Chapter 167

Chu Yin specially sent Yin Yan to an expensive private hospital with comprehensive equipment and 24-hour examinations.

The registration fee alone was quite a lot. The doctor asked about Yin Yan's symptoms and felt that the problem was not serious. Chu Yin refused to allow him to simply order two examinations.

Chu Yin said: "That won't work. Since my mother-in-law came to see a doctor, she must check thoroughly and in detail, so she can't be sloppy."

Doctor: "I can understand your filial piety, but..."

Chu Yin stopped the doctor from continuing: "There is no but, but the best, especially for this kind of elderly people, they must be checked in every way."

He also passed through the identity of a doctor of medicine before, and he still has a good understanding of the various equipment and inspection items of the hospital. Whatever item charges a high fee, Chuyin will ask for what item.

He talked a lot about the inspection items.

"That's all, I must arrange it for my mother-in-law, I must make my mother-in-law feel my love for her!" Chu Yin looked at the doctor firmly: "Hurry up and make an order!"


"What project did you ask to do just now?"

Said too fast, too much, he didn't remember.

Chu Yin repeated it again. After the doctor wrote the checklist, Chu Yin stuffed the checklist into Yin Hao's arms who was standing outside the door.

"Come on, let your sister watch her first, and let's pay the fee." Chu Yin said.

Yin Hao glanced at the list, and heard Chu Yin say to pay the bill together, he looked relieved, glanced at Yin Zhu, Yin Zhu looked at Chu Yin and muttered: "You treat Mom like that, and you will make Mom sick even if she is not sick." coming."

"Better than you. She said she was going to the hospital and you didn't send her away. Is this just saying that she is filial? I don't think she is as good as me!" Chu Yin retorted and left.

At the toll booth, Yin Hao hesitated to go forward, Chu Yin poked him twice: "Go."

"Why are you staring blankly, you won't be reluctant!"

Yin Hao: "..."

The person at the toll booth also saw Yin Hao and signaled Yin Hao to go forward to pay the fee. Yin Hao bit the bullet and moved forward, handing in the bill.

"Hi sir, the total payment is [-]."

Yin Hao's eyes widened: "So expensive?"

"Yes, because there are many projects."

Yin Hao hesitated for a while, and wanted to say that he should do two fewer projects, but before he could say it, Chu Yin said quietly beside him: "There are not many projects, how can we investigate carefully."

"You won't be reluctant to spend money on your mother, will you?"

Moral kidnapping, who wouldn't.

Hearing these words, Yin Hao felt inexplicably familiar. Seeing Yin Hao's expression, Chu Yin smiled and said, "That's right, you told me this sentence many times."

"I have no money..." He had a painful face.

Chu Yin took out Yinhao's credit card, stepped forward, handed it to the charging lady, and said domineeringly, "Swipe the card."

The speed was so fast that Yin Hao didn't even know that Chu Yin swiped his credit card.

Thinking it was her own card, she didn't say anything, and her expression improved a little towards Chu Yin, and she smiled at Chu Yin.

I have to say that there are a lot of inspection items of more than 1. Although there is no need to line up, we still have to wait for the results, and we have to toss until midnight.

After the inspection, some old problems that were not serious problems were found out, after all, it is inevitable when you are old.

But Chu Yin strongly urged the doctor: "The medicine must be prescribed!"

"I also need to prescribe some nutritional supplements to nourish my mother-in-law's body, and I also need some conditioning medicines. Anyway, I am rich and I can afford it." Chu Yin looked like I was a rich man.

The doctor was very speechless.

There are so many rich people who come to this hospital!

As long as you have money, you act like you can't spend it.

The doctor prescribed the medicine list, Chu Yin looked at it, and shook his head very dissatisfied: "No, these medicines are not enough to solve my mother-in-law's problem."

"I want my mother-in-law to be in better shape!"

The doctor twitched the corner of his mouth, becoming more and more speechless, is this mother-in-law your own mother?
My mother wouldn't be so brainless to spend money!
Too much money to burn?
Yin Hao thought that Chu Yin was paying the money, and when Chu Yin said this, he was silent beside him.

Seeing that Yin Hao didn't speak, Yin Yan and Yin Zhu also thought that Chu Yin paid for it, because the daughter-in-law usually paid for the family expenses, so they didn't bother to make a sound.

Yin Yan even thought about letting her daughter-in-law bleed a little, and it hurt her heart once, so as to teach her a lesson.

"Yeah, I'm not in good health. I really need to take care of it, or I'll always be overwhelmed!" Yin Yan glanced at Chu Yin.

Chu Yin smiled slightly: "Well, good! It must be recuperated!"

After prescribing a bunch of medicines, nutritional supplements, and conditioning medicines, whichever was more expensive, Chu Yin was very active in running to swipe his card.

Including the previous inspection fee, I spent [-] angrily!
After swiping the card and receiving the medicine, it was already past three o'clock in the evening, and Yin Hao was sleepy. When he saw Chu Yin handing him his credit card, his eyes widened and he woke up instantly.

"You swiped my card?" Yin Hao's voice trembled.

Probably because he is used to using his wife's money, Yin Hao is now very sensitive about spending his own money.

Chu Yin: "Yes."

"credit card."

Yin Yan's eyes widened, her lips trembled, and she wanted to speak, but Chu Yin immediately said, "Why, isn't it only natural for your son to spend money?"

"You've raised him so much, look at his heartbroken face, do you think it's a waste of time!"

Yin Yan looked at Yin Hao immediately, and felt a little uncomfortable seeing Yin Hao's distressed appearance for Qian.

Yinzhu: "Why do you use your brother's card, it's not easy for him to earn money!"

"No wonder you are so willing, because you spent Yin Hao's money, you really didn't regard Yin Hao as your husband."

"I don't have any income yet. If I don't pay him, I will pay someone else." Chu Yin smiled slightly.

"Forget it, stop arguing." The hospital was quiet, and Yin Hao was really afraid that he would be embarrassing if he quarreled in the hospital.

On the way back, Yin Hao didn't say a word, which cost [-] yuan, [-] yuan is two months' salary.

You have to do well.

Two months is not too much, and it is not too little.

As soon as she got home, Yin Yan looked at the pile of medicines and felt so sad that she couldn't speak. Was her son reluctant to spend money on her?
Yin Hao was so sleepy and wanted to rest, Chu Yin propped his chin and looked at him: "Go to the hospital tomorrow."

"No, I have to go to bed quickly and receive customers tomorrow." Yin Hao didn't even think about it.

A customer was lost yesterday, and this customer cannot be lost again.

Chu Yin: "Then I'll go to work with you."

"An Rui, do you have to force me like this? You seem to have a brain problem. You spent [-] yuan to take your mother to the hospital. You can't live with it." Yin Hao sat up angrily, and the anger in his chest exploded.

Chu Yin clicked his tongue twice, with a disgusted face: "3 will kill her. The necklace and bracelet that your mother asked me to buy for her last time add up to more than [-]."

"I'm not mad at you."

"Yin Hao, the layout, the layout is open." Chu Yin walked over and kicked Yin Hao off the bed with one kick.

(End of this chapter)

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