Chapter 168

Yin Hao lay sprawled on the ground, staring at Chu Yin: "What are you doing?"

"Sleep separately." Chu Yin also changed a sheet.

Originally, I wanted to drive Yin Hao to the living room to sleep, but there must be another row, and she was a little sleepy, so it didn't matter.

It's just Yin Hao, if he has any unruly intentions, he must be able to beat him.

In the afternoon, I absorbed some crystal nuclei and added some strength, so there is no big problem.

Yin Hao hesitated and wanted to come up, but Chu Yin glared at him: "Do you want me to kick you again?"

"Rui Rui, what's wrong with you, you have to tell me!"

"Nothing, don't talk! Go to sleep!" Chu Yin was very impatient: "Unless you want to quarrel and stay awake."

Only then did Yin Hao lay down the floor beside him silently.

After six o'clock, Yin Yan called Chu Yin to get up on time to make breakfast. Generally speaking, after six o'clock, she would make breakfast for Yin Hao and her, and then she could go back to sleep and sleep until ten o'clock before getting up to prepare lunch.

That's how it used to be.

Chu Yin didn't want to get up early to cook.

Directly ignore Yin Yan's cry.

Yin Hao said in a daze, "Rui Rui, go and make breakfast."

"Before I come, don't you have to eat at home? Only I can do it?"

"But only what you do suits my taste." Yin Hao said.

Chu Yin snorted: "Then just wait."

She closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

Yin Hao got up and saw Chu Yin fell asleep again, very speechless.

"I feel like you've changed into a different person." He said after calling Chu Yin up.

Chu Yin nodded seriously: "Be more confident, you have changed a person."

Yin Hao obviously didn't believe Chu Yin's words, and rolled his eyes. The gentle Rui Rui was no longer, and now he became a Rui Rui who was not doing right.

Chu Yin was also made sleepless by Yin Hao, and sat up to settle the accounts for Yin Hao. Although Yin Hao gave her salary every month since she got married, the actual monthly consumption was very high. beyond his salary.

And Yin Hao himself doesn’t have any savings. After all, he fell in love with each other in college and developed a habit of spending money lavishly. Anyway, someone pays him money, especially in the workplace. He is very popular with his superiors, colleagues and customers. like.

The sudden [-] credit card debt made Yin Hao feel a little flustered.

"I may have to pay off my credit card next month, and my family still needs Rui Rui's support." Yin Hao meant that she would have to pay all the living expenses next month.

His salary cannot be handed over.

Chu Yin laughed: "It's still next month, do you want to think about how to spend this month, there are still 20 days left in this month."

Yin Hao: "..."

"My father doesn't give me any money anymore, don't think about it, and let me go back to work, with a salary of [-] yuan a month." Chu Yin said solemnly.

Yin Hao said firmly: "Impossible."

The father-in-law loves his daughter so much.

There is no way to do such a thing.

Chu Yin ignored Yin Hao, and the two of them remained relatively silent. Yin Hao looked at Chu Yin's expression several times, and after confirming that Chu Yin really had no intention of cooking, he got up and said, "Rui Rui, wait, I'll give it to you." You are delicious."

He hoped to impress his wife and stop making trouble with him.

Chu Yin scoffed at this, even if Yin Hao cooked the meal, she didn't want to eat it.

Yin Yan watched Yin Hao cook the meal himself, and looked at Chu Yin with disgust: "How can you be a wife like you? Your husband works so hard, and you still want him to cook you breakfast."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Chu Yin's mouth: "How can you be such a mother, your son is working so hard, and you don't know how to wake him up."

"But I don't think it's worth it. After all, your son is reluctant to spend money on you. He feels sorry for 3 yuan for half the night, saying that you are going to be buried. It's really a waste to spend so much."

Yin Hao looked at Chu Yin in shock: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Rui Rui, when did I say such a thing?"

"I said Yin Hao, if we are dissatisfied with them, we have to speak up bravely. What's the point of you telling me quietly."

"Didn't you say that your sister is lazy and hangs out with men without knowing how to behave? You say that your mother is unreasonable and messy, old, ugly, greedy and spending money, a whole big shrew, you are upset. "

"Let's just say, what can we say in front of them, so that they can realize their own shortcomings and correct them."

"I know you are embarrassed to say these words in front of them, let alone admit them, so I will help you."

Chu Yin made it up. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether Yin Hao said these things. The important thing is that he said that Yin Hao said it, no matter how Yin Hao explained it. No matter how Hao explained that he didn't say it, their hearts would always be suspicious, and the seeds of doubt took root in their hearts, and the walls of estrangement grew higher and higher.

Yin Zhu stared at his younger brother in astonishment: "You..."

"Yin Hao, you look at me like that!" Yin Zhu was like a bomb, which was instantly ignited, picked up the porridge in his hand and threw it towards Yin Hao.

"You actually said that I'm lazy, lazy, undisciplined, and ruin the style of the family!" Yinzhu's self-esteem was greatly hurt, and tears rolled down her eyes.

Yin Yan was also very shocked, really sad, and murmured: "Old and ugly big shrew..."

"A son doesn't think his mother is ugly, and a dog doesn't think his family is poor. Yin Hao, it's a good thing I raised you so much. Are you talking about me behind your back with your daughter-in-law?"

Porridge threw Yin Hao all over her body, and she stared at Chu Yin, who immediately murmured, "Are you going to divorce me?"

"Wuuu... It's fine if you get divorced. If you get divorced, I don't have to worry about this family."

Before, Yin Yan always asked Yin Hao to threaten his client with divorce, and now Chu Yin also always threatens her with divorce.

Anyway, Chu Yin knew very well that Yin Hao didn't dare to divorce at all. He now had plans to start his own business, and the venture fund was only expected to come from here.

People like Yin Hao are very realistic people, and it is absolutely impossible for them to divorce if they can bear themselves.

Yin Hao was so angry that he kept explaining: "Mom, sister, I really never said that, I never said that!"

"Don't be angry, okay?"

Looking at the mother and daughter who were crying suddenly, Yin Hao looked down at himself in a mess, at a loss for a while.

Chu Yin leaned back on the chair and watched the play leisurely, thinking in her heart that she needed to spend some time cultivating and reabsorbing some crystal nuclei.

In case of 1V3, you must also ensure that you are invincible.


"How should I explain it to you, Rui Rui, tell them quickly, I never said that." Yin Hao looked at Chu Yin anxiously.

Chu Yin: "I said it, you also know Yin Hao's character, he is a double-faced person, and he will definitely not admit it in front of you."

Yin Hao: "!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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