Chapter 165

Chu Yin worked all afternoon to get used to the company environment, get to know the people in the company, and so on.

Then pack up the office and it's time to get off work.

The afternoon passed so quickly.

An's mother came over and asked Chu Yin: "You suddenly remembered to go back to work, did something happen to you, and you were stimulated."

Chu Yin: "That's not possible, what can happen to me."

"Stay bored at home."

An's mother was skeptical: "I don't want to say that I will fall down."

"Let's go. Although you chose the path yourself, it's still too late to regret it. Divorce is easy these days. Have you considered divorce?"

Chu Yin shook her head: "Not leaving for now."

"Oh, not leaving for a while? Have a chance to leave?" Mother An became interested.

Chu Yin chuckled: "Maybe."

Looking at Chu Yin's expression, An's mother felt that the divorce should be a drama, and she felt a little relieved, and the depression that had been hidden in her heart for many days also dissipated a little, and a look of joy and anticipation surfaced on her face: "As soon as possible, I will marry you day and night." Looking forward to it."

Chu Yin grabbed An's mother's hand and said to An's mother, "Mom, I was wrong before. I didn't care about your feelings, and I didn't listen to your words."

"I was really confused at the time, sorry mom."

"I regret it in my heart, Mom, will you forgive me for being disobedient at that time?"

These words were what the client wanted to say, and Chu Yin helped the client to say them.

Now that she's here, on the one hand, she has to make the Yin family unhappy, and on the other hand, she has to appease her parents. At least let An's mother be happier and stop being so depressed.

When An's mother heard Chu Yin's words, she was moved instantly, her eyes were filled with clear liquid, and she deliberately tilted her head up to keep her tears from falling.

He stretched out his hand and squeezed Chu Yin's face: "Have you woken up, girl?"

"He also said that he was not bullied. Can he wake up if he is not bullied? How did they bully you? I will vent my anger on you."

Chu Yin coughed twice: "It doesn't mean you have to be bullied to wake up, sometimes you just suddenly realize it, do you understand it suddenly?"

"It's a good one to realize." An's mother was a little helpless: "I don't want to say that I'm down."

"Furthermore, I advise you not to have a baby this year. You just had a miscarriage before. If it's not good for your health, it's always going to be wrong. Yin Hao has a problem."

Chu Yin echoed: "Yes, I'll take him to the hospital for a check-up when I'm free."

This made An's mother a little surprised. When she said such things before, her daughter always said that it was her own problem, for fear that she would look down on Yin Hao even more.

This time...?
It seems that you really have a long brain?
When Chu Yin drove back, An's father transferred another 10 yuan to her card so that she could take the flowers.

They also sent a message, saying that Yin's family was in a tight financial situation, and that Yin Hao's income alone was not enough for a family, and he definitely couldn't meet her consumption. He could afford the money.

Chu Yin sighed, feeling sorry for the hearts of parents all over the world.

Father An really loved the client.

Especially later, Yin Hao needed a lot of money to start a business. Father An paid money again and again, even if it reached the point where it would affect his company, he gritted his teeth and paid money. What he hoped for was his daughter's life after Yin Hao made money. Live better, I hope Yin Hao can remember this love and treat her well for the rest of his life, thinking that he can't take care of his daughter for the rest of his life.

This made Chu Yin involuntarily think of the parents in the previous plane, they were really cheating.

There is also a huge gap between parents and parents.

When Chu Yin was parking the car, he met Yin Hao. Seeing that Chu Yin frowned, Yin Hao quickly walked over to take the clothes from Chu Yin's hand.

"Rui Rui went shopping for clothes." Yin Hao's voice was very gentle, like talking to a child.

When Yin Hao wants to talk sweetly, the words are really sweet.

Hearing that, Chu Yin's goosebumps rose.

She rubbed her arms and said disgustedly: "Be normal, I'm not a kid in kindergarten, so there's no need to talk to me like this."

Yin Hao was a little bit shocked, and his voice returned to normal: "Why can't you get through the phone?"

He glanced at the trademark on the clothes bag and was silent for a moment. This brand is quite expensive.

Rui Rui's consumption is still so high, she has money to buy such good clothes, but she has to argue with her sister about hundreds of dollars.

Yin Hao felt a little heartbroken when he thought of this.

"It's blocked." Chu Yin said casually.

Yin Hao: "..."

"How did I provoke Rui Rui?" He squeezed out a smile, speaking to children again.

He was too uncomfortable with such a cold wife.

When others cool down, he warms up instead.

Chu Yin: "Ah bah, it's disgusting, don't disgust me."

Yin Hao was silent for a few seconds, then sighed: "It's time to pay the parking fee, two cars, and the property fee."

Chu Yin snorted: "You hand it over."

"You tell me when you have time, if you don't have time to hand it in yourself?"

Yin Hao: "..."

"It's all a little money, not much, my wife can help me pay it."

Chu Yin: "If you don't pay much, you can pay by yourself, and I can just pay for my own car."

"I don't even ask you to pay for my parking fee, and you probably won't ask me to pay for yours, either."

"Okay." The matter fell on Yin Hao, and Yin Hao was a little angry. How about a few hundred dollars?

They all looked a little bad.

"Rui Rui, do you have any money in your hand? I'm going to treat a client to dinner tomorrow." Yin Hao walked to the downstairs of the unit and suddenly stopped and said.

Chu Yin spread out her hands: "I don't have any money."

Yin Hao: "...Didn't I give you my salary?"

"Your salary?" Chu Yin seemed to have heard a joke: "Just your salary?"

"Please, have you used up already?"

Yin Hao looked at Chu Yin wonderingly: "Why did you run out, didn't I give you more than 1 this month?"

"It's only number ten."

Chu Yin thought about the recent consumption of Yinyan and Yinzhu: "Wait, I'll go back and look over the bill for you. If there is no accident, you have to pay me a little bit."

The two of them, especially Yinzhu, have been asking for all kinds of food, whatever is expensive, anyway, the client will give the money.

Although the client felt uncomfortable, he didn't dare to offend Yin Hao's family. Even if he was unwilling to pay for their consumption sometimes, Yin Hao coaxed her well with a few words.

So the client finally hated himself so much that he gritted his teeth, and his emotions were very strong.

Yin Hao: "..."

"By the way, please ask for leave tomorrow to accompany me to the hospital." Chu Yin suddenly thought of something when he heard Yin Hao say that it was the tenth.

If there is no accident, Yin Hao will receive a client tomorrow. This client can even be regarded as Yin Hao's noble person. When Yin Hao started his own business, this noble person also supported him a lot and gave him a lot of orders.

Although I won't give Yin Hao money to start a business this time, it's better not to let them meet and get acquainted.

Because money is one aspect, and connections are also another aspect, in case Yinhao got some money from other channels to get started, it would be easy for this noble person to support Yinhao.

(End of this chapter)

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