Luo Xi to me for a day, I won't make you a queen."

That's a good job, I threatened him with Luo Xi.

If so, it would be too cheap to kill her by poisoning her at that time, and she would have to be tortured to death.

He's had enough of this swaggering princess.

The emperor's body was transported back to the palace. As Chu Yin expected, his attendants only said that the emperor died suddenly. Zhuang Shaozhao and Chu Yin used their power to launch a coup together, and soon took control of the capital and the palace.

The emperor is dead, the queen mother is dizzy, and no one is in charge of the overall situation. The power in Zhuang Shaozhao's hands could have aroused the emperor's fear. In addition, Chu Yin came to operate this time, adding a lot of power. The coup went very smoothly .

And the name of the emperor's tyrant was out, and they wanted to find a court lady to leave the palace. They also had a more legitimate reason than in the plot. Now they have suffered a sudden death from heaven, and the emperor has no children. Only Zhuang Shaozhao, a powerful minister, has the most power in the world. With the right time, place and people, Zhuang Shaozhao went smoothly.

Zhuang Shaozhao sat on the dragon chair in disbelief: "It's that simple?"

"Is it that simple to become the emperor?"

He looked crazy, and things went so well that he couldn't imagine.

"Why did the emperor die? Cheng Yuyang, did you kill the emperor? What did you do when you went out?" Zhuang Shaozhao stared at Chu Yin viciously, and suddenly broke out: "You poisonous woman who kills the king and brothers, you are not worthy of virtue , how is it worthy to be in charge of Fengyin?"

Chu Yin looked at Zhuang Shaozhao with a strange expression: "My friend, you are stunned."

"It's too early to get complacent, forget yourself, have you forgotten your Luo Xi?"

Zhuang Shaozhao laughed wildly, extremely proud, staring at Chu Yin arrogantly: "Luo Xi? Now you still dare to threaten me with Luo Xi? Why, Cheng Yuyang, did you forget that you have a son?"

"You want Heng'er to have a good life, you'd better hand over Luo Xi, don't forget that you haven't become a queen, your Heng'er can't be a prince yet."

Chu Yin snorted: "Zhuang Shaozhao, you are really shameless, using Heng'er to blackmail Bengong."

Zhuang Shaozhao retorted: "How about returning to the palace? Do you still think you are a princess? Your royal family of the Cheng family is over, now the world will change your surname, change your surname to Zhuang!"

Chu Yin shook her head: "It's too early to be proud."

"Let's wait until you become the throne first. No matter what you want to do, don't you have this right after you become the throne?"

Zhuang Shaozhao stared at Chu Yin fiercely: "OK."

"After I ascend the throne, I'll show you some color. You won't cry if you don't see the coffin."

"Go pass on the national teacher, let the national teacher prepare to preside over the enthronement ceremony, and I will be enthroned in three days!" Zhuang Shaozhao ordered.

Chu Yin just smiled, National Teacher?
Zhuang Shaozhao really didn't realize the seriousness of the matter!

Chu Yin bought many people in the harem before, and the people in the harem quickly obeyed because these people took the lead in building momentum among the crowd. Now they have also become in charge and control the palaces.

Walking to the Palace of Chaoshi, where the emperor usually handles affairs, Yunzi has already taken the lead to control the people in the Palace of Chaoshi.

Chu Yin looked at Yunzi, her abilities were pretty good. Before, she thought about preparing two more people beside the emperor. If Sang Yang’s words were not enough to lure the emperor out of the palace, she would let Yunzi come in handy to fool the emperor. In the end, Yunzi was useless. The emperor left the palace.

"Do you need a slave to do something?" Yunzi asked Chu Yin as he stepped forward.

Chu Yin shook her head: "No need."

"You should be working in the Palace of Chaoshi."

Yunzi thought he was asking him to be the queen's eyeliner in front of the new emperor in the future, so she agreed.

Sang Yang began to prepare for the enthronement ceremony for Zhuang Shaozhao. The preparations for the enthronement ceremony were hasty, but all the people who should come have come.

No matter what everyone thinks, the entire capital is now under the control of Zhuang Shaozhao, and many people who want to protest don't have the guts to stand up.

Zhuang Shaozhao was wearing a dragon robe and a crown on his head, with a proud face, and Sang Yang was wearing a national teacher's robe, holding a high incense, and was asking the sky whether Zhuang Shaozhao was the real dragon emperor.

This is just a cutscene. Generally speaking, the emperor who is about to enthroned will get the "answer" from the heavens, and the heavens will send down a decree.

Zhuang Shaozhao also thought that everything would go well.

Everyone concentrated and calmed down, and only waited for the national teacher to finish the sacrifice and say yes, Zhuang Shaozhao went to offer incense and worship the gods, and the ceremony was over.

But there was an accident, the national teacher suddenly made a strange voice, and then told everyone solemnly: "Zhuang Shaozhao is not the real dragon emperor, the heavens will not allow it!"

"If you forcibly ascend the throne and proclaim yourself emperor, you will be punished by heaven!"

Everyone: "?"

What the hell?
Zhuang Shaozhao was so angry that he was half dead, and glared at Sang Yang angrily: "Come here, take down the national teacher for me!"

"The national teacher has been possessed by a demon. His words cannot be taken seriously. I am the Son of Heaven, and I cannot tolerate doubts!"

Chu Yin: "..."

This is more nonsense than anyone else, right?
Everyone's faces were full of weirdness, this good enthronement ceremony, ah no, this hasty enthronement ceremony was too ridiculous.

After being taken down, Sang Yang yelled at Zhuang Shaozhao: "It is absolutely impossible for you to ascend the throne today. If you ascend the throne by force, you will die suddenly on the spot!"

"My national teacher has accepted the will of heaven, and she is the one!" Sang Yang suddenly pointed to Chu Yin, who was standing in the front, very eye-catching.

Chu Yin looked at Sang Yang's slightly exaggerated acting skills, and silently prayed in her heart that Sang Yang could go to the entertainment industry to improve himself in the next world.

Forget it, since Sang Yang is so fake, why should I act so seriously, just act casually for others to see, anyway, the power is in their hands, they hold the power, so naturally they can be more casual.

(End of this chapter)

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