Chapter 161 The Princess Has Ambitions (14)

Luo Xi was stunned: "Everyone is free and everyone is equal, why should my life belong to you?"

Sang Yang sneered: "You were born in this era, and this is the law of this era."

"Since you have become a slave, you must have the consciousness of a slave. Let me spare you this time. If you want to leave the National Teacher's Mansion next time, don't blame the national teacher for being ruthless and punish you!"

Luo Xi observed Sang Yang's expression for a while, her eyes were all ruthless, which made her tremble, fearful and complaining: "Why are you so fierce to a girl."

"I haven't committed a crime."

The corner of Sang Yang's mouth curled up into an inexplicable smile: "Those who followed your tricks have already gone to see the King of Hades."

"Speaking of which, you really look like a broom star. Without you, how could they meet Hades so quickly."

Sang Yang's words immediately hurt Luo Xi deeply, her chest was filled with guilt, she hid her face and ran away.

A few days later, Sang Yang went to the palace to see Chu Yin, and reluctantly said, "Sister, my mission is complete and I am leaving this world."

"Then you go first, I haven't told me that the task is completed, I may still need some time."

"After all, I have just ascended the throne, and I still need to stabilize the regime and appease the border generals and princes who are outside."

"There are also many matters inside. I also plan to promulgate some political laws that benefit the country and the people, carry out some reforms, and make some achievements."

"Sister has so many things to do, don't get tired." Sang Yang sighed.

It is indeed much faster for two taskers with such identities to do tasks, but the only disadvantage is that they separate quickly.

Chu Yin chuckled: "I'm not tired at all."

"We are people in the age of science and technology, and the age of science and technology also came from this era. Some good strategies that benefit the country and the people can also be learned from history."

"You go first." Chu Yin looked at Sang Yang.

"By the way, Luo Xi is in your house, how is it?"

Sang Yang sneered: "Tell me that everyone is equal."

"Looks wronged, anyway, I have reason to suspect that she is trying to show off her charm in front of me now."

"But I'm not worried. I know my client better. When he comes back, Luo Xi's life will be even more difficult."

Chu Yin clicked his tongue.

After Sang Yang left this world, Chu Yin stayed there for another half a year.

The status of the imperial power was stabilized, and various laws and regulations promulgated began to bear fruit, and were praised and loved by the people and courtiers.

3308 notified Chu Yin that the task was completed, and Chu Yin stayed for another two days to finish writing the book in his hand.

That's when she drew on history and wrote down the principles and policies that are beneficial to the development of the country and the people, as well as ways to strengthen the national strength and military strength.

Furthermore, she also wrote down the solutions to some of the problems left over from the past in this country. Her time was limited and she had no time to implement so many.

Think of it as a gift for the client, and it would be best if she is willing to accept it.

I hope she can govern the country better and open a new prosperous world.

After Chu Yin left, Cheng Yuyang came back and saw the book she left behind, and smiled gratefully.

According to what Chu Yin left behind, a series of reforms and governance were carried out on the country, and a prosperous age was gradually created.

Carefully cultivated Heng Heng, emotionally, raised a face in the harem.

The courtiers and royal family turned a blind eye to this. Compared with the empress's powerful ability to govern the country, her great achievements are just a face.

She has never paid attention to Luo Xi, she only knows that she is still in the National Teacher's Mansion.

Luo Xi's life in the National Teacher's Mansion was not good.

When Sang Yang was around, she tried to get free, but failed. Later, she planned to sneak out, but failed.

She didn't quite understand that she could run away every time in such a fortified place as the imperial palace, why a national teacher's mansion wanted to leave but couldn't.

But at that time, Luo Xi had a strong aura, so she naturally went smoothly.

Because at that time she had Cheng Jinxu's preference, once Cheng Jinxu died, Zhuang Shaozhao also died, and she was imprisoned by Chu Yin for such a period of time, her aura and luck were gone.

In the final analysis, it was because Luo Xi's halo and luck were not her own, but were favored by the two most powerful men in this country and endowed by them.

When they die, these disappear with them.

Trying to escape, the national teacher ordered people to beat him half to death according to the rules.

Unconvinced, Luo Xi dragged her seriously injured body to question the national teacher.

"Why abuse lynching? You are not qualified at all. If I am wrong, there are laws to punish me."

The national teacher laughed: "The law stipulates that a domestic slave like you can be beaten to death with a stick if he makes a mistake."

Luo Xi cried in pain, unwilling and aggrieved, shouting: "This is inhumane, this feudal society is terrible, human life is worthless..."

"I want to go, I want to leave this world, let me go, I really don't want to be here, you have one more than me, and one less than a lot."

The national teacher smiled inexplicably, and assigned Luo Xi to the lowest class, Luo Xi shook her head in fear: "No, I don't want that humble person to live, I've had enough, enough of your oppression in the national teacher's residence. "

"They are all like demons. Everyone bullies me, and you, the national teacher, have nothing to do. You just rely on bluffing, superstition and superstition to do whatever you want and bully others."

The national teacher's eyes became more and more cold: "Showing and deceiving?"

Since then, Luo Xi's life has become even more difficult.

She is doing all the hard work, overwork has destroyed her aura, and her 20s look like her 40s.

There was no light in his eyes, he was extremely numb, and lived like a dumb person, silent all year round.

Chu Yin checked the rewards.

The tasker Chu Yin numbered 3308 completed the task of the client Cheng Yuyang, and received task rewards: points: 3000 points, wish power: 180 points, merit: 170 points, soul power: 4 points.

No.: 3308
Name: Chu Yin

Race: Terran

Gender: Female
Rating: two stars

Points: 3000+6000
Willpower: +180
Merit: 170+450
Soul power: +4
Chu Yin said happily: "The commission is indeed higher after upgrading to a two-star tasker."

"Especially the rewards for meritorious deeds, there are more."

3308 said, "You still did something meritorious in the end."

"You seized the throne, avoided the subsequent war that caused Luo Xi, carried out reforms after ascending the throne, and left so many things to the client, all of which are beneficial to the country and the people, and will also change the suffering of many people. fate and saved many lives."

Chu Yin chuckled: "I am more willing to do what I can do."

"I'll send Sang Yang a message."

As Chu Yin spoke, she sent a message to Sang Yang, saying that she had completed this task and was about to proceed to the next task.

Guessing that Sang Yang should also be doing the task, Chu Yin sent another one to let Sang Yang concentrate on the task, and she will go too, so there is no need to reply to her.

Sang Yang received the message, but still replied: "Sister!"

Chu Yin was already being teleported at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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