Chapter 175

Chu Yin, hey, "Look, I can't hold my face anymore."

"Other people's money is not money, your money is life, double standard dog!"

"I sleep in the living room." Yin Hao said angrily.

Chu Yin also chased him away: "Get lost."

"If you don't get out and sleep, you're not a man."

Yin Hao went out, he was thinking, can An Rui really count on her to start a business with money from her family?

The heart of starting a business is getting heavier and heavier, because I deeply understand that others are not reliable. If you rely on others, you will give what others want.

But I needed money, and I originally planned to ask my father-in-law to give it to me, but my wife has never been able to ask for it, and I feel that even if I ask for money, the chances of giving money are slim.

If you can't give money and stay in this state for the rest of your life, there is no need for the marriage to continue.

Isn't that just looking for someone to torture yourself?He can't be that stupid.

Chu Yin knew why Yin Hao slept in the living room.

Because Deng Xinxin stayed here for a long time, the two could restrain themselves at first, but with the sharp contrast of Chu Yin, Deng Xinxin is really the most gentle person in the world in Yin Hao's eyes.

In addition, since Chu Yin came, Yin Hao always slept on the floor, and he was not satisfied in some aspects.

It just so happened that Deng Xinxin came, flirting with each other, the two of them went to the bathroom to applaud for love late at night when everyone was asleep.

The two moved lightly, Yinzhu and Deng Xinxin slept together, and Yinzhu didn't realize that Deng Xinxin would sneak out for a while late at night.

But Chuyin is different from Yinzhu, she is sensitive to five senses, even though Yinhao is careful when he wakes up at night, she still knows.

After releasing her mental power, she also saw the fierce battle between Yin Hao and Deng Xinxin. I have to say that Chu Yin was afraid that she would have the eye of a needle after watching it.

Spicy eyes.

Now Yin Hao simply sleeps in the living room, it must be for the convenience of the tryst at night.

Chu Yin didn't say a word a few times before, but this time Chu Yin decided not to be silent anymore.

Chu Yin practiced until late at night, waiting for Yin Hao and Deng Xinxin to go to the bathroom one after the other, and observed with mental power that they had already started, Chu Yin tiptoed to the door of the bathroom.

The bathroom door was already very old, and it was still a little loose. Chu Yin had measured it earlier, and he only needed to kick it to break it.

The reality is that Chu Yin did exactly that, kicking the bathroom door down with a slam when he raised his foot, and then went in and took pictures frantically inside.

"Okay, you Yin Hao, steal people here behind my back." Chu Yin went up to grab Yin Hao who was naked, pulled his hair, and slapped his face to greet him.

And Deng Xinxin was so frightened that she curled up to the side, hugged herself tightly to cover her important parts, and dared not move. The clothes were on the other side, and she didn't dare to get up to get them.

After Chu Yin slapped Yin Hao's face, he greeted Yin Hao's body again, punched and kicked, and Yin Hao found that he had no strength to resist at all. Sound stop.

The movement in the bathroom woke up Yinzhu and Yinyan. They rushed over and saw their son in a state of embarrassment, and Deng Xinxin curled up in a corner crying. They immediately understood what was going on.

The two came over to tug on Chu Yin, and Yin Yan had a fierce look on her face: "It's really upside down!"

"Even your husband dares to hit you, are you still a woman?"

"That's right, it's the wrong way, we have to teach you a lesson today." Yinzhu also came over to tug on Chuyin.

Chu Yin pushed Yin Yan with his left hand, kicked the footprints hard with his right foot, broke free from them, pointed at Yin Hao's face and said, "Yin Hao, remember, you will definitely pay for this!"

Chu Yin didn't bother to tangle with them after speaking. Although she started this farce, she didn't intend to stay with her until the end, so she just slammed the door out.

After going out, Chu Yin did not go back to An's house, but found a hotel to stay at random, took out her mobile phone, and sent a photo of Yin Hao and Deng Xinxin in the bathroom to a family group of Yin Hao's family.

Then a test report was issued stating that Yin Hao was infertile.

I wrote a long paragraph, saying that I have clearly accepted the fact that Yin Hao can't have children, and I plan to live a good life, taking into account his face, and I can't bear the blame for not being able to have children.

But even if Yin Hao cheated, Yin Hao's mother and sister even invited Xiao San to live at home.

It's disgusting for the two of them to do such things in the bathroom late at night.

Yin Yan, Yin Zhu and Yin Hao are too bullying, too disgusting.

She will no longer be the daughter-in-law of the Yin family, and it is a pity that her relationship with them has just been broken.

Now it is late at night, and they are all asleep, but when they wake up the next day, these relatives will definitely "greeting" Yin Yan well.

Yin Yan used to be very proud in front of these relatives, proud of her son finding a rich wife, proud of how much her daughter-in-law bought her, and proud daughter-in-law who oppressed and bullied her at will.

She showed off to the extreme in front of relatives and friends.

Who doesn't hate Yin Yan, but they have suffered a lot under Yin Yan's hands for so many years, and this time the joke is handed to them, they will definitely not let it go.

Chu Yin added a lot of people from Deng Xinxin's hometown before, which was obtained through investigation before, and he didn't talk to each other after adding friends.

She sent all the information about Deng Xinxin's being a mistress outside to these people. I believe that with the spread of these people, Deng Xinxin will soon become famous in her hometown.

Since you want to be a junior, you have to bear the consequences.

But I didn't forget what Deng Xinxin said in the plot when she mocked and insulted her client. Since she can't have a child, she must be prepared to lose her family.

After finishing all this, Chu Yin fell asleep.

When Yin Hao saw what Chu Yin said in a family group, he almost went mad with anger.

I didn't expect her to be so ruthless that she actually posted it in the group.

When Yin Yan saw the inspection report in the group, she was stunned for a moment. Just about to speak, Yin Zhu reacted faster than Yin Yan, and shook her head at Yin Yan.

Deng Xinxin is here, how can I tell Deng Xinxin about this kind of thing.

Yin Yan choked back her words.

Deng Xinxin curled up on the sofa, sobbing, looking at Yin Hao with hazy eyes: "What should I do?"

"I was discovered by my sister-in-law, don't you go after her?"

"Brother Haohao, go find her, it's not safe for her to be outside as a girl."

Yin Hao touched his face, touched the wound on his body, and it hurt when he touched it, and he was full of anger: "She still can't be safe."

"I don't even know that she is so strong. Can she still beat others with such great strength?"

"If you don't say anything, just beat me up. I won't go to her. If she insists on divorce..."

"Xinxin, let's live together after divorce." Yin Hao looked at Deng Xinxin.

Deng Xinxin was sobbing, feeling a little happy in her heart, but she really couldn't laugh at this situation, so she hummed softly.

Obviously, Deng Xinxin is also a love brain, and up to this time she has not heard Yinhao's subtext clearly.

The premise of marrying her is that his wife insists on divorcing him.

Not that he wants a divorce.

(End of this chapter)

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