Chapter 174

In fact, Chu Yin went to the pharmacy to grab these dozens of catties of traditional Chinese medicine, and he picked up whatever was cheap.

Make up numbers at random and win by quantity.

Yin Hao made a net profit of more than 1 yuan.

On the one hand, he wants Yin Hao to be heavily in debt, and on the other hand, Chu Yin is trying to recover as much money as possible for Yin Hao and his family in another way.

How much can be recovered is counted.

"You can really torture me." Yin Hao felt bored in his heart.

He felt that he couldn't bear it anymore, and couldn't help but said: "What's the point of such a marriage, you don't think about me everywhere."

"Knowing that I don't have any money, they let me run to find someone else to borrow, and even swipe my credit card."

"Do you know how much I owe on my credit card? It's [-], this is [-], [-]!"

"What shall I pay back?"

Chu Yin frowned: "It's only [-], not much."

"It's not much for you, but for me, since it's not much, why don't you help me share it? Can you bear me to worry about money?" Yin Hao looked at Chu Yin dissatisfied: "Your family is rich, and you don't have money at all." I know how ordinary people live their lives."

Chu Yin said: "In short, if we have children, my father will definitely give us a lot of money for the sake of the children."

"I don't think any of that is a problem."

Chu Yin intentionally gave Yin Hao some expectations, otherwise, could Yin Hao cooperate to recuperate his body?

"Have a child?" Yin Hao seemed to have heard a big joke: "You don't let me go to bed every day, you sleep on the floor every day, how can you have a child?"

"Isn't your body still in good condition? This folk prescription works. If you insist on taking it, don't look at the dozens of catties of Chinese medicine. In fact, you will finish eating it soon."

"There is something to eat, something to soak..."

"It will start tonight..." Chu Yin said, and went out to boil Chinese medicine. He boiled a big pot, and the whole house was filled with the smell of medicine.

He also boiled a pot of medicinal soup for Yin Hao to take a bath.

Yin Yan ran out smelling the smell of medicine, looked at Chu Yin boiling Chinese medicine, and said sarcastically: "I have been married for so long and I can't give birth to a child, and I can't lay eggs."

"How about buying so much Chinese medicine? How much is it?"

"If you want me to say it, just listen to me, the rural earthwork works."

Chu Yin pulled Yin Hao out and asked Yin Yan: "What kind of recipe, eat toads raw? Swallow grasshoppers dry? Or soak eggs in loach?"

Yin Yan said as a matter of course: "Yes, these are useful."

"You are too delicate to eat it, but it saves money."

Chu Yin glanced at Yin Hao, and said to Yin Yan: "Okay, take whatever prescription you have, and eat it all."

Anyway, I don't eat it.

When Yin Yan heard that her daughter-in-law really wanted her, she was moved and said that she would contact people from her hometown to catch her in the mountains.

When Yin Hao heard it, he was really caught, so why not ask him to eat?

How can it work, and immediately quarreled with Yin Yan, saying that these things are impossible, how can people eat such disgusting things, etc.

Yin Yan burst into tears: "I am doing it for your own good."

"What's wrong with me? If you ask for a daughter-in-law, you can't protect her well. You won't let this or that."

"Could it be that our family ended because of marrying such a woman?"

Yin Yan was really heartbroken by her son, and kept saying that Yin Hao didn't know good people.

Yin Hao succeeded in being annoyed to death by Yin Yan, and was forced by Chu Yin to drink a large bowl of traditional Chinese medicine and take a medicinal bath before going to sleep.

Dozens of catties of medicine were drunk and soaked, and they came in the morning and evening. They were used very quickly, and they were all used up in less than a week, and Deng Xinxin was still living at home.

Yin Yan and Yin Zhu were reluctant to leave Deng Xinxin. They always felt that Deng Xinxin's existence would be able to influence Chu Yin, and besides, they had someone to take care of them and pay for their living expenses.

When Yin Hao saw Chu Yin, he didn't tell Deng Xinxin to leave, so he simply didn't bother to say it. He felt that Deng Xinxin's life at home would be more peaceful, at least he could keep his sister and mother stable, the quarrels were not so fierce, and he could also take care of her. Mom.

So this family inexplicably has an extra member.

Chu Yin thought it was weird that the main house and mistress lived under the same roof.

Everyone felt that Yin Hao had a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine, but they never considered that Yin Hao was drinking and soaking, and it was only because Yin Hao and Chu Yin lived in the same room.

After the medicine was finished, Chu Yin immediately arranged another medicine for Yin Hao, which was more expensive this time, [-] yuan.

Yin Hao was half dead with anger: "An Rui, I warn you, this is the last time."

"In the future, don't get these medicines anymore. They are expensive and useless. Since we have the money, why don't we go to a big hospital?"

Chu Yin shrugged: "Okay, one last time."

"Go to a big hospital next time."

"But this medicine has already been bought, you can't let me refund it, you have to give me the money."

Letting Yin Hao bear these debts is actually the limit.

He himself should have reached the critical point of tolerance.

After all, there are really not many people who are willing to borrow money these days. Yin Hao was busy dating when he was in college, and he didn't have too many brothers who had a close relationship. It was not easy to lend those relationships to Yin Hao.

Not to mention relatives, Yin Hao's relatives have a bad sense of Yin Hao's family, and the conditions are not very good, and they have no money to lend him.

For the latter [-], Yin Hao contacted many people, pieced it together, and transferred the money from several people to add up to [-].

4 yuan went into Chu Yin's pocket again, and with the credit card debt, Yin Hao successfully owed more than [-] yuan in debt.

In just one or two months, Chu Yin gradually turned the man who used to spend a lot of money into a man who had a headache when he saw debts.

"An Rui, let me tell you, if you dare to buy me medicine indiscriminately again, I will definitely not be threatened by you. At worst, the fish will die and the net will be broken, who will be afraid of the other." Yin Hao was worried, and cursed with a ferocious face.

"I will never pay for it!"

"Just say what you want. Compared to letting people know that I can't have children, I think it's more terrible to be in debt. I don't want to bear so much debt, do you understand?"

"It's really disgusting. I've never begged anyone so lowly in my life."

"An Rui, what are you worried about? You are obviously rich, but you want to see me pitifully struggling for money. Do you still regard me as your husband? Do you still want to live this life?"

"I can't stand it, I really can't stand it, if you don't change, I will really divorce you, do you understand?!"

Chu Yin looked at Yin Hao's furious appearance, and it seemed that not only his ability to bear debts had reached a critical point, but he had also reached the limit of his tolerance for himself.

He has been cheated so much.

"Your pattern is not good. It's common for me to invest one hundred thousand a month in your family. How did you get here? Tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands are like killing you."

Chu Yin sighed faintly: "I'll let you spend a little bit. You see you make such a fuss. Didn't you always say that money is a vulgar thing before?"

"I just continued the way your mother and your sister spent money and let you spend a little bit. You can see that you can dance as high as the sky."

"When they asked me for jewelry, they all started at tens of thousands."

"Stop talking?" Yin Hao realized that he couldn't speak to Chu Yin, and his face was embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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