Chapter 171

When the takeaway arrived, Chu Yin ate in silence, and Yin Zhu and Yin Yan struggled to the limit, and finally decided to let Yin Yan do it.

Yinzhu's reason is: "The oil fume is very harmful to the body."

"My hands are so well maintained that I can't do this kind of thing."

"Do you still want me to get married and make me old and ugly by doing housework? Who wants it?"

Yin Yan is very sensitive when she hears the words "old and ugly" now, and always feels that Yin Zhu is connoting her.

He glared at Yinzhu angrily.

Yinzhu responded with a look of 'Yes, I'm connoting you'.

Yinzhu was very upset that Yinyan followed Yinhao to criticize her boyfriend, and couldn't help retaliating verbally.

Chu Yin had seen enough of the theater, and had almost finished her meal. As soon as she entered the room, Yin Hao came in again and said to her, "Mom said there is no food in the refrigerator."

Chu Yin squinted at him: "Don't you know how to buy vegetables?"

"Placing an order on a mobile phone is fast, and you can also use a credit card."

"Okay, let me buy it for you."

Chu Yin snatched Yin Hao's mobile phone, and placed an order in a hurry, and the orders were all Yin Zhu's favorite food.

Yin Hao looked at the bill and widened his eyes: "This is one thousand less."

"Why does this box of grapes cost more than 100?"

Chu Yin rolled his eyes: "What a fuss."

"In the past, I used to buy vegetables for my family like this. They love to eat, and people of this level will complain."

"How can I eat whatever I want, it's very expensive." Yin Hao really loves to spend his own money.

The main thing is when will this credit card be swiped?

Chu Yin: "You say it's expensive now? Don't you know these prices before? They are all at this price, and you still say that these can ensure food safety."

Yin Hao's head is bigger than two: "I really don't know what you care about with me."

Chu Yin spread her hands and said nothing.

"We are one family." Yin Hao was still trying to do Chu Yin's ideological work before falling asleep.

"Rui Rui, we have to live a lifetime, we can't care about it like this."

Chu Yin turned over and said mockingly: "You are not satisfied yet, you can't give birth and I haven't asked you for a divorce yet."

"I haven't disliked you yet."

"As long as I don't dislike you, it doesn't matter if you can't have children, as long as you are obedient, and we can live a good life, don't make trouble."

Chu Yin returned to Yin Hao everything that Yin Hao had said to the client in the past.

Yin Hao almost vomited blood when he heard it, what are you talking about?

Why does it sound so harsh.

But Yin Hao really felt a little inferiority complex in his heart.

Can't help but think, will a woman accept a man who can't have children?If you want to spend your whole life with yourself, you will have no children of your own.

"Actually, we can adopt a child, who is also very cute, as our own." Yin Hao said after a long silence.

Chu Yin clicked his tongue twice: "That can't be done, you said it, it's not your own flesh and blood, and it's not familiar with it, so definitely not."

"How can we raise children for others?"

In the past, the client did not mention this plan, and it was opposed by all members of the Yin family.

Yin Hao frowned: "An Rui, you are hitting me everywhere with your mouth now, making me irritable, you know that?"

"I hate that you don't value our relationship, it hurts me."

Early the next morning, Chu Yin went out to work, and anyway, he disturbed Yin Hao's client from yesterday.

Once Chu Yin started to work, she was very serious. She went out early and returned late every day, and specifically told An's father and An's mother that no matter who came to borrow money from the Yin family, they would not give them a cent.

Father An looked at Chu Yin suspiciously: "What happened to their family?"

"It's okay, Dad, don't worry, I'm not being bullied anyway." Chu Yin looked at a document on the desktop.

He picked it up and looked at it, and said, "Dad, leave this project to me, I want to try."

In the plot, Father An failed to discuss the list, knowing that he failed to discuss it, Chu Yin wanted to give it a try.

Father An regretted for a long time because he did not talk about this project.

"Really? This is a bit difficult to deal with. Are you familiar with the business at work?" Father An asked

Chu Yin said: "It's almost half a month, and I feel that it's almost the same. After all, I have been influenced a lot since I was a child!"

"Furthermore, Dad, although I've been here for a short time, one day of mine is equivalent to two days of work for others."

"Based on this, I've been working for almost a month."

"You count, every morning I arrive at the company at seven o'clock, and I don't go home until nine o'clock in the evening, twelve hours!"

Father An was helpless: "Who asked you to work so hard."

Chu Yin said in her heart that she would have to listen to those people's noise all the time when she went home, which was annoying.

It's better to get familiar with the company's business as soon as possible.

She only needs a few words to make trouble when she goes back, and they can make their family quarrel for a whole day.

"Give it to me, Dad, I want to give it a try. If this project is negotiated, our company will definitely have to expand its enrollment."

"What is our purpose?" Chu Yin looked at Father An, waiting for Father An to answer.

As a result, Father An couldn't answer for a long time.

Chu Yin started: "Make it bigger..."

Father An answered, "Be stronger."

Chu Yin: "Create..."


Chu Yin smiled and said, "That's right."

Father An couldn't help laughing: "He has the temperament of a pyramid scheme leader."

Mother An came in again carrying the clothes she bought for Chu Yin, and she said, "Don't you like shopping for clothes?"

"I bought two sets of clothes for you, and you changed them, and you didn't know how to buy them again."

"Where are the clothes from before?"

Chu Yin pouted: "The good-looking ones were taken away by Yinzhu. She has worn them. I will definitely not want them again."

Mother An's disgusted face: "Useless dead girl."

The project was handed over to Chu Yin, and Chu Yin started to prepare.

At the end of the month, Chu Yin took a look at Yin Hao's bill and found that his credit card owed more than 4 yuan.

More than 3 yuan was used by Yin Yan to go to the hospital, some was used for physical examination, and about [-] yuan was used for living expenses.

[-] living expenses, in fact, is not a luxury in this city, it can even be said to be tight, because this [-] also includes Yin Hao's interpersonal relationships in the company.

The cost of interpersonal communication is high, because Yin Hao is used to big hands and feet, and he has a good face outside, and he will definitely not be ashamed outside, so the [-] yuan spent outside is still a big one, which means that Yin Yan and Yin Zhu's living expenses Relatively poor.

So Chu Yin deliberately went back one night early to see what their mother and daughter were eating. As expected, the food was very simple.

Yin Yan looked at Chu Yin: "What do you go out for every day? You don't care at home, are you not planning to get pregnant?"

"Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to keep your husband's heart?"

During this period of time, she was very dissatisfied with her daughter-in-law's behavior. She didn't care about the house every day, and she didn't buy food for her family. No matter what she said, she didn't buy it.

Tell her son that he doesn't care about her, so there's nothing wrong with it. Even if she puts on the airs of a mother-in-law and scolds her, she will be so angry that she will be so angry that she will suffer a loss and feel aggrieved to death.

After coming and going, Yin Yan and Yin Zhu restrained a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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