Chapter 162

Arriving at the plane, as soon as Chu Yin opened his eyes, there was a knock on the door. It was loud and hurried, and the listeners felt flustered and depressed for no reason.

"It's three poles in the sun, and you're still sleeping!" A slightly rough female voice sounded, from the voice, it sounded that she was not young.

Then there was the sound of twisting the handle, and the door was locked from the inside. The middle-aged woman didn't turn the door open, and said angrily: "If you sleep and lock the door, who are you going to guard against?"

"There shouldn't be a lock on this door, let my son remove it tonight."

Chu Yin: "?"

"Stop arguing, wait a minute." Chu Yin couldn't hear it impatiently, her tone was not very good, but this tone caught the people outside for a moment, and said in a low voice, "Are you angry with me?"

Immediately, the tone became higher: "You actually murdered me!"

"I'm going to call my son!"

Chu Yin unleashes his mental power to look outside. The women in their fifties dyed their short hair yellow, which doesn't look foreign, but has an indescribable strength.

His facial features are mediocre and his body is strong.

Chu Yin quickly accepted the plot.

The client, An Rui, has a good family background. Her parents run a company together. In the eyes of ordinary people, she can be considered a wealthy person. She met her current husband Yin Hao when she was in college. She had never been in a relationship before and soon fell into a trap. .

After graduating from university, under the offensive of Yin Hao's sweet talk, she got married.

After marriage, An Rui planned to have a baby, so she didn't have a job, but it was inexplicably difficult to conceive, even if she was pregnant, she would lose it, two or three times in a row, causing great mental torture to An Rui.

Then the mother-in-law and aunt-in-law scolded An Rui every day for not being able to have a child.

Yin Hao told An Rui every day that it doesn't matter if you are poor and cannot give birth...I don't dislike you, I love you...

Although the client hated the vicious and unreasonable mother-in-law and the elder sister-in-law who made trouble every day, Yin Hao's 'understanding' made her feel inexplicably grateful.

Under Yin Hao's various hints and Yin Hao's family's various psychological blows, An Rui really felt that there was something wrong with her body, even though she went to the hospital to check and the doctor said it was fine...

The client felt that he could not have a child with Yin Hao and did not dislike him. He felt very guilty towards Yin Hao, so he was responsive to Yin Hao.

Including the various funds that Yin Hao decided to start a business, the client asked his parents to get them, with unlimited support.

And there has always been a cousin between them. Before Yin Hao started his business, this cousin often came to their house. Since Yin Hao started his business, this cousin appeared more frequently and joined Yin Hao's newly founded company.

In fact, his cousin was his first love, and Yin Hao's family members helped to conceal An Rui.

The ending is that Yin Hao relied on An Rui to keep taking money from her natal family to start a business, and made the company bigger and bigger, and had children with her cousin outside.

When An Rui knew all this, Yin Hao, her mother-in-law, elder sister-in-law and "cousin" pointed her nose and called her a hen that didn't lay eggs. An Rui also fell into deep pain because his first love gave birth to Yin Hao. Hao's child once again proves that Yin Hao is fine, but she is the one with the problem...

At this time, Yin Hao's wings were also hardened, and he wanted to divorce An Rui, and his attitude was quite ruthless. An Rui was extremely frustrated and painful, and what Yin Hao did, as well as the depressed An Rui, also made An Rui's parents sick. .

Mother An angrily ran to vent her anger on her daughter and scolded Yin Hao's family, but it turned out that Yin Hao's mother and sister were rivals, and suffered a big loss in the quarrel, and was hated by Yin Hao's mother and sister.

Moreover, Yin Hao's mother has always been jealous of An's mother, because at that time, An's mother did not agree with An Rui's marriage to Yin Hao, and she strongly opposed it for a while.

And at that time, An's mother also said that she hoped that her daughter could find a man like An's father who is capable, caring and sensible. This made Yin Hao's mother think that An's mother was very proud of her marriage. The mode of getting along with the father can also feel that An's mother cares about this marriage very much. Since she is so proud and cares about it, she will destroy it. Destroying the thing that the superior woman cares about the most is the fatal blow. She and her own daughter cannot be looked down upon in vain. , and cannot be scolded in vain.

She hated his son whom An's mother looked down on, and felt that An's mother lived a high life relying on her husband's ability to do business and looked down on them.

She felt that everything about An's mother depended on her husband, and she felt that An's mother didn't deserve to have so much.

She was also jealous that An's mother was loved by a good man like An's father, but her husband was short-lived and died very early.

There are too many things that can be done with money. She and her daughter secretly set up a trick for An's father. First, they found someone to pretend to discuss business with An's father.

A month later, I came to the door and said that I was pregnant and asked for money to solve the matter.

An's father drank unconscious and was not sure about the authenticity of this matter, and being entangled in this kind of thing extremely damaged the relationship between the husband and wife. In addition, An's mother complained that An's father agreed to An Rui's marriage to Yin Hao at that time, and even supported it. Yin Hao has so much money that Yin Hao's wings are stiff.

Yin Hao's mother specially went to laugh at An's mother, don't you think you are high-minded, don't you still want to divorce your husband after such a thing happened?
Yin Hao's mother really wanted to see An's mother get divorced, she couldn't see other people's happy marriages.

All kinds of things, coupled with the stimulation of Yin Hao's mother, led to their divorce.

And Father An was cheated out of a lot of money by scammers arranged by Yin Hao's mother and sister, and the company was so deceived that it went bankrupt.

The An family was completely disbanded.

But the reason for defrauding An's father's family property is only because of money. Although Yinhao Company is doing well now, they don't think there is too much money.

Both An's father and An's mother ended up like this, and An Rui was even kicked out.

An Rui has great pain and resentment in her heart, resentment for Yin Hao's ruthlessness, resentment for Yin Hao's mother and sister's cruelty.

Her wish is to take revenge on these people, disrupt their families, protect her parents' marriage, and be good to her parents.

She owed her parents too much in her heart. She insisted on marrying Yin Hao at the beginning. In order to make Yin Hao treat her well, her father gave her unlimited money.

The reason why his father was able to be played by Yin Hao's mother was because he was given too much money, which made his company's cash flow difficult. For the smooth operation of the company, he would trust the liar that Yin Hao's mother and the others found.

The client also regretted it very much, regretted that she was in love, and later she was very disgusted and disgusted with her former love, to the point of hatred, wishing to kill herself, gnashing her teeth with hatred.

Why did she insist on marrying Yin Hao? Why did she refuse to divorce or resist despite being bullied by Yin Hao's family? Why did Yin Hao coax her to pay so much money with just a few words...

Extremely strong emotions caused her to be captured by the system.

After accepting the plot, Chu Yin raised her eyebrows.

Yin Hao's proper Phoenix Man and White-eyed Wolf.

Blood sucks well.

After sucking the blood, if you want to make others feel better, cause others to divorce and the company to go bankrupt, it is really vicious.

(End of this chapter)

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