Chapter 164

Another phone bombing.

I have to pester Yin Hao for an explanation.

Yin Hao had no choice but to call Chu Yin: "Rui Rui, they are very angry, what did you say?"

Chu Yin sat in the car without speaking.

By the time the mother and daughter were looking for Yin Hao, Chu Yin had packed up and left the house, and was planning to drive home in the car.

Seeing that Chu Yin didn't speak, Yin Hao said again: "My wife, please apologize to them, don't make mom sick, you also know that mom is not in good health."

"Don't you want to take care of me when I'm sick? Why do you make trouble for yourself? How nice is the family."

Chu Yin let out an extremely mocking laugh from his throat: "None of my business."

Yin Hao: "..."

"Family, what are you talking about?"

"Rui Rui, can't you be considerate to my mother? She has worked so hard to raise me, and we have never had children and she has never said anything."

Chu Yin: "You are the one who raised me, not me, so you have to serve me if you want to serve."

"Besides, no child depends on me? You haven't checked yourself, you can't do it! Don't push me on the head, okay?"

What the hell, Yin Hao, including his family, all defaulted to the client's problem, and the client was brainwashed into thinking it was really his problem.

It's scary being brainwashed.

Yin Hao: "..."

Chu Yin hung up the phone, rubbed her stomach, and sighed. It has been dropped three times now.

Every time there is, and then flow again.

Yin Yan said that the client was too weak to keep the child, and it was because of the mother.

Thinking of this, Chu Yin rolled her eyes, she knew but she didn't know how to scream, she blamed women for everything, she was a woman herself, and she was the best at embarrassing women.

Chu Yin pondered for a while, now is not the time for divorce, the client wants to break up the Yin family, it would be inconvenient to divorce.

Just enough to make them unhappy every day.

Why can't you find happiness if you don't live together?

Chu Yin blocked Yin Hao's phone number and went directly to his father's company.

My father's company has No. 30 employees. It is neither a big nor a small company, but the conditions are many times better than those of the Yin family.

When Father An saw Chu Yin coming, he was very happy: "Rui Rui, you haven't come back to see me for a long time."

Hearing this, Chu Yin was a little moved. In fact, the client was really guilty.

Her own family members were all implicated by her misbehavior.

Deep guilt and remorse.

"Didn't Mom come over today?" Chu Yin asked.

Father An said with a smile, "I went shopping with her little sister."

"She's always been depressed recently, so it's good to go out for a walk." Then he added.

Chu Yin sighed: "Dad..."


"It's all my fault for insisting on marrying Yin Hao, which makes my mother feel unhappy every time she thinks about me, and makes her feel depressed all day long."

"It's because I don't care about my mother's feelings."

Father An looked at Chu Yin: "Did Yin Hao make you feel wronged?"

"What's wrong? Tell Dad, Dad will vent his anger on you."

Chu Yin shook her head, her face full of confidence: "Can you let them bully you?"

"Only I bully them."

Father An was suspicious: "Really?"

"Really." Chu Yin looked at Father An firmly: "I will definitely not be bullied again in the future."

"I came back to find a job here." Chu Yin looked around An's office, and rolled his eyes: "Is the next door still vacant?"

"How about I come?"

Father An looked at Chu Yin in surprise: "Are you planning to go to work?"

"Are you not planning to get pregnant yet?"

Since their daughter graduated, the couple have always wanted their daughter to work in their company.

Although it can't be said that the family has a big business, it can be regarded as a little family business, and there is only this one daughter, and I still hope that my daughter can inherit this family business.

But my daughter got married right after she graduated, and after so long trying to conceive, she suffered a lot and couldn't have a child.

The daughter told them that it was her physical problem. Thinking of this, she felt even more distressed about her daughter, and it was even more difficult to let her work.

"Preparing for pregnancy?" Chu Yin felt nauseated at the thought of Yin Hao, and preparing for pregnancy?

Shaking his head frantically: "No, no, just let nature take its course."

"Have you discussed with Yin Hao and the others?" Father An asked.

The daughter likes Yin Hao so much, so she is afraid that Yin Hao will be unhappy and that it will affect her family.

Father An thought about many things.

After the plot, Father An regretted it very much. Although he had a little disdain for Yin Hao's conditions at the beginning, but seeing his daughter like Yin Hao so much, he agreed to his daughter's wishes.

Later, the client's life became worse and worse, and Father An also regretted it.

Who would have known that Yin Yan and Yin Zhu could secretly find someone to defraud An's father of his property, and An's father didn't know that the mastermind behind the scenes was actually Yin Yan and the others.

Chu Yin nodded: "We discussed it."

"Besides, it's my freedom to go to work. I'm married and not selling myself. How can I listen to their arrangements for everything."

Father An smiled, and suddenly felt very relieved, feeling that his daughter was a little bit stronger than before.

It's better for a girl to be strong, but she protected her daughter too well before, and her personality was a bit soft.

The wife scolded a lot for this incident, and blamed herself for spoiling her daughter in various ways, which led to her soft and innocent character.

He patted Chu Yin on the shoulder: "Okay, do it well."

Chu Yin patted back: "Work hard, become bigger and stronger, and create brilliance."

The father and daughter patted each other's shoulders, and then looked at each other for a few seconds, both amused by each other's expressions.

An's father happily called An's mother. When An's mother heard it, she finished shopping at noon, and quickly bought two clothes for Chu Yin and brought them over. The family had dinner outside at noon.

"What's wrong, I finally know that Yin Hao is no good? Are you planning to come back to inherit the family business?" Mother An glanced at Chu Yin and sneered disdainfully.

His eyes and tone were full of contempt for Yin Hao.

In the past, the client didn't understand why An's mother looked down on Yin Hao so much, and only thought that his mother thought his birth was not good, but An's mother always said that it was not only his birth, but mainly his character, which she disliked very much.

Chu Yin felt that An's mother had discernment.

Scratching his head: "Who else will inherit this family business besides me."

An's mother spat: "I want to know that you are a love brain. If you find a man who is so stretched, I should have another one in the first place."

"Others are right, you can't put all your eggs in one basket."

"Okay, stop talking about this." An's father looked at An's mother helplessly: "Why are you so vicious."

Mother An rolled his eyes at him: "Oh, you are a good person, you are so kind, she doesn't know how to jump into the pit, and you help her."

Chu Yin: "..."

Father An: "..."

Chu Yin rubbed her head and looked at Mother An.

An's mother speaks directly and decisively, and her heart is actually very good. Yin Yan is jealous of An's mother. Before that, An's mother made a lot of ridicule, including later An's mother went to Yinyan and Yinzhu to quarrel. But every sentence pierced the heart, which greatly hurt the mother and daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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