Chapter 172

Chu Yin laughed, and said to Yin Hao who was sitting on the sofa: "Pour me a glass of water."

Yin Hao immediately got up to pour water.

The topic of Yin Yan's chat was very sensitive, the child's problem, Yin Hao was afraid that the fire would burn him, so he was very obedient.

And Yin Hao really didn't want to hear these three women arguing, it was too annoying.

In the past month, he had been arguing non-stop, he couldn't sleep well during the day, and his performance dropped wildly.

Chu Yin suppressed Yin Hao in turn, which disgusted Yin Yan and Yin Zhu very much. Yin Zhu rolled his eyes and said to Yin Yan: "Mom, I haven't invited Xinxin to play for a long time."

"We should also invite Xinxin to come over to play, right?"

Yin Zhu looked at Yin Hao, and Yin Hao's eyelids twitched wildly: "What are you asking her to come over for?"

"We are all a family, so why can't we invite her over here?" Yin Zhu glanced at Chu Yin, and said to herself, if Deng Xinxin is invited over, this woman must have a sense of crisis, right?
Chu Yin smiled: "Is that the one who came here before, that distant cousin?"

The name of a distant cousin is actually Yin Hao's first love in the past, and now Yin Hao's mistress.

When it was determined that Yin Hao had a physical problem, she invaded Deng Xinxin's hands and checked Deng Xinxin's condition.

Deng Xinxin really has a deep affection for Yin Hao now, and the interpersonal relationship is relatively simple. As for why he cuckolded Yin Hao in the end, it is probably smarter. He has been unable to conceive with Yin Hao, and was anxious to get a job. He had to find someone else to pretend to be Yin Hao. child.

In order to marry Yin Hao, she worked so hard that she did not hesitate to conceive someone else's child.

Yinzhu nodded, covering her mouth with a trace of gloating: "Yes, my distant cousin, she seemed to be interested in our family Haohao before."

"I said, An Rui, you have to be careful. Women are not gentle and considerate. Even if they are married, they can't keep a man. When the man changes his heart, who do you cry to?"

"Especially like you, who are not good to mother-in-law and elder sister-in-law. When my husband changes his mind, we can't help you talk, can we?"

Chu Yin nodded seriously: "What you said makes sense."

"A woman like you who is not gentle and considerate, eats too much, is lazy, and ruins her family style. If she finds a jobless person, she will not marry you. She won't be able to meet her future husband's family, and her mother's family will despise you."

"It's okay, I'm not like you. My parents treat me very well and love me."

Immediately, Yinzhu's face was distorted with anger, and he took out his phone to call Deng Xinxin on the spot.

Invite her to come and stay for a while.

Deng Xinxin was very happy to hear that, Yin Hao didn't know what was going on during this time, and always ignored her, and when asked him, he said that there were too many things and it was annoying.

I haven't asked her out for a long time, and she misses Yin Hao very much.

Although Yin Hao is married, but Yin Hao's sister and mother like him very much, and they are not optimistic about Yin Hao's wife at all, so he must still have a chance.

Chu Yin looked at Yin Hao enthusiastically, how interesting it is, Deng Xinxin came to stay for a while, wouldn't it be a play of four women.

Yinzhu hung up the phone and looked at Chu Yin arrogantly: "What do you say? This is our home. Do you have any objections to inviting others to come and live here?"

Chu Yin: "Can I have any comments?"

"of course not."

"You really don't expect your brother to have a good time. He makes troubles all day long." She sneered.

When Yin Hao heard this, he felt uncomfortable. Yes, my sister invited Xinxin to come and stay for a while. Is it because the house is not noisy enough?
"If you're free, go out and find a job!" Yin Hao got up irritably, threw a word at Yinzhu, and slammed the door out.

Walking in the community, Yin Hao's mind is full of how to pay off the credit card next month.

Ever since she fell in love with Rui Rui in college, she basically has no worries about money.

No stress of life either.

It was only when Rui Rui was unwilling to contribute money that she truly felt the importance of money and realized that her meager salary was not enough.

I thought it was okay before, okay.

Especially my elder sister, who always complained that the food was not good during this time, and she had to ask him for money every three days, and 300 and [-] were not enough, so I started with [-] at a time.

Just take it out and raise her good-for-nothing boyfriend.

It's the same with my mother. As a person, you can't spend a penny in society, but it's less than your sister.

But in the past few years, I have raised my mouth, and I can't get used to these simple meals, and I always complain and dislike them.

And this money is the money I can’t wait to get a little kickback at work, there is really no way, Yin Hao thinks that the total kickback is only a few thousand yuan, it should not be discovered, and the amount is not large, even if It shouldn't be a big problem if you find it.

Yin Zhu looked at Yin Yan, bit her lip indignantly: "Yin Hao asked me to go out to find a job again."

"You just don't want to support me, you black-hearted brother."

Yin Yan sighed: "It's not impossible to go out and look for it."

"What do I go out to look for? I don't look for it. I'm so tired at work. If it doesn't work, I'll marry someone. But you have to remember, Mom, it was your son who forced me to marry."

"It's your son's fault for meeting people in the future. He just can't tolerate me in this family."

"Then you don't know how to pick a good one, can you just pick one?" Yin Yan didn't understand Yin Zhu's logic.

"How can I choose a good one? I need good skin care products, good cosmetics, and beautiful and fashionable clothes to attract others. Do I have these?" Yin Zhu glanced at Chu Yin.

Chu Yin was indifferent.

Yin Yan was irritated: "You are too spoiled now, you are not satisfied at all, and you don't know how to be considerate of your brother."

Between her son and her daughter, Yin Yan is still partial to her son.

Yinzhu screamed: "Yes, yes, you have favored your son all your life, so I won't eat this meal."

She packed up and rushed out. When she was about to leave, Chu Yin was very sharp-eyed and saw a small doll hanging on Yinzhu's key chain. It was a customized version of a scenic spot in this city. It was only given away during the event. this.

The event lasted for three days. Chu Yin recalled that Yinzhu must have been to this scenic spot just a few days ago.

The tickets for this scenic spot are not cheap, Chu Yin thought about it, Yinzhu's boyfriend is not willing to spend money for Yinzhu, that is Yinzhu, Yinzhu's money...

It must have been given by Yin Hao.

Yin Hao is now living on credit cards, but he checked his bills, but he didn’t see the cash-out record, or he borrowed it from someone. Chu Yin turned to investigate Yin Hao’s detailed expenses and income, and found out that Yin Hao took kickbacks thing.

Not much, only a few thousand dollars.

However, Chu Yin still kept the detailed evidence.

Yinzhu spent the night outside and didn't want to go home, but her boyfriend regarded her brother as important and said he wanted to live with him and not take her to play.

In desperation, they had no choice but to go home, and took Deng Xinxin back by the way. Deng Xinxin really listened to Yinzhu's words, and came to live with big bags and small bags.

(End of this chapter)

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